The Dragon Kings Daughter (Bo...

By Mizuki259

235K 6.9K 490

COMPLETED "It was a quite night. The full moons light passed though the water and shined though my window, li... More

Please Note...
Kaiyō Sukuna Character File
Chapter 1- A Peaceful Night
Chapter 2-The White Kitsune
Chapter 3-The Surface
Chapter 4- A Mysterious Girl Named Nanami
Chapter 5- Directions
Chapter 6- An Offer
Chapter 7- Life as a Familure
Chapter 8- A Broken Contract
Chapter 9- Tomoe
Chapter 10- A New Familiar
Chapter 11- Lord Otohiko
Chapter 12- Morning
Chapter 13- Familiars With Out a Master
Chapter 14- The New Land Kami Part 1
Chapter 15- The New Land Kami Part 2
Chapter 17- New Home
Chapter 18- The Fox, The Demon Hag and the Kami
Chapter 19- One Condition
Chapter 20- School
Chapter 21- Tengu
Chapter 22- Princess Himemiko
Chapter 23- Love Between Two Diffirent Species
Chapter 24- Kotaro Irashima
Chapter 25- Blue Butterflies
Chapter 26- White Snake
A/N : Hold
Chapter 27- Kidnapped
Chapter 28- Yonomori Shrine
Chapter 29- Saved
Chapter 30- Thunder and Lighting
Chapter 31- Shrunk!
Chapter 32- What happend?
Chapter 33- Back to Normal, Almost
Chapter 34- Mizuki Returns
Chapter 35- Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Whimey
Chapter 36- Studying
Chapter 37- Aquarium
Chapter 38- Father!?
Chapter 39- Home Sweet Home
A/N : Sequal
A/N : Sequals Up!
A/N: Thanks!

Chapter 16- First Day On The Job

5.3K 169 3
By Mizuki259

"So...I don't suppose you wouldn't mind putting me up for the night."
"Not at all. Stay as long as you need to." They both bowed at me feet.

-Time Skip to Morning-

"Wow! What a weird dream! Dads debts got way to deep so the sound got ceased and dad left so I had to live on the streets. Then a man with a fear of dogs gave me his house which turned out to be a run down yokai shrine. It turns out I was the new god of the shrine. The two familiars left and the two spirits gave me a place to sleep for the night. Haha, how funny."

"Good morning lady Nanami!" Two cheerful voices chanted. Snapping me out of my trance. Before me, the two shrine spirits from my dream.
'It wasn't a dream.'
"Ah, good morning." I tried to play it cool, but in reality I was freaking out. I was in a yokai shrine with to spirits who say I'm the new land god or whatever.
"It's time."
"Time for what?" I was clueless.
"It's time to do your job as a land god of the Mikage shine!" They kicked me out of bed and left while I got dressed.
Once I stepped out of the room I was bombarded with different chores.
"We can begin with the cleaning of the yard..."
"Whip down the hall with a damp cloth to keep the evil spirits at bay."
"Next, neatly clean away the fallen leaves."
"Then, whip the hall of worship with a damp cloth."
"Hurry, we still must weed the garden."
'This is what a land god has to do?'

"I didn't actually sign up for this whole being a land god thing did I?"
The spirits looked at me in shock. "What are you saying?"
"I mean it great and all but I'm just a normal human girl. I have no magical powers or any extra ordinary abilities." I stood up and undid my apron.
"Just find someone else to take my place." I started to walk out but the shrine spirits bowed down In front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

"I understand we have been asking you to do allot lately. Normally Kaiyō or even Tomoe would take care of these jobs but they are not here."
Then I remembered something Kaiyō said.

"Wait. Didn't Kaiyō say she will be happy to help me at anytime?"
"Yes. She did my lady."
"In that case. Kaiyō I need you!"

"Um...Lady Nanami. I don't think that's what Kaiyō meant when she said just give me a shout.
"Oh. In that case how do I sum..." I was cut off by a tornado of water appearing in the middle of the hallway. In the twisters place stood Kaiyō, but this time her hair was up, revealing her fin like ears. She was a fish!

"You called?"

-Time Jump Backwards-

-Kaiyōs POV-

"So, just give me a shout if you need help." And with that Tomoes fox fire engulfed use and teleported into the world over yonder. I have never been to the yokai world before. Well, the surface of the yokai word anyway.

I have also never traveled by fox fire before so when we appeared in the world over yonder, naturally I fell over, but instead of hitting the hard ground, I landed in something soft and warm.

"Are you okay?" Tomoe helped me back onto my feet.
"Yeah. I've just never traveled by fox fire before."
"So what do you want to do?"
"So your not going to leave me to die like you did on the beach and in the village?"
"No, I'm not."
"Well I don't know what there is to do up hear so, lead the way!" I was excited to see the world that Tomoe grew up in.

-Time Skip-
"This. Is. Amazing!" I was standing at the entry of a market place. A yokai market place.
"I thought you might like it. Here's some money."Tomoe placed 500 000 yen in my hand. "I'll be back soon. If you need me give me a call." And with that Tomoes fox fire whisked him away, leaving, again!
I sighed. He left me again. Even after the said he wasn't. All well, he said he would be back later, right?

I slowly made my way from stall to stall having a look at everything from animals to food to jewllary. It was amazing. I have never been to a yokai market before and was half expecting them to be selling humans. Don't ask me why.

I was about to purchase a beautiful peacock bracelet when call surrounded me.
"Kaiyō I need you." It was Nanami. She needed me already?
I quickly made my purchase and tied up my hair into a bun, then teleported to the Mikage shrine.

"You called?" Nanami just stared at me with wide eyes.
"What?"I snapped.
"Your, Your not human. Are you?"
I scoffed. She can't be serious. "What made you think I am human?"
"You look human. I didn't see your ears before."
"I teleported right in front of you!"
"Yeah, I might have missed that."

"Moving on, what could possibly cause you to summon me so quickly. I've only been gone for a few hours."
"It's not my fault that there's so much chores that need to be done around here!" She whined.
I sighed at her childish manner.
"Fine, what chore are you up to now?"
"Weeding the garden." Great. I love weeding. Note the sarcasm.
"Right, let's get this over and done with then shall we?"

We walked outside and started weeding. Occasionally, I would look over at Nanami, who was failing miserably. Her finger was bleeding and the roots were still in the ground!

"You do know that you have to pull the roots out of the ground to, right?" I said sarcastically. She stayed quite and went back to pick the roots out of the ground.
"I'm gonna go get some water. You want some?"
She looked up and smiled at me. "Yes please."
I headed inside to get a bucket and then headed around the front, were the water pump is.

There was a sudden gentle breeze that whipped the branches on the trees around, shaking the loses leaves off. I started to walk around the front of the shrine, but paused when I heard Tomoes voice. I peered around the corner to see the white hairs kitsune holding his purple fan over his mouth.

"Why don't you just go home?" He asked, showing his signature smirk that I fell in love with along time ago...What am I thinking.
"Because I have no home to go to. The house was ceased and I was forced to live on the street."
"Not my problem. Now where's Kaiyō?"
"I'm right here." I stepped out from behind the corner, relieving myself. "What do you want?"
"I want to show you something that I thought you would like." I looked at Tomoe then at Nanami. I shouldn't leave her to finish the job but I wanted to see what Tomoe wanted to show me.

"Okay!" I smiled cheerfully and lightly walked over. He smiled at me and put his arm around my waist, causing me to blush a light pink. His fox fire engulfed us and teleported us to the world over yonder.


Yay! It took me 3 whole days to writes this. I was lazy.

Thanks for Reading

(1258 Words)

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