The Hunger Games

By FiireKat

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A Hunger Games fan fiction!! :3 Credit to Suzanne Collins for the Hunger Games. Some of the ideas I put in th... More

The Hunger Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note

Chapter 19

1.4K 12 2
By FiireKat

          “Hey Katharine, get up. Your turn for watch,” Lily says shoving me awake.

          I open up my and its dark. I’m wrapped in Danny’s arms as he’s in a deep sleep. Damn, even in a deep sleep, his grip is tight and firm and I can’t even get out of it. Lily puts the night vision glasses on me and I begin to see clearly now. I look at Danny’s hands and release them and escape his grip and I sit up, beginning to climb out of the sleeping bag.

          “Oh no, it’s okay. You can stay in the sleeping bag. I’ll sleep on a branch.” Lily says pushing me back into the sleeping bag.

          I can see the coldness in her eyes, and know she’s freezing. “No,” I say. “It’s freezing, and you need to stay warm. You’ll catch a cold if you stay out here.”

          “Are you sure? Because I figured that you’d like to be with Danny.” Lily says and looks at him. “Plus, I really don’t mind.”

          “I’m sure.” I say as I get out of the sleeping bag and let Lily in. I still have my bow in my hand, and my arrows hocked on to a tree branch.

          I tend to drift off during my watch several times as my eyes begin to refuse staying open, because the next thing I know, the night vision glasses are off, and I’m face down on the branch I’m sitting on, or that’s what I think it is. I look up to find Danny playing with my hair and holding the glasses, and I’m leaning on his good leg.

          “You know, what happened to that cute braid you used to do?” He asks when I look right up at him.

          I shrug. “Well, I don’t have it because I don’t have a band to tie my hair.” I say. “Plus, you know I prefer my hair down.”

          “Well, I apparently have one. I found it in your bag.” He says and reaches into his pocket. “Here, let me do it for you.” I nod and he puts my hair in a braid. He grips my hair and separates it into three, and I could feel him turning them, forming the braid. “There, all done.” He says releasing the tight grip.

          I smile and look at him. “Thanks.” I say and squeeze his hand. “When did you get up?” I ask.

          “About two hours ago. I woke up and found you asleep on the branch, and I figured you were on watch because Lily was asleep next to me. I got up and decided to take watch while I watch you sleep.” He says and continues, “You know, you look very pretty asleep. And you’re less annoying and aggressive.” He giggles on the last part.

          I roll my eyes in annoyance. “Hey,” I say and slap him softly on the arm.

          “Finally, a soft slap,” He says joking around. “I also forgot to mention you’re less violent.” He says and cracks up.

          I am now getting pretty annoyed and slap him hard on the face this time. “Just shut up.” I say coldly.

          “Hey, I’m sorry. But you know it’s true.” Danny says. “Anyway, you can get back at me.”

          “Well, when you’re asleep, you’re less…um…I don’t know.” I say unable to think of anything negative about him because I’m still tired and can’t think straight.

          “Ah, can’t think of anything negative about me.” He puts his arm around me and I move in closer. “Just admit it, I’m perfect.”

          “No one’s perfect,” I say. “But, I guess you’re right. I can’t think of anything negative about you. You’re sweet, kind, and great at talking. No one gets mad at you, and you know how to make a girl feel special. So in some ways, you are perfect, unlike me.”

          “I think you’re perfect.” He says.

          “How am I perfect? You’re my only friend, and that’s going to end.” I say. “Oh, I found something! When you are asleep, you’re less protective over me!”

          Danny giggles and continues, “Well, in my opinion, I just think you are perfect in many ways. You have great looks, and stand out from most people in the Seam. Kids in the Seam mostly have black hair, gray eyes, and olive skin. You with your dirty blond hair and brown eyes stand out, in the good way. I remember when we were little, I became really jealous when I started to find out lots of guys liked you. But I told myself to calm down, because you would only hang with me. Not them.” He says. “It was pretty stupid to feel that way.”

          “You also stand out.” I say. “Anyway, I don’t think you should be jealous. It’s a stupid feeling. But, that reminds me. When did you start to fall for me?” I ask.

          “Well, I believe it was the first day of school, when we started. I was five, and you were only four, soon turning five, and I remember that morning watching you sign in. sure, we met before, but it wasn’t a proper meeting. Anyway, you were with you brother, who was ten, and your sister who just turned three. You were saying goodbye to Kati and your parents, and Jake was taking you to your class room. You had on two braids which were in bright red ribbons, and were wearing a simple light pink dress, and brown boots. My brother, Dan pointed you out. If you remember, Jake and Dan were best buds. That’s when my crush formed, seeing your beauty. It was like, love at first sight for me. I remember once we got to class, I went up and talked to you. I introduced myself and you introduced yourself. We then became best friends. In art, I remember the picture you drew of your family. It was very detailed, for a four year old that is. Then in music class, the teacher asked us each to sing a portion of a song we knew. You introduced your song as, ‘Jake’s Song’ and said your brother made it. You sang with the voice of an angel. Well, in my opinion that is. I even remember that day when we were both eight; you were looking out the window during class smiling. All of the sudden you frowned and got up from your seat, and ran out of class unexpectedly. Everyone just watched you go, confused on what happened. I looked out the window and saw Kati crying on the ground bleeding with cuts on her hands and knees. I saw you run up to her and pick her up. You then talked to her teacher. You didn’t return to class till about an hour later or so. When you came back, you just walked back to your seat and said nothing to the teacher, acting like nothing happened. I liked the way you cared for your sister that day. Then the next year, when Jake died, it was the most miserable year for you. You’d skip school, and whenever I saw you, you were crying. It made me feel miserable too. Even Dan was upset. I’d try to comfort you, and you’d let me, but nothing really worked. And most of the time, I never saw you, and when I asked for you; your mom would say you were in your room and wanted to be left alone. You would be with your sister always, her sobbing all the tears she had left I was upset, and just wanted to be with you. Whenever you did come to school, you would eat alone, never talk, and not even pay attention, and you would always leave early due to lack of work, our just out breaks of crying. You just shut out the world. I was so worried about you, that I could never stop thinking about you. When things got better for you, we continued are basic routine and things finally got back to normal. And my crush became really strong over the years, and a lot of people began to notice. You’re the only one who didn’t really.”

          I look at him, remembering everything he said and then speak. How the things were depressing and terrible, and how I would cry till there were no tears left.

          “But I notice now.” I say looking dead into Danny’s eyes.

          “And I’m glad you do.” He smiles and gives me a light kiss on the cheek.

          “Aw how sweet!”

          I turn around with Danny and see Lily looking at us smiling, hands folded in one another.

          “You two make the perfect couple!” She says.

          I look at her and blush. “We aren’t a couple.” I say. “We can’t be.”

          “Do you think that whole conversation was filmed?” Danny asks.

          “I bet it was.” Lily says. “The Gamemakers always want the juiciest parts filmed. It keeps the crowd active. And you know how everyone wants a little romance!”

          Just then a parachute falls down to us with a little container and a note attached to it.

          “Are first gift from a sponsor!” I exclaim excitedly. I grab it and read the note that came with it and it says,

                                               Keep up the great work and stay alive!


          “It’s from Joan.” I say. I open it up finding water and six rolls.

          “Oh, that looks delicious!” Danny says taking two rolls and biting into them.

          I take two others and Lily takes the rest and we eat the warm, fresh bread. We also drink some of the water.

          “Okay, let’s go on and observe the area by the lake.” I say once we are finished. I pack up my stuff and put on my backpack. I grab my bow and arrows and climb down the tree.

          Danny climbs down after and then Lily does following him. We slowly walk towards the lake. Once we get to the edge of the forest, I climb up a tree to look down on the camp. Danny observes from behind a bush and Lily from another tree. I see Peter and the girl from his District talking to Sundre. They’re the only three of the Careers left. There all cut up and bloody, and I could tell they’ve killed a lot in the past week or so. I lean in to catch what they’re saying.

          “Shimmer, Sundre, we need to find her! Remember what Suzan said, Katharine hides and sleeps in the trees! And apparently she teamed up with the girl from 11. And Danny’s weak, with his injured leg. They should be easy to find. There are only nine people left in the Games now. They should be easy.”

          Right, there are only nine people left. And I made it in the top nine. The Capitol should be interviewing my family, along with Danny’s. No, they do that with the top eight, right? Damn, I’m so confused with this, but I should be worried about what Peter is talking about. Not this. I then hear the girl from his District, who must be Shimmer, speak.

          “Yes, nine left. They could be easy, but remember, both Katharine and Danny have escaped us. The girl from 11 killed both Conner and Tortian. Sure they’re all 12, but they’re clever. They can outsmart us. Who would have thought a bunch of twelve year olds being able to kill a bunch of fifteen through eighteen year olds? It’s unbelievable! These kids are more dangers then we could think of.”

          “Yeah, remember how we got Katharine tied to that tree? She totally got you out of focus Peter.” Sundre says. “When she escaped because of the girl from 11, you had a fit. Which I have to admit was pretty funny.” She says and laughs.

          “Oh, shut the hell up!” Peter yells. “And you do know that I’m going to still win this thing, and nothing can get in my damn way.”

          They then stop talking and break apart. I observe the area, looking at the camp. The stuff is stacked and there are mini tents. Then in the corner of my eye, I see the girl from District 1, Shaylee. I remember her from the interviews, a ten in training and age fourteen, with her hair the color of a midnight black, and her piercing green eyes. She runs carefully to the pile, behind the Careers, and takes a few things, and runs back into the forest.

          She’s pulling a foxface, it’s pretty obvious. I remember some people saying that when their strategy is to invade, not attack or kill. The term came from one of the past Hunger Games, way before I was born. One of the Games that started the revolution and rebellion, I forget which Games though.

          After a few hours, Peter and Shimmer leave into the forest, not seeing us, and leave Sundre in charge as guard. When I see Lily climb down the tree, I climb down the one I’m in. We all then crowd around together to make a plan.

          “Okay guys,” Lily says, “Here’s what we do. I think we do what the District 1 girl did.”

          “You mean we pull a foxface?” I say. “I agree. But, to make things interesting for the crowd, when Peter and Shimmer get back, we walk out with our weapons, and kill them. Then take the lake for ourselves.”

          “Good plan.” Danny says sarcastically. “But one flaw, we’re going to be risking our lives. Don’t we want to live? Because I know I do.”

          “True,” I say agreeing. How can I be so stupid thinking of a plan like that?

          All of a sudden, Danny screams.

          “Danny, what happened?” I ask looking at him, and then I see it. A knife has been jammed into his left leg, on the front side of his thigh.

          He yanks out the knife and the stench of blood fills the area. I turn to see Peter and Shimmer running towards us.

          “There they are,” Peter yells, “all three of them! Let’s get them!”

          “Run!” I yell. Without thinking where I’m going, I risk my life and run towards the lake, with Sundre holding an axe, ready to throw it. Sundre laughs and throws the ax, confident that she’s going to hit me.

          “Duck,” I yell, and throw myself onto the ground, dodging the ax. I’m relieved that I have good reaction skills, and I didn’t freeze up in panic or the axe would have killed me. I get back up and shoot Sundre with my arrow, landing in her neck, and blood shoots out. She falls to the ground, dead.

          A cannon’s sound booms through the arena, indicating her death.

          “Sundre,” Peter yells. He looks at me with two knives in each of his hand. “I’m going to kill you!” he throws a knife aiming at me heart, so I move to the side and it hits my left arm, leaving a cut that begins bleeding. He throws the next one, aiming at my heart once more.

          “Katharine!” Lily yells and runs towards me, blocking me from the knife. She pushes me to the side, and I fall to the ground. Everything then seems to be going in slow motion. The knife comes towards her, and she doesn’t move because she’s frozen in terror.

          “Lily! No!” I scream the last words she may ever hear as the knife hits her in the chest as she screams in agonizing pain.

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