If We Love Again [EXO Chen Fa...

By ahwaeee

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I wish that you love me. Highest ranking: #4 in exo More

Jocelyn's Ending Note


371 23 0
By ahwaeee

Summer holiday had started. Yoonhye looked out from the room, wondering when she can be like a normal person again, joining Howon and the others in all their activities.

The four, Howon, Myungsoo, Sunggyu and Woohyun had planned a short vacation of theirs to Jeju Island. They wanted to bring Yoonhye along but their mother doesn't allow as she said that Yoonhye need more rest.

Actually, she had got bored with staying whole day in the room.

"Noona!" She heard someone called out excitedly from the door. She knows that it was Sehun. These days when she was hospitalized, Sehun came over quite often and sometimes he'll bring either his girlfriend or Jongdae.

Yoonhye had always been wondering why would Jongdae always tag along with Sehun all the time without complaining at all, until she learnt from Sehun that he is being adopted by Jongdae's family.

"Noona, are you feeling alright today?" Sehun asked as he stepped in the room. Joohyun followed behind him and greeted Yoonhye 'hello'.

"Yeah, I'm always fine." Yoonhye smiled and replied him.

"Hyung asked me to drop this here." He said, putting down a fruit hamper. Joohyun handed a bunch of flowers for Yoonhye and said, "And this too."

"That's what Baekhyun asked hyung to buy, I think. Hmm, or even Minseok or Joonmyeon. Hyung just wouldn't buy those by himself." Sehun thought and said.

"Yeah, Jongdae oppa wouldn't buy these things by himself. Plus, before we left, Baekhyun oppa called." Joohyun nodded and agreed.

"Oppa? You've never called me oppa, Joohyun." Sehun suddenly turned to Joohyun and said. Joohyun just laughed and told him, "We're in the same age, Sehun. It'll be weird if I call you oppa."

"Still, I like you call me oppa. Why you can just call hyung as oppa but not me?" Sehun started to pout.

Yoonhye just smiled warmly at the cute couple fighting against the oppa word. The two get into fights like this quite often when they're visiting Yoonhye so she had gotten use to it.

"Kids, don't y'all think that you're bothering Yoonhye's rest?" Minseok's voice suddenly rang from the door.

"But hyung! She doesn't want to call me oppa!" Sehun started to whine at Minseok. Minseok sighed and said, "Child, you're bothering here. Now, the two of you, get out here and let Yoonhye rest, alright?"

"Ne, hyung." Sehun lowered his head and replied. He then dragged Joohyun out from the room with him.

"How are you feeling, Yoonhye?" Minseok grinned and sat down beside Yoonhye's bed.

"I'm good. It's been a long time since you visited though, oppa."

"I was…busy dating." He scratched the back of his neck nervously and said.

"Dating? Wow, Minseok oppa, you really should bring your girlfriend to me here someday." Yoonhye grinned and told him. "How about Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon oppa?"

"Kyungsoo…too, busy dating. About Joonmyeon…I thought you know about that? He joined Sunggyu's trip, together with Dongwoo."

"Ahh…I see." Yoonhye nodded. Minseok sat up and looked towards the door. "That kid, I told him to go and wash some apples. Where had he went?"

"Who?" Yoonhye asked.

"I'm here." A voice chorused from the door. The door opened and Jongdae came in with two apples.

"Seriously, will it take you a long time to wash and cut the apples? There's just two of them, Jongdae. And you didn't even cut it." Minseok started to complain and took over the apples from Jongdae.

"Then you should've cut it at your home, hyung." Jongdae rolled his eyes on Minseok and said. Minseok just hit Jongdae's head and said, "Kid, watch over Yoonhye. I'm going to cut the apples. Yoonhye-ah, I'll be going to cut the apples, wait for me."

"Arasseo, oppa." Yoonhye nodded and replied.

"I never know that Minseok hyung knows you and he is this close to you." Jongdae spoke after Minseok left the room.

"Well, he's Sunggyu oppa's friend, and that's why."

"I didn't want to come. Minseok hyung dragged me out. Anyway, I just want to tell you that the project…teacher had sent me an email about the results."

"Really? Can I see? I've been prohibited from using electronic gadgets ever since I came in here. They said that it isn't good for me." Yoonhye said.

Jongdae took out his phone and passed it to Yoonhye after he opened the email.

"I'll go and get some water." He suddenly said and went out from the room.

Jongdae is afraid. He's afraid that he might fall for her. Knowing that Songhyun's heart is with her, he often thinks about her, thinking that they are really alike.

The longer he stayed beside her, the more he started to think she resembles Songhyun.

"Dae? Why you're outside here?" He heard Minseok asked. Minseok was holding on a plate of apples which he just cut.

"Oh I was just taking some fresh air. I'll get some water, hyung." Minseok just nodded at Jongdae and said, "Come back faster, kid."

"Ahh, right, hyung. I just remembered that Sehun said he's visiting too."

"I know, I've met him earlier, when I asked you to go and wash the apples."



Yoonhye was discharged just two days before summer holidays ends. To celebrate it, Sunggyu decided to have a mini party together in the house and he'll be paying for the expenses.

"Wow, oppa you're finally using your own money on us?" Yoonhye chuckled and asked.

"Yes, and what's the problem there? I'm the eldest among us three…and plus it's great that you are now discharged so we'll just have a small party in our house." Sunggyu replied.

"Oh, seems nice." Yoonhye nodded.

"Noona, do you know? I've been suspicious on Howon when you're in the hospital. He seems like dating now!" Myungsoo said.

"Yah, Kim Myungsoo!" Howon threw a pillow at Myungsoo and yelled.

"What? Noona has the right to know about that! We're best friend, isn't it?"

"So, Howon, you're dating with Jieun now?" Yoonhye smiled and asked.

"Uh, yeah." Howon replied as he scratched his neck nervously. "I was going to tell you when you're discharged but these boys are just ahead me."

"It's okay, you know, Howon, it's great to see my best friend dating now." Yoonhye grinned and told him. "I wish you for the best."

"Thanks, Yoonhye."

"Oh I just remember that I am suppose to call Joonmyeon and ask him over. His house is just a few streets away." Sunggyu jumped up from the couch and took to the his phone which is placed on the table.

"Wow really? That's cool. Joonmyeon hyung is really nice." Myungsoo commented.

"I still like Minseok oppa better." Yoonhye replied.

Speaking of Joonmyeon, Yoonhye suddenly remembered that Sehun mentioned to before that Joonmyeon lives next door to them, and she knows where is it as she knows where Jongdae lives in, after passing by his house last winter.

"Yah guys do you know Oh Sehun?" Sunggyu suddenly asked as he put down his phone, after calling Joonmyeon.

Yoonhye nodded and said, "He's from the first year of our school and he's my friend. He visited me a lot when I am in the hospital."

"Ahh…well, Joonmyeon said that he's bringing that Sehun guy and also your seatmate, Yoonhye."

"Kim Jongdae?" Howon asked.

"Yeah." Sunggyu nodded. "Oh, anyways, did someone invited that annoying Nam?"

"Ayee, oppa, just admit that you really wish for Woohyun to come." Yoonhye sighed.

"Yeah, hyung. We all know that you really like that kid's personality." Myungsoo nodded.

"Yeah of course we had invited him. How could we left him out? He's our best buddy." Howon answered.

"Whatever. I'm going upstairs first and count whether my money is enough for every of you to have a delicious lunch tomorrow." Sunggyu replied and headed upstairs to his room.

The three of them just laugh at him, while Howon shouted behind him, "If you save your money and don't buy too many albums you will surely have enough money!"

Sunggyu ended up bought the ingredients and cook by all himself, with some help of Woohyun and Myungsoo, of course. He refused Howon to help as he might just burn the kitchen and he won't be helpful at all, he'll just stand there and help in tasting the foods, which Sunggyu really dislike it. Yoonhye didn't get to help as well as Sunggyu insisted that she should keep on resting.

"Sunggyu, don't you really need mother's help?" Mrs. Kim asked as she watched Sunggyu was busy with the ingredients and Woohyun who's busy preparing the soup.

"No mother. If you help us to cook, it wouldn't be a treat from me anymore." He replied. "You should go to continue with your works upstairs, I don't need help, mother."

His mother sighed and replied, "If you insisted."

Yoonhye watched as Myungsoo prepare the desert. He's baking a cheesecake which happens to be Yoonhye's favorite. Well, sadly she only gets to eat it on special days only, as an example, her birthday.

"Myungsoo, what kind of cheesecake you're preparing?" Yoonhye asked, passing the eggs for Myungsoo.

"Strawberry cheesecake. It's your favorite isn't it, noona?" Myungsoo grinned as he told Yoonhye.

"Thanks Myung! You're seriously the best." Yoonhye cheered as she hugged Myungsoo. Myungsoo just chuckled and replied, "Noona, you should go and open the door. There's someone here."

"Alright." Yoonhye said and went out to the living room. Howon had went out for his date so there's only Yoonhye, Myungsoo, Woohyun, Sunggyu and their mother left in the house. Their mother is upstairs busy the her work so there's only Yoonhye left to open the door.

"Hello Yoonhye!" Yoonhye was greeted by a cheerful voice as she opened the door. She was surprised when she saw Joonmyeon and Minseok together with Jongdae in front of her. She bowed slightly at them and greeted, "Annyeong haseyo."

"Drop the formalities, Yoonhye. Just treat us as friends instead of elders. We're just elder than you by a year. Besides, Jongdae is your friend, isn't it? Jongdae?" Minseok chuckled and said, as he nudged Jongdae who was beside him.

Jongdae just looked away without saying anything. To be truth, Yoonhye doesn't even know if they can be counted as friends or not.

"Where's your oppa? He asked us to be early and help." Joonmyeon said, looking inside.

"Oh, he's behind, in the kitchen. I'll lead you guys there. Come in please." Yoonhye opened the door wider and let the three enter the house.

"Sehun will be coming late. He's fetching Joohyun with him." Minseok said. "That kid, he's been busy in love again. Isn't it glad to be seen, Jongdae?" Minseok asked Jongdae again, meanwhile, Joonmyeon just turned his head and said, "I only wish for Joohyun to be together with Sehun and don't leave him again. It's hard to imagine what will happen to that kid if he is being dumped again."

Jongdae was silent all the time. It's not really rare as he doesn't talk much too.

"Oppa, your friend came!" Yoonhye led the three into the kitchen and told Sunggyu.

"Nice I was just thinking that I need more help." Sunggyu replied. He looked at Yoonhye for a while, then said, "By the way, someone mind to bring my sister here outside for a walk or whatever?"

"I'm staying to help, Gyu." Joonmyeon said. "Minseok? Jongdae?"

"I'm helping too." Minseok offered. "Jongdae, would you mind?" Jongdae said nothing but just nodded his head. He then spun and made his way to the door.

"Oppa, why do I have to go out?" Yoonhye whined at Sunggyu.

"You weren't helping at all so there's no use for you staying here though. It'll be better if you go out and have some fresh air isn't it?"

"I'll just sit outside and watch TV shows." Yoonhye told him.

"Fresh air will be better for you." Sunggyu just smiled and replied.


"Where do you want to go?" Jongdae suddenly asked as Yoonhye was putting on her shoes.

"I don't know. Maybe just the park…I guess."

"Then let's just go to the park."

The whole walk to the park was silent. None of them talked. Yoonhye tried to start a topic but she doesn't even knows how.

She looked around in the park and saw a stall selling flowers. There's a lot of pink flowers and which made her suddenly remember that Myungsoo is baking strawberry cheesecake, her favorite, out of all sudden.

She had always like the color pastel pink. For her, it is a sweet color.

"Myungsoo is baking strawberry cheesecake today. You eat cheesecake?" Yoonhye asked, starting a topic after their long silence.

"Not really. I actually prefer…coffees." Jongdae replied. After a while, he spoke again. "But she really loves cakes, especially cheesecakes."

"Who?" Yoonhye frowned and asked. She then realized that she already know the answer. There's only one girl he'll talk about. Cho Songhyun.

"My…girlfriend." Jongdae hesitated for a while and said. "She loves blueberry cheesecakes, and also chocolate cakes."

Yoonhye kept silent for a while, then said, "You must've love her a lot."

She saw Jongdae smiled, which is unusual. He smiled softly and looked up to the sky. "I did. She means more than anything to me."

"Would you mind if I ask you how you know her?" Yoonhye asked. She doesn't knows why, but her heart is aching every moment she heard him talked about her.

"That's a long time ago…when we're still four. I don't quite remember that story as I was young back then, but my parents told me that it was me who held out a small bunch of flowers which I picked and give it to her."

"That's sweet." Yoonhye commented.

"You? Don't you have a boyfriend before? In Busan?" He suddenly asked.

Yoonhye looked away from him. "Since young, I stayed in home all the time. The boys that I really get to know well is only my brothers and Howon. I don't have any other friends other than them."

"Not even someone who like you? I mean like, a lot of guys adore you in our school. I have a Chinese friend, Zitao who thinks that you are his…ideal type." He said.

"Ohh. I think that even if there's anyone who likes me, they'll back away because of my brothers and Howon." She chuckled.

"You have a lot of things in common with her." Jongdae said silently. "She likes cheesecake, and you too. She loves the pastel colors and you too. She loves hot chocolates and you too. Sometimes, I'll be thinking, if knowing you is just because she had left me or not, that the God felt sorry for seeing me like this."

"How do you know I like pastel colors?" Yoonhye asked.

"A lot of your things are in pastel colors. Your water bottle is pastel green, your pencil case is pastel blue, your bag is pastel pink, and a lot of your stationaries too. Isn't that obvious?"

"Ahh I see." Yoonhye nodded.

Jongdae pulled out his phone and answered his call. It was from Joonmyeon, calling them back to have lunch already.

"We should head back. They've prepared everything." He said, as he stopped in his track. Yoonhye stopped as well and nodded, then the both started to head back.

Yoonhye was having a mixed feelings that she doesn't even know how she feels now. She's kind of disappointed when he said that they actually have a lot of things in common.

But…even though they have a lot of things in common, this wouldn't mean that she is his Songhyun.

That is the time, when Yoonhye started wonder for the first time in her life…Am I in love?



Heyyy guys I am sorry that it took me a long time to update this story :) forgive me 🙈

Actually my midterm exams are coming so there might be possibilities that you have to wait for a long time till my next update. Well I am not sure about that so please just wait for my next update.

By the way I've posted a completed story which is Yixing's fanfiction and I hope that you'll take some time and check it out. I'll be glad for that if you do.

Also! Just a few days ago is EXO's 5th Anniversary! Happy 5 years with our boys 💓 I really felt happy for them that they had made so far. So I've made a fanmade MV for Promise for their 5th Anniversary and you can find the link in my IG account @itsjongdaee :)

Hope you'll check it out. Thank you.


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