Gabriel and the Binders' Ring

Door SiranFew

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Ugh.. Its Gabriel's first day of high school. He is flooded with emotions; confusion, excitement, hopefulness... Meer

Chapter 1
Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

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Door SiranFew

Dead Man Walking (Chapter 8)

When Gabriel awakens the next morning, he has butterflies in his stomach. While dressing, he notices two things about Leo: he looks very unhappy to be up this early and he is messing with his hair in the mirror and checking for pimples.

"'Morning. Our first class is Friend or Foe with Maze. We have to go up to the 6th floor," Leo says groggily as he slowly put on his shoes. Gabriel rifles through the stacks of books they had gotten the day before and pulls out the ones required for Maze's class. He hands Leo his book, too, then puts his jacket on. As the boys shuffle out, Gabriel realizes that everyone on their way to class looked extremely tired.

Gabriel notices a couple of people on the stairs at a time. I guess Josh was right about there not being a lot of people on the staircases, he thinks to himself. A group of other freshmen can be seen trudging up the stairs along with Noah. He looks back and gives a tired wave to Gabriel and Leo. When the boys finally clamber off the staircase on the sixth floor, Gabriel isn't sure which of the six black doors to go through.

"I think it's the second one," Leo says leading the way. When they open the door, Gabriel is shocked to see that the classroom is set up like a college class at a big university. The seats are elevated and all looked down at the center where Maze stands smiling.

"'Morning, guys. I hope the others can find their way here." Maze says ushering the boys inside. They take their seats and wait for class to begin.

"Dad told me this class covers which mythical creatures we can trust and work with and the others who are our enemies," Leo says as other freshmen come in and fill the seats.

When Maze begins his lesson Gabriel is overwhelmed to see how many creatures truly exist out in the world. It turns out there are a lot--even two different types of goblins. The original term "goblin" refers to a dark green creature that lives in sewers. They are known for eating people, so they are considered enemies. The other goblin is a "Hobgoblin," which is a lighter green creature known for farming and helping farmers produce larger crops, so they are good guys. Gabriel also discovers that Champions call regular humans "Masks" because they are unable to see the mythical beings around them; humans' brains hide what's really out there, so it's like they're stumbling around blind. But if they choose, a Champion can awaken a human's eyes so they can see magical creatures.

Gabriel thinks about his dad. So that's what he meant about mom.

Gabriel also learns that not all Champions have a profession killing evil creatures. Some work among Masks in the common world or in a place called Witchclock, a large underground magical city shared by Champions and Creatures alike. There is a high court and police system run by beings called Elementals, who are rock humanoids. There is even a large prison further in the earth known as the Inferno. Witchclock even has its own newspaper called the Daily Lookout. When the class finally ends, Gabriel has taken so many notes his hand hurts.

"Most of that stuff I already knew, actually. Lots of our parents tell us stories about those crazy things and we've grown up with it." Leo explains as he holds the door open for students leaving the classroom.

"Well, all this is new to me, and it's exciting!" Gabriel bubbles.

"Gabriel, a word?" Maze had caught up to the duo.


"I'd like to train you in a certain sword style that may fit your personality." Maze says with a smile.

"Oh, that's awesome! I'd like to learn from you."

"Great, I'll be seeing you soon then." Maze turns and the boys continue walking to their next class.

"Lucky. I would love to have one on one training sessions with Maze." Leo playfully pushs Gabriel.

"'Morning, boys," chirps Elu in a cheery voice. "I bet you are a bit overwhelmed by all this," Elu says to Gabriel with a knowing smile.

"Yeah, I am. I don't know if I'll remember all of those creatures. Some I've heard about in books, but now that I know they are real and not to mention like to kill humans, it's scary." Gabriel tries his best not to drop his books.

"Why do people say they're overwhelmed? Why can't people just be whelmed?" Leo asks.

"That's a random question," Elu says with an eye roll. "So where do you guys go next?"

"Knowing your Mark." Leo states, pointing to the sixth black door at the end of the hall where a group of freshmen Champions loiter, eyeing the room skeptically.

"There must have been a leak."

"Is it even sanitary to go in there?"

"I think I saw something move."

The trio quickly make their way down to see what the fuss is all about. When Gabriel looks in the room he understands why none of the students are going in. It looks like a marsh inside! Tall green grass is growing out of the black water that covers the floor, and three-eyed frog creatures float on the surface.

"Those are called Ghouls," whispers Leo to Gabriel.

There are no desks, just large logs floating in the water; in the center stands Master Lee, dressed in galoshes, atop a giant lily pad.

"Of course it is sanitary," Master Lee huffs. "Now come in, come in. You can change your clothes when you leave. Come over to the lily pad, grab a wooden sword out of the chest and get in line. Could you hurry please? Pixie Notes hate cleaning up water that leaks into the hall." One by one, each student steps into the water with disgusted looks.

"Well, this is uncomfortable." Gabriel grumbles.

"Hey, what happened to Noah's eye?" Leo whispers. Gabriel looks over his shoulder and see Noah standing on the other end of the room on a lily pad by himself. Sure enough, he sports a large black eye.

"Don't know. I didn't notice it this morning. Hold on, I'm going to find out," Gabriel says to Elu and Leo. He jumps across the lily pads until he is standing next to Noah on the other side of the class.

"Hey, Noah what's up?" Gabriel takes off his shoes and socks to wring the water out of them.

"Nothing. Just waiting for class to get started," Noah answers sadly. Gabriel look at Noah quizzically. The poor guy had been so happy earlier.

"You sure? Noah, it doesn't look like its nothing," Gabe gestures to the shiner. Noah's response is interrupted.

"Hey, here you two," Elu says as she and Leo join them. They both carry an extra wooden sword, and Noah and Gabriel thank them.

"Alright, everyone here? Good. Now in this class, you will be learning how to control your Phoenix Mark. Now, who can tell me about the Phoenix Marks?" Master Lee asks as everyone gets into one long line on the main lily pad. The cute girl with the hoop earrings from the night before raises her hand.

"They help us know when we're in danger," she says.

"Excellent, Stacy Brimmer. Can anyone tell me something else?"

Elu raises her hand and answers, "While they may let us know when we are in danger, they give off a burning smell that only creatures can smell, and that may attract more enemies."

"She seems perfect to have in our circle," Leo whispers.

"Excellent, Redbird. While our marks do let us know when we are in danger, they do give off a scent that attracts other creatures nearby. So we are going to practice getting that smell under control." Master Lee turns to the water that surrounds them and pulls a nasty looking silver dagger from his robes.

"Ak-Ba Riseemen," he intones.

Suddenly bubbles start to form on the surface of the water from all over, then *Boom*! With an explosion of water, blue-scaled creatures with fish eyes appear on the surface. Their fangs hang out of their mouths, and their gills make a hissing noise.

Gabriel's Phoenix Mark burns with heat, and he was crouches low. He looks around to see everyone bent as low as he, their Phoenix Marks glowing brightly.

"Do not attack them. This is a combat class, but we are not going to attack them yet; we are controlling your smell with focus. Now, what happens in a combat situation?"

Gabriel knows the answer. "You zone in on your opponent!"

"Good, Heart. Now can someone tell me why that is bad?" Master Lee shouts over the creatures' hisses.

This time, a boy named Simon Greenly calls out. "Because in a situation like this, it's bad to give your focus to just one of these things when another one can strike from behind."

"Excellent. When you first have your Phoenix Mark, your body goes on what is like a primal instinct. You focus on just one enemy instead of your surroundings. To combat this, instead of focusing on your enemy try to focus on your Phoenix Mark. Concentrate on cooling it off. Let yourself know you recognize the danger. From doing this your smell will fade out. Now, who wants to go first?"

Gabriel steps forward remembering what happened with that bully, Jackson, and the Jinn.

"Great, Heart. Now get in the water, but don't get too close." Master Lee instructs over the incessant hissing.

As Gabriel steps off the lily pad, he feels his mind zoning in on one of the fish creatures. His mark burns and his surrounding started to drop. No. No. We have to keep our surroundings up. Gabriel reminds himself. The creature starts to show off large fangs and a long tongue. It looks as if it's sniffing. Then Gabriel remembers something. He closes his eyes. He focuses his attention on the Phoenix Mark area. It feels hot, but Gabriel takes a deep breath and exhales. Calm down. Calm down. We need to. Gabriel hears splashing around him.

"Excellent, Heart." Gabriel hears Master Lee's encouragement. Gabriel opens his eyes to find dead fish eyes looking into his. The creature tries to smell him, but it backs off in frustration, sniffing and flicking its tongue. "Now, make your way back over here. Slowly, mind you." Master Lee claps along with the class upon his success. Gabriel hops back on the lily pad with his friends.

"Anyone else want to give it a go?" Master Lee asks.

Some of the other students volunteer and many are successful, though Master Lee has to step in and help some. Meanwhile, Noah stands in the corner of the lily pad mostly undetected because the whole class is involved in the lesson. Gabriel is worried about him. After class is over, the creatures return back into the water, and Master Lee gives the students sections to read in their books. Gabriel, Leo, and Elu head to their next class.

Gabriel isn't too happy to see Master Winton is the instructor of "Loving Will." Winton was checking people's Phoenix Marks and placing them accordingly. If your mark was red, he would put you in a section with others whose mark was red and so on.

"Well, Heart, nice to see you in here. Get with the others." Winton says smirking and pushes Gabriel to the side. He takes a seat with some of the other Lygos. "Now in this class, you will be learning three basic spells. Understand, if you don't get these basic spells down, I will fail you." Winton pauses to glare at the red and blue sections. Then he continues. "But for the graceful greens, let us understand the mystery of our mother Mystiva's Will."

Gabriel hates this class. He and the other non-greens stand around watching Master Winton basically talk about how great he is. The only thing that Gabriel wants is to punch Master Winton. That, and he also wants to be good at using Will. Unfortunately, he finds it extremely challenging, and he is awful at it. Master Winton explains that our Will comes from within us, and in order to construct the Will inside one's self, one must understand purity. If one does not calm their mind and focus on the flow of Will in their body, the body will cast the next best thing that is pure: salt.

"You must first focus. Then you must have an understanding of the old language in which spells are cast, and then..." Master Winton lifts his right index finger, "Luvo." His index finger begins to glow. "Understand?" Some of the students gaze in wonder. "Now all of you try. Even the primates of red and blue. I won't be shocked to find salt piles underneath you," Master Winton says in disgust making direct eye contact with Gabriel.

Gabriel soon found out what Master Winton meant by salt piles. When he tries the Luvo spell, salt appears in front of him. It looks like someone opened a small pack of salt and emptied it just in front of where he stood. Leo get its after six tries, and Elu gets it the first time.

"Don't worry, Gabriel. It's a known fact that Lygos have a harder time controlling Will. But Mystivas have trouble in close combat. A'ros are known for actually being just okay in both, but they're masters with long-range weapons," Elu assures Gabe as her index finger shines brightly. After the class ends, there are piles of salt everywhere, and Master Winston kicks everyone out, still shouting about the reds' incompetence.

The next part of the day features a tour with an elderly woman by the name of Master Nuu. She discusses the Old Kingdom's Language, which Gabriel finds fascinating. The way it was written and the correct way of pronouncing the words is so elegant and beautiful. Gabriel is happy to find that Elu and Leo were in all three of his classes--they were becoming good friends. When they walk to the dining hall, Gabriel notices Noah being surrounded by guys in red jackets.

"I think I figured out where Noah got that shiner," Gabriel motions towards the group.

"Guys! Thank goodness!" Noah looks terrified. The red headed boy who was obviously the leader turns around.

"Now ain't this something. You're that Gabriel Heart fella everyone has been going on about. Name's Blake Fisher the Third," Blake smirks. He has a wad of dip in his mouth that makes him look like a chipmunk. "These here are Butch, Claire, Saul and his brother Paul." He points to the red heads behind him. They all looked just as mean and nasty as Blake, even Clare the girl of the group.

"Did you hit my friend?" Gabriel asks.

"Yeah, I reckon I did." Blake smiles through the black tobacco in his mouth.

"I think you punks should leave." Elu steps forward and balls up her fist.

"Yeah. That may be a good idea for you guys." Leo moves forward to flank Gabriel, who led out front and was face-to-face with Blake; they stood so close he could smell the wet tobacco along with Blake's nasty breath.

"Whoa, now I see what's going on. Well, we'll leave and let y'all do what'cha you want. Just watch yourself." Blake grins as he gives a hard push past Gabriel and the rest of his group follows close behind.

"Thanks, guys. I didn't want to give him my crowns yesterday, so he punched me. Just now, he was harassing me for crowns again," Noah says sadly.

"Noah, if that jerk touches you again let us know, and I swear he will pay." Gabriel promises.

"Yeah, you let us know." Leo agrees.

"We need to tell someone about this," Elu murmurs as she looks at Noah's swollen eye.

"No, I can handle it myself. Are you guys going to eat with me?" Noah clears space on the table. Some Pixie Notes zoom down to ask them what they want to eat. Moments later, they come back with steaming fresh food.

"Noah, just let us know, and I'll tell Rose, okay?" Gabriel whispers seriously. After they finish eating, the three leave Noah to go find a place in the common area to sit and do homework.

"Come on--I want to show you guys something." Leo hurries past some of the comfortable chairs with friendly fireplaces. Leo leads them to a large common room where the fireplaces are barren and the area is cold except for a huge fireplace at the end that gives off a haunting warmth.

"My dad told me that this is where a girl years ago fell into the fireplace and was burned alive." Leo says as he settles into one of the chairs.

"And we are here why, Leo?" Gabriel asks. Elu sits on the couch in front of the fireplace.

"Because no one comes back here. They are all afraid the girl's ghost that haunts those who sit in the chairs," Leo answers making spooky noises while looking at Elu. "But dad says it's not true. Just the same, no one comes back here, so I thought how cool would it be if this was Our Spot!"

Gabriel shrugs and set his books on the table. "Well, I guess this could be 'Our Spot'," Gabriel says with a sigh as he pulls out his homework and sets it on the table.

"Something tells me this is going to be a long month." Elu mutters as she eyes their pile of homework, and the others start laughing.

Weeks pass and Gabriel gets a routine going. His classes are going well...except for Loving Will with Master Winton, who laughs at the salt piles that Gabriel makes. He tries everything to control his Will. He had even studied with Rose in her free time when he'd learned she had originally been chosen by Mystiva before she mastered all three of the Unovas' powers. He also studies with Elu and Leo who are both advancing in their Will studies. But nothing seems to help. On the other hand, Gabriel learns how to really handle himself with a blade and had gotten really good during his training with Maze.

"You need to be aware of all of your surroundings, Gabriel." Maze would say after hours of practice when Gabriel is covered in sweat.

One day after class, Gabriel makes his way from a lesson he had just had with Maze. He wanders past the cobblestone streets, even past the Ranch. He stumbles upon a lake next to a huge field, and in the middle is a small island with a massive tree growing out of it. He sees Smee walking with Rose. She shoos Smee away and calls Gabriel over.

"Have you called your dad since your arrival?" Rose asks.

"No, I didn't know how to," Gabriel says sadly.

"Silly child! That is why you have your seal. Give it to me." Rose takes Gabriel's seal and clicks the center of it, "Isaac Heart." Then the stone starts to glow red; she drops it, and suddenly an image of Isaac with Molly in his hands begins to appear above the stone.


Isaac jumps. "Gosh, I used to hate when your mom did that. Hey son, how is everything going? Oh hey, Rose." Isaac gives a nod, and Molly frantically stretches for Gabriel.

"Hello, Isaac, Gabriel is turning out to be a fine student." Rose says with a smile.

"I'm okay, but not as good as mom was. I still suck at doing any kind of Will. Mom apparently could control her Will within four days and learned the old Kingdom language by the end of her first school year." Gabriel frowns.

"Oh, Gabe. Your mom told me it took her forever to learn Will because it was the most difficult to master for her; she still had trouble." Isaac soothes.

"Well, is everything good back home?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. The high school is back in session and Josh came over the other day to see where you were. I had to lie and tell him I sent you to a military boarding school." Isaac say with sad eyes. Gabriel's heart falls. He misses Josh and home, but this is something he has to do.

"Thanks, Dad. Well, I gotta go. I miss you guys." Isaac just gives a quick smile and the preoccupied Molly, who slurps on a Popsicle, waves bye to him. Then Rose leans over the stone and wipes her hand across it. The image disappears. She picks up the stone and hands it back to Gabriel.

"Well, I'm glad I bumped into you. It's time for the gold harvest, and Smee wants your help and I told him you, Elu and Leo would pitch in. So tomorrow before your classes I want you to meet Smee at his place." Rose says.

"Yeah, we're on it." Gabriel shoves his seal back into his pocket and adjusts his sword.

"So I hear you are at the top of your class with that blade of yours."

"If you say so. It's just a standard sword. Maze gave it to me to practice with when I'm training with him. He helps me improve using the Will within myself to launch forward and give a barrage of blows." Gabriel tries unsuccessfully to hide a grin.

"You up for a friendly match?" Rose challenges him playfully.

Gabriel's expression goes from shock to a smile. "You're on." Gabriel does an immediate back flip to avoid a fist made of rock that bursts out of the ground. While in the air, he unsheathes his blade and lands perfectly...only to be met by Rose whose finger is on his chest. She gives a smile and says, "Too slow." A small explosion in front of Gabriel sends him flying backward. He jumps to his feet just as quickly as he was knocked down. He assumes a low crouching position with his blade raised above his head.

"Oh! I see Maze has taught you an aggressive sword style." Gabriel jumps forward using a small bit of Will, making his movement more substantial than an average human's. His blade is met by Rose's rapier which she had unsheathed beneath her cloak.

Gabriel does a series of spins that manages to put Rose on the defensive. Suddenly a familiar pain of a bolt of lightning from behind hits Gabriel's back. He drops to his knees, reeling from Maze's favorite spell from their training sessions.

"What did I tell you about focusing too much on your opponent? You keep that up, Gabe, and you will die." Maze's strong voice shouts as he approaches.

"He had me on the defensive before you did that, Maze." Rose offers.

"I don't care. He was completely focused on you. If there was an enemy from behind him, he would have been bitten or stabbed." Maze helps Gabriel up. He was looks even more exhausted.

"Sorry, Master Maze," Gabriel mutters as he goes to retrieve his things.

"Gabriel, you are dismissed. Please don't forget about Smee." Rose reminds him. Gabriel gives a tired nod and heads to the tower. When he finally makes it to the hangout spot, he is not surprised to find Elu with a stack of books piled up around her, Leo playing a card game called Angry Cards where the cards have shouting match between themselves and the losing card catches fire and burns up.

"Wow, Maze didn't take it easy on you today, huh?" Leo looks Gabe over skeptically.

"Well, at least he is getting private training. I wish Maze did that for me! I really could use help with my swordsmanship." Elu huffs. Gabriel plops down and tells them what Rose had just told him about the gold harvest.

"Ugh, do we have to?" Leo moans.

"What is Gold Harvesting anyway?" Gabriel asks leaning back in his chair.

"It's actually pretty fun, to be honest. Harpies lay gold eggs, but the thing is you've got to find out where they put the eggs. For some reason they like to lay their eggs really early and they like it when no one is watching." Elu says as she flips through a massive book.

"Find them?" Gabriel looks puzzled.

"Harpies will only lay their eggs if no one is around. Like I said, so typically it's in the morning. Smee is probably going to let the Harpies go tonight so they can lay their eggs, and we will have to look for them tomorrow morning." Elu explains as she folds up a piece of paper.

Eve, the Pixie Note, flies into the room. "Eve was called?" she flies in front of Elu.

"Yes. Can you take this to Master Maze's quarters, please?" Elu says handing the note to Eve, who dashes off.

"That isn't the old Kingdom homework that is due tomorrow is it?" Leo asks.

Elu rises and stretches her arms and legs. "Yep, sure is. Should have been helping me with it instead of playing Angry Cards. Now I'm off to bed. We've got to get up early for the harvest." Elu gathers her books, and says "Levi Nos" and the books rise and follow behind her. "G'night, boys."

"Ugh, sometimes I just wanna to kick her so hard she starts flying." Leo says spitefully.

"Well, she has been doing your homework, Leo...not to mention she's helped out a lot with mine, too. She may be fed up that you don't at least try to do it," says Gabriel gathering his stuff. Leo just rolls his eyes.

The boys make it back to their room and shower. Gabriel wipes the salt from his top bunk to the floor. He tries every night to get his index finger to light, but he always fails, and a salt piles end up all over his sheets.

"Ugh, so stupid." Gabriel mutters and turns over in frustration and goes to sleep.

Early next morning the boys get up to receive their clean jackets and laundry from the Pixie Notes who fly them in. They get dressed to meet Elu in the quest room.

"Ugh, it's too early for this." Leo mumbles.

"Come on. We gotta meet him at his house," Gabriel says taking the lead outside the tower to the black gates. Outside is dark, but the sun begins to climb into the sky. When they finally get to Smee's house, they find him waiting with three baskets and a big smile on his face.

"Oh, I knew I would get you three," he says with glee.

"Smee, you asked for us." Gabriel reminds him. Smee laughs and hands them the baskets.

"Okay, so you may have to spread out, but the Harpies have laid their eggs; you just gotta find them. In total, there should be ten. When you get back, I'll have a hot breakfast waiting for all of you," Smee gives a smile and rushes back into his house.

"Well, let's get started." Elu says. They all go in different directions. Gabriel finds his first one in an alleyway. It is a large oval egg that shimmers gold. The next is on top of a roof. The third one he finds was atop of a mailbox. The sun brightens the sky. He walks to the open space where Maze trains him to find Elu and Leo counting the golden eggs they had found.

"Ten. So that should be it," Elu says to the boys.

"Let's head back." Gabriel nods.

"Good, I'm starving! Oh, Gabriel, the first Steelpon game is this weekend, so you get to see what it is and see Lance play. I can't wait. He is so tough and so fast on the field!" Leo makes a clapping sound.

"Okay, first one thing, Steelpon is a brutal sport. And two, it sounds to me like you have a man crush on Lance," Elu teases him.

"I do not. He is just awesome and will eventually be the best player in the world--you just watch." Leo angrily grips his egg basket tighter. Gabriel smiles, these guys truly are my frie.... Gabriel's thoughts are interrupted because in front of him he sees someone with a small creature at his side. The man looks strangely familiar.

"Gabe, you okay?" Elu asks.

"Hey, is that Lockland?" Leo asks himself aloud.

"You know him?" Gabriel's eyes widen and his heart begins to quicken.

"Yeah, well no, but he and my dad go way back. He came to my house once to use our Wisping Gate," Leo answers.

"You have a Wisping gate at your house? That's amazing! I bet that cost a fortune." Elu gasps.

"No, dad built it. Nearly killed himself in the process but he did it. It's in our backyard." Lockland comes closer with a smile on his face, and walking next to him is a Hobgoblin. It has long ears unlike its short-eared cousin, the goblin. A light green color, the Hobgoblin is almost like a dull yellow. He wears trousers and a brown dirty jacket. He is smoking a pipe and has a nasty scowl on his face.

"Morning, young Champions. I came to ask you, Leo, have you seen your dad? He isn't in the Masters' quarters," Lockland asks. Gabriel's mind is on fire. He does not understand what is going on. He had seen this man die in his dream.

"No, I have no idea where he could be. Maybe on a mission from the tower or for Rose?"

"Told you these piglets wouldn't know. We need to ask Maze if he is up," snorts the Hobgoblin.

"Oh shut it, Snot. They might have known. Well, alright. Thanks anyway...see you later." Lockland and Snot leave the three standing in a cold wind.

"October seems like it's going to be really cold." Leo shudders.

"Gabriel, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," Elu says feeling Gabriel's forehead.

"I'll explain on the way. Come on, we gotta get these eggs to Smee."

Gabriel finishes his story as they walked back to Smee's house. Leo and Elu jab Gabriel with questions.

"A traitor during this time? Impossible." Leo whispers to Elu and Gabriel while Smee sings some folk song about a giant and a golden egg.

"Well, if they're working with the Wolf, it's not that surprising," Elu whispers back.

"My mom kicked him into the earth with the rest of the Colossals. He couldn't have escaped. He should be dead." Gabriel whispers back to them.

"I'm more worried about Gabriel saying he is able to see the future. Dad says Oracles are bad luck. Always messing things up. Champions tend to stay away from them." Leo warns.

"What's all the whispering going on behind me?" Smee asks while dumping each of them a bowl full of meat and biscuits.

"Smee, can I ask you something?" Gabriel asks.

"Well, sure you can." Smee answers, joining them at the table. They can hear the harpies in the back singing to each other.

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me more about Wolf Bloodshed." Smee nearly chokes on his biscuit.

"Why would you want to know about that?" Smee asks through his coughs.

"Well, I just wanna know what happen to my mom." Gabriel says quietly.

"Ohhh. Dark times them was. Wolf was a good boy just like your talented and powerful. His interest was in the old kingdom's forgotten creatures. Foul things. Wolf wanted to know about them because he believed that if we understood the old creatures and old Champions mistakes there wouldn't have to be a balance between good and evil. There would just be good. Then I don't know what happened. Rose sent your mom and her team to fetch something...there were rumors about a bone, I think. Anyway, when Wolf returned, he was not the same. His ideas had changed. He thought himself a god and thought humans and weaker creatures should be slaves to the strong. There was a war. Every creature choosing sides even Champions. Then finally during one of the biggest battles, your mother caught him about to resurrect the Colossals. They fought and your mother won, but at the cost of her own life. She supposedly kicked Wolf into the earth with The Colossals. And that's the end." Smee says gulping his soup.

Gabriel and the others finish their meals and decide to discuss lighter topics. They thank Smee for breakfast and head back to Champions' Peak. When they are outside the black gates, Elu begins to caution,

"Don't think too much on your dream Gabriel."

"Yeah, it may just be a fluke you know, and remember don't tell anyone else your dream. Oracles are frowned upon," Leo adds. Gabriel spends the rest of the day trying not think about Lockland, but he keeps popping into his mind.

Later in the day Gabriel trains with Maze. When they take a break, Maze asks, "What's on your mind? You are distracted."

Gabriel ponders how to ask the questions that have been on his mind all day. "Maze, what was the war like with the Wolf?"

Maze's demeanor changes dramatically. He gives a long sigh. "Chaos, if I had to use a word to describe it. Traitors, spies, assassins, and horrifying beasts long forgotten and thought to be dead. Champions were going scarce. They were leaving and joining with the Wolf. If anything, the heroes of the war were becoming few in number. But behind all the chaos, power was all that mattered." Maze sees Gabriel's confusion so he elaborates. "Power does not see good or evil. Power has all the control, and no one wants to be on the losing side. The Wolf was winning, and the hope of victory was very thin. It is understandable why some left--especially because of Wolf's promises of complete power if they came to his side."

Gabriel notices Maze's face had darkened at his memories.

"My dad told me that my mom said no matter how things looked, even if the world is coming down around you, you stick to what's right and have hope."

Maze gives a teasing smile and points to Gabriel with his sword. "Your mom was always the optimist. She was too trusting, Gabriel. She was not realistic. Remember my words the strongest will prevail, and the weak will die. That is why I'm training you so that you will be strong and powerful." And with that, Maze launches himself forward giving Gabriel the sign that their break is over.

After about twenty minutes, Maze growles. "Ugh, Gabriel just rest up for today. Your mind is elsewhere." Maze throws his hands up in frustration.

Gabriel heads back to his room. He is so preoccupied with his thoughts he doesn't even pay attention to all the guys in his room whooping and hollering about Lance and Figgus wrestling.

Gabriel makes his way to the showers. He sits under one of the shower heads, losing track of time thinking. Power is necessary, but it's not everything. Then Gabriel remembers Lockland being blasted off that cliff. And I saw him alive today. He should be dead.


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Dea Price is a runaway- or rather she was a runaway. When her mother's rants about the man who lived behind the mirror and who would one day come for...
87 47 16
"π»π‘’π“‡π‘œπ‘’π“ˆ 𝒢𝓇𝑒𝓃'𝓉 π’·π‘œπ“‡π“ƒ, π“‰π’½π‘’π“Ž'𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝒢𝒹𝑒" Like everyone else her age, Kourtney Woods struggles to balance maintaining decent grades...
20 0 7
In the blink of an eye, everyone is gone. Teachers, parents, officers, everybody above the age of fifteen disappears without a trace. Everybody turns...