Found my Placid Love || Ziam

By dazzlingziam

91.8K 3.7K 5.3K

Liam Payne is a normal boy. He is looking for peace. Have two Best Buddies to hold onto and his 'not so big'... More

Chapter- 1
Chapter- 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter- 5
Chapter- 6
Chapter- 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter- 9
Chapter- 10
Chapter- 11
Kindly Ignore
Chapter- 12
Chapter- 13
Chapter- 14
New Story!
Chapter- 15
Chapter- 16
Chapter- 17
Chapter- 18
Chapter- 19
Chapter- 20
Chapter- 21
Chapter- 22
Chapter- 23
Chapter- 24
Chapter- 25

Chapter- 2

4.5K 186 481
By dazzlingziam

Hey guys!!
For those of you who don't know what actually "Placid" means, it means pleasing and calm and obviously you all can google it 😂
but i just wanted to clear up. I used it as in a forever thingy.
SO MANY THINGS happening in this fandom right now :')
We would still ship ziam forever.
We can still make it till the end.
Enough of the rambling.
So, here we go. :)

Louis was on his way to pick the love of his life for the surprise date he just planned at his house. He was smiling like an idiot when he reached Harry's house, he stepped out of the car and stood infront of the door. He noticed that his parents' car wasn't parked outside, figuring they aren't home.

He rang the bell and a very wrecked looking Liam stood there. He was taken aback from the sudden hug but he hugged the younger lad as tight as he can. He let go and his heart broke a little when Liam choked a sob and ran inside without uttering a single word.

Confused was an understatement what Louis was feeling at the moment. He went towards the living area and found Harry and Niall talking, almost whispering. As soon as harry saw his boyfriend he jumped into his arms, louis held him by his waist securely and asked softly.

"Babe, what's going on? Why was Liam crying?" he looked for the mop of curles other than the one in his arms and he was nowhere to be seen but faint noise of sobs were audible from upstairs signalling Liam is in Harry's room and basically still crying.

"Ni found out that Cameron dated Li for a bet and he already has a girlfriend before he and Liam were  even a thing" Harry said calming himself a bit. Louis and Harry joined Niall on the couch.

"How come you found out? That can be false too. " Louis said doubting his own words for a second on what a douche bag that shit of a guy is.

"I was actually having a chat with a friend of Cameron, because i was paired up with him for this economics project. And he asked me to join his group in the lunch, and Cameron infact at that time wasn't there." Niall said looking at louis for Checking if any query or so.

"Keep Going, i am listening." Louis nodded.

"So, now there was a girl who started flirting with me not knowing that i am gay, and i didn't wanted to be rude so i kept the conversation going, she somehow spilled that cameron is dating a Girl and is straight. I asked her the reason for dating liam, as he was the one to start flirting and making a move on Liam. She said it was a bet made by the group because Liam is the only guy who has never dated anyone before. So..... -" Niall finished.

At this point Louis was boiling with rage. "I will kick the hell out of this little bitch." Louis said fisting his hands.

"Liam!!! Come here love." Harry said. Liam came in the room and sat beside Niall whilst keeping his head down.

"Liam? How are you doing? " Louis asked with a smile even though the question doesn't make any sense because the answer completely showed on his face. Bloodshot eyes, bitten lips, pale face and dry tears on his now rosy cheeks and nose.

Liam swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to put on a smile which should be like sunshine to the darkness but instead it came out as a thin grimace. "I texted him." Liam said.

"What!??? " everyone said in unison. Liam nodded.

"But w-why- wait, What did you text him?" Niall asked. "I ended the bullshit of a relation." Liam said.

Louis and Niall were shocked as to how this innocent bean is cursing a lot from now a days and took the decision in a breath, because he always gives chances on chances and some more chances to people, not willing to let them go.

While Harry? He was grinning like a maniac and started applauding on the accomplishment.

"Liam you have no idea how happy you would be after the crisis you just ended. I am so fucking proud. He didn't deserve you and you too don't. You deserve someone who would love you unconditionally." He said hugging Liam tightly and soon Niall joined the hug and Louis adored them from his place. "And i might have found that person maybe." Harry and Louis thought like a lover telepathy and smiled at each other clearly knowing what the other have in mind for the deep, clear, clean and beautiful of a boy, Liam.

"Hey, Hey, Heyyy!!! Enough of that buddy buddy thingy. I infact had a date planned for Harry. "

Harry gasped. "Oh i am so sor-". Liam was cut off by Louis saying. " 'Yeah, yeah i am so sorry for being the reason of the spoiler', but you should say i am sorry that you are toooo nice person to live in this world." He smiled softly at him.

"And obviously you have all the traits of being an angel with Niall as your Personal Assistant. And yeah i am a bit god kinda person so don't feel bad for yourself. " Harry said to cheer up the mood and the atmosphere. "well i know who is actually a bit of a god for you Liam. " He thought and smiled at the idea.

"why are you acting so weird today haz? All smiley and out of the place?" Niall said. "Having any dreams about some other guy hun? Louis keep him in your eye. " Niall teased.

"Well he loves him too much to even think about anyone else. " Liam added. "It's almost sickening. " and made a throwing up gross noise.

"I actually am thinking about a very -very good looking guy li. You might also drool on the sight. Right Lou?"  Harry said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes Love, Totally drooling material for a guy like you li. " Louis said.

"Oh i forgot. The Date. Which is still on and me or harry are not going to leave you alone with Niall, because you need some tasty food which infact in this house, with him, would be a very pretty sight. You both are also coming with us, wash up, and whatever and get in the car. I gotta make a phone call. " With that Louis went outside.

Liam, Niall and Harry were quickly in the car and they begin to reach the Tommalik house ,which the brothers like to say. Soon they were on their 'destination'.

"Ah i remember one more thing,my younger brother is at home, and quite fond of you guys so you have the company, food and etc. " Louis said as they entered the house.

"If you need anything, shut it and don't you dare come in the living area or Louis' bedroom." Harry said in a rush and shushed the pair away.

"So, What should we do? " Niall said.

"I don't know, Mate-"

"Well Hello there." a raspy voice said.  They both turned and saw Zayn aka the guy who they met for 10 minutes max but still 'people ' think he is quite 'fond' of  them.

Zayn had his signature smirk plastered on his face soon as his eyes landed on the breathtaking boy with the most adorable glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Liam was slender, but still had muscles, had a purplish-bluish jumper on with navy blue chinos.
'He is so beautiful and cute with that innocence in his puppy looking prettiest pair of brown eyes, i wanna corrupt a bit but still have his inncocence.' zayn thought.

'He looks such a player with those piercings, leather jacket and his scruff but he is handsome, must admit and his eyes looks kinda promising . Wait -what?? ' Liam shook the thoughts away.

'what the hell?  Are we getting food or i am stuck in this silent eye contact game in which i am not even involved?  The fuck?" Niall thought rubbing his tummy.

"Aye, stop the eye game, i don't like that" Niall said.

"Then what do you like Niall? " Zayn said with a hint of flirting still looking at Liam. Which was noticed by Liam and answered with an eye roll and Niall left it unnoticed.

"Fooooodddd!!!  Give me food Man. Then i will also join the eye game. What is it called though? " Niall said sitting on the couch of the upper mini living area. ( yes, i made that up.)

"The fridge's there and i ordered pizza before, its at the table and the game is called stare at the beautiful puppy. " zayn answers with the same smirk, finally now looking at Niall.

"Ohh. Here is no puppy i see. What man, i can't play this game now. Yuh bwoth enhoy, i yam chelliin heae. " Niall said already stuffing his mouth with pizza.

Zayn chuckled at it. He found Niall cool and adorable but his eyes and heart were longing for Liam only.

"Soooo, Leeyum. "

"Yeah? " Liam shifted uncomfortably on the couch at the corner when zayn sat beside him.

"Woahh,  i don't eat humans. Chill babe." Zayn said. 'aww snap, just play it cool, play it cool. '

"Sooo, how is Cameron? "

On hearing that name his body instantly became stiff and tears threatened to escape. But he held them in and tried to be strong.

He smiled. "I don't know how he is, but i know what he is, wanna know? " Liam was suddenly boost up with confidence and power all of a sudden.

"Yeahhh, what is he??? " zayn asked confused, dragging the word.

"A shithead motherfucking cunt!!" Liam said raising his voice a bit.

"umm first of all Holyy Shitt!!  And secondly what??!! He is your boyfriend i thought. " Zayn was now way too confisled.

"WAS!  He was, and was a mistake. " Liam answered as a tear escaped the darkness and into the vulnerability.

"Li-Liam, Leeyum, don't cry. Oh shit. He must be a total fucker to let someone like you to go. " Zayn said trying to hug or hold his hands but Liam flinched away. Now zayn had his hands in air with panic in his eyes figuring on what to do.

"Why do you even care huh? Just so you could have a laugh? Yeah, go ahead and do that. " Liam shouted.

"I really don't want that. All i want is you to be happy and have that smile which could light up 1000 souls on your face all the time." Zayn said with adoration in his eyes. He widened his eyes in realisation on what he just said.

"LIAMM!!  Buddy calm down, here have water. " Niall said. Zayn was more than thankful for niall to save him from answering his actions.

After a minute or so Liam and Niall went home, Harry and Louis were in his bedroom probably sleeping because the house is too silent than normal.

He exhaled the breath he didn't knew how long he was holding.

'i will figure every piece of you leeyum'

And fell asleep with a mischievous smile on his face.


So,  what do y'all think about zayn?  About the fact he knows a bit too much about Liam than a normal person who has met for about 10 minutes?
What are your views?




Love - Divya ❤

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