The Flame Queen: Book One of...

By EllieMItchell93

487 76 77

To All You Daring Adventurers, Prepare To Venture Into The Realms of Peradon, But Do So At Your Own Risk...F... More

A Brief History of Peradon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

15 2 4
By EllieMItchell93

Month 6/10


Violetta blinked open her eyes, noting how her hands gripped the sides of her pillow as her lungs expanded with the first delicious breath of morning. Her nightmares were back. Her latest escapade had seen Lord Jork's childhood gift to her transform into a glass vial, which began to drain away her life. Violetta's spine tingled at the mere thought of it. She paused to think about her childhood treasure, stowed away in the depths of her room. For months now she had thought of fetching it, yet no matter how much time passed, Violetta couldn't banish her feelings of guilt.

Violetta thought back a week to her first council meeting. She'd found it rather illuminating and replayed the details through her mind.

She had been acquainted with many interesting new people; various dignitaries and the like. Then there was the Emperor Ryore. She recalled the man's marine eyes and how they appeared to hide a secret within. He seemed a strange character, with that jagged scar that both intrigued and terrified her. Violetta remained curious as to how he'd acquired it, but had refrained from asking at the risk of appearing rude.

She tried to put Ryore from her mind for now and made to wash the night from her skin. After an effort of vigorous scrubbing, Violetta returned to her bed chambers, glad to be feeling vaguely human once more. She dressed for the day, her mind filling with promising thoughts; of dreams and a life beyond the control of others.

A loud knock pulled her out of her reverie.

'Violetta, are you up?'

Her blood ran cold. She ran to bolt the chamber door. She hadn't expected company and was desperate to spend a few more minutes alone. She sped past the antique dresser, stifling a curse as she stubbed her toe.

'You are late, princess!'

The door opened before she could reach it, revealing the lean figure of Jermise. Violetta blinked.

'I do not remember receiving a summons.'

Her confidant fixed her hands on her hips, looking none too impressed with the princess' tone.

'Your father urgently requests your presence in the throne room and he wants you looking smart. We have a guest.'

Violetta glanced down at the dress she had chosen. It was a silken over-dress in cream, with tiny pearl beads that lined the chest, making its calm colour glisten like crystal.

'But I look fine,' she pleaded.

Jermise shook her head and made for the dresser. She grasped the crystal-handle of a hairbrush, beckoning her charge to sit. 'Shall we?'


Violetta halted at the throne room's entrance. Her father's purpose began to trouble her. It was unlike him to spring a meeting upon her. And a visitor? She took a deep breath, swallowing her fear.

'Highness?' Violetta tiptoed into the room, gazing at her father in his golden throne 'May I approach?'

King Eagan looked pleased that she had come well-groomed and immediately waved his daughter up.

The long strides up the room made Violetta wince. She could see that her father appeared restless, his chin cupped within one of his over-sized palms. There was a look in his eyes that she couldn't place. Whatever it was, it made her skin crawl.

She halted before the throne and did her best to withstand the room's harsh glow. Lord Jork was stood beside her father, smiling in a patient manner. Jork is the guest? Why is he here? Violetta drew close, noting the way her father's mood lightened, a broad smile lifting his lips.

'Father. Lord Jork.'

Violetta bowed before the throne. As she rose, she nodded her head to Lord Jork in greeting.

'Welcome daughter. I trust you slept well.'

King Eagan's tone was warm and loving, suggesting nothing untoward. Violetta nodded. She didn't wish to worry him with details of her recent dreams. She felt her eyes drifting back over to Jork when she noticed him staring directly at her. A hint of worry crept into his crimson eyes.

'Lord Jork wishes to know your impressions of your first council meeting.'

There it was, their desire to pick her brains. Violetta urged herself to avoid Jork's gaze and chose instead to glance down at her feet.



'It was interesting.'

Violetta felt her fingers itching against the skin of her arm. She prayed that her father would take the bait and would not continue to press the matter. To her surprise, he let out a throaty chuckle.

'Ha! So it was, and what of the Emperor Ryore, my dear?'

'What of him?'

Violetta opted to appear indifferent, but she could already tell that her cheeks had betrayed her. Her nails scratched more fervently against her arm.

'Is he important to you, father?'

Eagan turned to regard Jork. His lips were bent in a half-frown.

'How do you feel about him as a man?'

Violetta's cheeks flared anew. Her father's question was blunt, leaving her at a loss for words. She envisioned the young man; pale as ice, with sea-blue eyes that hid a dark secret. She studied the image within her mind and had to admit that she found him curious.

'I'm waiting.'

Violetta's lips began to part.

'He seemed nice enough.'

That wasn't the answer the king had expected. His eyes glared out from beneath deep furrows. Before Violetta could ease the tension, he spoke up, his voice raised to a shout.

'It would be wise for you to forget the man! He would make a powerful ally, sure, but it would cost you centuries of our ancestor's honour.'

Violetta stumbled back as her father pounded his fist on the arm of the throne.

'If you chose to pursue such a man, it would be an enormous disgrace! His father is thought to have been a traitor and as always has been, his kind are our sworn enemies! I needn't remind you of what that means!'

His voice cut through Violetta's resolve, nearly reducing her to tears.

Lord Jork cast a solemn glance in her direction. He was a good man, deep down in his heart and Violetta took comfort in the fact that he sympathized with her. It was her father that was acting a fool.

'Honestly, I don't really know what to make of Ryore, father! He seems odd and so I am curious, yes. That by no means suggests that I have some baser desire to pursue him! I would rather be free to live my own life than to rule, be it alone or with someone beside me!'

Violetta's lips trembled with each word. Lord Jork stepped forward, placing his hands upon his dear friend's shoulders.

'Eagan, there is no need for us to jump to conclusions.'

But the king's eyes had grown steely.

'You shall not forsake your birthright!' he cried. 'You are to succeed me and that is all there is to it! Now, do away with such foolish notions.'

Eagan's words cut through his daughter like blunt knives. He rose from his throne with a frightful scowl.

'You used to like Xyhoni well enough. Why not consider him as a suitor?'

With these words, his voice softened.

Violetta felt herself flush. While it was true that she had feelings for Xyhoni, there wasn't anything that could possibly come of them. He had been like a brother to her ever since Darius had fled from their world. And Ryore? He intrigued her in ways she didn't fully understand, in ways that made her body quiver.

'Shouldn't I be allowed to make my own decisions?' she cried. 'You don't even allow me to practice magic anymore! Why?'

The king shook his head from side to side. Violetta could see his powers beginning to show, the odd flame darting out from his palms.

'You know why,' he seethed. His face was puckered in concentration as he struggled to keep a hold on his magic. 'Now go, before I lose my temper with you.'

Violetta had been happy to oblige her father's wish. She strode back through the brisk corridors, feeling proud for having been honest with him, yet disappointed with his curt response. As she neared her chambers, her thoughts returned to the man her father despised. It had never been her intention to marry. Marriage only led to heartbreak.

Violetta reached her private chambers to find the door already ajar. She crept up to the slight gap that had formed between the frame and pressed her ear as close as she dared. Hearing no voices, she made the decision to enter, unaided.

Violetta closed the door behind her, ignorant of the shadow that trailed her steps. The chamber window beckoned her over. It offered a sublime view of the sunlit gardens below. Extraordinary specimens were in full bloom, squirting their signature scents into the air. It was a sensory safe haven. A place of true peace.

Violetta thought back on her father's words. They jabbed at her insides, piercing her with the hatred they held. Why can't he try to see things from my point of view? Ryore had seemed a nice enough man. They should put aside their ancestor's differences and embrace a new era filled with love and compassion.

She sighed, 'Some life.'


The princess darted a glance behind her, certain she had seen a dark shape. There was no one. Just a passing shadow of her own making. She turned back to the window and then she saw it, reflected in the clear glass. It materialised beside her, stretching a shadowed arm through the air.

Violetta hid her face in her hands, too terrified to break away from the safety of her temporary blindness. She had seen a face, the most terrible face she could have imagined, leering at her from a dark corner. She half expected the thing to creep up behind her. When nothing happened, she withdrew her hands.

No trace of the apparition remained.

'Violetta.' A voice hung as a faint whisper in the air, causing sweat to trickle down between her shoulders.

'Yes?' she answered.


The princess turned, alarmed to find Jermise within the open doorway.

'Jermise, you called?' she asked, uncertain.

'I feel that we should discuss your options.'

Violetta felt her eyebrows raise. She backed away, for want of space since seeing the mysterious shadow.

'Options?' she asked.

'Yes. Emperor Ryore has decided to throw a ball in your honour, much to your father's distaste.'

Violetta took a moment to process this. She supposed her confidant had heard of the disagreement between herself and the king.

'A ball, in my honour?'

'Indeed.' Jermise held up a scroll for her to see. It was ice blue, with a frosted detail embossed on the outer parchment. 'An invitation, Highness.'

Violetta's face was a blank mask. Such an announcement had thrown her. She had no idea what Ryore was expecting of her, but there was one way to find out. She closed the distance to Jermise and snatched the invite from her grasp. Without thinking, she hurled her weight against the older woman, heaving her out of her private chambers.

She'd have to be swift for her plan to work. Violetta deployed the door's emergency lock, something her father had installed when she and Darius had been young. Although she breathed a sigh of relief that it worked, old memories had begun to pull at her thoughts and she hadn't the time to dwell on the past.

Wiping away a stray tear, Violetta began searching the room.

'Princess! What do you think you are doing?'

Jermise rapped hard on the wood of the door. She may have been slender, but she was strong. The knocking crashed against the varnished wood, sending the walls of the princess' chambers shuddering.

In a panic Violetta unfurled the scroll when drops of blood began to appear. She noted a wound on one of her fingers and brought it to her lips, pressing her tongue to the rip in the flesh. The blue scroll drew her attention once more. Violetta let the delicate hand-written lines pass her by, studying the parchment's crumpled edges.

Jermise's knocking was unrelenting. How can one woman make such an awful racket? Violetta needed to speed things up. If Jermise's efforts continued, then there was no doubt that her father would be called upon. She needed a retreat, a place where no-one would disturb her.

From beyond the door came Jermise's cries.

'You need to accept your responsibilities!'

Violetta clasped her hands over her ears. She could feel guilt stabbing into her core, again and again in excruciating jolts.

She slipped the scroll into the front of her dress, noting with confusion that her cut had vanished. Violetta let the thought fly over her head. She approached one of the chamber's panelled walls, searching for something she'd long forgotten; something she and Darius had discovered as kids.

She ran her fingers along the aged wood, where they came to brush over a shallow dent. A smile tickled the curve of her lips. Balling her hands into fists, she knocked twice, prompting the panel to fly open.

A dark crevice stared back at her. Violetta stood for a moment, staring into the heart of the tunnel.


Jermise's cries were louder than ever. Violetta paid them no heed and began scrambling into the dark hole, making sure to pull the secret door back into its place.

Violetta's entire body began to shiver. It was draughty here and her heavy breathing only served to cause further panic.

'Fear not,' soothed a small voice in her mind. 'For I will guide you through the darkness.'

Violetta felt her shoulders relax. She thought of her mother; of how wise and brave she had been in life. Now it was her turn.

She edged forward, blind to her immediate surroundings. There was little space here to manoeuvre. Her hands crept along the damp walls, feeling for anything solid she could use for grip. Years of clumped mould greeted her unsuspecting flesh, causing her to stumble on more than a few occasions.

Violetta took great gulps of stale air and continued through the cramped space. Her father would be upset to find her missing and she hated to cause him further grief, but she needed time; time to explore other possibilities before she was forced to sacrifice her dreams.

It felt like the tunnel was beginning to narrow. Violetta prayed that she was nearing its end when a beam of light cut through the darkness. Clean air slipped into her lungs as the tunnel's exit came into view.

Violetta clambered out of the dank hovel. Her heart dropped as she began blinking the blinding light from her vision. A set of boulders brought her to a halt, no doubt having fallen from the hills since her last venture.

She took a deep breath and pressed herself against the farthest one, where she managed to slide between the gap. As soon as she was clear she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She inhaled a scent that spoke of childhood memories, relishing a change from the stale tunnel air. The way the breeze rushed past her sweat-streaked skin; it made her feel human.

Violetta brought herself to her feet. She stared about the familiar landmarks of her youth, a sad smile slipping onto her lips. Her father had forbade her visits to the Moat Islands ever since her mother and brother had passed and until now, she'd never had the courage to rebel against him. Forcing her guilt aside, she pushed on toward a familiar tree. It swayed in the breeze, almost as though it were beckoning to her.

Blessed relief flared within the princess as her palm met with the familiar bark. Images of the ice storm's impact began to skewer her thoughts, but no matter. She held positive memories of her kin in her mind, knowing that she would one day be free from this place. Free from her duties to the throne.

Violetta wriggled into a gap in the tree's roots. She closed her eyes and dreamt of a world where her brother was still alive and well; of another life where, just maybe, someone would let her alone.

Time no longer existed here, for Violetta had shut her mind from the world. For a moment, she was free. Free from the world and its unrelenting cruelty. Her hand brushed against the side of her dress and in that moment something triggered in her. Her eyes popped open as she subconsciously felt around in her pocket. Remembering the crumpled invite, Violetta drew it out of her gown, glancing at the cursive text;

To Princess Violetta Flame,

You are cordially invited to a ball in your honour, held by his Royal Highness, Frost Emperor Ryore. It is to be held on the third day of the seventh month, at his Royal Estate in the Frost Realm. The master would be delighted were you to attend.

Yours with respect,

The Royal Scroll Bearer.

The wax seal of a snowflake footed the page. Violetta's mind felt like it was filling with fog. She stared at the yellowed parchment a while, still unable to fathom why the emperor would hold such an elaborate event. Could it be that he'd developed feelings for her? She shivered at the thought. No. That couldn't be it. Or could it?

Violetta thought a moment. What did she truly feel for Ryore? There was a sense of mystery which surrounded the man. There was no doubt about that. He was a pleasant enough conversationalist, with a rugged beauty she couldn't deny.

No. It just couldn't be. There was nothing she'd be able to do, even if they shared the same feelings. Then there was the matter of Xi. Violetta longed to see Xyhoni again. He was the only boy since her brother's passing that had been able to calm her thoughts of guilt. He was kind and sincere, with feelings that were easy to read. But, he had his own future to think of and Violetta was sure that he would have a fair choice of maidens, many likely more beautiful than she.

Violetta hunched over so that she formed a ball and allowed the tears to come. She wished that her brother was still alive to succeed the throne. She knew it was a selfish thought, but she couldn't bear her father's disappointment and felt isolated without Darius.

The pressures of the Kingdom were already drowning the princess' soul. Violetta knelt upon the damp earth and felt her powers begin to surface. Her breathing hastened as she felt the familiar rage of those crimson flames, shooting stray sparks into the air. The next moment, she felt them retreating inside of her, her breathing evening out once more.

Violetta resisted the urge to pull her power back. She watched as the final shades of dusk left the sky, still puzzling over Ryore's invite. What would mother do? She asked herself. Would she attend Ryore's ball? This, Violetta didn't know.

Perhaps it would do me good, she thought. As a social invitation, her father would be unwise to refuse and it would provide her with some much needed time for personal reflection. It seems I have decided. Violetta sucked in a breath. Magic may have taken her family from her, but it would never take away her freedom.

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