Chapter 39- Home Sweet Home

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"Very well then. Let's go!" My father grabbed my arm and dragged me into the water. I turned around to look at Nanami and Mizuki.
"I'll miss you guys!" I smiled at them as I was pulled under water towards the palace. I doubt I would ever see them again.

I stood on the white lipped oyster as it rocket towards the palace. My father flinched and looked behind him to see Nanami gripping the oyster. Stupid! She can't breath. I was about to ran towards her but my father beat me to her. He grabbed Nanami by the shoulders and brought her to the surface.

-The Dragon Kings POV-

"Your persistence is obnoxious." I breached the water with the stupid human in my arms.
She opened her eyes and started to splatter water everywhere. I brought her to a near by rock and put her on it. "Does this mean your done?"
"Where are they?"
"I had the sea slugs relocate the fox and Kaiyōs coming home with me. Yes I did carry you to safety. Your welcome, now you owe me."
"Fine what ever you want just give me Tomoe back at least."
"I'm afraid is dept it much larger then yours. Just forget about it."
"I'll help him repay you." I studied her carefully. She was serious. "What do I have to do to set him free?"
"Since you asked." I reached for the black eyepatch covering my fake eye and lifted it. "I want you to return to me what is rightfully mine. Find a way to bring me back my right eye and I will consider sparing his some what pointless life." I paused to see if the human was still following what I was saying. "You see my eye is a pill of immortality. It is said that who ever swallows it will gain eternal life. All those years ago I lost it to that fox, along with my daughter. My the dragon king had defeat carved into my face."I replaced my eyepatch.

"So all I have to do is get the eye back and you will release Tomoe?"
"As if it's that simple. Is been five hundred years. Something happened to it by now. Just let it go."
"No wait! If I find the eye and return it, promises me you will realise Tomoe!"
"Fine. But I'm only keeping him alive for two days."
"Good luck!" I turned around and disappeared below the water surface. Now I just have to deal with Kaiyō.

-Nanamis POV-

I swam back to shore and run up towards our hotel. It was a good kilometre but we only have two days to find the eye. I ran up the stairs towards our room and collapsed in the door way.
"Nanami! Where have you been?" Ami and Kei said at the same time.
"See. I told you she would be back." Mizuki announced. Wait, Mizuki might have his insence burner with him
"Mizuki!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the next room. "I need to borrow your time wending insence burner."

"Why?" Mizuki questioned as he produced it. I don't know where he was hiding it.
"I have to go back in time and find the old Tomoe. He has the dragon kings eye and I'm going to take it from him. I was told that if I return it in two days then Tomoes life will be spared. Please."
"Very well then. Messing with the past is considered quite taboo, but I'm sure no one will question it because you are a god. Lay brown please." I followed his orders as he lit the burner. "This time I'm sending your entire body back so when you come back don't move to suddenly. I will be coming with you but only available as a guide. You will have to do the work yourself."
I closed my eyes and everything started to fade white.

The next thing I knew, a freezing gust of wind hit me.
"It's so cold!" I yelled out to now one in particular. "Mizuki? Ya there?"
"Poor little girl. You look cold." I quickly turned around to she a woman with crazy green hair and a black cloak over her head. "I'll give you this cloak if you give me the Dragon Kings eye inside you." She pointed a bony figure at me.
"Nanami!" Mizuki voice rang out. The women flinched and disappeared. "There you are. Don't run off. It isn't like your time. There are yokai everywhere."
"Did you see her?"
"See who?"
"The women with the cloak."
"That must be Isohime. She tends to look for defenceless humans and tries to make unfair deals with them." Mizuki explained as he placed a cloak over my shoulders. "There you go. Now shouldn't you be looking for Tomoe?"
"Right, I have to go!" I started to run forward but was shocked to see Kaiyō and Tomoe standing in front of me with surprise. "Tomoe?" I can't believe it. Its Tomoe and Kaiyō.

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