Five is a crowd

Von JuliaFerrar

2.6K 312 880

COMPLETED- A Police Officer by the name Officer Heart gathers five normal boys to be the new future. He rents... Mehr

1-Just some medicine
3-Steps Inside A Book
5-Stranger corners
6-How could they!
7-Everyone wants to be heard
8-In this together
9-This is youth!
10-Trouble rises
11-The "Princess" moves in
12-Happy birthday?
13-It's what's important
14-I feel your pain
15-"I'm going!"
17-What about the small things?
20-Can we all do this?
21-I want to do this right
22-In this till the end!
23-Not what they expected
24-Break through!
25-This is who we are!
26-Why we are here
27-making it to the finish!
28-"Five is a Crowd!"

18-This is who I am?

55 9 32
Von JuliaFerrar

A/N Here it is! 

Aman woke up to loud pounding on his hotel room door. At first, he thought he was just dreaming, when he realized the sound didn't go away. He sat up swearing under his breath, who on earth could be waking him up at that hour? "One minute!" He through on a pair of black joggers and a matching T so that he could cover the scars on his chest. Then he put the bandana on around his head to cover the bruises. He walked over to the door and unlocked it completely unprepared. His heart stopped, there stood a group of Police officers.

"Aman Trevino you are under arrest."

Aman's heart began to pound, he could feel himself getting light headed and grasped the wall beside him. He could hardly utter a word, what on earth has happened? He could only think of one name, Orson Luz.

"I said you're under arrest!" Repeated the Officer. He held out a pair of handcuffs. Aman cringed at the thought of having those things around his wrists but he knew if he didn't oblige he'd be asking for more trouble. He still couldn't say a word and his lightheadedness was getting worse. He slowly lifted his shaking wrists as the cold metal wrapped around them. He looked up into the eyes of the Police Officer pleadingly. This wasn't one of his cute pleading faces all the girls he's ever known talked about, this one was serious, he was crying on the inside for an explanation.

"What on earth is going on?" He demanded, unable to hold back his temper any longer. He thought he might explode if he tried to keep the peace, this seemed unjust and he still could only hear one name in his mind. Orson Luz.

The Police Officer raised his eyebrows, it was as if he thought Aman had no feelings! Is this how he treats all the criminals he catches? Of course, Aman didn't expect him to be kind but he shouldn't make one feel less human either. "Like you don't know?" He chuckled.

"No, I don't know!" Aman shouted it was half the truth. He knew this had to do with never paying Orson Luz back. Fine, that was wrong of him but he wasn't going to keep the money for good! When he had the time to earn enough he'd pay him back!

"Then you must be drunk because you're the man we are looking for." The Officer pulled on the cuffs as a way of telling Aman to get a move on it.

Aman kept his head down as he walked the halls of the hotel. He didn't want anyone to remember his face, he didn't want to be marked a criminal. Then he was taken down the stairway as if he was a dangerous man. He could feel himself sweat as his body was still weak and bruised. Everything seemed to hurt at that moment, the bruises burned, his head was spinning and aching. He looked down at the cuffs secured around his wrist as if he's murdered, someone! He's done a lot of wrong in his life, but never has he killed anyone, never did he want to except for one time in particular. And those cuffs hurt his wrists, not physically but mentally. It was as if they spoke to him, telling him he's done more than he actually has. Making him feel like a complete moron that should just die! What would his parents think? He could see his Mama, she was always proud of him no matter the son he was. Yet he knew this should be the thing to ruin even that unconditional love of a Mother. And she's seen enough, she didn't deserve this. What a humbling feeling it was to be locked behind those cuffs, not a good kind of humble but a shameful one.

"Get a move on it!" The Officer yanked Aman to the side of the car and began patting him down. Right in front of anyone who was out there. Aman shut his eyes, somehow it made him feel as if he was hiding. "Get back there!" The Officer opened the back door and shoved Aman in.

"You're making a bad decision!" Aman mouthed knowing he had nothing to lose now.

"Don't talk back." Said the Officer, just before he shut the door he lowered his voice. "And call me Officer Thindall."


Javier was off to school again that morning. He still got stomach aches every time. Especially since Luis wasn't there who he happened to be worried about. He hasn't made any other friends, he just ate lunch alone and know one bothered to talk to him. He knew he didn't go out of his way either but he was newer than most, they should be the ones to say something first. He hated the cold weather on top of it. He wondered if they ever had sun and warmth here in Ohio, it was far different from California and Mexico where most days you could run outside barefoot without a coat. And his conscience was killing him, he knew he's done the wrong thing concerning his contract. One of the rules was always, to be honest, the boys were nothing short of liars. He walked along the old streets, passing all the houses that could use a bit of fixing up. Cars sped by.

I hate this, I want to go home. He thought. I should have never agreed to something like this, I clearly wasn't ready.

He kept his head down the whole way thinking of how he had to do everything right. He was a perfectionist and worried about getting all his homework done, making sure he always looked his best and acted his best. It was a lot to keep up with and stressed him out most the time. He entered the school doors once again walking straight to his locker. He didn't look up at anyone. So before class, he went into the bathroom, locked himself in a stall and pulled out his phone.

J- Luis where on earth are you? I have been texting and calling for the last few days? I'm really worried now! Please give me a call, I understand you hate me but just let me know you're okay.


Dylan heard Agustin and Isla talk to one another, they were clearly getting on really well. Perhaps Agustin was going to let Brighton go, besides he forgot all about her which was rude!

"See you later Isla." He heard Agustin say from the entry hall.

"See you, Agustin." Isla was clearly smiling when she said that, even though Dylan couldn't see her he could hear it in her voice.

Dylan heard Agustin coming down the hall, he was waiting by the front door. The boys were leaving together that morning, Dylan had the car but since he started work later that day he was going to drop Agustin off first. Dylan didn't say a thing to Agustin, saving the lectures till they got in the car safe from Isla hearing. Dylan hopped in and Agustin got into the passenger seat. They buckled up and Dylan drove off.

"I added taking the cat into the good deed contract. Then I notified the animal control too, I hope Novi is just a stray so I can keep her. Anyhow they're coming for her this afternoon."

Dylan hated how careless Agustin was being, it was as if Isla or Brighton were never in the picture. Then Agustin's phone buzzed. "Who's that?" Dylan asked.

"My Mama." Agustin smiled.

"What did she say?" Dylan proceeded.

"That she loves me. I miss her."

Dylan was a bit nervous to address Agustin, he didn't want him to feel bad seeing he was very sweet. But he had to lay it out plain, that was all a part of the bond, the one Dylan knew they neglected. "Agustin?"

Agustin turned to him with a smile, he's been much happier again. "Yeah?"

"Are you and Isla back together?"

Agustin blushed. "What?"

"Well, are you?" Dylan repeated.

"No, we're just friends."

Typical answer for a person who's heart been broken. Dylan thought. "What about Brighton?" Dylan asked. He could tell Agustin was beginning to panic, he shifted in his seat and his cheeks were the color of tomatoes.

"Yeah, um I'm so embarrassed." He said.

"Agustin, haven't you said anything to her since?" Dylan knew Agustin wouldn't have, he can't handle these things without some advice.

"No, but she was just as wrong as I was!" Said Agustin.

"You should still give her a call." Dylan felt Agustin looking over at him.

"You mean you don't mind if I talk to her?"

"No, because I don't want her hurt." Said Dylan.

"Alright, I'll call her on lunch."


Luis was in Illinois by that morning, this wasn't his first time around the US so he was familiar with it all. He got out at a pit stop on the freeway when he noticed he received another text from Javier. He knew he should tell him something, that way he wouldn't wonder and what if Javier tells Aman? And Luis liked Javier as a friend, he didn't want him thinking he felt hateful.

L-I'm so sorry I just left Javier, you see my Mama has cancer and is dying. I should have told you sooner but I was so heartbroken when I found out at the party. I didn't know what to make of it, I haven't even been looking at my phone. I don't hate you, Javier, I still want to be your friend.

Luis was still dying on the inside, he wanted a normal life, he wanted normal friends, unlike the ones he had in the gang. Known of them were friends, not even Thian like he thought. And now he was running from the law, just feet away from prison bars. He got back into his car and turned on the radio.

"This is Madison McDaid with the national news. It's been reported that a father and son were running away from someone that had taken their money and injured the father. They made it to Mexico City safely with Officers guarding their room. This morning at five A.M their time the man was caught. He has been taken to Police Headquarters. The man taken into custody happened to be a boy at twenty years old, his name is Aman Trevino,"

"What?!" Exclaimed Luis. "I didn't hear that right!" He lost a bit of control of the car moving into the wrong lane when others around him honked their horns. He could feel his heart pounding, Aman was just in Ohio! How on earth did he get to Mexico City? Luis couldn't imagine this, Aman was still running around on the bad side? And Corey, he was too and Luis knew something was wrong with him. The last time he spoke to Corey over the phone the boy was sick. Why should I worry, I'll let them do what they want but I'm leaving the country. Luis was headed to the airport, he had to get as far away from the law as he could. His reckless thoughts calmed for a moment when he heard about his case over the radio.

"They are still on the lookout for the young boy that robbed Bristol Farms in Los Angeles. They don't know where he is but he was said to be driving a bel air 1957 that was stolen. There are police and search teams all over the country, they're also watching airlines. This boy could leave the country under a false identity. Keep your IDs nearby this boy can be anywhere in the country or even further abroad."

"Stupid!" Shouted Luis. "Why on earth was I so stupid, I could have at least gotten by if I just wouldn't have robbed that store!" Luis shouted he swore under his breath thinking everything was over. What did he have to lose now? Nothing, if he was going to be put behind bars he might as well do something really bad. His plan of going to the airport felt like a waste, security was bound to find something out. "There's no more hiding Luis Gil, your finished." He said to himself. He got off at the nearest exit which was Arlington Heights a suburb of Chicago. He was headed to the city, and he knew exactly what he was going to do.


It was the most lonely feeling, the most angering feeling! Aman couldn't believe where he was, locked behind bars as if he was some kind of criminal. What would he tell Valeria when she grows up? Will he even see her again? Just then he heard a key in his door and looked up. He knew he was dizzy and lightheaded, but what he saw before him was like a dream! He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he was awake! What was going on?! He knew he's done a lot of bad, but should he deserve all of this? He met the young man's eyes and at first, they both didn't say a word to one another. But this was all too familiar, bringing them both back to a time that they hoped to forget.

"It's been a while," Thian spoke first in Spanish, his deep brown eyes still told that same story. The one of sorrow and pain, the one that Aman imagined would be gone by now.

Aman put his head in his hand, he was sitting on an old chair that didn't even belong in a place like this. He hated the feeling it gave in here, the walls covered in mildew, the smell of depression in the air. And here he was, behind the bars facing Thian who was on the laws side. Thain? He didn't ever expect to see him here, Thian was the leader of the gang, he was the one that did some of the worst things. He was always expected to be locked up first, the boys all use to tease him about it. Aman felt ashamed, he couldn't look up at Thain.

"You remember me, right?" Thian asked.

Aman sighed, there was nothing different about Thain, his dark hair was not a shade different, and he still spoke with the same body language, it was hard to believe he ended up on the laws side like that. He was cocky, abrasive and strong. Aman could see him as an Officer but not with the past he had.

"Yeah, and what are you doing here?" Asked Aman still not looking up.

"I'm training, I just wanted to see you after I heard there was an Aman Trivino just arrested." Then again it's not hard to imagine you'd end up here. I'll see you."

Somehow Aman had no more fight left in him. He finally looked up when Thain was walking away, that guy hasn't changed a bit. Aman felt warm tears run down his cheeks. He was feeling so dizzy he knew he would be sick. He went over to the trashcan and knelt beside it. He through everything inside him up which took at least a minute. Still feeling nashis he lay down on the dirty floor. That's when he realized how good he had it back at that old run-down house in Cleveland. He could see Agustin's happy face as he'd bake. Aman always laughed at him but he was really a good boy. And Dylan, he was so sweet. He might get annoying at times but he never wanted any trouble. Javier got on Aman's last nerves, but he was still so young. He was clearly hurting and Aman even missed him. Then there was Brooks, he was in trouble for a different reason than Aman. He was laid up in the hospital, he was facing death at a young age. And Aman wasn't always kind to him but he always had a soft spot for the kid. And little Valeria, she had no parents at them time being, Aman wanted to do all he could to make her a better life. But he was sure that was impossible now. He lay there and began praying to God because he knew God alone was the only one that could help him.


Agustin was on lunch that Winter's afternoon. He was glad to be away from the cold in the warm office building. He felt nervous to call Brighton, he knew he should have done it sooner. He picked up his phone and looked for her name in his contacts and when he found it he clicked it. He waited nervously as it rang, hoping she wouldn't be too upset.

"Hello?" She answered.

He swallowed hard. "Hello, this is Agustin."

There was a pause on the other line. "What did you want?" She asked with a rude tone.

Agustin cleared his throat. "I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I should have done this earlier but I wasn't sure of what to say. I hope you'll forgive me."

"Agustin, how dare you ask me on a date then invite your old girlfriend? That is unacceptable!"

"And you hung all over Aman the whole night!" Added Agustin.

"I did that because you just left me!" Brighton said back.

"Listen to me for a minute Brighton. I invited Isla almost a year ago, I forgot she was even coming!"

"Isla?" Asked Brighton.

"Yeah, she's the girl. I wanted to go and talk with you, I said it right to her face! But then I saw you and Aman on the sofa together and thought it was a lost cause."

There was another pause on the other line. "How am I supposed to believe that?" She asked.

"Aske her, I don't lie." Agustin was feeling horrible, he wasn't a liar. Wait, he was, he lied to Officer Heart and didn't deserve any girl. Feeling guilty he said, "I better go now, my break is almost up."

"Alright, but I still don't know if I believe you."

Agustin hated hearing her say that but he didn't have anything else to say. So he let her think that way. "Goodbye." He then hung up his phone feeling horrible about all he's done. Just then his phone started ringing again.


"You won't believe it!" Agustin heard on the other line. It sounded like Dylan.

"Dylan, take it easy! What on earth is wrong?"

"Aman....he's in jail!"

Agustin hardly made that out Dylan was speaking so fast. "Dyan I didn't catch that, what happened?"

Dylan took a deep breath. "Aman is in jail."

Agustin felt his heart stop. "W -what?"

"Aman is in jail in Mexico City! I saw it on the news!"

"He's in jail? But what did he do?" He asked feeling frantic.

"It says he injured Orson Luz and took his money." Told Dylan.

"But that's not true! What are we going to do Dylan?!"

"I don't know, but Officer Heart is sure to find this out." Said Dylan.

"Maybe that's a good thing." Said Agustin.


Luis was in Chicago, this wasn't his first time here either. He was headed for the Willis Tower. He had no time or life to lose so he jumped out of his car and went into the trunk.


Officer Heart was still out with one of the many swat teams searching the country for Luis Gil. He was on break that evening at a small restaurant in Illinois. They were tracking Luis pretty well and had good ideas on where he might be headed. But they didn't know for sure yet and didn't want to take any chances. Then his phone rang

"Hello?" He answered.

"Officer Heart, this is Officer Thindall. We just arrested an Aman Trevino and he's asking for you."

"What?!" Questioned Officer Heart feeling confused, he knew Aman had a bad past but this couldn't be the same, Aman Trevino. "Where are you?" Officer Heart asked.

"Mexico City, do you know this guy?" Asked Officer Thindall.

"Very well if it's the same, Aman Trevino."

"What other Aman Trevino would there be that knew you?" Aske Officer Thindall.

"What did he do and how did he end up in Mexico City?" Asked Officer Heart, he couldn't believe he'd go against him like this! Did he trust him and where the other boys in on this?

"He was chasing someone down named Orson Luz after injuring him. Well, I better go now. Talk to you later."

Officer Heart couldn't believe this, he couldn't imagine it! Now he was sure this was all a bad idea and he blamed himself for putting these boys together. Especially for putting Javier and Brooks in that situation, they were young and the influence was bound to rub off on them all on account of him. He had to get there, he had to find out what was happening.


Orson and Corey were able to leave that morning, so they left for Guatemala. They took a bus and were nearly there that evening. Corey was sleeping off another intoxication while on the bus when he woke up to a pounding headache.

"Are we almost there?" He asked.

"Soon." Replied Orson.

"What are we going to do once we get there?" Corey asked.

"Keep on running." Replied Orson, he was clearly annoyed with Corey by the way he looked at him with disguised.

"And what do you plan on doing with his contract?" Corey proceeded to ask.

"We will find a good use for it, trust me and quit asking questions." Ordered Orson.


Luis was nearing the Willis Tower with a hand on the right pocket of his denim jacket. He could feel his heart hitting his chest, his conscience telling him he could still turn back. He was angry, he threw away his entire life so he might as well end it like this. To him living in prison was worse than death, he hoped to die. He opened the door looking at anyone who was passing by.

Don't do this Luis. His conscience told him. Go on, you have nothing to lose. Said the other side. He always let the left side win since he was a little boy and he'd steal candy or a penny laying on the street. Why not give into the left side, he's done it so many other times there was no chance in trying to change now. He could never make up for all the wrong he's done. He looked around at all the people and slowly put his hand in his pocket. He could feel the gun as he wrapped his fingers around it. He pulled it out keeping it at chest level. He moved up a bit so that he would be in the center of the crowd then he pulled the gun out. He didn't cover his face, why should he hide from his own evil? Know one saw him, he still had a chance to drop the thing, but no, he's come this far and he wouldn't let himself back out now. His lips began to move and everyone stopped.

"Put your hands up and give me all the money you have!"

There were gasps, everyone looking scared out of their wits. Luis couldn't imagine anyone being scared of his 18-year-old self, but they were. They were so afraid that some people came up to him emptying their purses and wallets! When he felt he had enough he put the gun down and left as quickly as possible, he knew he'd be caught, those people were probably already calling 911. Feeling afraid he jumped in his car and sped off, the tires screeching against the pavement.


Officer Heart was headed to Mexico City after he got permission, he was just leaving the restaurant when his walkie-talkie began buzzing with callers. Luis was spotted in Chicago holding people hostage at the Willis Tower. Officer Heart had to cancel his plans and go with the swat team.

A/N What did you think? Leave a comment. Thank you. :D What does everyone feel about the characters? :D 


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