Jeff Hardy x Trish Stratus

By Emogal19

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Jeff Hardy is a well loved in WWE he and his brother stick together he never thought of falling in love Tris... More

Meet Jeff
Meet Trish
First day at WWE
First match
Matt and Jeff's match
Lita and Jeff's talk
Meeting up again
After Trish and Jeff's match
Where's Jeff
Back in the arena
2 weeks later
Rescuing Trish
In Jeff's locker
3 weeks later
What are we?
A week later
5 days later
Back at the arena
Do you love me? Or not
I'm sorry
Not talking
2 weeks later
You scared us
Back at WWE
Authors note

Fight between the Hardy's

558 7 0
By Emogal19

Matt's POV

I've had enough of Jeff's games he is so childish I can't stand him when he goes into a mood

Lita: Matt what's wrong

Matt: just Jeff

Lita: why

Matt: I hate him

Lita: sweetie you don't  mean that

Matt: of course I mean it he is so childish

Lita: he is younger than you

Matt: I know but he still is childish

Lita: what happened to brothers stick together

Matt: well not anymore

Lita: Matt

Matt: no Lita I'm going *walks out of the room*

I walked out of my locker room and headed towards the parking area and got in my car and drove home since we were in our home town

End of POV

Lita's POV

I was in total shock I can't believe what Matt just said about his own brother I don't know how Jeff will take this I walked down to Jeff's locker room and saw that he was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands I walked up to him and placed my hands on his knees

Lita: Jeff

Jeff: ....

Lita: Jeff please talk

Jeff: why

Lita: because your bro.....

Jeff: he left me didn't he

Lita: *nods slowly* yes I'm so sorry Jeff

Jeff: it's fine 

Lita: you're not upset about him leaving

Jeff: of course I am my own brother disowned me and walked out but I'm saying is he's done it before

Lita: really

Jeff: yeah

I wonder where's Trish

Lita: Jeff

Jeff: yeah

Lita: where's Trish

Jeff: *lifts his head up quickly* I don't know

Lita: let's go 

We ran out of the locker room searching for her 

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I ran down every corridor and I couldn't find her where is she? I am getting really worried now I kept running until I heard crying I ran down that corridor and saw Trish in a corner curled up crying I walked over to her 

Jeff: Trish

Trish: *sees Jeff and wipes her tears away* oh hey Jeff you scared me 

Jeff: Trish what's wrong

Trish: nothing

Jeff: Trish tell me please I want to help like you helped me

Trish: it's nothing I promise I just don't feel well

Jeff: well let's get you back to your locker

Trish: no I'm fine I can walk on my own promise

What is up with her

Jeff: but what kind of boy would I be if I didn't

Trish: I'm fin.....

I didn't wait for her reply I just picked her up and carried her to her locker room and set her down

Trish: you didn't have to do that

Jeff: I know but I wanted to

Trish: *smiles* you're sweet

Jeff: yeah every girl tells me that

I walked out of the room

End of POV

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