Treat You Better (Adam Lamber...

By xoxowhatsername

6.3K 485 91

"You're light." Says Adrian as he softly strokes my cheek. I flinch at his touch. He looks into my blue eyes... More

Maybe Its Time For Miracles
You Are An Angel
Te Regalo El Mar (The Ocean Gave You Away)
I Promise You Don't Have To Be Afraid
I'm Just A Problem That Doesn't Want To Be Solved
You Take All Of The Pain Away, Away, Away
I Need A Savior To Heal My Pain
I Want These Words To Make Things Right
I Need You The Most
Its Something Unpredictable, But In The End Its Right
I'm Glad You Came
You And I Were Fire, Fire, Fireworks
I Just Need Enough Of You To Dull The Pain
I'ma Pick U Up
I'm The Holy Water You Have Been Without
Under My Skin, Underneath, The Depths Of My Sin
It Was The Fourth Of July
Don't Lose Sight Of Me Now
Bring It All Back To Me
Live With Me Forever Now
My Shadow's The Only One That Walks Beside Me
I Don't Feel A Thing For You
Baby I Can Smell You On My Clothes
I Can See It In Your Eyes Cause They Never Tell Me Lies
I'm Here For Your Entertainment
I'll Take Care Of You
Don't Tell Me You're Crying Oh Honey You Don't Have To Lie
Protect You Forever
I Will Always Love You
No One's Ever Gonna Hurt You Love
Rockabye Baby, Don't You Cry Somebody's Got You
I Won't Shed A Tear Porque Se Que Tu Estas Junto A Mi
You're The Only One That Knows Me
You Make Me Feel Loved
The Fear Of Falling Apart
No Matter, Where The Day Goes, I Know You're Close By
I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes
Nunca Te Alejes De Mi (Don't You Ever Back Away From Me)
When You're Feeling Empty, I Will Be The Fuel You Need
I'm In Love With The Shape Of You
Querdarme Junto A Ti Una Eternidad (Stay Beside You For An Eternity)
If I Had My Way We Never Close Our Eyes

My Heart Is A Ghost Town

114 8 0
By xoxowhatsername

Later. . .

Adam's POV:

I sighed. This was a stupid idea. Adrian was going to get fucking mad at me for leaving the house at. . .12:00 am?! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Adrian's going to kill me. I finally made it to the meeting spot. I leaned on the wall as I tried to keep myself warm in the cold air. After a minute a man came up to me.

"You're Adam Lambert?" He asked and I nodded.

"And you?" I asked. He pressed me to the wall and pressed his lips to mine. I tried to push him away, but his hand moved down to my crotch. I finally pushed him away and slapped him.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled. "I have a boyfriend."

"Honey, you know me very well." He said and chuckled. My eyes widen. This couldn't be true! It couldn't! I pushed the man to the floor and ran away from the alley. Suddenly I crashed into someone way taller than me, all dressed in black. I turned around, but the other one came up to me. I ran to my left, but all of a sudden someone grabbed my from my waist. I started to scream from the top of my lungs.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed as the someone walked somewhere. The other one who had kissed me earlier pulled out a small spray bottle. He sprayed the thing on my face, and I closed my eyes shut to block the gas. I felt myself becoming weak. I felt my mind going to complete darkness.


Adrian's POV:

No sign of Adam anywhere. Where could he have gone? Did he took his phone? I hope he didn't. I took my phone and called Adam. A few seconds passed.

*Beep, beep! Beep, beep! Beep, beep!*

I looked at the table. Adam's phone was ringing there. I hung up and groaned. Where could he have gone?


Adam's POV:

I didn't feel well when I woke up. I tried to move, but I couldn't. My wrists and ankles were tied up to to. . .a bed frame? I looked down at myself. My clothes was ripped. I felt a pain go through my body.

"Hello Addy." Said a voice. Adrian? I mean he's the onlyone that calls me Addy.

"Adrian?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"You wish it was him." Said the voice. My vision was blurry, so I couldn't see well.

"What happened. . .to me. . ." I said with effort. I could barely breathe right. He got on top of me as he ripped apart the rags that used to be clothes.

"I'm just going to pleasure both of us." My eyes widen a little.

"No. . ." I said, my voice a whisper. "Please no. . ."

"Don't worry." He said as I felt him entering fingers in my entrance. I groaned in pain, but the weakness took over me.

"Please stop. . ." I said. "I'm not feeling well. . ." I closed my eyes, not being able to fight him off. All I could do was wait for this to stop.


Adrian's POV:

"Adrian, I bet he's out." Said Ashley as she tried to calm me down. Sutan, my other friend handed me a cup of tea.

"Thanks." I said.

"Welcome." He replied and saw on my left side since Ashley was sitting next to me on my right side. I took a sip of the tea and put it on the small table in fromt of me.

"I mean," I started. "I know Adam doesn't go out just like that. He never runs just like that." I sighed, Ashley rubbing my back. Suddenly my phone rang. I immediately stood up and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked and my eyes widen.

"Adrian. . ." Said a familiar voice.

"Addy?" I asked. "Bae is that you?"

"Mhm. Please Adrian. . .forgive me."

"Forgive you? Of what?"

"I should have. . .told you. . .where I was. . .going. . ." I wanted to cry right now.

"Baby I forgive you, but you sound so tired. What's going on?"

"They're. . .I'm. . .Rape. . ."

"Honey they're raping you?"

"Adrian help me. . .please. . ." I heard nothing on the line. After a minute I heard a chuckle.

"Your boy tastes good." Said a voice. "He's good at pleasuring us."

"Whatever you're doing to him stop it now."

"I would if he wasn't so good." I heard Adam whimper in the background.

"Please stop. Leave him alone." Nothing was heard. I sighed. They hung up. I screamed, my hands pulling at my hair.

"Adrian calm down!" Yelled Isaac as he tried to make me to stop. I pushed Isaac, Monte catching him. I threw my phone somewhere, and I think I heard the phone break. I walked to a wall and punched it several times.

"Adrian fuck off!" Yelled Ashley. She took my wrists and hot tears streamed down my cheeks. "This isn't you."

"I DON'T CARE!" I yelled.

"ITS NOT OUR GODDAMN FAULT ADAM'S MISSING!!" Yelled Isaac. I leaned on the wall and slowly slid down. I sat down and brought my knees up to my chest, my arms wrapping around them. I sobbed as I buried my face in my knees, the eyeliner running down with the tears.

"I want him back." I whispered. "I want him back. He's being hurt again and I promised it would never happen again."

"There are promises we can't keep." Said Sutan as he sat next to me. He pulled me for a hug and I leaned on him. I hugged him and then pulled back. "You want to be alone?"

"Yes please." I whispered and my friends hugged me. After our group hug, I went upstairs and got into bed. I looked over at the empty side of the bed.


"Come on, let's go to sleep." I said as I lay in the bed. 

"Okay." He said as he smiled and went to the bathroom. After a minute he came out of the bathroom, all changed in his pajamas. He took off his socks and climbed into bed with me. I faced him and he faced me, a smile on his lips.

"I love you Adam." I whispered as I stroked his cheek. 

"I love you too, Adri." He replied.

***End of Flashback***

I sighed and tried to get some sleep. Where are you Adam? That's all I want to know.

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