try and catch me now - 0.3

By riss1020

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*4 Book Series* 3rd Book "It's not like you actually cared about me anyway." ©riss1020 More

Try To Catch Me Now
Chapter 2: Blinded
Chapter 3: Over Again
Chapter 4: D-O-N-E
Chapter 5: Overheard
Chapter 6: Never Again
Chapter 7: Unspoken
Chapter 8: His Wedding Day
Chapter 9: Wedding
Chapter 10: Gemma
Chapter 11: After We Left
Chapter 12: Finding You
Chapter 13: Sky..
Chapter 14: Let's Just Talk
Chapter 15: Leaving
Chapter 16: Boys, Boys and well James
Chapter 17: Home
Chapter 18: Luck of the Irish
Chapter 19: Years Later
Chapter 20: Impossible
Find Me!

Chapter 21: This is it..

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By riss1020


Chapter 21: This is it..

"The moving trucks are here." Niall calls to me.
"Coming." I call back.
I look around at all the packed brown boxes. The moving men come in and take them one by one. The last box lays in the corner untaped. I lift myself off the carpeted floor and walk over to it. The side of the box reads "Childhood" in bold black sharpie.
I place myself on the ground next to the box and open it. All my photo albums were placed on top, but I pushed them aside. I was only looking for one thing. Finally I came across the blue and pink sparkled album. I ran my fingers along its rough surface.
"Caitlin and Lena best friends forever." I read aloud.
"Love you ready?" Niall asked coming in.
"Yeah." I said standing up.
"Okay, we're just packing the boxes in the trucks." He tells me.
"I'll be down in a minute." I tell him.
He leaves and I grab the album out of the box. I open it up to the front page. A picture of Caitlin and I as babes shows.
'Caitlin and Lena 4 days old.'
I flip through the pictures of our lives, babes, tots, pre-teens. My eyes freeze as I land on the last picture.
I slide against the wall and hold the book to my chest. Tears fall freely down my naked face. I pull it away and look at the picture once again. Caitlin and I are dressed in all black. I'm holding a single red rose. My dad holds my shoulder, tears running down his face. My head is rested on a coffin with my arms spread across it. Caitlin stands next to me crying. In different handwriting I read below,
'Rachel's funeral.' 5 years old.
My moms funeral. All before my dad beat me, all before Caitlin died, all before I was adopted. I quickly flip the page, expecting to see nothing, but something's there. A note. I carefully pull it out of the plastic sleeve and open it.

We looked for you for days, weeks, months, years. We never found you. You disappeared like nothing. How could you leave me Lena? You and I were best friends and now your gone? Do you even remember who I am? Do you hate me? You don't even understand how mad I was at myself. Mad for letting you slip away like that. I better where I am now though Lena. I knew you would come back for this book. Someday. I hope your happy now.


My breathing hitched as I read the note over and over again. I flipped the paper over and saw 10 clues.
"What?" I asked aloud.
The top of the paper read,
'Have any questions call 489-485-3859. (Made up #)
I quickly placed it back into the album and threw everything back in the box, tapping it shut. My phone started ringing. I ran over to it and answered it without looking.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Are you scared? Use the 10 clues Lena." The voice asked.
"Who is this?" I asked.
"Oh Lena. I'm shocked you don't recognize my voice. We were best friends weren't we?" It asked.
She laughed and I stopped breathing.
"C-Caitlin?" I asked.
"So you do remember me! That's good to know." She said.
"No your dead. Your dad said you died!" I asked scared.
"My dads an idiot Lena. I'm alive." She whispered.
"What is with the 10 clues?" I asked.
"Use them." Is all she says.
"How do I know your not lying and this is a trick!" I yelled.
"You think I'm lying?" She laughed, "Oh silly silly Lena. If you think I'm lying." She paused.

"Come and find me."

(A/N: This will be the 4th book! :) It's called "Find Me." I'll make an announcement when the 4th book is out.

Adopted by Payzer series

1.) Adopted by Payzer {Completed}

2.) Holding On {Completed}

3.) Try And Catch Me Now {Completed}

4.) Find Me {Not out yet} {4th book to this series}

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