That Goodie Kookie || SEMI-HI...

By batmanontherun

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"Losing someone you love can change a person." " But why didn't he??" More

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93 12 14
By batmanontherun

Jungkook's POV

Halla started laughing whe she saw my reaction

" Yah! How did you know??" I asked looking at her

" Haha, you should've seen your face. You looked like an offended bunny" She laughed

" Lee Halla, how did you know??" I asked her again

" Jimin told me" She said wiping her so called tears of joy

" That little hyung" I hissed

" Haha, little. You're so dead" She laughed

" What?? I'm way taller than him" I said proudly

" Haha I know, maybe I'm taller than him too" She never stopped laughing

" Stop laughing. No! I mean - don't stop laughing. Wait! What I really mean is, stop laughing now because your stomach will ache and laugh more because you have a really nice laugh" I explained

" Sure" She said sarcastically

" No really. It's amazing hearing you laugh" I said. That's when she stopped laughing

" Why did you stop??" I asked

" Hmm? Nothing. I just remembered something" She smiled bitterly

" What is it??" I asked curiously

" It's nothing" She said

" Come on, tell me. You said you gave me your trust" I said with matching puppy eyes

" Fine" She sighed

" I just remembered my mom" She said

" Sorry for asking" I said looking down

" It's fine. . . Let's just finish the report" She smiled at me

" Yeah" I answered before putting my attention to the laptop

Maybe an hour or two have passed and I already finished the report but I can't leave because Halla is sleeping and I don't want to wake her up

I walked closer to her bed after cleaning up the mess I've made, I stared at her for a minute before leaning closer to her face

" Halla" I whispered

" Wh-" Her eyes widened once she opened them

" W-why are y-you so close to me??" She stuttered with her face flushed red

" W-why are you blushing??" I also stuttered and I felt hot all of a sudden

" G-get off of me" She pushed me making me stand up

" I'm sorry" I said

" Why did you do that?!" She shouted before standing up

" I was going to leave but you were sleeping so I tried waking you up" I said picking up the laptop and the phone on the floor

" Is that so??" She asked

" Yes" I answered

" You can leave now" She said walking closer to her bedroom door so I followed her

" I'll escort you out" She said then we both walked downstairs side by side

" Thank you" I bowed after walking out of her house

" No problem. Thank you for finishing the report. Walk home safely" She bowed

" Bye. See you on Monday" I smiled at her then I saw her waved her hand


" We started at 7:30, we finished at 11:15. That's pretty long" I said to myself while walking my way home

" What's pretty long??" I heard a voice from behind so I turned around and saw Yoongi

" Hyung! What are you doing here??" I asked waiting for him to catch up to me

" I live in this neighborhood. What are you doing here??" He questioned me

" I didn't know that you live here" I mumbled then we put his arm around my shoulder

" Well now you know" He pulled me down a little bit so that he could whisper to my ear

" So, what are you doing here?? It's 11:20, why are you here so early? You're not delivering milk today, not today right??" He asked then we continued walking

{ You see what I did there?😉😉 ~ Author ♏}

" I was doing a report with my partner at her house" I said and his smile turned into a smirk

" I could see that you finished your report that's why you left her house, and I bet she asked you to stay a little longer, didn't she?" He said emphasizing every word that is connected to a girl while wiggling his eyebrows

" No hyung! It's Halla, Lee Halla" I explained

" Oh the that has a bad attitude but really caring inside?" He said

" What??" I asked

" You know, the girl from your school that hates everyone. I saw her helped Mrs. Kim and I talked to her maybe a couple of days ago and she is surprisingly polite" He said

" Maybe that's another Halla" I said

" No it's not, she's that pretty girl with long hair and has milky white skin and friends with Hobi and Jimin" He said

" You're a stalker, aren't you?" I asked

" No, I'm just a fan. She amazes me" He said

" How?" I asked totally curious because Yoongi hyung is not easily amaze

" It's a secret. Now, what was your report about??" He asked

" Bullying" I answered shortly

" Who gave that report to you??" He asked

" Namjoon hyung" I said

" I knew it!!" He exclaimed

" Knew what??" I asked looking at him

" That 'BrainMonster' is good at giving tasks at his students" Yoongi hyung said shaking his head a little

" Glad I'm older than him" He continued before giggling that made me also giggle

" I'd like to graduate too" I smiled at him

{ You just did😉 ~ Author ♏}

" Just study hard and focus on achieving your dreams" He stated

" Nice speech" I laughed

" Its not even a speech, it's just a sentence genius" He said

" Oh right" I scratched my head

" Where are you going by the way??" He asked me

" Me? I'm going home" I said

" You? Where are you going??" I asked him

" I'm going to Mrs. Kim, gonna treat myself some goodie goodie" His gummy smile was shown

" You're not going to ask me to go with you?" I asked him

" No. . . You said you're going home" He said bluntly

" Yah hyung!!" I whined then I saw him smile

" Putting your hopes up too much hurt, right?" He smiled before ruffling my hair

" It kinda does" I said pouting

" Let's go" He said walking ahead of me so I quickly followed him

" I knew you can't resist the Golden Kookie" I said walking beside him then we walked and talked and walked until we reached the Milk Shop

" Good afternoon Mrs. Kim" Yoongi hyung and I bowed

" Oh what brings two handsome men in my little café or should I say my little Milk Shop" She smiled sweetly at us

" Thank you Mrs. Kim" We both smiled at her

" Jungkookie!!!" I heard that Taehyung's cheerful voice coming from upstairs

" You guys can go to him" Mrs. Kim said sweetly

" You go first Jungkook, I'll just get some milk" Yoongi hyung said so I went upstairs to Taehyung's room


{ So like, the building is a two-storey building that looks like a house that has two floors and the 1st floor is the café, while the 2nd floor is like where they sleep and stuff. Do you guys even get what I'm saying?? Because I dont😭😭 ~ Author ♏ }


" Taehyung?" I knocked a couple of times

" Come in" He said so I entered his room and saw him playing some video games while sitting on the floor

" Yah! Starting without me?!" I quickly jumped to sit beside him

" I have nothing to do that's why I started playing video games" He said handing me the other controller

" Why not help Mrs. Kim at the Milk Shop??" I asked

" Grandma said it's okay since it's Saturday, the students are probably sleeping their butts off" He said

" Game Over!!" I playfully shouted after a few minutes of playing

" Yah!! You cheated!" He shouted

" Let's go downstairs, Yoongi hyung must be waiting" I said

" Yoongi hyung is here?!" He asked surprised

" Yes" I said standing up

" Why didn't you tell me??" He said doing the same

" You never asked" I said walking to the door while follow me from behind then we both head downstairs

" There you guys are!!" Yoongi hyung said

" We've been waiting here for like 5 minutes now" I heard another voice from behind Yoongi hyung so I went behind him and saw my own circle of friends which consists of my crazy hyungs

" What took you guys so long??" Hobi hyung asked

" Wait!! Let me guess. . . Video games!!!" Jin hyung exclaimed feeling proud of himself

" Why didn't you guys asked me to play with you??" Jiminie hyung whined

" Because you is very no fun" Hobi hyung answered instead


{ Guys, Jimin is full of fun in him.
He has finally found his jams
Love you Jimin ~ Author ♏ }


Third Person's POV

" Jin hyung!! Hobi hyung is bullying me!!" Jimin whined at his hyung

" Stop it guys, you're not 5" Jin said to the two

" Speaking of bullying, Jungkook!! How's the report??" Namjoon asked Jungkook

" It's done. . Halla and I finished it earlier" Answered Jungkook while walking towards the table where the others are while Taehyung follow him

" You mean, you went to her house earlier?!!" Jimin asked the younger

" Yes" Jungkook nodded

" Is there a problem Jimin??" Namjoon asked him

" Aniyo, I just asked him" Jimin smiled

The 7 of them start talking to each other like there's no tomorrow, but atleast they felt happiness in them. Jungkook was the happiest one, it felt nice for him to take a break from stress and well . . Life


That's all I can write for this chapter

Hope you like it😭😉

Thank you 😘😘

C O M M E N T S, comments are free guys!!

~ Author ♏

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