The School: Bad Boy Is A Daddy

By 8o8_iNSANiTY

12.9M 183K 26.6K


Parties and Lap Dances (SYTYCW)
Lingering Thoughts
Car Washes and Dance Classes
School Projects and Two Year Old's?
20 Questions and Family Dinners
Gossip Is A Bitch
School Fights and First Kisses
Date Nite
Carnival Time With Brooklyn
Dancing and Youtube Videos
Baby Mama Drama
Valentine Surprises
School Dances and Labels
Dance Practice and Bitch Slaps
Strip Clubs and Rock Stars
Can You Say Cliche?
3 Hour Drives and Pampering
Competitions & Couple Time
Shopping & Two Cent Hookers
Meeting The Grandparents
Project Time
Could It Be Betrayal?
Sleep Over
Bruised & Bloody
True Love or Tragedy
Vacation's & Skyping
Closet Nymph?
Best Birthday Ever? I Think So!
Wet T-Shirt Contest!
A Trip of a Lifetime
Unexpected Happenings
What A Few Bumps and Bruises When It Come's To Saving The Princess?
Heart Broken
So, What Do You Say?

It's All Unicorn's and Rainbows

354K 5K 583
By 8o8_iNSANiTY

I added a little more Brooklyn in this one, hope you like it...

Oh and I need some cast ideas for Brooklyn, Hunter, Nina & Maddie!

Cover By _NotToday_




(Not Edited Yet!)


Her lips still tingled hours after the kiss had happened. It was already the middle of the night and Celeste was laying in her bed staring up at the ceiling above. She had replayed the kiss to many times to count since she had left the Anderson’s. It was on constant replay in her mind, there was no stopping it. At times like this, when she couldn’t sleep she would go down to the basement (which her parents had converted into a dance studio when she was a little girl) and just dance till she couldn’t dance anymore. 

Celeste flipped to her side and looked out her bedroom window. In a week in a half so much had happened. She gave her first lap dance ever, had a crap load of gossip going on about her, had her first kiss. Things that she had never thought would ever happen to her. She closed her eyes and touched her lips with the tips of her fingers. With a smile on her face she replayed the kiss for the hundredth time. His lips were so soft against hers it was remarkable. Finally after hours and hours of laying awake she fell into a peaceful sleep, the smile still gracing her lips.

Nate however wasn’t able to sleep a wink that night. With his arms crossed under his head, eyes closed, he thought about the kiss. He had to admit that it was, hands down the best kiss he had ever had. That really was saying something since he had kissed more girls than he could count. But, none of them would ever compare to Celeste. She was quite literally everything he wanted in a girl and he would do anything he could do to get her. After their dinner on Friday he would see where he stood with her. 


‘One more day,’ Celeste thought to herself as she walked to her locker the next day.

One more day till her dinner date with Nate Anderson. If she thought the girls in school were being awful now, she didn’t want to think about how they would be come Monday and news got out about their date. Oh and she knew it would get out. In this town nothing ever stayed a secret for long. After the kiss she had yesterday she felt as if nothing could touch her. Cece didn’t know why that was but, it didn’t matter. She felt good. She felt free. She felt happy.

Girls around her still said all kinds of things (some not so nice) but, she just brushed it off and changed out her books. Nina and Maddie had walked down the hallway and shot all the gossiping girls looks that could kill. Celeste just smiled at them and closed her locker. Leaning against it she looked both ways down the hall wondering where Hunter could be. She could feel the twins questioning gaze and she didn’t want to talk about anything just yet, not in school anyway. That would cause even more stuff to go around. 

“Is it just me or does Cece have a huge ass smile on her face?” Maddie asked her sister.

“Oh, I see it alright.” Nina nodded “I’m pretty sure anyone would be able to see that smile from a mile away.”

“What do you think happened yesterday?” Maddie asked eyeing her friend with curiosity. 

“I have an idea but, we’ll just have to wait. I doubt little miss sunshine is going to tell us anything right now.” Nina answered looking at their friend with the same curious expression her sister had. 

“See you girls at lunch,” Cece chirped and walked to class with a skip in her step. 

Celeste bumped right into Hunter when she rounded the corner. Grinning up at him she looped her arm through his and tugged him to their shared home room. Hunter was more confused than not at the utterly happy look Celeste had on her face. He hadn’t seen her that happy in a very long time and wondered what happen. The answer was like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on him. It all came down to Nate, he just knew it. He just hoped that Nate didn’t hurt her. If he did, friend or not Hunter would beat the crap out of him.

The gossip was still swirling around the school when Celeste got to the lunch room. It wasn’t enough to break through her happy fog though. They could talk all they wanted as far as Cece was concerned. The smile that she had on her face since she had gotten home yesterday was still present. So far there wasn’t anything that could wipe it away. Walking through the lunch line she quickly snatched up a few things and took a seat at their usual table after paying. 

“I see you’re still smiling,” Maddie commented with her own smile. It had been a long while since she had seen her friend smile like she had been, it was refreshing. 

“I’m happy, truly happy.” Cece admitted “I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”

“Are you going to share with us the reason’s why you’re so happy?” Nina asked taking a seat next to her twin.

“You know I will, just not yet.” Cece replied “You’ll just have to wait till we go to Danny’s after school.”

“We’ve waited this long to find out, what’s another few hours.” Maddie grinned. She couldn’t wait to find out (she knew Nina couldn’t either). Though she had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with Nate. 

“Since we wont be talking about why you’re all unicorns and rainbow’s happy, let’s talk about what we’re doing on tomorrow.” Nina suggested 

“Ooh, we should go into the city and go shopping,” Maddie squealed 

“Yeah, I’m in need of a few new outfits.” Nina agreed

“Actually...” Cece said slowly. She knew that now was the time to tell them her plans for tomorrow. “I can’t go.”

“What? Why?” Maddie asked with a little pout. Celeste swore that the twins had perfected that crap.

“Um, well you see...I uh...” Cece was having a very hard time voicing the fact that she had a date on tomorrow. It’s was her best friends so it shouldn’t be hard, but, it was.

“Will you just spit it out woman,” Nina huffed

“Nateaskedmeouttodinneronfridaysoicantcome,” she said all in one breath, not even understanding what she had said.

“WHAT?!” the twins shrieked, knowing exactly what she said. 

Celeste wished the ground would open up and swallow her hole. Because of their grandiose out burst the whole café had gone quiet and was staring at their table. Cece tried to shrink back in her seat so they would see her. This is exactly why she did not want to tell her friends. Least of all in public, especially in school.

“When the hell did that happen?” Nina whispered yelled after seeing the scene they had just caused.

“On Tuesday,” Celeste replied looking down at her untouched lunch.  

“When were you planning on telling us?” Maddie whispered “Tomorrow is Friday and he asked you two days ago!”

“Can we not talk about this now?” Cece hissed spotting Hunter and Nate making their way over to the table.

The twins looked over their shoulder then looked back at her. They both nodded but made sure to send her their signature look that said you-better-believe-we’re-talking-later. ‘Well that conversation should be fun.’ Celeste thought sarcastically. She just knew they were going to make a huge deal about it and she didn’t really want that to happen.

“Hello ladies,” Nate grinned placing his lunch next to Cece and taking a seat.

“What’s up besties, have the terror twins figured out why Cece is smiles today?” Hunter asked sitting between the two sister. The questioned earned him two slap on the back of the head from the twins. “What the hell?” he hissed

“Shut up and eat your food,” Maddie said pointing to his tray.

Celeste covered her face with her hands and shook her head. What had she done to have these kinds of friends. You know the kinds that don’t know when to keep their mouths shut (meaning Hunter of course). Though he was one of the best friends a girl could ask for he seriously drove her crazy sometimes. Looking over to her left she realized that Nate was too engrossed with his lunch that what Hunter said didn’t phase him. At least she hoped it hadn’t.

Lunch went by without anymore comments on her happy state from Hunter or the twins and she was glad about that. All five of them chatted like they had all hung out together for years. That maybe for the twins, Hunter and Celeste or Hunter and Nate but, not all five of them. It was a little different, in a good way. The bell rang and everyone hurried out of the lunch room. Nate took Cece’s tray and dumped their trash and placed their tray’s in the cart meant for it. 

“Can I walk you to class?” he asked Celeste.

“I don’t know, can you?” she teased as she walked past him and into the bustling hallway.

“May I...walk you to class?” he rephrased with a smile.

“You may,” Cece nodded with a smile of her own. 

“So, I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow night,” Nate said leaning against the wall next to the door of the class Cece at stopped at.

The first thing Cece thought was that he was going to cancel and wiped the smile of her face. 

“If want to cancel I completely understand. I mean, why would you want to go out to dinner with me. I’m a nobody, the school nerd...” Celeste’s rambling was cut off by Nate covering her mouth with his hand.

“That’s not what I was going to say,” he chuckled shaking his head. “I don’t care that you’re the school nerd. I just wanted to clear everything up for tomorrow since I wont be in school.” 

“Oh,” she whispered feeling like an idiot. “Why wont you be in school?”

“I’m going to be working at my dad’s shop tomorrow. He had given me the week off but, it’s going to be busy as hell tomorrow and he needs help.” Nate replied

“Okay,” she nodded 

“So, I’ll pick you up at six,” he said 

“Sounds good,” Celeste nodded “Is there a particular dress code for this dinner?”

“Not really, just make sure you bring a jacket.” he answered. He really wanted to kiss her again but, thought better of it. He knew she wouldn’t want him to be doing that in the middle of a crowded hallway.

“A jacket, got it.” she said, the first bell ringing officially cutting off their conversation.

“Do you want to come over after school?” he asked “I know Brooklyn would love to see you again.”

“I’d love to,” Celeste grinned, she just couldn’t get enough of that little girl.

“Okay, see you in English.” Nate grinned, kissed her cheek and walked off to his History class.

Celeste stood there and stared after him. She bit her lip to hide the smile that tried to make it’s way onto her face. The remaining girls in the hall were either glaring at her or were to shocked to know what to do. Cece ignored them and walked into her class. If this was the Nate the she would be spending the next two and a half months with, it was going to be amazing. She had barely known him a week and it had already been one of the best weeks ever in the last seven years. 

The end of the day came by quickly. Celeste had told Nate the she would meet him at his place but, she was meeting up with the twins first. He had given her another kiss on the cheek in the parking lot before rushing off to his truck and waiting sister. Celeste drove down to Danny’s and sat in the car smiling to herself for five minutes before walking into the diner where her friends were waiting. She decided to let them sweat it out a bit more and stood that the counter waiting for her shake. By the time she made it to the table they were scowling at her. 

“You did that on purpose,” Nina stated narrowing her eyes.

“Yup,” Celeste grinned “It’s not my fault that the two of you are hell bent on finding out why I’m so happy or about my date tomorrow.”

“So are you going to tell us or do we have to guess?” Maddie asked raising an eyebrow.

“I’ll tell you,” Cece said “I really don’t want the two of you to guess, I can only imagine what you’ll come up with.”

“Well get to it woman,” Nina pressed. She needed to know now!

“Well the date is simple, Nate asked and I said yes.” Celeste said “As to why I’m so happy, well that also has to do with Nate, as I’m sure you both know already.”

“We know that much,” Maddie nodded “Now we want to know why, it can’t be because of the date you weren’t this happy yesterday when we came over.”

“The reason why did happen yesterday,” Celeste said 

“Before or after Nate knocked out Carl Reyes?” Nina questioned

“After,” Celeste replied “We went back to his house and well, he kissed me.”

“You went to his house yesterday?!” Maddie shouted at the same time that Nina shouted “He kissed you?!” 

“Will the two of you stop screaming,” Cece hissed “God, you guys have some yelling issues today.”

“We wouldn’t be having this problem if you didn’t drop two Nate bombs on us,” Nina grumbled

“We all know that’s a lie,” Cece said flatly. It didn’t matter when or where she released the news to them, they would’ve screamed like they had done twice today.

“That is so not the point,” Maddie mumbled 

Cece huffed. “Well now you know,”

“How was it?” Nina asked. Every girl in Hilton Valley wanted to know what is was like kissing thee Nate Anderson and she was one of them.

“It was...perfect,” Cece grinned 

“Are his lips as soft as they looked?” Maddie asked wistfully

“Very,” Celeste nodded with a giggle. Her friends were too funny. They looked like little fan girls.

They talked a little more till Cece told them that it was time for her to head out. She had a little girl to go and see, seeing her daddy was just a bonus. Grabbing two extra shakes on the way out of the diner she set off to Nate’s house. Knocking on the front door she was greeted by Mrs. Anderson. She was ushered into the living room where Nate was playing with Brooklyn. Celeste just couldn’t help but pull out her phone and snap a picture of them. She was too busy playing with Brook yesterday that it had slipped her mind to take some pictures like she had wanted too. 

“Cece!” Brooklyn shouted once she had spotted Celeste. She climbed off of Nate’s back 

and ran toward Celeste.

“Hey there pumpkin,” Cece grinned scooping Brook into her arms. “Is daddy your new playground?”

“No,” Brook squealed pointing to the milkshakes Celeste had brought over. “I want,”

“You have to ask your daddy, one is his.” Celeste said glancing at Nate

“Daddy, I want.” Brooklyn said still pointing at the shakes. 

Nate stood from his position on the floor and picked up a cup. “You can only have a little bit.” he said placing the straw between her lips. 

Brooklyn sucked at the straw greedily. Celeste laughed as Nate tried to pull the straw away only to have Brook bite down on it, refusing to let it go. 

“You just had to bring over milkshakes didn’t you,” Nate chuckled with a shake of his head. “When she’s all hopped up on sugar later tonight, I’m bringing her to you.”

“Fine by me,” Celeste grinned. She wouldn’t mind having Brooklyn for a night or two. “I’m sure she and I would have a great time.”

“Keep giving her sugar and your wish just might come true.” Nate said finally able to get the straw out of his daughters mouth and taking a sip of the shake himself. “Mm, chocolate banana.”

“I remembered you liked the same shake as I do so, I bought a couple more before coming here.” Celeste said 

“Thank you,” Nate grinned. He couldn’t believe that she had brought him a milkshake or the fact the she had remember that he liked the same as she did. Not like it was really all the hard to forget.

“Cece,” Brook said pulling Celeste attention away from Nate.

“What’s up sweetheart?” Cece asked

“I go play,” she said 

“You wanna go and play?” Ce questioned “Then let’s go play.”

Celeste carried Brooklyn out to the back yard where her little play area was situated. She place brook onto the soft grass and she took off running to the slide. Cece sat down and watched as Brooklyn climbed all over the place, sliding down the slide, trying to climb onto the swing, playing in her sand pit. It was the perfect afternoon. She would really love to take Brooklyn on a walk one say or even take her to meet Aaron, he would love her. He tried to play it off like he couldn’t stand kids but, he was a real softie when it came to them.

Nate stood in the kitchen with his mother and watched them from the window. What would happen between the two of them after tomorrow night? Would they continue on being just friends and partners? Or would it lead to something more? I really hoped it led to something more. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost the chance to be with her. That was something he didn’t even want to think about.

“You really like her, don’t you son?” his mother asked 

“Yeah, I do.” he nodded. He liked her more than he had ever liked anyone. 

“Why don’t you do something about it?” she questioned. She really wondered why her son was taking so long. “Girl’s like that don’t come around very often. You’re father would say that they only come around once in a lifetime.”

“I asked out for dinner tomorrow night,” he said

“That’s a start.” his mother said “I really like her though and Brooklyn is really taken with her.”

“That she is, I never thought she would ever get so attached to someone so quickly.” he said. 

“Well, Celeste just has something about her, it draws you in.” she said “Why don’t you go on out there with them.”

Nate nodded and walked out the back door. He took a seat next toe Celeste and together they watched his daughter play. Nate took Cece’s hand in his and linked their fingers together. Her hand fit perfectly in his. As he stared at their intertwined hands he couldn’t help but once again think about what tomorrow would bring. He prayed that if would be the beginning of something wonderful.

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