By Brink_of_pure_awe

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I woke up at six at night to a loud alarm I went to the computer and it flashed PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING IN T... More

Chapter One Brey: A life changed
Chapter Two Nick: My Parents' wishes
Chapter Three Haleigh: Mission 1
Chapter four Justin: Fast forward
Chapter five Victoria: the return
Chapter Six Daniel: Surprise
Chapter Seven Chloe: Austin Smith
Chapter Eight Chloe: Dating
Chapter Nine Chloe: Lies
Chapter Eleven Emily: Exit Stage Right
Chapter Tweleve Nick: Payment
Chapter Thirdteen Haleigh: Changes and Betrayal
Chapter Fourteen Justin: Assistance
Chapter Fifteen Tori: the unknown
Chapter Sixteen Daniel: well then
Chapter Seventeen Danny: FML
Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last
Chapter Nineteen Chloe: Normal not Boring
Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

Chapter Ten Chloe: the TRUTH

47 4 0
By Brink_of_pure_awe

Dad went downstairs and told Austin that he should leave, but He kept telling my dad that he needed to talk to me. I walked down stairs to find an entirely different person standing there, and this boy looked menacing wearing a solid black shirt and jeans. With a gun on one side and a hunting knife on the other. "I don't want another lie" I said "I promise you that I will not lie to you anymore" he answered. "Well then tell me" I said "I am definitely not doing that here" he replied I told him that I'm not going somewhere for him to kill me "I'm not going to kill you" he responded rolling his eyes. He tossed me a helmet and I got on the back of his motorcycle and we rode to our little spot near the peak of Mingus Mountain.

"What did you lie to me about" I started "a lot" he answered. "Did you actually go to prison" I yelled at him, He calmly said yes, "did you beat up those people," "yes." "Are your Parents and Brother Dead," "yes." For the next hour, I just stood there asking what was and wasn't a lie and I was so mad, but not at him for lying at me for forgiving and believing him. I was mad that I was starting to trust him, and when I was done interrogating him I found myself feeling safe in his arms. Then I asked him if he loved me and he whispered "yes" in my ear, and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. Then I heard someone pull up, felt a sharp pain in my side, heard a bang, and everything went black.

I woke up on a dusty couch, Austin I mean Nick and Kecia were loading their guns, and I had a huge headache. I moaned and Nick finally looked up "good morning beautiful" he said lifting me up. He gave me a kiss on the cheek then pulled me up my side was burning "what happened" I asked "what do you remember" he countered. "A really loud gunshot" I answered "sorry" Kecia called out from the corner. "Oh, by the way this is Brey she is pretty much my Robin" he said "Don't lie to yourself, I am definitely Batman" she replied playfully. I asked how long was I out Brey said "like three days" while Nick said "an hour at most." They both got a notification on their phones then Brey grabbed some stuff from the table and left the room, and I asked Nick what was going on then he said that my parent were on their way here.

Three minutes later my mom, dad, brothers, and sister burst into the room all their guns aimed on Nick. "Chloe get away from him" dad said "dad calm down" I said "honey he has killed at least eighty people since he has got here" mom said walking closer to Nick. He turned to me and said "it's not eighty its forty-five at best" "see he admits it" she yelled. Nick snatched her gun out of her hands, unloaded it, and tossed it on the couch. Mike and Heather were ready to kill him right there, but I tried to calm them down by explaining what was going on. Everything started calming down, and I was trying to get my family to put away their guns. Mike and Heather holstered theirs first then my dad, and just as Johnathan was starting to move Brey walked in and Jonathan fired two shots at her.

Brey threw a knife in his shoulder then walked over and threw him to the ground. She beat the hell out of him everyone tried to get her off him she knocked out Heather and Mike in the process and threw a knife in his other shoulder. By the time Nick finally got her to calm down she had given my dad a bloody nose that was probably broken. "Y'all need to go" she said "We're not going anywhere without Chloe" my mom said Then we heard a few people pull up. Brey pushed me in to a small room and pushed the rest of my family in there with me then shut the steel door. It was so dark and smelled like rust then I heard someone come in and he and Nick started talking then the shooting started there was a loud banging on the steel door then blood started seeping from under it after about five minutes of shooting we heard someone start screaming then complete silence.

Nick opened the door and put his arm on my shoulder and walked me out of the building shielding my eyes with his huge bicep. He took me to my parent's car and as always opened the door for me my parents walked to the car then drove off. I asked them my dad why his computer had a database full of spies and assassins Heather said "Put it together Chloe." The entire ride home my loving family were explaining that they were all spies and why the kept it from me and I wasn't really surprised. The next morning I woke up and I saw everything a bit clearer and continued like everything was normal. That weekend Nick took me to the rest of his family; Hunter, Nick's roommate and best friend besides Brey, his girlfriend Victoria or Tori who was a computer genius and so sweet. Haleigh who reminds me of Reese Witherspoon in legally blonde but not as rich, Emily is a true extrovert who Nick thinks is bossy. Then there was Justin who Nick described as bossy and annoying and Daniel who was just annoying, but I thought they were both funny.

I finally asked Nick a question that had been bothering me "what did you have to do to get out of killing me" I asked instantly regretting it. "I owe ARES a favor" he answered I asked him who Ares was and he said "a huge group of major assassins that I'm a part of." I asked him what he had to do "I don't know I hope it's not something too crazy" he said "define too crazy" I said. "To get in I had to kidnap a FBI agent, get caught, get released, get arrested, break out, and then get the charges dropped all in two weeks" he answered "Okay" I said not knowing how to reply. "You do know you can't tell anyone about this" he said "I kind of figured that" I replied. Before going home, I asked him one last question "so what happens to me after your mission is over" "my love if you don't break up with me you may be stuck with me for a while" he answered He kissed me and it was the most amazing feeling in the world and I thought if this was the rest of my life I would be a very happy person.

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