Daddy's Kitten

By IceFey

108K 1.9K 276

Maxwell is a little, and has been in love with his best friend Wyatt for years, but while they were in highsc... More

Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Hey all

Chapter Two

13.5K 337 47
By IceFey

Chapter Two

Growling at the idiot in front of me that didn't turn on his freaking blinker when they cut my off I hit my horn about to cuss the meanie out. I closed my eyes and shook my head. No take a breath Max it'll be alright, just get to Wyatt's house, just get there and you'll be fine.

"Stupid meanie." I pouted then jumped when I heard my phone ringing through my radio, I had my phone hooked up to my stereo system in my car so that I could answer calls in my car and not be illegal. "Yes?" I answered.

"Are you almost here?" Wyatt asked on the other side of the call.

"Yes I am. I would be there faster, but a stupid mother fu-"

"Enough Max." He warned, I pouted. I always hated when he did that to me, "Now what happened without swearing?"

"A meanie butt cut in front of me." I told him.

"Okay how far are you? I kind of need your help with a few things." Wyatt told me, I rolled my eyes when I turned on my left blinker at the stop sign.

"Like five minutes away," I sighed as I tapped my steering wheel impatiently.

"Alright well be safe, and don't swear please."

"Why? You do."

"You're to adorable to swear."

"Well if you think that then maybe... Um never mind I need to go." I quickly ended the call, I pouted and rubbed my eyes. I always hated when Wyatt would treat me like I'm his Little, but I am no one's Little. I do not have a Daddy. And I am not looking for one... But if I'm being truthful with myself I already know why I'm not looking for one because I've pretty much found one. But it's been to many years to actually reveal my feelings to Wyatt.

Back up more than a few more years ago he told me he loved me and wanted to date me... But at the time I didn't want to date anyone, probably should have said yes. I didn't, and now I'm still alone. Wyatt, I believe right now is dating some girl I don't know because he doesn't share anything with me anymore. It makes me sad, but it's true.

Pulling into Wyatt's driveway, I put my car in park and got out with my tray of cake pops, my bag of dice, my character folder and my keys. I locked my car then walked up to the white house that had red trim around the house. It was a pretty nice house, the yard was kept up and so was the backyard that was giant. On the side of being a teacher Wyatt breeds cats and sells them. I know weird right? But hey it's more money, and he also takes in abandoned cats too and finds homes for them. I actually took in one of the cats.

My kitty was named Celia and she was a small calico kitty. I loved her to death, she was the best thing ever.

I knocked on the door and a moment later Wyatt opened the door with a concerned smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow and stepped in.

"Alright what do you need help with?" I asked him curiously.

"I need help to get chairs around the table and to get food set out while I set up the table for the game." Wyatt said letting me in. He shut the door and I slipped off my black vans. I headed towards his kitchen and set down my plate of cake pops. I looked around the kitchen, it was nice and clean like the rest of his house, I swear he was a clean freak.

I paused when I heard a female voice coming from the living room, I put the rest of my things down and walked into the living room to see who it was.

There was a petite woman standing in the middle of the living room staring down at one of the many cats that Wyatt had, she was pointing at it with a very unhappy look. "That was not nice." She told the cat.

"What did Sebastian do to you?" I asked her which made her jump, spin around and look at me with wide green eyes. She was pretty, she had short blond hair, fair skin, a round pixie like face and body, and wide long lashed green eyes. She wore a bit of glitter lip gloss and a touch of blush, but no other makeup.

"Who are you?" She asked me with arms crossed now.

"I'm Maxwell." I told her, "And you?"

"Oh! Wyatt was telling me about you, and you being his bestest friend." She smiled at me, "I'm Hazel, his girlfriend."

"Ah." I nodded, "That's nice." I commented trying to bite back my jealousy, yeah I know what you're thinking, you should have grabbed him before he started dating someone else. Well I haven't gotten a chance, it's been just a string of girls or boys that he's been dating.

"Yep." She nodded.

"Are you joining us today?" I asked her.

"No, I'm actually waiting for one of my friends to pick me up because Wyatt drove me here and told me I needed to get a ride home." She told me.

"That's.... Umm weird... Why isn't he driving you home?" I asked her as I sat down on the large black leather couch, Sebastian came over and jumped on top of my lap. He curled up and started to purr when I started to scratch his head.

Hazel's jaw dropped, "How the... That cat hates me in fact he scratched me just now." She pouted, I smirked and told the cat that he was a good boy silently when I leaned down and hugged him; I smiled.

"Awe... That's too bad." I said trying to restrain a smile, if anyone knew this cat, he only liked Wyatt, me and the rest of the group. For some reason the black cat never took to well to woman petting him.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes," My friend is here, I got to go, nice meeting you."

"Uh-huh you too." I said continuing to pet the cat.

Hazel walked out of the living room and out of the house. Wyatt came in afterwards and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Um did she just leave?" He asked me.

"Who Hazel?" I questioned while I petted the adorable cat.


"Yeah she just left, why didn't you tell me that she was over?" I asked him. He just shrugged.

"I didn't think it was that important." He told me, "I mean she wasn't staying so yeah."

"Still though." I rolled my eyes and got to my feet after putting Sebastian to the side, he just curled up in a ball. I walked back into the kitchen and started to pull out some snacks for the group.

"Did I do something?" Wyatt asked when he came up behind me, I glanced over to him as I poured chips into a bowl. He had his dark hair cut somewhat short, and he was wearing a graphic T-shirt that had Pikachu on it and the rest was just black. He wore blue jeans and no socks, Wyatt had deep forest green eyes that were very expressive.

"No..." I put the chip bag down on the table, I tapped my fingers on the table, "And even if you did, you wouldn't want to know the truth." I told him and bit my lip.

"But I would." Wyatt said.

"No forget it, go get the table set up." I told him and walked to the fridge; this ended the conversation and he left the kitchen to go to the living room.

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