The Boss's Son | ✅

By A_Bone

61.9K 1.3K 97

Love, sex, crime, mystery, and mafia. Lock-picking, hacking, and generally ass-kicking freelance journalist... More

Final Author's Note


970 27 3
By A_Bone

Be warned, there is very unusual behavior ahead, involving Tess' mouth and Adrian's manly body parts. If I think about it, Adrian's mouth and Tess' body are involved to. Proceed with caution.

Within the day, Adrian greeted me sitting in his hospital bed. Soon, not even his charm could patch over the annoyance of the nursing staff about the traffic in and out of his room, and his expectation for them to work around his laptop and phone as he had turned his private room into his office. I was of the opinion that he did it by purpose so that the doctors would agree to let him go home earlier rather than later.

By the weekend, he had reached his goal with remarkable determination to the cause. He was allowed home. I was worried and asked him, if it wasn't too early. Too fresh were my memories of him on the ground in his own blood, as life sipped out of him. Cocky bastard that he was, he told me that now all depended on my nursing skills. I hoped for him that he was joking. I was the one after all, who had fed a toddler sugar with sugar and watched him go. But his remark gave me an idea that was partly self-serving. I had to deal with my nerves before the mafia master meeting that evening where I would serve my punishment.

I didn't own a nurse outfit. Halloween was my favorite holiday, but my idea of costumes ran to the less female cliché. I made a great Loki, if I might say so myself. And when it came to princesses, I preferred Leia over any other. But I once bought a shirt with a cross on it as a souvenir.

Saturday, after Adrian had been settled into his bedroom, I paired this shirt with skimpy jean shorts and, most importantly for my mission, white, lacy lingerie. On my way to Adrian's house I had bought chocolate covered fruit. Mike would be scandalized that I had touched vitamins without having been forced to, but the truth was that I had remembered before paying that alcohol wouldn't go well with Adrian's meds. Thus prepared, I walked in on Adrian and checked that we had the room to ourselves.

Adrian looked up shortly from the file, he was checking against the screen. "Great, it's you. I wanted to talk with you about meeting my family."

I locked the door behind me. The thud and click made Adrian stop what he was doing. "What's going on?" he asked and eyed me curiously, only now taking in my outfit.

With my free hand, I pointed at the big cross that adorned my front.

Adrian scratched his head. His lips moved against each other. "You are Switzerland?"

I groaned. OK, I had bought the shirt during a visit to the picturesque alpine country. But really, this was not Twilight. Was it so hard to see a white cross on red ground and think of a red cross on a white surface? He'd just been in a hospital for all saints' and souls' sake.

"Please tell me that I haven't agreed to marry a man with total lack of imagination. I am your nurse, of course. Coming with wholesome food," I showed him the small plate, before I placed it on his bed stand, "to check on your health."

He put the folder down to free his one good arm, and used his finger to follow the outline of the cross on my chest. His face broke into a smile. "I like that service."

"It's the best. Not even your fancy private insurance covers that though, I warn you. It will cost you." I looked him up and down. He sat on the covers, pillows puffed up behind his back. His injured leg was slightly elevated, its thigh wrapped in adhesive bandage to provide a bit of pressure. He wore a dress shirt and basketball shorts, not a look I thought I would ever see on him. I tore on my shirt. "Now that you got my uniform all dirty with your germs from your finger, I will have to take it off."

"That is a good idea." He reached out with his right arm. I stepped out of his reach and swatted his hand away. "No! Per doctor's order positively no stress for you. Not even as much as a lifting of your finger. So, I will do this. You – just relax."

I stepped to the foot end of his bed, closely followed by Adrian's dark eyes. Once I had reached the middle of the open space, I turned to face him. Hooking my finger under the shirt's rim, I started to lift it at one side. Once I reached the height of my bra, I dropped it again, waved my finger at Adrian, and turned around. With my back to him and some serious wiggling of my butt, I wormed my way out of the shirt. I lifted it into the air, until the last of my hair had fallen back down my back. Then I threw it toward the chair in the corner and let my head drop forward.

My hair brushing the floor, I looked through my legs back at Adrian. Part one of the floor show was over and he seemed to enjoy it. He had closed his laptop so that the screen wasn't in his way. His tongue had come stuck between his lips. I bit my lip, threw my hair back in a wide arc, and turned around at the same time, with my arms crossed and my hands at the opposite shoulders.

My fingers skimming along my bra and bare skin, I reached down for my shorts. The buttons popped one by one, before the jean shorts was willing to slide down my legs. Once gravity had pulled it to the floor, I stepped out of it and kicked it toward the chair as well. When I stalked back to the bedside and got hold of my plate.

"Now," I declared to a glassy eyed Adrian, "you will be a good boy and eat your fruit so that you will be strong enough for the test of your reflexes."

He shut his mouth and swallowed, his eyes traveling from the plate to my body to my face and back. "What reflexes?"

I rested one knee on the bed with him and looked swiftly down to his middle that was still covered by his laptop, even though it was closed. "You know, your sensitivity to touch and pressure and sucking. That kind of stuff."

He pushed the laptop out of the way and opened his mouth, waiting for me to drop the first morsel in.

"So eager?"

His tongue shot forward and he wiggled with its tip in reply. I laid a chocolaty grape on it and he basically swallowed it whole.

"Don't forget to chew," I admonished him, then I followed up with another grape. I bit the tip of the strawberry, before feeding the rest to him. He breathed sharply.

"Enough fortification," he ordered. "Start with the test, nurse."

I forced him to eat another handful of blue berries and raspberries, just to show him who was the boss for once. But then I placed the plate back on the bed stand and rounded the bed to reach the other side. With a pointed look, I cleared the laptop and folder of the bed and carried them away, making sure that Adrian got a good eye full of first my breasts and then my behind, sashaying as if it would be forbidden the next minute. Then it was time to climb onto the bed and crawl over to Adrian's side.

The real problem was to excavate the testing field. Adrian followed my eyes, guessed my snag, and before I could stop him, his shorts were history.

I stemmed my fists into my sides. "I said no moving. We don't want to get into trouble with the doctor."

He rose two fingers. "Not moving again. I solemnly swear."

Satisfied after another last stern look, I attended to his manhood. It was a beautiful specimen, I had come to love and loved to worship. First I gave it a thorough massage, careful not to come too close to his thigh. After that yielded the desired results, I nodded.

"Yes, that is a promising start. Now to phase two of the test."

I smacked my lips after licking them, and leaned forward. Very cautious I ran the tip of my tongue along the length and looked. After a pause, I repeated the procedure, and then again, breathing onto the velvet-wrapped steel. Adrian growled.

I grinned to myself and continued in my leisurely pace. I wrapped the tip with my lips. Ran my tongue around it. And watched. The growling became louder. I dipped my head deeper. And watched like I was taking mental notes of all his reactions, measuring them to my expectations.

By the third time, Adrian's fingers of his right hand – his unharmed arm and thus not caught in a sling – snarled themselves in my hair. He pushed my head down until he had vanished inside my mouth as far as it was possible. From there on, Adrian took charge. All I could decide was whether to sheath my teeth with my lips and when to suck. As he pushed me down faster and deeper, all I could do was find the time to breath.

With a last powerful push in which his pelvis came up to meet me, I could feel his warm life spraying into my mouth. He held me in place, until I had sucked off the last of it. Then he let go and I finished with a last lick of his tip. I was panting as hard as he was, when I sat back up. His head rested against the wall behind him. His eyes were closed.

After a moment, he opened one eye. "So, what's your verdict?"

I nodded with pursed lips. "Perfect reflexes. Test passed."

He beamed. "I must say, after this performance I almost wish I was shot more often."

I almost jumped at him. Very seriously I declared, "No, I won't let it happen again. Never." The edge of my hand painted the finality of this statement into the air.

Adrian narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you up to?"

"Protecting you," I shrugged. "I always will."

I grinned at him until he nodded, though not completely happy, and pulled me to his chest.

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