It Started With a Kiss, How D...

By Victor-Katsuki

30.3K 729 383

(Yuri Plisetsky X Otabek Altin) (Omegaverse) (Don't like then don't read) From the time he was born everyone... More

Positive ✔️
Comforting Lies
The Truth Always Comes Out
The Truth Keeps Coming Out
A/N (Will Delete Later, Not)
A/N (Important)
{Route A}
{Route B}
{Route A}
{Route B}
{Route A} End
{Route A} Ending 2
A/N (Fic Recommendation)

Small Doubts

1.5K 52 10
By Victor-Katsuki

Otabek let out a sigh. Was it a relief? Yuri wondered. "Well I mean, that's a good thing right?" Otabek said. "That you're not-"

"Yeah. Yeah it is," Yuri said and forced himself to smile.

The moment kept playing in Yuri's mind. He knew that he shouldn't have lied, but if he told the truth would things have been better? He doubted it. Otabek was usually pretty easy to read, well to Yuri he was anyway. And Yuri saw how relieved Otabek looked when he said that he wasn't pregnant.

If Yuri decided to have the baby then Otabek would definitely find out that he had lied. If Yuri wanted to keep his lie going there was only one thing to do, get an abortion.

Truth be told, Otabek was relieved that Yuri wasn't pregnant. He was in love with Yuri, but let's be honest here he wasn't ready to raise a child. He wasn't even out of high school yet! The thought of raising a child scared him. He didn't plan on doing that at least until he was in his twenties.

Still. There was something bothering him in the back of his mind. If Yuri wasn't pregnant then why didn't he have his heat? Maybe it was just late? Yeah that had to be it. He decided and left it alone.

Otabek wondered if Yuri would want to have sex again. Otabek hoped that he would, so he went and bought condoms just incase.

The next day Yuri went back to Victor and Yuuri's house. He had made his decision. He already lied to Otabek, so might as well go through with it. He hesitated before knocking on the door. This time Yuuri answered. "Yurio, you're back so soon?" Asked the other omega. Yuri nodded a little. "Yes," he said. "I decided that I want an abortion. I need someone to drive me there."

A walk from his house to Victor and Yuuri's? That wasn't too bad. Victor and Yuuri lived in town so it was busy with people and it wasn't that far from Yuri's house anyways. To hospital? You'd have to walk downtown. An omega walking downtown alone? There was a higher chance of rape.

"I would like to Yuri," the other omega said. "But I have no one to babysit. Victor will be home any minute. He can take you."

"You told him didn't you?" Yuri asked angrily. He told Yuuri not to tell anyone, and that included Victor. Yuuri shook his head. "No, I didn't," he said honestly. "Victor overheard our conversation."

Yuri pushed his away and sat on the couch with his arms crossed, waiting for Victor to arrive.

*Yuri are you on your heat?* Otabek texted his friend. He was worried. Otabek tried to Google what it meant when an omega wasn't in heat and the only answers he got was pregnancy or cancer. But if you search anything like that Dr. google will say cancer. You could have a headache and search what causes headaches? And google would say that you have cancer.

*No. It's just late.* The omega texted back about an hour later. Well at least Yuri wasn't ignoring him.

Yuuri came back into the room carrying his son Katsu. Victor and Yuuri had been married for two years and last year they decided to have a baby. Katsu was about six months old, and he had dark hair and Victor's eyes.

"Hey Yurio," said Yuuri. "Can you hold Katsu for me?"

Yuri looked at the other omega. "Why do you need me to hold him?" He asked, his arms still crossed.

"Because I'm going to do a couple of chores before Victor gets home," he said. "And I know if I put Katsu in his crib he'd just cry. So please hold him for me?"

Yuri let out a sigh and held out his arms. "Alright I'll hold your baby," he said. Yuuri smiled widely and told the other omega how to hold the child.

Yuuri went off to go do those chores. Yuri looked down at the baby. He was wrapped up in a yellow blanket and sound asleep.

Yuri could just imagine that if he didn't get an abortion this would be his life in nine months. It would be his baby that he would be holding and Yuuri's. Yuri started to panic.

Victor and Yuuri could have a baby. They were married. They went to college. They have jobs. They are adults. Yuri was just a kid himself. He didn't even know what he wanted to do with his life just yet. He knew that he already disappointed his parents by being an omega... and now he was pregnant at 15? That would get him disowned for sure. Even his grandfather would hate him.

Yuri shook his head. No. His parents would eventually find out that he's omega, but they would never find out that he's pregnant. He was getting an abortion. He already made up his mind, but looking down at Yuuri's baby...

A part of him, a very small part, didn't want to get an abortion. It would still be his child, his and Otabek's child.

"Yuuri! I'm home!" Victor called as he came inside. He found Yuri sitting on the couch. "Oh hello Yurio."

Yuuri came into the room and took Katsu from Yuri's hands. "Yurio decided to get an abortion," Yuuri said. "He needs you to drive him to the hospital." Victor nodded. "Alright," he said. "Well come on Yurio, let's go."

Otabek got a call from JJ. I guess you could say that Otabek was JJ's friend. Yuri practically hated the guy, but JJ tolerated him. JJ wasn't a bad guy, he was just like one of those Russian dolls, full of himself.

Apparently JJ's girlfriend got in an accident and was in the hospital. Otabek knew that JJ didn't have a lot of friends, so he decided to go and try to comfort him. He had nothing else better to do since Yuri was giving him the cold shoulder.

Otabek drove there on his motorcycle and he missed Yuri's arms around him. He got to the hospital and he wondered why the hell was Yuri there with Victor?

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