Matt and Jeff's match

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Matt's POV

Me and Jeff were getting ready for our match against booker T and test we were in my locker room talking

Matt: have you seen the new girl

Jeff: no

Matt: you've got to she's really nice

Jeff: I haven't had time

Matt: woah what's up

Jeff: nothing

Matt: yes there is

Jeff: it's nothing promise now let's go and win this match

Matt: yeah

I knew something was bothering him but what I need to ask Lita she if she knows but I do hope that doesn't distract him from our match tonight we were about to leave my locker room when Mickie James walked in

Matt: er

Mickie: Matt I've been told that your match won't start

Matt: what

Mickie: your match has been set back for 20 minutes

Jeff: why

Mickie: don't know I've just been told to tell you that

Then she walked out okay first Jeff won't tell me what's wrong and now our match got set back for 20 minutes what is going on today I wonder where Lita is so I walked down the corridor to Lita's dressing room and I knocked

Lita: come in

I walked in the room and I saw Lita sitting by Trish talking and laughing

Lita: hey where's Jeff

Matt: I need your help

Lita: why what's wrong

Matt: it's Jeff

Lita: what about him

Trish: I best be going

Lita: no stay I don't want you to be alone

Trish: you sure this sounds personal and I don't want to get involved

Lita: it's okay

Trish: okay

Trish sat down again

Matt: something is up with him and he won't tell me

Lita: huh he tells you everything

Matt: I know what is he hiding from me

Lita: when I see him I will talk to him and see if I can get it out of him

Matt: okay thanks babe

Trish: Matt isn't your match on in 5 minutes

Matt: oh yeah I forgot

Lita: good luck

Matt: thanks babe

End of POV 

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