The Ninja of Time

De MultiFangirl7148

2.1K 136 42

You almost never hear about adventure stories that start with a boy getting crushed by a tree. But Omar's sto... Mais

Chapter 1 A Normal Life
Chapter 2 Time for Training and I'm Getting Started
Chapter 3 Spinjitsu Power Inside
Chapter 4 Sensei Found Him and Warned Him of a Darker Side
Chapter 5 Get up, Get Your Ninja On
Chapter 6 On a Path to Bring Them All to Light
Chapter 7 Take It Out On Garmadon
Chapter 8 Do Not Look the Snakes in Their Eyes
Chapter 9 Straight Home
Chapter 10 Something Ill is Going Down
Chapter 11 The Best Way to Defeat Your Enemy
Chapter 12 To Know Your Enemy
Chapter 14 Ice
Chapter 15 Lightning
Chapter 16 I Knew the Time Would Come
Chapter 17 Earth
Chapter 18 Fire
Chapter 19 Something to Prove
Chapter 20 Time to Save this City and I'm Ready For It ~Part 1
Chapter 21 Time to Save This City and I'm Ready for It~Part 2
Chapter 22 Gotta Push Our Game
Chapter 23 Gotta Know Your Friend
Chapter 24 Messin' with the Ninja Has a Penalty
Chapter 25 Nobody's Gonna Stop Us Now
Chapter 26: Growing Up is Such a Blast
Chapter 27 Causing History to Unfold
Chapter 28 Danger Lurking in the Depths of Ninjago
Chapter 29: Not One But A Million
Chapter 30: In Too Deep to Cash Out Now
Chapter 31: Ready for the Fight
Chapter 32: Each Second Counts
Chapter 33: Ninjago's in Trouble
Chapter 34: Evil Can't Stay

Chapter 13 We Feel Defeated

44 3 0
De MultiFangirl7148

A few days after the serpentine disruption, we were in the dining room talking.

"How are some stupid snakes so hard to beat?" Kai asked. "Ask the Venomari who spit on you." I smirked.

"It can't be that hard. I bet I could do it, if you'd let me outside." Lloyd muttered and folded his arms. "Oh really? What would you do?" Cole asked humoring him for a minute.

"First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunderclap to his ears! Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him!" Lloyd said with confidence. He had clearly been think about this for a while.

"Too late! He's already hypnotized you and now under his control." Cole said. "Or he's put you in a squeeze." Zane added.

"Or swallows you, which is totally gross." I contributed. "Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom! Trust me, bad stuff." Kai chuckled.

"Aw. Uncle, what's the best way to defeat  serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asked Wu, who had walked into the room.

"Shouldn't matter, they're all stupid." I crossed my arms. "Then why can't we win?" Cole asked. "Ask the Venomari who spit in Kai's face."

Sensei ignored us and answered Lloyd's question. "Sadly, it was the sacred flute that you five so carelessly lost." He said.

"It was Zane's fault, I was stopping Kai from drowning in poison!" I countered. "And we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it." Jay sulked, as if someone stole his pudding cup at snack time.

"Whatever the case. Without it, I fear we will not be able to combat their powers. You may have stopped from uniting, but they will try again. And they will be stronger. " Wu finished.

"Don't worry Sensei, I've almost unlocked my True Potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute." Cole bragged.

"Psh. Yeah right." I shrugged. "Of course, it's me boulder brains." I scoffed. "You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Ha. Don't make me laugh." Kai said.

"I thought it was decided that I would be the Green Ninja." Zane stated. "The only thing decided about you Zane, is that you're weird." Jay laughed.

Then we all broke into an argument about what we always argue about.

"Yeah yeah yeah. What's in the box?" Lloyd asked, breaking up the argument. "Your new uniforms." Wu slid the box towards us so we could seize our new suits!

"It's got armor!" Jay exclaimed. "I love the gold highlights!" Kai celebrated. "Battle claws!" Cole cheered. "The material is very light and breathable!" Zane analyzed. "Who cares? These things are dead slurping awesome!" I yelled.

"Nothing for me?" Lloyd asked, looking almost heartbroken. "You get, the box?" Sensei handed it to Lloyd.

Then the mission alarm blared. We ran to the Bridge awaiting a status report.

"Sorry to break up the moment boys, but a few of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble at Mega Moster Amusement Park." Cole announced.

"Amusement Park? Can I go? Can I go? Please? Let me make things up. I can help!" An ecstatic Lloyd begged. "I'm sorry nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe." Sensei calmed Lloyd down.

"Aww. Ninja get all the fun." He sulked. "What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?" Jay suggested.

We all agreed and got dressed quickly. Then we viewed the amusement park from the deck.

"Feels like this stuff will really protect us!" Cole exclaimed. "Yet provides more mobility." Zane added. "You wanna strut your stuff in a catwalk, or get down to that amusement park so we can go on some rides!" Jay shot his hands in the air.

"You are not mature. Like at all." I chuckled. "I love a good old fashioned roller coaster, but nothing beats this!" Kai said as we jumped off the deck.

We summoned our vehicles and hit the ground, not that hard though. "Check that out! And not a scratch on me!" Cole said as we walked to the presumed chaos.

"Ladies! Relax, relax! We have arrived." Jay said. "What crazy lady would be looking for you freaks?" I laughed.

We walked into the crowd to see the snakes tied up! Kai was talking to someone about what happened. She said the Samurai was there and he did that!

Then Nya showed up and handed two people ice cream. Where'd she get money from? "Nya! You're here!" Jay said excitedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you just missed all the action. He just flew in, took care of business and then flew off. It was pretty cool." She shrugged. "Ugh, who is this guy?" Kai grunted.

"Whoever he is, he's stealing our thunder!" Cole said. "You mean Jays thunder. He's stealing Zane's coolness, and my awesome looks!"

Next thing I know, Sensei is behind us, holding cotton candy. "Do I sense a hint of jealousy?" He said. "Another lesson? Wait. How'd you get down here so fast?" Jay asked.

"The lesson is, iron sharpens iron. Healthy competition will help you reach your True Potential faster. Ooh!! Ferris wheel!!!" Sensei ran through a crowd of people to get there.

"Maybe the old man's right." Kai pondered on what he'd said. "You want us to compete with the Samurai? But he's got all those cool gadgets!" Jay panicked. "You're totally crazy!" I yelled.

"Not with him, with us! Whoever's skilled enough to catch this guy must be the best of the bunch!" Kai almost sliced someone in half while saying that.

"So whoever figures out the identity of the Samurai is destined to be the Green Ninja! I love it!" Jay celebrated. "I'm totally gonna win this, watch me!" I hollered. "Then it's a bet. May the Green Ninja win!" Cole accepted.

"Ninja-GO!!!" We all shouted. "Wait a sec." I said slowly. "We're down here, Nya's down here, and Sensei's on the Ferris wheel. Where's Lloyd?"

We all slowly looked up at the Bounty, got on Jay's jet, and shot up at the speed of lightning! Nya was, thankfully, up there with Lloyd. "So, can we go in the Mega Monster Coaster of Doom now?" Jay pleaded. "Can I come this time please?" Lloyd begged.

The mission alarm blared again. "Sorry kid. Sounds like trouble!" I said. We dashed up the stairs to the Bridge where Nya was ready to give us a report.

"Multiple snake sightings! They're everywhere!" Nya shrieked. "Like where?" Jay asked. "Sky City, Caves of Despair, Glacier Barrens, Sea of Sand, and the Forest of Tranquility." She told us.

"Then let us go before they establish control in those specific areas!" Zane commanded. "Ninja-GO!!" We shouted.

I zoomed to Sky City, and everyone else picked places to go. By the time I got there by Elemental Hoverboard, the snakes were closing in on some villagers. I jumped of and spun my Glaive.

"Prepare for some pandemonium!" I said getting closer. But the Samurai landed, separating me from my victims!

"Step aside, ninja." He said in a deep voice. "Not a chance!" I threw my Glaive, freezing him in time! I ran past him and got ready to beat the slurp out of them!

"Have it your way." The Samurai cackled. He shot my leg with some sort of taser!! I writhed on the ground in pain. "Oops." He said tauntingly. As he dispelled the scaly menaces into the trees, he stood over me.

"I hate you." I shook my fist at it as it flew off. Then I realized, "Hey! You still have my Glaive!!" I saw my Golden Weapon fall from the sky, piercing the ground in front of my forbidden zone!!

"Cutting it a bit close you hulking metal scumbag!!" I yelled as I got up. "Thinks he can just show up and electrocute me, the slurping freak." I muttered as I got back to the Bounty.

We were discussing how none of us caught him the next morning. Lloyd, I assumed, was in his room.

"Finding out the Samurai's identity is more of a nuisance then the snakes! Anything with you?" Cole asked.

"The guys elusive, like a ghost. One minute he's there, the next minute he's gone." Jay answered. "He tried to fly away with my glave and then tried to slice me in half." I groaned.

"I'm staring to think we will never catch him." Zane admitted. "I think it's safe to say, none of us are close to being the Green Ninja." Kai sighed as Wu came into the room.

"Looks like iron is sharpening iron. I can feel you getting closer to your True Potential." He told us. He squeezed Cole's arm. "Ow." He groaned. We were all sore.

"Where is my nephew? I thought you were taking care of him." Sensei asked. "He's not in his room?" I asked. "I thought Cole was gonna pick him up." Kai said.

"I went to the arcade, but he wasn't there. Jay was-" Cole got cut off. "Hey, don't bring me into this. I babysat yesterday." Jay jabbed.

"Sensei, we have not seen him." Zane said calmly. "We must find the boy." Sensei sighed. He was taking this rather calmly.

We cleared out of the dining room and went straight to the arcade looking for Lloyd. Kai stuck his head in arcade and yelled Lloyd's name. "I swear he was right here!" Kai told us.

"How do you manage to loose a person?" I asked him. "Hey guys, check this out." Cole said. We all went to the security cameras to view the footage.

"There's the little pipsqueak! Play it back!" Jay ordered. We saw him look down an alley, go back inside, come out dressed like a snake, and then run down the alley.

"What is he up to?" Jay asked suspiciously. "Going back to his evil ways." I shook my head. We went down the alley, looking at where he went when we found footprints.

"I sense these are Lloyd's footprints. But they come to an end here." Zane observed. "Something tells me we're going for a ride. Come on boys!" Kai was obviously taking us somewhere. But we've learned to trust him in missions. For some odd reason.

We shot into the Sea of Sand, searching for the little Garmadon, until we cane to an enormous city!

"What is the place?" Cole asked. "I was about to ask the same thing." I said. "Looks like snake city." Jay said as we soared above the others. "Let's get a closer look." Kai commanded.

We got out if our vehicles and where infiltrated the city with stealth, something we don't do very often. "It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes." Zane analyzed.

"I know we ruined their last get-together, but that's no reason not to get an invitation. My feelings are hurt." Cole joked.

"There's Lloyd!" Kai pointed to a cage, housing little Lloyd. "Just look at what they worship!" Jay pointed to the huge snake statue.

"Let me guess, the Great Devourer." Cole grunted. "This place is just begging to get taken down right now. Watch us!" I whispered.

"All the more reason to get Lloyd out of here." Kai summed up. "This comes to an end, today!"

We charged into the arena, only to be trapped in a cage. Great.

We dropped our weapons as we collided with each other, knocking them out of reach. We groaned as we got up. "Looks like we've caught the main event!" Pythor cackled in his annoying voice. "You again!" I yelled.

We were taken out of the cage and escorted into the center of the arena.

"Main event?" What do you think he meant by main event?" Jay panicked. "I have a feeling we're the main event!" Kai told him. "I'm sure we are!" I exclaimed.

"Or the main course!" Cole added. "You may be right. Thing really may come to an end today!" Zane told Kai.

"Don't worry. The Samurai can still come around to save us." Jay suggested. "Are we sure we want that? I think I'd rather be eaten." I growled.

"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one! I give you, Ninja, versus Samurai!!" Pythor announced in a booming voice.

The dungeon in front of us opened, and from it, the one and only, Samurai. "What?! We have to fight Samurai? But we don't even have our Golden Weapons and he has that hulking thing of armor! It's not fair!!!" Jay shouted.

"I want to see one and for all, who is the greater hero. Is it Samurai? Or ninja! Only the victor will be allowed to leave!!" Pythor yelled again.

"Stay together" Kai ordered. "Perhaps the Samurai will defect to our side and help us fight our way out! Besides, he hates the serpentine too." Zane rationalized.

The Samurai then pulled out a giant Shuriken and flung it at us! "Scratch that! He is not on our team!" Cole yelped as we jumped out of the way.

As we reassumed our positions, the Shuriken knocked Jay in the back if the head, much to the snakes enjoyment.

"Tornado of Creation?" Zane suggested. We all nodded, out if pure desperation. "Fire!" Kai shouted. "Ice!" Zane yelled. "Time!"  I hollered. "Earth!" Cole grunted loudly. "Lightning!" Jay screamed.

We formed our second Tornado of Creation and formed a giant slingshot with a huge, spiked ball!

We shot it at the Samurai, sending him flying back into a wall! We ran in to attack, when we whole arena started tiling backwards!

"Come on! We had him!!" I yelled angrily. "Why can't anyone play fair?" Jay shouted. "We have to make it appear we are fighting for real." The Samurai said.

"We're not fighting for real?" Jay asked. "Just grab on to my X-O Suit." He continued.

We jumped on and began to fly away, but we were slowing down very fast.

Then, without any warning, the stupid Samurai jumped out of his own mech, propelling us into the desert!

"I can't believe he just saved us!" Cole said in awe. "He stole our thunder again!" Kai grunted. "Jays thunder and our awesomeness!!!" I countered. "I hate that Samurai!!" Jay yelled.

Then we realized no one was driving this heap of metal! "How do you steer this thing?" Jay screamed as we plummeted into the sand dunes.

Kai was sent flying to his own place. Of course he was. "Where's Kai?" Jay asked. We looked around, but no Kai.

"Great. Now we lost Kai. The Samurai suit is gone AND we have no way to get home." Jay sulked.

"What do you mean? We can always use our weapons. Wait. We lost our weapons in the fight. Just peachy." I groaned. "I wouldn't say that." Cole pointed to a figure on a sand dune.

It was Kai, holding a sack with our weapons! "I'm not sure I want to go home. Sensei's gonna kill us." Kai groaned.

We got home and talked about what  happened. Kai was finishing up what he'd seen.

"He was all mysterious, never said a word. He just handed me the golden weapons and poof, he was gone." He shrugged.

"Poof? He just poof-ed?" Cole asked sounding suspicious. "Yeah, Kai. We're not five anymore. Poof doesn't work as an excuse." I told him as I put away my toothbrush.

"Now wait a minute Kai. If this guy had his hands on the most powerful weapons in the whole wide world, why would he just give them to you?" Jay asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. Maybe she-" he stopped. "I mean he isn't as bad as we thought. 'Nice recovery' I thought.

"What I do know is that we owe him our lives. Maybe he's made us all a little better." He finished.

"More important, my nephew has found his way into the den of all snakes. I  fear there my be no way to rescue him now."

"Sensei, there's always a way. Don't worry we'll find it." Cole reassured him. Sensei sighed as we went to bed.

"You always stumble over your words when you're hiding something. What are you up to? What do you know about the Samurai?" I whispered to Kai.

"I'll tell you when I tell you. Not a moment sooner." He said. I didn't even care. I was to tired.

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