Back at the arena

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Trish's POV

I am forcing myself to stop after 2 minutes I stopped because I thought of Jeff and everyone around me

???: Trish Matt is on his way

I just can't deal with the pain I may or may not have made a few scars on my wrist

???: Trish it's me Matt come on open the door I have someone who wants to talk to you

Trish: you don't

Matt: actually I do

???: babe open the door

Is that ... no it can't be I stood up slowly and dried my tears away and opened the door and saw Jeff, Matt, Lita, Chyna and Torrie

Chyna: we were worried

Jeff: hey I'm fine

Trish: *looks down*

Jeff: *lifts her head up* nothing will stop me from saving you

Trish: *smiles*

Lita: so what's with the blood thing

Trish:*acts clueless* what blood thing

Chyna: I saw blood

Then they walked in and they looked around and saw the blade I used they turned around and I ran I didn't bother looking back I then bumped into Chris Jericho

Chris: hey

Trish: gotta go

Chris: *grabs her wrist*

Trish: *winces in pain* ow

Chris: sorry didn't mean to grab onto you that tight

Trish: no it's fine

I ran off again

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and my brother walked into the arena I saw people clapping and welcoming me back I smiled at them and we went off to Trish's locker room she finally came out then Chyna mentioned the blood thing I was getting suspicious now then we walked in and we found the blade and then she ran I ran after her I saw her talking to Jericho then she ran off again


I saw her sitting outside on a bench in the dark I sat besides her

Jeff: why?

Trish: what are you on about

Jeff: why Trish why would you do that

Trish: because I was upset I promised myself I wouldn't go back to doing that but I did and I couldn't stop myself

Jeff:but you have me

Trish: I know but losing you hurt me the most

End of POV

Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now