Hollywood's Princess [PUBLISH...

By yourstrulytrina

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"Every princess needs a prince charming." "Or a knight in shining armor." Sophia Heart Valentine makes all h... More

Hollywood's Princess
Chapter One: Pumpkin
Chapter Two: I Despise Him
Chapter Three: Roast Beef
Chapter Four: Affected
Chapter Five: Home
Chapter Six: Crazy Fans
Chapter Seven: Goodbye Temper
Chapter Eight: Half Truth
Chapter Ten: Relax
Chapter Eleven: Different
Chapter Twelve: Crisps
Chapter Thirteen: Valentine Is Valentine
Chapter Fourteen: Brownies
Chapter Fifteen: Strawberry Ice Cream
Chapter Sixteen: Interview
Chapter Seventeen: I Wish
Chapter Eighteen: Lucky One
Chapter Nineteen: Daddy's Girl
Chapter Twenty: It's Me
Chapter Twenty-One: Give Up
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fast Lane
Chapter Twenty-Three: Wedding Dress
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family
Chapter Twenty-Five: Corny Summer Love Story
Chapter Twenty-Six: Tragic Fairytale
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Poetic Bullcrap
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Never Been Easy
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dented and Broken
Chapter Thirty: Treacherous Witch
Chapter Thirty-One: Shining, Shimmering, Splendid
Chapter Thirty-Two: Stutter McStutterson
Chapter Thirty-Three: Last Statement
Chapter Thirty-Four: Trap Card
Chapter Thirty-Five: Payback's A B*tch
Chapter Thirty-Six: Not Yet
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Red String
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Tea or Coffee
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Still Here
Chapter Forty: Rollercoaster Ride
Chapter Forty-One: Pumpkin Carriage
Epilogue: Shut Up and Kiss Me
Bonus Chapter: Welcome To Hollywood

Chapter Nine: Maybe

354K 8.2K 3K
By yourstrulytrina

Not proofread.

“You look gorgeous, darling,” The makeup artist grinned at his handy work which was my face.

Today was the first day of filming and everybody was hustling and bustling outside the makeup trailer, fixing up the set before all of the actors got ready.

“Thank you,” I tried to sound as calm as I can.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to experience some nerves all throughout the whole day, and it’s all for the wrong reasons. This was the first time I’ll be working with Claudia, adding up to that fact that after years of avoiding each other’s works, Axel and I are finally going to work together, and finally, Adam will be actually watching me before everything gets edited out.

After this, my dad invited me to go to dinner with him and his fiancé. I’m not in the particular mood to go with them but Adam insisted that I should at least talk to him.

Speaking of my best friend…

The door of the trailer swung open to reveal his enthusiastic face, “Have you seen the space ship two studios down from here? I heard they were making a movie about some aliens,” He grinned like a boy stuck in a toy store.

The makeup artist and I shared some looks before I hopped down from my seat, “You did a wonderful job, thank you,” I said before I dragged my best friend out before he could say anything more.

“Adam, this is a completely professional zone,” I scolded.

He rolled his eyes as he walked beside, “This is the first time I’m in a movie set so give me a break.”

When in movie sets, always watch out for random men carrying out props that may hurt you in any way possible. Adam didn’t know this, so  that’s why he turned into a heap on the ground when he suddenly hit his stomach on one of the metal beams.

“Idiot,” Axel barked in laughter, walking up to us after he witnessed the scene. Another thing, even if you’re cringing in pain, an insincere sorry is what you’ll ever get from the props men.

“Be nice,” I glared at the world’s dear Hollywood’s Prince as I watched Adam scramble back to his feet.

Axel flicked his hair that was styled to cover one of his eyes as he rolled his eyes at my command, “It’s like you don’t know me, Valentine.”

“Ready on set!” We all heard George yell from his megaphone. People scrambled to their places, including Axel and I. Adam stood next to the director with an encouraging smile on his face, giving me thumbs up as I breathed in and out.

“Don’t mess this up, Valentine,” Axel whispered to me, dusting his clothes as if it was covered in dirt.

“I’m not you, Brooks,” I snorted, flipping my hair over my shoulder, raising my chin, and facing away from him.

People really don’t understand our hatred for each other because they’re all watching us like we’re the actual love story.

Seriously, is it too hard to see that I despise him?

“Places!” George demanded, giving the director an approving nod to start filming.

When we all heard the cue word, “Action,” I cleared my throat before I started acting like a shy school girl. I’m actually amused with the script because it demanded me to act like what I was before I became famous.

The meek and shy Sophia Valentine.

I walked to Axel, purposely bumping into him before I pretended to flinch. I felt Axel hold my shoulders and I that was my cue to look up. Slowly but surely, I raised my eyes to meet his, plastering a meek look on my face.

Ha, this is going to be a piece of cake!

“I’m sorry,” I muttered, clicking my old self to make my acting look believable.

Axel froze, he only stared at me like he was looking at whole new different species. This was not on the script, he was supposed to say something along the line of it’s fine but right now, he was just looking at my face.

I swore that there was nothing on it. I even checked the mirror before I left the makeup trailer.

“Cut!” The director yelled after a while.

I broke out of his hold of me and I gave him an annoyed look, “You were supposed to say your lines!”

He finally snapped out of his gaze and he presented me his signature scowl, “I’m just not used to seeing your face like that! It’s always violence with you?”

This guy is just plainly insulting me, “Get yourself together, I’m out of here!”

The director approached Axel to talk about what just has happened while I marched to Adam, “He’s so irritating!”

Adam only shook his head, “I think I was a little surprised too,” He chuckled, “I saw my old best friend right there.”

I don’t know if he’s serious or if he’s just teasing. Either way, something in that sentence made my heart drop, I’m not sure if it’s a good feeling or a bad one.

“Adam, how much did I really changed?” I finally asked.

He only stared at me for the longest time, formulating an answer inside his head, “Do you really want to know?”

Good question, do I?

Before I can answer him, the director returned to his chair and told me to go back to my position. Giving Adam a look that clearly states that we would have this conversation again, I went back to Axel’s side in front of the camera.


Doing the same thing again, I muttered the words, “I’m sorry.”

This time, Axel reacted in time and said, “It’s fine.”

He let go of my shoulders before walking past me, away from view. From my memory of my script, I should look longingly to his direction, making it looked like that I wanted him to go back.

In reality, I wanted to say good riddance.

“Cut!” The director announced, “Now was that so hard?”

His tone was directed to Axel but the said guy only waved his hand in dismissal.

Claudia approached me, slowly clapping, “Great job.”

“It’s was only one scene,” I said humbly.

Whenever this woman is here, I become good girl all of a sudden.

Thankfully, I wasn’t involved with the next scene that had to be filmed so I grabbed Adam and dragged him into my dressing room.

Continuing our conversation, I said to him, “Yes, I want to know.”

He looked around the room, taking everything in. I took the liberty of decorating it, placing some pieces of furniture that suits my taste. He shook his head at everything, taking my glasses case and pacing the square rimmed spectacles on me, he grabbed and mirror and showed my appearance.

Where exactly are we going in this one?

“That’s the Sophia I know,” He stated, placing down the mirror before he grabbed a hair tie and surprisingly, placed my blonde hair into a ponytail.

Where did he learn how to do a ponytail?

“I want to remove your makeup but I think that guy would kill me,” He joked, taking out his phone and showed me a picture of us.

What he made showed me on the screen was what I looked like back then. I used to wear these big glasses even though I had perfect vision just because I thought it was ‘cool’. It was windy that day so my hair was struggling out of the messy bun I placed it in and ended up as a distorted ponytail. I was smiling so brightly with Adam right by my side.

“Back then you were so simple,” He continued on, “Now, you’re full of these sparkles.”

“Which of me do you prefer?” I asked honestly.

Right now, I’m thoroughly confused. I knew that I was different, I even refer to myself as a different name. From Sophia to Heart, even the personality changed.

“I do miss the old Sophia,” He answered, nothing but sincerity in his voice, “But if Heart needs me to support her, then I’m here.”

He didn’t answer my question, he gave me an indirect answer. What I needed was what he really thought. Does he want Sophia back or does he like Heart?

I want to say a lot more things but somebody knocked on the door, “Miss Valentine, it’s time for your scene.”

Adam gestured for me to go, telling me that he wants to stay here and relax.

I have a lot more questions but as usual, I’m forced to fake a smile and act my way out of something.

Axel threw a couple of insults and I came back with some retorts, but I wasn’t actually in the mood to do so.

“You can’t sing for your life,” Axel taunted but I kept my lips tight.

Maybe this whole Hollywood thing was a mistake. Maybe I should have stayed as Sophia. Maybe I shouldn’t have said yes to Taylor. Maybe I shouldn’t have left my father’s side in England. Maybe… maybe… maybe…

“Shit, Valentine,” Axel suddenly cursed, “Are you crying?”


I lifted my hand to my face and true to his statement, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

“If it was me, I’m sorry,” He apologized furiously.

No, it wasn’t you. I compare your insults to a child teasing another kid in a playground.

I wanted to say it but I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, my voice will just crack leading me up to further embarrassment.

I covered my eyes with my hands, blocking out everybody from my sight. Everybody that was on set right now, rushing to meet the deadline of this film that I’m delaying.

This was the world that I lived in now, everybody only cared about you because you brought in the cash. Hollywood is run by money, without it, you’re no importance to anybody.

I felt two hands wrap around my wrist, tugging slightly on them. I refused to uncover my eyes, allowing them to see the ugly face I had on from crying.

“Come on, Valentine,” Axel’s voice sounded in my ear, “I’m sorry.”

This time, it was sincere, it was real, and there was no pretense.

Oh so slowly, I lowered my hands to see his eyes staring at me, still apologizing with them.

“Maybe I went too far,” He muttered.

I wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault. instead of trusting my voice, I shook my head at him.

“They’re allowing you to take a break,” he continued on, “And they went to find that boy you’re always with.”

Adam… I need him. I need his assurance.

“Are you alright?”

Axel Brooks, why is he being so civil?

“It’s not your fault,” I managed to voice out. My throat was hoarse and cracking but it was still enough for him to hear my message.

The relief on his eyes was so visible that I wasn’t really bothered by his sigh.

“Sophia!” Adam called out, running up to me, “I was so worried, what happened?”

He spotted Axel still holding my wrist and he instantly pulled me to his side, “What did you do to her?”

Axel rolled his eyes at him, not being fazed by Adam’s gritted warning. I can see why though, Axel can beat up Adam without breaking a sweat.

“Let’s go,” I tugged weakly on Adam’s shirt, calling his attention away from Axel.

He looked down at me before his face softened, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into an embrace, “Just let it out, Sophia,” He comforted.

I should be hiding away from everybody. Nobody was ever brave enough to show what they’re really feeling in public. You should always be acting, hiding your emotions, placing on a mask that you’re alright.

But here we are, at the middle of a movie set where everybody was surrounding us and I was crying in my best friend’s arms.

“You used to always cry,” Adam said thoughtfully, “Such a cry baby.”

I fisted his shirt as I kept quiet, my hiccups and wails started to settle down. I closed my eyes and rained my eyes from any remaining tears.

“I’m still Sophia, right?”

I sounded so pathetic but I only do when Adam’s around.

“You’re still Sophia,” He reassured, “But you’re also Heart.”

I’m sad and relieved at the same time, if it was even possible.

“You’re both of them,” He said, “They’re both my best friend.”

Yes, his best friend. Only his best friend.

My eyes roamed around the surrounding, it was deadly silent. When my eyes landed on Axel, his eyebrows were scrunched up and his face was etched into a frown.

 Trying to muster up a small smile, I shot it at him. He saw this and smirked at my direction, mouthing, “I’m sorry.”


Happy Belated Valentine's Day everybody! I was actually reminded of Sophia yesterday, haha. So how did you spend the lovely day filled with love and happiness? Me? Well, I got a bunch of corny pickup lines written on paper and a chocolate ice cream, if that counts for anything.

Question: Sophia or Heart? Why?

Sending out virtual hugs, kisses, chocolates and roses for you lovely people. Comment, vote and hit the follow button if you're up for it.

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