The Guy Next Door *editing fo...

By emmyles

49.6K 2.2K 560

Secrets and Deceit Ashley moved from her small town life for college and thought everything was perfect until... More

The Ex BFF
The Ex Boyfriend
Meet the Parents
Was It A Dream
Exams Complete
Escape for your Life
The Sacrifice
Claudette Reawakens
The Ending or Is It....

And He Comes

2.1K 139 27
By emmyles

Troy got out the bed after listening to the water run for ten more minutes, knocking he called to her.  When she didn't respond he twist the locked knob.  Using a bit of force he broke open the door and stared at the empty shower shall and the open window.

"Shit!" He mumbled as he turned to head out the door, "I told you to be a good girl now I'm going to have to hurt you."

As he exited the room he saw her mobile and picked it up.  Unlocking it he looked at her text messages and call log, "Well I already had a feeling you go home to your momma but this just confirmed it."

Walking out the door he pulled his mobile out of his pocket, "Tell the family I will not be able to do it in front of them but it will get down."  Hanging up the phone he pulled out of his driveway and headed to Saints Edge.

When he arrived in front of the house he frowned at the salt line that was placed to ward away evil.  Walking to the porch stepped over the salt mumbling, "That's a low level trick."  Knocking on the door he smiled as Ashley's mom stared at him.

"I'm Troy and I'm positive you know why I'm here," he said casually.

Brenda Rae stared out the screen door at him in awe, "How'd you get up the stairs?"

Troy shrugged, "You should know that wouldn't work against a high level demon Ms. Monroe."

Nodding at him she frowned, "I will not let you take Ashley.  I've countered the stuff you've been giving her and if you try to drink from her you will die."

Troy stared at her amused, "I'll take my chances."

Brenda Rae knew that draught she made wasn't strong enough to stop him as soon as she saw him on her porch.  "I know you do not wish to live on this plain anymore but I beg you not to take my daughter.  I can find a way to end the curse with you having to kill her."

Opening the screen door he stared coldly at her, "You've had plenty of time to do that.  Have you had a break through you wanted to share with me?"  Walking into the house he could feel the wards trying to keep him out but he was strong enough for them to be a minor inconvenience.  "Did you want to tell me where she is?"

Brenda Raw looked at the wooden stairs that led upstairs before whispering, "She's in her old bedroom."

Not pausing to contemplate her quick answer he headed upstairs.

Ashley waited from the back stairs until he was up the stairs before sneaking through the kitchen and heading out the back door.  She moved slowly as not to alert her mother who'd just betrayed her location.  Easing out the backdoor she ran toward the tree line hoping he remained upstairs until she was well into the forest.

Troy walked back down the stair and stared at Brenda with annoyance, "She isn't up there."

Brenda seemed honestly shocked as she looked around the house, "She wasn't feeling well and went upstairs to lay down.  If she isn't up there she's in the house somewhere.  But she knows every hiding spot and I doubt you'll find her in time to complete the ceremony before the time has passed."

Troy stared her feeling his patience wear thin, "After spending so much time on this plain I can honestly say that I am annoyed with you humans."  Walking toward her he glared at her, "I wonder if she'll come out if it meant saving your life."

Brenda shook her head in defiance, "Ashley knows better. She'd stay hidden until the threat was gone."

Troy smiled as he grabbed her by the nap of her neck, "Let's test that theory."

Walking to the open back door he stepped out onto the porch and called, "Ashley if you do not show yourself in five minutes your mother will die."

Brenda held her breath hoping Ashley would stay in her hiding space, the wards may not repel him but they interfered with his powers enough that he couldn't use them.

 Troy chuckled and a bonfire appeared, "I'll roast her and feed her to my family!"

Ashley had climbed the old elm tree that overlooked her family’s home.  Her mom had sworn it stood there to protect the Mason family and she was praying that her claims were true.  As she watched horrified the bonfire lit and he started dragging her mother toward it.

Covering her mouth to stop her cries she watched him walk through the flames with her mother.  "No stop," she whispered as she tried to scurry down the tree.  As she pushed backward she lost her grip and started to fall, screaming as she fell.  Closing her eyes she waited to feel the pain of breaking bones but felt nothing.  Opening her eyes she was staring into the unyielding eyes of Troy's.

Tears flowed as she looked at him, "Please I don't want to die.  I'll do anything."

Troy frowned as his grip tightened on her.  Sighing he walked toward the bonfire, "Ashley die like a good girl."

Shuttering at his words she tried to fight only to feel his grip become bone crushing tight.

She looked at the bonfire and closed her eyes when she saw her mom had escaped his cruelty.  She stood to the side sobbing and crying pleading for Ashley's life.

An alter appeared in their yard and he laid her there, "If you be a good girl this will be over before you know it."

Ashley laid on the alter with blank look.  Is he serious, she thought as she waited?  Tears ran down her cheeks as she knew she was about to die.  She whispered a prayer and closed her eyes as she waited for the inevitable.

"No, please!"  Screamed her mom, "I can draw the evil out of her heart for you to kill."  Brenda Rae ran toward the alter and fell over her daughter's body.  "I can!  I've already started the process it was hard to get her to eat it but she did."

Troy stared emotionlessly at her, "I don't believe you and this is the quickest and surest way."

Troy stared at her as she cried, "Don't you care about her in the least?"

Troy pursed his lips as he looked down at the still woman that laid there immobile, "No.  She is a means to an end."

Ashley didn't open her eyes or shed a tear at his statement.  "Leave him alone and let he just kill me, mom.  He's a demon and we both know they don't have a heart, they only have base needs."

Brenda nodded, "Didn't you like having sex with her?"

Troy shrugged, "Yes I did."

Brenda continued, "If I can do this you can continue using her body to please you."

Troy nodded, "If you can do it I'm willing to negotiate."

Ashley's eyes popped open, "Like hell!"

Troy pulled a dagger from his waist and placed it over her heart, "That fine."

Ashley's eyes almost popped out her head as the knife traced her breast. "Like hell am I not going to negotiate. You should have let me finish."

Troy snickered as he plunged the dagger into the alter, "Okay. If I let her do this your soul is mine."

Ashley stared at her mom who nodded fervently , "When would you acquire it?"

Troy smirked evilly, "Immediately.  I'll take your body and soul."

Ashley glanced at her nodding mom, "Wouldn't that be like sentencing me to death?"

Troy pulled the knife from the stone alter and raised above his head, "Suit yourself."

Ashley gasped, "Deal! Deal!"

The knife vanished and Troy turned to Brenda Rae, "You're up!  And if you fail I'll just kill you both to appease me and my family."

Brenda Rae glanced at Ashley as she pointed toward Troy, "And that is the true nature of your victim of the curse."  To emphasis her point she had added air quotes to victim.

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