Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grie...

By saniyya24

108K 1.4K 202

What will happen when 4 friends go to Magcon? Will they fall in love? Will hearts be broken? Will friendships... More

Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grier/ Taylor Caniff/ Jack Gilinsky/ Shawn Mendes)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

4.6K 79 8
By saniyya24

Kylie P.O.V.

When we finally got downstairs to the room where Magcon was being held, my eyes widened. There had to be about 2,000 girls here. We had VIP, so we got to go in an hour early before priority and general. As I was talking to Jen, the screams of girls got even louder as the boys entered the room and ran up on stage. I'm not a very loud person but when it came to the Magcon boys, man I could break an eardrum or two. Then that's when it happened... The best moment of my life... I locked eyes with THE Nash Grier as he gave me his million dollar smile. I felt my cheeks got really hot, but of course being the shy person I am, I looked away.

We waited in line to meet the boys for only like 20 minutes. The boys were in groups of 3, so obviously there were 3 to a group because there are 9 boys. The first group was Aaron Carpenter, Shawn Mendes, and Carter Reynolds (Mr. Carter).

Jennifer P.O.V.

The butterflies erupted in my stomach as I laid eyes on Shawn Mendes. I let the other girls go first to take pictures with them and talk to them because I was really nervous to meet Shawn. Finally it came my turn and I took pictures with Mr. Carter and Aaron Carpenter and gave them hugs. Finally it came Shawn. I tried to keep my cool because I didn't want him to think I was crazy like the rest of the fan girls here at this event. He engulfed me in a tight hug and whispered in my ear, "What's your name beautiful?" That made definitely made my internal organs melt inside. "I'm Jennifer and I love you so much." Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid! Did I really just tell him I loved him and I'm meeting him for the first time? My thoughts were interrupted by Shawn, "Haha I love you too." Did SHAWN MENDES JUST SAY HE LOVES ME BACK? I know it didn't mean anything because I'm just a fan, but hearing him say it just made feel like the happiest girl in the world. We took 3 pictures: one serious one, a funny one, and one that caught me off guard and surprised me... Him kissing me on the cheek. That one was definitely gonna be my new screensaver. We said our goodbyes and thank you's. Then Shawn whispered in my ear "I hope to see you again." He said with a wink. I was so happy, he just made my day. And the best thing is, we get to see them tomorrow, too!

Paige P.O.V.

We just got done taking pics with Aaron, carter, and Jen's fav, Shawn. We were making our way over to the second group. I didn't know who the group would be, but that's when I saw Matthew Espinosa, Jack Johnson, and my lover Jack Gilinsky. He literally looks like a model, not even gonna lie. I took a picture with Matt and Jack J, and saved the best for last ;) (Jack Gilinksy). I was really nervous, and he could probably tell because he came up to me and hugged me, and I of course hugged back. "What's your name babe?" Jack said. Babe. Did he just call me babe? I like the sound of that. "I'm Paige." I said sheepishly. I was so nervous, but he calmed me down by rubbing my back in a circular motion. We took a few pics, some serious ones, some of me on his back because I'm so small. He's like a foot taller than me. He then put his arm around me and kissed me cheek for 3 pictures. AHHHH IM LITERALLY DEAD RIGHT NOW. I said bye and he gave me another hug. That was the best day of my life. I can't wait to see them tomorrow!

Kylie P.O.V.

As we were making our way over to Nash Grier (my lover), Cameron Dallas, and Taylor Caniff, I had dropped my iPhone. Thank The Lord I had a life proof case because I'm always dropping my phone. As I was about to pick it up, someone else decided to grab it for me. As I was bent down, my hand brushed against Nash Grier's hand, and we looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. He picked it up for me and said "here ya go, what's your name?" "I'm Kylie." I was so nervous to talk to him. "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I was definitely blushing at this point. I said thank you and gave him a hug and took lots of pictures and selfies with him, even him kissing me on the cheek. This has been the best day of my life. Nash makes you feel like the most important girl in the world, and I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Becca P.O.V.

HOLY SHIT IM ABOUT TO MEET TAYLOR CANIFF OMG OMG OMG!!!! I wonder if he would remember me from the little Starbucks encounter we had earlier. "Hey Becca! Remember me from Starbucks earlier?!" Taylor asked. " hey Taylor! How could I forget your the reason I came to Cali." We both laughed at my remark. "I was really hoping to get your number so we could hang out and stuff." Did Taylor just ask me for my number? How could I turn this down? "Yeah definitely that would be great!" We exchanged phones and I put my contact name as Becca💕💕. We gave each other our phones back and I saw he put his contact name as Taylor the bae 😍😘😍😘. This made me smile and blush. After that, we took lots of pictures of us hugging, selfies, and him kissing my cheek. He was adorable!

Jennifer P.O.V.

After the meet & greet we made our over to the stage where they held the contests and stuff. When that was done, Shawn got up on stage and started singing my favorite song A Drop In the Ocean by Ron Pope. As he was singing he kept looking around at all his fans, it looked like he was looking for someone. As I was recording him I realized he was looking right at my camera. I put my phone down as he was staring right at me while he was singing. I was smiling so big because I didn't think he would remember me. After he ended the song, he said "that song was dedicated to a special fan." And then he winked at me. I smiled really big as my face started to hurt from smiling so much, as many girls Awwed at what he said. Today has definitely been the best day of my entire life.


Thanks for reading! I just started writing yesterday and already had 19 reads! I was so happy and thankful. I'll be updating another chapter tonight! Make sure you vote, favorite, and comment because it means a lot! Hope you enjoyed!


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