Tell Me You Don't Love Me

By Desire2bdesired

16.6K 486 65

Ty is Tyler Perry's Daughter helping out her Dad on the set of Why Did I get Married and that is when she me... More

The Beginning
The Dance
What Is Going On?
So Confused
Have You Seen Her
Where Is She?
Making Up
Premiere/ What Now
I Don't Know
She's What Pt.1
She's What pt.2
She's What Pt.3
She's What (Final)
Paradise or Tragedy
Wedding Trouble
See you again
Won't loose You
Ex's and Wedding

Filming anxiety

346 13 6
By Desire2bdesired

So today we start filming for Why did I get married too? Truth be told Im kinda nervous I mean yeah I get too play a wife too my real soon too be wife but its just idk I hope I get this so Imma get up and get dressed Janet has been trying too talk to me since we had sex and my meltdown but I just dont know how too face her.

Tys outfit
As Im getting dressed I hear my dad loud ass rushing as always😂😭
Tyler: Ty come on we will not be late today
Ty: Chill Dad Im dressed see looking fly as always😂😭
Tyler: Yeah ok you do lets go
On Set
Janet POV
I hope Ty forgives me I have planned for her too meet my family Saturday night since its Monday I gave myself enough time too get it together and apologize so she would come.
Tasha: Ty!! Girl you looking good it feels like forever since we seen eachother
Ty: I know you do too I missed your loud mouth lol
Jill: She's in the building! Heyy Tasha heyy Ty
Tasha&Ty: Heyy boo
Everyone was too rapped up in catching up too know Janet was 20 minutes late. But as always she came in looking fabulous even casual made her look good

Janet: Heyys guys I missed yall.
Ty: Damm*mumbles biting lip
Jill: Heyy boo
Tasha: heyyy
Sharon: Hey hey hey she has arrived
Tyler: ok guys since everybody and there hubby and wives are here lets get too it. Last scene of the day is going too be all the women in the living room talking and mike walks in.
A/N if you have seen the movie its after all the men leave for the jet ski's

Angie(Tasha): Pat you know you start all of me amd marcus arguments right
Patricia(Janet): what how
Angie: Your book he cheated so now what you talked about how you dont have the password too my wife's phone I trust her
Patricia: Yeah so
Tasha: So then I asked marcus for the password to his phone
Shiela(Jill): I don't have the password too Troy's phone I trust that man
Diane(Sharon): I trust Terry but I have his
Angie:*gasp* how
Diane:*dramatic *he gave it too me 😂
Angie: You ain't have to do no tricks huh 😛
*In walks mike
Angie: Oh hell no hell no mike what are you doing here
Tyler: Ok cut! Perfect guys let get changed and hit the beach
Ty: Yess beach time!
Im gonna go get changed since we staying here while we film why not live it up.
Janet: Wait for me
While Janet was getting dressed she felt Tys eyes burning holes into her all she could do was blush. When she looked at Ty she put her head down and blushed Janet went and picked her chin up
Janet: Baby dont put you head down your crown will fall
Ty: Baby stop being cute

With that being said Ty pulled Janet into a heated kiss that took Janet's breath away they both went out too the beach where everyone else was.

Janets Outfit

Tashas Outfit

Jills Outfit

Sharons outfit

Tys outfit

Ty: Ooooh yall we should play a drinking game you pick a dare or you take as many shots as it says
Tyler: Ayye I like this game
Tasha: I'll go first it says tell a deep secret or 5 shots hmmmm. Ok once when I was 12 I gave head
Jill: oooop
Sharon: Fast ass 😭😂
Tyler: Alright mines says tell who has the best tasting cat or 4 shots hmm My baby but I still want the shots
Ty: Okay okay mines says. Eat 2 spoons of mustard or 3 shots. Hell Ill take the shots
Sharon: Mine say too show a nipple or 4 shots. Ill take the shots
While sitting with group Janet couldn't help but notice how fine Ty looked in her bathing suit. Once Ty noticed Janet staring she looked at Janet and bit her lip just too tease her a little. All Ty could think about was how much she really appreciated Janet but she still was upset about her keeping them a secret. Till she felt Janet whisper in her ear in a low sexy tone
Janet: You know you look real sexy in that bikini baby
Ty: Thanks baby 😛
Janet: But you would look better without it 😏
Ty: Stop it Im still upset with you tryna be freaky knowing I'm damn well I'm sensitive
After Ty said that all she did was lean back on her elbows then Janet finally whispered in her ear.
Janet: *whispering I'm sorry Daddy it's just your so irresistible plus you know you cant resist me*gripping her thigh

Ty gave a shaky sigh, as Janet began to straddle her waist. Her cheeks turned red, as she had this glare in her eye.

TY: J-Jan (moans) S-stop it-

Strawberry: Sorry, but Janet's taking a break...but I'm here daddy

She whispered. Ty looked around at the table, all were in their own worlds chatting. Janet gave her a look and with that, she said.

Janet: We're going to turn in early...we have some things to do

Tasha: I think I already know what y'all doin'...ya nasties

Janet pulled Ty up and into the house, shutting the door, and making sure it was locked. She turned, seeing Ty was sitting on the bed, ready for the taking. She walked up to her and tilted her head, a smirk creeping onto her face

She gripped her thighs tighter, beginning to pull her bikini bottoms from her waistline. Her back arched as she tried to resist, but couldn't help but to let Strawberry have her way.

Janet entered her fingers into her wet kitty, smirked.

Strawberry: And you didn't want me to...but your kitty tells me want me to stop now?

Ty: N-NO ....Oh.....Don't stop baby

She begged as she gripped her hands on the edge of the bed. She screamed louder, as she bit her lip. The feeling was tight in her area, her fluids were building up quickly and flooded onto the sheets. She released a cry of ecstasy. Janet climbed over her, hovering.

Janet: Fell better love?

Ty: *Nods*

She moved while trying to catch her breath.

Janet: Now I know you were mad at me, and I to make it up to you, I asked to bring you with me to our family dinner next week after we get back from shooting.

Ty: Really?

Janet: I wanted to prove that you mean everything to me, and that hiding you isn't the right thing. You've brought me to you family. I should do the same....and then I right after, I'll tell the world we're are together and soon to be married

Ty: *Hugs her tightly* Thank you J!

Janet POV

I was so glad to finally get my baby back and tell her. It seems like some weight has been lifted off of my shoulders...but we'll have to wait and see what my family had to say. My father mainly, are very critical....and I don't want them to say anything to drive her away. I hope it doesn't come to that.

*Week after Filming*

Ty's POV

I'm Nerv-cited for meeting Janet's family today. At least when she met my family, they knew I was gay before hand. I don't think her family has a clue. We pulled up to the house, and she grabbed my hand tight.

Janet: Remember, no matter what they say. I'm going to stay with you. You're the only one who ever made me feel this way

I nodded and we both got out and walked up to the front porch. Janet knocked on the door, and the one who opened the door, was a sweet little old lady!

Janet: Hi mother!

Janet said with a smile as she hugged her close.

Ms. Katherine: Hi baby, how are you, who is your friend?"

Janet: Mom....

Janet stopped and took my hand, a confident smile on her face.

cThis is my GIRLfriend, Tyliyah

I gave a small smile and Ms. Katherine peaked into the house then gave a squeal.

Ms. Katherine: Oooh she is a cutie...good thing your father ain't here. He would have a cow. Just don't tell him when he get's back.

Janet: But mother that's the point. I have to tell him...I want to show Ty that I don't want to hide her from anyone.

Ms. Katherine: Well, alright baby....but I nor your brothers can control him.

We walked in to chatter and that soon stopped when we entered

Boys: DUNK!!

They all hug her....then I just realized it.....I'm standing in front of the Jackson 5...Michael included...........oh shit

Mike: We missed you this the special lady?"

Janet: Yup

She smiled. The day went on great. I got close with her sisters Latoya and Rebbie and helped in the kitchen, making fried fish. J was playin' though, making a big mess in the kitchen that she got us yelled at by momma Katherine. We were almost done when we heard the door open.

Ty: that?

Janet: Don't worry, if he has something to say, he'll have to go through me.

I smirked but in the bottom of my stomach I was scared shitless......please let this go without a hitch 'cause J and I really do not need this now.
Joseph walks in and you can cut the tension with a knife finally he speaks
Joseph: Hey Janet who your friend
Janet: Joseph this is my Girlfriend Tyliyah or Ty for short
Ty: Nice too meet Mr. Joseph I've heard lots about you
Just then Joseph didn't say anything and just had a blank stare. Making Ty feel uncomfortable. Then the unthinkable happened

A/N sorry for the wait but what do you guys think will happen?
Will Joseph except it?
Will he blow up?
Find out next time

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