The Love He Deserved (A Larca...

By Chromiee

11.4K 166 106

Warning: This story may contain spoilers for some of you who haven't reached THIS point of the manga yet. I s... More

|Day 2: The Ordeal|
|Day 3: Wrong Side|
|Day 3: Part Two|
|Day 4: Nightmare|
|Day 5: Etherious|
|Day 6: Dark, Sweet Pleasure|
|Day 7: The Vow|
Author's Note
|True Ending: Eternal|
|Alternate Ending 1: Endless|
|Alternate Ending 2: Limitless|
Author's Note

|Day 1: Larcade's Demise|

2.1K 27 26
By Chromiee

August has exhausted his magic, leading himself to his own grave. Before he vanished, he saw Mavis and closes his eyes as he fades.

At least once would be enough... At least once... To be held in your arms. Mom.

Mavis watches August vanish and then hears her guild's voice.

"First master!", Chrome, Lucy, Gray and Happy calls for Mavis and rushes to her.

The little blonde master smiles and runs up to them. "Guys! It's good to be reunited with you!"

"What was that light?!", Lucy scans the area for the same light that August had released but it was nowhere to be found nor August.

"It's ok. It's no longer a threat.", said Mavis.

Gray averts his eyes then eyes Mavis. "Everybody is fighting in the south part of the city. The enemy still has some forces but we came here cuz you summoned us."

Chrome flinches and turns around, eyeing Fairy Tail's building. She had the urge to run in there so she turns around to do so but Mavis grabs her hand. "What is it First?"

"Chrome, you can't intervene.", said the first. "You cannot. Otherwise, Zeref won't be beaten. We have to let Natsu and him have their fight."

The black-haired woman's eyes narrowed as she pulls her hand away from the first master. "I'm sorry First master. I will not intervene but I have to go there.", she caught them off-guard and makes a run for it.


I'm sorry that I've turned my back on you guys. I'm sorry. And thank you... For everything.

While running, she looks back at her friends, feeling remorse and then goes back to her path.


Zeref kicks him to the side, glaring at him. He was furious because the blonde intervened with his fight with Natsu.

"Dad... It hurts...", Larcade sobbed in pain as blood dripping down from the corner of his lips.

Natsu watches the two in silence.


"Stop this." The black mage looks down. "I don't have children.", his shoulders began to tremble. "I don't have family either.", he raises his hand towards Rakheid. "You're a book I created! A demon from it!"

Larcade trembled on the spot, crying while watching his father who was about to kill him.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!", light emerged from Zeref's hand as he casts a spell to make Larcade turn into ashes.

Suddenly, the doors of Fairy Tail opened with a bang. Chrome takes out her blade and slashes Zeref to cancel his spell. She caught the sight of Larcade and rushes to him, helping him up and lets her shoulder support him.

Natsu walks over to her but he was stopped as she points her sword at him. "Chrome, what are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry Natsu-san.", said Chrome apologetically. She then glares at Zeref and glances down at Larcade who was barely even alive. She drags herself and Larcade back and makes their escape as she slashes her sword again, making a bright light. "Win this Natsu-san. Save all of us.", she whispered.

And they vanished. As the two of them appeared outside of Magnolia, Chrome kept walking, helping Larcade but he stops her as he pushes her to the side. "Hey, what the hell was that for?", Chrome hisses.

"W-why did you do that?", he falls to the ground, sobbing. "Dad... Why?"

Aggravated, Chrome walks over to Larcade and slaps him across the face. "He's a bastard with a heart, cold as ice! He is not your father! That guy August... Was Zeref's real son. You're just an etherious!"

"What do you know! Who are you anyways?", Larcade yells back at her, angry. Tired, he falls collapses on the ground.

Chrome helps him up again and gently spoke. "Because I'm a demon like you as well... A demon that he failed to control. I know everything about him.", she frowns and closes her eyes while walking. "Let's go. We need to leave this place."

Larcade watches her and then fell completely silent and lets her help him. He thought to himself who the woman really was. She didn't really bother him as much as he would expect. There was something warm about her that he didn't know.


After miles of walking, it was night. Chrome and Larcade had themselves trapped in a forest. First, Chrome made Larcade lay down on the ground while she sets the campfire. With her back turned on him, he spoke.

"Why did you... Help me?", he said.

Chrome groans and looks over her shoulders, at him. "You ask a lot of questions do yah?", she finishes the fire as it started to lit up and made her way towards him, checking his injuries. "That bastard messed you up pretty badly huh.", she gently touches his cheek.

The blonde demon's eyes widened as he stares at her. Her touch was... Warm, he thought. It was something he never felt before. Something he longed for. And something that was never given to him. "I..."

"Don't talk. Rest.", she gently pushes him down.

"But-", his eyes became tearful again. "T-this is making me feel strange. This weird feeling here.", he points to his chest. "It's all warm and it hurts. But it also feels good..."

Chrome chuckles, surprising Larcade. She covers her mouth and smiles at him. "I'm sorry for laughing.", she ruffles his hair. "That feeling is what makes us human. Well, it's kinda different from our situation since we're demons but you get what I mean."

Larcade stares at her again and sits up. "You said you were a demon and the same as me. So tell me."

"Ha? Tell you what?", Chrome tilts her head.

"How you became... Like that.", he meant her being in general.

The woman bobs her head. "Ah.", Chrome looks up to the starry sky and turns to the fire, watching the embers float in the air. "Well, like I said, I was a demon he created. I was one of the the demons of Tartaros. That I too, killed. Together with my... Family."

"Why did you kill them?", Larcade scoots over next to her and listens.

Why you ask?

"You see... As a demon myself, I... I just had a heart of a human. I lived alone my whole life. Besides my mother who took care of me before she died. I don't know who my father is. Before I joined Fairy Tail, I was on the verge of dying as a kid. Then he found me and took me to Fairy Tail.", she chuckles. "And there, I found myself becoming more human. And experienced the love of others."

Larcade's eyes widened as he felt her warm hand on top of his head and her smile in front of him.

"It was great."

Lost in thought, Larcade looks down. Then he began to speak. "Are you telling me this to make me envious?", he said with a sad tone.

Chrome cups his cheek and shows him an empathetic smile. "No, I'm telling you this because there's more to life than just being a puppet. You may not look like it but you're still a child. A child that needs the love of a family. Larcade-kun."

"Why are you... Helping me?", he sniffed.

Chrome sighs and looks up to the sky again. "I'm a demon who can... Feel emotions of others. I have the ability to look into one's heart without control over it. So I guess I kind of wanted to help you because of that.", she pokes his chest. "And it's not out of pity before you ask."

Larcade looks down for a slight second before thrusting himself to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rests his head on her chest, crying and sobbing.

Chrome was taken aback but then chuckles. "A child indeed.", she strokes his hair lovingly and rests her cheek on his hair.

|One Morning Later|

Chrome wakes up as the light touches her face. Sitting up, she looks around and Larcade was nowhere to be found. "Huh. I guess I can't blame him.", she looks down to her legs and sees some cracks on her skin, making her eyes widened. She quickly stands up and began to panic. "Larcade-kun? Larcade-kun!", she runs deeper into the forest and stops near a waterfall at the sight of the blonde standing on the water."Larcade-kun..."

He was looking up to the sky, in tears again. "Father is dead."

Zeref's dead?! Natsu-san must have beat him!

Chrome smiles with relief then her expression grew grim.

Wait, if he's dead... Then why am I still here? Aren't demons suppose to die when Zeref dies?

"Larcade-kun, are you alright?", she asks.

"I feel... Somewhat free.", he said, gasping for air. "Yet I feel like... Dying.", his eyes widened as he feels her arms wrapping around his chest. He looks over his shoulder to see Chrome hugging him from behind.

"We're close to the place. Once we get there you will have all the rest that you need. Please don't say things like dying. Live.", she whispered and trembled, afraid of rejection.

Larcade nods and pushes her arms down, turning around to face her and hugs her that way. "Ok.", again, he wanted to ask her what was her actual reason for saving him but right now was not the right time. "I... Don't know what to call you."

"It's... Chrome.", she huffed and then loses her balance. "Let's go. My cabin is close."


Finally, they arrived at an isolated area which was at the bottom of a waterfall. A cozy cabin stood there.

"Here we are.", said Chrome as she walks towards the cabin first and enters. "Come Larcade-kun."

"Where is this?", Larcade follows her inside and scans his eyes around the small house.

Chrome then grabs his hand and pulls him in. "It may be small but it's peaceful here. Make yourself at home.", she smiles and lets go of him. "Ah...", she winced in pain and stumbles onto the couch.

"Chrome-san, are you alright?", he rushes beside her."

Her eyes opened as she sees his face close to his and groans. "I'm- fine... It's just that I became a little weak. Probably cuz of Zeref's death."

"Your legs.", he mumbled and traces his fingers on her skin that had cracks on it.

"Don't worry. It's just an after-effect. What about you? No injuries or something?", she pats his head.

Larcade enjoyed her pats and shakes his head. "No. I am fine."

"I'm happy.", she smiles. "It's only day two so get some rest. When we wake up, I'll make something for us.", she slowly sits up and puts her hands on his shoulder for support. "If you want a bed, I'll... Take you there. I'll be sleeping in the couch so you can take the comfortable bed.", she chuckles.

"No.", he said.

Her eyes darted to him, confused. "What? Why not? I'm not lying, it's comfortable."

"I want to sleep with you again.", he retorts with an innocent look. Like a child.

Chrome's cheeks flushed red as said he looks away. She knew that he wasn't talking bout that. A nervous chuckle escapes her lips as he turns to her. "Ah. I guess it's ok."

"Well then-", he scoops her in his arms.

"What the— Larcade-kun, put me down! I can w-walk there by myself you know?", said Chrome with a grave expression.

Larcade ignores her and proceeds to the room as she gives him the directions.

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