Five is a crowd

De JuliaFerrar

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COMPLETED- A Police Officer by the name Officer Heart gathers five normal boys to be the new future. He rents... Mais

1-Just some medicine
3-Steps Inside A Book
5-Stranger corners
6-How could they!
7-Everyone wants to be heard
8-In this together
9-This is youth!
10-Trouble rises
11-The "Princess" moves in
12-Happy birthday?
13-It's what's important
14-I feel your pain
15-"I'm going!"
18-This is who I am?
20-Can we all do this?
21-I want to do this right
22-In this till the end!
23-Not what they expected
24-Break through!
25-This is who we are!
26-Why we are here
27-making it to the finish!
28-"Five is a Crowd!"

17-What about the small things?

36 6 19
De JuliaFerrar

Here's the next chapter! be sure to let me know what you think! :D :D 

Luis had made it to Indiana by the next morning, he's been following the news on his case and wherever the law was, he made sure he wasn't.


"I can't believe Aman's going to Mexico City!" Agustin stated that morning just before Isla got there.

"It's his problem." Said Dylan, he was dressing Valeria.

"No, it's mine! I was the one that let Orson Luz in this house!" Agustin was pacing his bedroom.

"How were you supposed to know? Aman should have been honest with us in the first place when he called you saying he needed a ride home." Dylan was angry with Aman although he still felt sorry for him.

"Why don't you guys stop trying to figure this out, it's all Aman's fault and I have a good mind to tell Officer Heart." Agustin and Dylan both glared at Javier.

"Well, you're probably right that is if you want to lose Aman as a friend forever." Said Dylan.

"He's never been a friend!" Shouted Javier.

"What about when you two use to stay up all hours of the night laughing in your room?" Questioned Agustin.

"That's when he use to at least try to be nice, but even then I knew he would be the one to blow this whole thing." Replied Javier looking sure of his statement.

Valeria seemed quite sure too, she cooed loudly. Agustin stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Asked Dylan as he held the child up in his arms. She was wearing his scarf for her shirt. Dylan wrapped it around her chest then tied it at the back. Then he put a bib around her legs.

"Dylan what did you put on her? Come here Valeria, you can't be comfortable." Agustin took the child from Dylan.

"That's all that's clean!" Dylan protested.

"Oh no, we have no time for anything anymore." Said Agustin. "Looks like one of us needs to get to the laundromat."

"Maybe that explains why your shirt smells so bad." Said Dylan.

"Does my shirt smell bad Javier?" Asked Agustin growing red in the face from anger.

"I didn't want to break it you." Shrugged Javier.

"And you two were going to let me out like this?!" Asked Agustin.

"When was the last time you washed that thing?" Dylan eyed the red and blue flannel Agustin was wearing open over a black T.

"I-I don't know, like two weeks ago?"

The other boys gasped. "We were just teasing, but now that you mentioned it, Javier be my gusset and smell Agustin's shirt!" Said Dylan.


"No!" Shouted Agustin dashing out of the room with Javier on his tail. "Leave me alone!" He laughed all the way to the front door. He was headed to work when he flung it opened to end up face to face with, "Isla!" He exclaimed.

She had a hand over her mouth laughing. "Good morning Agustin."

Agustin felt his cheeks go red. "Good morning, come on in."

Isla looked over at Javier. "Hey Javier, what are you doing?" He was lingering behind Agustin very closely.

"I was just checking if his shirt smelled okay." Told Javier. Isla raised her eyebrows.

"Javier, go to school." Agustin snarled at him.

"See ya later." Javier left the two alone and Agustin couldn't even look at Isla, not after what just happened.

"Don't blush Agustin, I don't mind. I also have something I'd like to say."

Agustin finally looked up feeling his natural pigment returning. "What is it?" He asked.

"Well, I'd like to work here full time, Valeria's such a sweet child and I feel comfortable."

Agustin felt his hopes rise, she wanted to be here? But did he want her to be here? He never did stop loving her he just wasn't sure he wanted to be her boyfriend again. Why on earth am I acting this way? She never even said she wanted to be my girlfriend. Agustin thought.

"Isla that's great, we really need someone to rely on." He replied.

"What would Aman say about it?" Isla asked.

"You know what, he left her in our care without even asking. This is our choice to make, you can have the job."

"Oh thank you, Agustin, because I can't wait to quit my original job." She smiled.

"Where were you working?" Agustin asked.

"Drug Mart, I know it sounds horrible and I'm glad to leave it! It's a good place I just need a change." She explained.

Agustin couldn't help how she played with his heartstrings, it all began when they first met. They ended up on the sofa beside each other while playing a game at a house party. He knew he had to talk to her afterward, she seemed so sweet and friendly. "You look beautiful Isla." He told her.

"Thank you, Agustin, you look fine yourself."

Agustin smiled. "Even with these on?" He asked pointing to the black rim glasses he wore every now and then.

"Even with those, I think they look rather studies on you." Said Isla.

"Good because I thought I looked like a woman librarian!" Then he made his voice higher. "What kind of books are you looking for?" Isla was laughing hard, that's what Agustin loved about her. She was always so happy.

Just then Dylan came down interrupting them. "Well, look what we have here." Agustin was blushing but Isla wasn't. "Awe Agustin is blushing."

Agustin rolled his eyes. "I better go, thanks, Isla." He walked to work feeling happy, he's been crabby and depressed ever since he and Isla broke up. At least now he could be in her presence which felt like enough for at that moment. He liked how she was so down to earth, unlike Brighton who was all glam which that was okay in itself. But Isla was beautiful even in her sweater and jeans. Agustin never thought he was good enough for her since she was always so caring and sweet. He loved how she accepted him for who he was. She even told him he looked fine. He was just wearing his hair as usual, in shaggy bangs across his forehead. He had dark brown hair and he was shorter. His eyes were brown but he was always smiling. His skin was on the lighter side, especially compared to some of the other boys. He looked a bit younger than his age which wasn't always easy, but Isla didn't mind and if Isla didn't mind then he didn't either. He knew work would be great for him that day because he felt as if he had something to look forward too.


Flying Cyrus and the boys could feel they were almost there, they knew it was lurking in those woods behind them. They couldn't wait to get off the boat and run through the thick trees. "Come on guys!" Flying Cyrus called to the four lagging behind him. They were at the foot of the woods just staring at them wondering what they held. "What do we do now?" Asked Cole. "We go inside, I can tell this is it." Flying Cyrus was so sure of it and the other boys agreed. So into the forest, they went running between the trees! But everything came to an end, in front of them stood one very tall tree. It was blocking the way for them. Flying Cyrus turned to the other boys. "We're stuck, what do we do?" He asked them. "You were the one that said this was a good idea!" Said Dane. "Well, don't blame me!" Replied Cyrus. "Let's turn back around I don't like it here." Cried, Casey. So that's exactly what the boys did and to the boat, they returned.

Brooks could feel his eyes getting tired so he put down the book. He didn't even hear the door opening nor did he see someone coming in. "Good morning Brooks, how are you darling?"

He looked up to see Maya coming to his bed. He wasn't sure of anything other than the book. That was something he understood perfectly. "Who are you?" He asked in Spanish, he hasn't spoken an ounce of English since last night with Brighton and that was on and off too.

"Brooks, you have to speak in English, I don't understand Spanish dear." Maya gently told him.

"Dr. Maya he's not going to listen, I feel like I've lost my baby." Said Delfia, there was the sound of tears in her voice.

"I understand, this must be very hard for you. Can you tell me what's been going on? How is the feeding tube working?" Maya took the seat beside Delfia. Brooks have been moved from the IICU to a regular room that morning after final testing.

"I think he's doing well, he already had his first feeding and does not appear to be sick," Delfia explained.

"How can you tell he doesn't feel well since he can't explain himself all the time?" Maya asked.

"He'll seem less happy if you notice even now he's smiling. I'd say he's doing fine."

Maya looked over at Brooks, he was looking at his phone, he was grinning behind the mask. "I'm glad, but I want him to have three feedings a day, okay?" Maya asked.

"We are willing to do anything, our baby has been sick since he was in the womb. Thank you for your help D.r." Delfia was smiling but there was a sign of sorrow behind it.

Maya patted her shoulder. "I've been praying for him, all my patients are a concern to me, I like to see all of them happy. But there's something different about Brooks."

"Thank you D.r." Said Delfia.

Brooks looked up when Maya left, he felt lonely but he couldn't explain it to anyone. He fiddled with the spot in his abdomen where the feeding tube went. He hated how it felt having something artificial sticking out of his body.

"Brooks, don't do that." Delfia gently reminded him.

He just looked at her but listened, then he lay back and shut his eyes.


Aman made it to Mexico City that evening. He was low on money after spending it on plane tickets. He felt exhausted and a bit guilty for neglecting everyone back home. For one Brighton who clearly cared something about him. And Valeria, she needed him and he wanted to be there for her. But he needed to stop Orson now while she was still young so that when she grows up she won't know a thing about this. She won't know that her papa had to borrow money and ended up in a rut because she was going to be born. He knew he wasn't recovered from his concussion as he lay down in the room he rented. It was a run down hotel, dirty and old. He was tempted to sleep in the streets in order to save money, but who knows where Orson was! He felt nervous that night as he lay down hoping to catch some sleep.

Tomorrow. He thought. Tomorrow I will find Orson Luz.


That evening all the boys went to visit Brooks and when they returned to the house, it was ten P.M. They brought Valeria with them and she stayed mostly quiet, Brooks enjoyed hanging out with her too.

"I hate seeing Brooks like that." Said, Agustin, as the boys got back home.

"He wasn't sure of who we even were, I know he said he knew but I don't believe him." Said Dylan.

"Let me lock the doors, you guys go on inside," Augustin told the other two, he wanted to close the garage door out back. It was his turn and usually, the other boys (except for Javier,) didn't do it on their turns. But he liked to have everything in order. He walked up the driveway to the garage in the back. It was dirty and old in there and that's where they kept the car. Other than that they don't use it for anything else but a shovel for the snow and a lawn mower that doesn't even work anymore. Agustin was glad that fall wasn't for a whole two more season because the last rake broke.

He still remembered that day in October, all the big trees have lost most of their leaves covering the yard in red, yellow and orange. Dylan and Brooks were outside raking, (Brooks a bit stronger at the time.) It was a Saturday afternoon and known of them had work. Things seemed to be better at the time, at least that's how they saw it. Agustin's Mama always told him not to idolize the past, just think of the fond memories as another little story that will add to your list of happy things. Agustin stopped at the foot of the garage to think for a moment, Aman was being kind to everyone that afternoon. He just pulled up in the driveway shouting, "Pumpkins!" Agustin and Javier ran out to see what he was talking about. Not all of them really used to this kind of weather, the leaves changing and the cooler air. So to them, it was like Christmas. Aman jumped out of the car gaining all the boys attention. He opened the trunk and there sat two big orange pumpkins! Everyone was excited, Agustin couldn't wait to decorate the front porch. 

"Where on earth did you get those?" Javier asked, a bit snotty as usual.

"I found them at a stand, they were cheap too." Aman ran a hand through his curls.

"That's great Aman!" Agustin exclaimed but all the other boys laughed at him. "What?" He asked.

"That's great Aman, now I can be the little Mommy and decorate the house." Teased Dylan.

"That's not fair to say, everyone is excited, aren't' you Brooks?" Agustin looked over at Brooks who was holding the rake.

"Sure, if we could smash them then it would be really exciting!" Brooks laughed.

"Well, that's not why Aman bought them, right?" Agustin asked looking in Aman's direction.

"To be exact, yes. I thought we could do it on Halloween and smear it on other houses. But we have to leave the neighborhood to do that, we don't want the neighbors finding out we were the ones." Told Aman, the boys all started laughing at Agustin again.

"No fair!" Agustin took the rake from Brooks and gave Aman a playful nudge with it. Soon enough all the boys were chasing each other around, seeing who could get the rake first and hit someone with it. They ended up squashing the pumpkins in the process and Aman broke the rake. But it was fun, good fun.

Agustin missed those times, the boys weren't permanently living there yet, Officer Heart just gave them a week every now and then in 2016 to try things out together. It wasn't till 2017 they actually moved in and Officer Heart rented the house. But Agustin knew it was those small things in life, the ones that are the most memorable. He pushed the happy thought away tucking it into his heart as his Mama always said, then went to close the garage. He was walking down the driveway to the house when a screeching noise sounding something like a small animal turned his attention. He saw nothing in the darkness, the only thing giving him light was his phone. So he just turned back to the house when it happened again. It sounded like a cat and Agustin wondered if it was hungry. He turned back around and saw something small scamper by him in the shadows. He knelt down and began calling for it.

"Kitty, come here, I won't hurt you." He heard the little footsteps getting closer. "Come on kitty." Then something soft rubbed up against the hand he was holding out. He slowly lowered his phone to get a better look hoping it wouldn't get scared. It didn't, instead, it just stare up at him with big green eyes. It looked skinny from what he could make out in the dark and it wasn't wearing a collar. "You must be hungry and cold, let's see if we have anything inside." Agustin lifted the little kitten into his arms, it seemed afraid at first, putting its claws out as if it wanted to scratch. But he calmed it back down by speaking soothing words to it.

"We can't keep a cat in here Agustin!" Dylan insisted as they watched the black cat sip some of the warm milk Agustin poured into one of Valeria's bowls. It was in the middle of the small kitchen as if it was the King or Queen already.

"But it's so lonely, tomorrow I'll find out if it belongs to anyone." Said Agustin. "What should I name you?"

"Agustin, you don't even know if it's a boy or a girl." Javier lifted the cat and turned it over. "She's a girl." He said placing her back on the floor.

"Then I will call her," Agustin looked down at the cat. "Novia."

Dylan raised his eyebrows. "She's far from a that Agustin, she's dirty."

Agustin shot him a look. "She just needs some love and she'll look great in no time. Come on Novi." He scooped the cat up as the other two laughed at him.

"Novi, he already gave her a nickname." Said Javier mockingly.

Agustin brought her to his room then put her on his bed. At first, she jumped off so he decided he'd just leave her be. Cats are nocturnal anyways. He went into the bathroom, got ready for bed then came back in to lay down. There she was curled up on his pillow purring. "I knew you'd like me." He said. He pulled back the covers and lay down with his head beneath the pillow. She poured some more then began pawing at his head. Agustin started laughing. "Silly girl that's my hair!" But she didn't mind, she just kept on doing it till he laughed so hard his stomach hurt.

Then the door opened. "Keep it down Agustin, you'll wake up Valaria!" Dylan said. Then he noticed what was going on. "Agustin you are something else."

Agustin was sure this was one of those small things in life, the ones you can go back to and smile at. He missed his Mama very much.

A-I love you mama

He texted her that night.


Corey hasn't slept at all since the Police Officers have been outside their room. The thing was Corey and Orson weren't allowed to leave for the time being. Orson was upset about that, he's been letting it out on Corey who was too drunk to even realize most the time. But it was that night when Corey was just a bit tipsy. He was laying in his bed half asleep, a small light was still on as Orson hadn't gone to bed yet. Corey woke fully when he felt his covers being pulled off.

"Get up Corey!" Orson demanded. Corey was too tired to move. "Come on get up!" Orson used his strong hands to pull Corey up so that he was in a sitting position. "You're drunk again!"

Corey was still a bit tipsy but not drunk. "I'm not." He complained. His head was throbbing.

"Then why on earth are you in nothing but your boxers?" Asked Orson, Corey usually wore at least sweatpants to bed. He never did like to expose himself.

He looked down at his bare legs feeling his cheeks flush. "I don't know but I want to go back to sleep."

"No, you need to explain to me about Thian."

"Thian? He's a friend." Said Corey, he didn't mean that he was acting like a fool in his state.

"You didn't tell me he was working with the law! He's bound to get us in trouble!"

Corey just shrugged, he didn't know either and at this point was too tired and tipsy to care. He just lay back down pulling the cover over himself again.

"Stupid boy! I should have never asked you for help, to begin with!" Orson slapped Corey right across the eyes. Corey just blinked a few times then hid his face in his pillow. He didn't know why Thian was there, he didn't even know he way going to be working with the law.

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