
By bangtan-yeonghon

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Genre: Angst | Mafia!AU Members: Jungkook | You/Reader | Yoongi | Taehyung | Namjoon | Hoseok | Jin | Jimin... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23.1
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Final Chapter

Chapter 23.2

878 32 47
By bangtan-yeonghon


"So you're finally showing your real face..." Jimin's low voice scared the life out of you. "Traitor," the disgust in his voice was triggering you somehow.

"I'm not..." you were too panicked to even make a sentence.

It was as if ever since Jungkook showed up everything turned upside down for you within the group. Everyone kept pushing you away from him, accusing you of stuff you did not do, doubting your loyalty, and always keeping you under their radar. It was exhausting.

"You're not what? So you want to tell me you weren't thinking of running away just now?" he was taking slow steps towards you, crushing the grass under his boots. "I'm not Taehyung, Y/N, you can't fool me with your pretty eyes and sweet words. I can see right through your bullshit."

"It's not bullshit!" you raised your voice.

"Hmph. You keep going against my words. You must really have a death wish or something. Where is all this confidence coming from, huh?" he was standing right in front of you, both frowning at each other. "Maybe if you kept your mouth shut every now and then it would have been better. I see Taehyung already had a say in this and I'm glad he did. You needed to be taught a lesson, and you got a good one I see. You better behave now."

"I am not a dog, Jimin!"

"Still at it, huh? Maybe you need another round. Should I force you to go down there again? I can do it with no problem."

"Keep your hands off of me," you slapped his arms away. "Remember that I'm also a member of this group! I'll not betray the family so stop with this fake heroic act of making me the bad one here. I swear to God you seem like a totally different person at times. I really don't know what your problem is, but don't drag me in it. I can't believe I used to consider you my friend, Jimin."

"You've become quite the arrogant one, Y/N. That was before you went there and helped that piece of shit. Have you ever seen us do that? No. Did anyone tell you to? No. Have you asked for permission at least? You haven't, you just acted on your own, like a thief in the dark, even after everyone told you not to go near this place."

"He could have helped us. He can help us!"

"He won't!! Are you fucking blind or just plain stupid? He is one of Black Tiger's men, the only thing he will do is destroy us! Get that in your head!"

"I'm not a traitor, Jimin!"

"Then don't act like one!"

"Excuse me for trying my best to help and for risking my life for this group!"

"It was you who chose this life! Don't play the victim!"

"Then would you have let me go that day? Just like that?"

"Probably not," he smirked.

"Exactly as I thought. There already was no going back for me, so why not try to integrate instead. My life outside this group was already a mess anyways. I had nothing to lose."

"Playing the brave girl like always...fine, have it your way, but one day you'll come to regret all of this."

"I'll take care of that!" you walked past him.

"Mark my words, Y/N, stop playing with fire or you'll get hurt!" his screams were echoing through the forest.

Your mind was clouded by all kinds of thoughts now. How could Jimin help you in a job one day while acting as a friend and the next day turn into the coldest person, threatening you. Maybe this is how this world was: full of two face people, betrayal, and danger. Taehyung was even worse: it was as if he had several different personalities, going from sweet and loving to dark and seductive or to scarry really quick. Maybe this was the secret to his charm. He would make you feel secure and then shake the earth under your feet like it was nothing. His ever changing personality was draining you at times.

But with Jungkook it was different; it was like a walk on an isolated, pristine beach somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a place where your soul is at peace and everything feels warm and secure. It was not the kind that would enchant you like Taehyung's, but rather something that dragged you into it without even noticing.

You were slowly making your way up to your room when your eyes stopped on the feet of a man standing still at the end of the stairs, just like he was waiting for you.

"You're full of surprises, Y/N."

"Hoseok..." fear was covering you in its cold touch once again.

"This is the what? Third time you go against Taehyung's word? You got nerve, I give you that. But use it wisely, princess, we don't want any more lying bodies on the halls of this house. You are a special case for Taehyung, I could see that, not many escaped his rage outbursts. Everyone has their eyes on you now, Y/N. Helping a traitor is not something we do."

"Why can't anyone see that I am not helping him, but trying to get some info."

"Even so, that's not out way. You want info, you apply pressure where it hurts until he opens his mouth."

"What if he dies? You can't get anything out of a dead man. He could really die there."

"Not your business."

You were out of words. It seems like anything you said was not good enough, and was only making things worse.

"Take my advice: don't test Taehyung's limits. You need to make a decision, a clear one."


"No need to tell me anything, I don't care. But whatever you do, you must take the responsibility for it. I think you know what that means. That's all I wanted to say," he was about to leave when you spoke again.

"I'm not a traitor..." your voice was soft, cracking a bit as your throat felt sore.

"Words are just words, Y/N, actions speak louder. Not to say that that's exactly what a traitor would say. You took a wrong step, fix that first, don't just throw excuses everywhere. That's how you survive."

He left right after finishing his sentence, leaving you speechless. You peeked at your left, worrying that Yoongi would come out of his office and scold you as well. He was the one you feared the most, since you put your life in his hands in exchange for a spot in the group. You took another step and looked around. Nobody was there. You moved your feet as quickly and quietly as you could and went straight to your room, sighing in relief once you leaned your back against the closed door. Your feet lost their strength so you collapsed to the floor as tears ran down your cheeks.

"How does that feel like, Jungkookie?" Taehyung spoke in a low tone, heading towards his victim. "How hoes betrayal feel like?" he spoke with an evil smile on his face. He had the eyes of a crazy man when Jungkook started laughing.

"I wouldn't know," he said. "Y/N never failed me...but it seems you can't say the same thing," he chuckled.

"Oh, seems our Jungkookie still has the energy to speak," he dug his nails into his wound, making him scream at the top of his lungs. "This is fun. Let's see how long you can keep it going, Jeon Jungkook."

"This...won't change a thing. Y/N...she's not yours," another scream filled the room.

"I just showed you she is. Still can't realize you'll never get her back? She even remembered you and still here you are. Alone! Abandoned! Forgotten! Left behind!"

"You don't know her. You think you do...but you don't. And you already made a big mistake...She already came back to me."

Taehyung grabbed his jaw, eyes digging into his as he squeezed it as hard as he could. Jungkook smirked.

"What's happening here? Having fun on your own?" Jimin chuckled from behind.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung turned to him.

"Came to visit an old..."friend". Long time no see, Jungkookie," he was standing right next to Taehyung, examining Jungkook's face. "You don't look too well. Oh, you even got a bullet. The shoulder? Really Taehyung? I thought you'd be better at this."

"That wasn't me."

"Then?" he faced Jungkook with a smile. "Aah! Y/N...So that's why she was trembling like a leaf a few minutes ago."

"You met her?!"

"Yeah, she was standing outside looking like a ghost with that white shirt and everything. Wait a second...where is your shirt?"

"I gave it to her."

"What did you three do here?" he chuckled. "You perverted freaks, you should've called me too!"

"Shut you stupid mouth!" Jungkook growled before spitting some blood on Jimin's shoes.

"You piece of shit!!" his hand flew to his neck. "Those were new!"

Taehyung pulled his arm and pushed him back a little gaining an angry and confused face from Jimin.

"What the fuck, Tae?!"

"For the 1st time...I agree with him. Watch your mouth, Jimin."

"That bitch got you all under her spell," he scoffed. "Do you even know she wanted to run away just now, Taehyung?"


"You heard me! She was about to start running when I caught her. You should've seen the look on her face," he laughed.

"Where is she now?" Taehyung grabbed him by the collar.

"How am I supposed to know? She was heading towards the house. I gave her quite the scare, hope she didn't actually run away. Though I wouldn't mind it," he glanced at Jungkook. "She reached her purpose."

"Park Jimin!"


They were both clenching their jaws, almost as if they were both trying hard not to throw a great punch at each other. Jungkook was breathing heavily, fighting not to lose conscience even though he was on the edge of fainting.

"You and I will have a talk later. Keep an eye on him!" Taehyung released him and walked towards the door.

"Since when are you in charge here, Taehyung, giving orders and everything?"

"Are you really going to be like this?!"

"Don't worry, I wanted to have my moment with him anyways. Go to your beloved Y/N before she does anything stupid again and gets herself killed."

He ran up the stairs, jumping some as he went, desperate to find you. If you really ran away, that would be the end. Nobody could leave the group without Yoongi's permission. And that hardly happened. You would end up on a chair next to Jungkook, or with a bullet straight to your head.

"Jimin...if you did something to Y/N..."

"What will you do? Take a better look at yourself," he crouched in front of Jungkook. "You can't do anything right now. So how about this: you tell me what I need to hear, and I'll promise not to kill you."

"Fuck off..."

Jimin laughed and pulled Jungkook's hair back, making him groan in pain.

"Listen, kid, I'm kinda tired and have no time for bullshit. Y/N shot you, huh? So she really forgot about you...at least she wasn't faking that one. Let me tell you a funny story. She kinda turned me on when she came to my room acting all tough and shit. Tae, that bastard, ruined the moment though. What a waste...I could've made her scream louder."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he spoke slowly, barely even keeping his eyes open.

"Oh they fucked right after that. Quite the romantic type, Taehyung. He put music and shit thinking I won't hear anything. I would've joined them, but he locked the door. That was quite the turn on. Damn, I could have jerked off to that."

"Shut the fuck up..."

"I wonder if she moaned so much when you fucked her. Wait...did you even do it?"

"You're sick..."

"Oh, poor Jungkookie, that's why she must've forgotten you so easily."

"Is that why you can't get a girl?"

"There we go. That's the spirit," he punched him in the stomach. "This is getting fun. Do make me angry. I love a good fight."

"This...is not even...a fair fight."

"Nor was it back then at the docks. But that didn't seem to bother you."

"You know shit...about me..."

"I know just enough. Now, if you care to share, please do. Start with...uhm...everything about Namjoon's group. Wait, YOUR group, forgot for a second you're one of his dogs."

"Let Y/N go first..."

"Nope. Not gonna happen."

"You said...she's already done...her part," it was hard for him to speak; he was swallowing and breathing in between words, breaking the sentence into small pieces. "Let her go..."

"What part of "no" is so hard to understand? She is a member of the family now, no going back. And she can be quite useful at times, you know. Not the innocent girl you once thought she was. Did you see her at Namjoon's hotel? Oh wait, you shot her! What a drama! Tragic!" he smiled as Jungkook just stared at him. "It really breaks my heart! And now she shot you. Oh, I almost cried!"

"Fuck off, Park Jimin."

"Ah, this is really fun! Do you know how long I waited for this moment? And I thought I lost you in that car accident...too bad Namjoon got there first. But then again, all of this wouldn't have happened. Aah..." he yawned. "Seems like I'm getting tired. Well, I guess this is it for today....too bad, I wanted to play more. Don't worry though, I'll be back."

He left the room, turning off the lights before locking the door. In the deep darkness Jungkook's cries of pain and deep sights were the only sign of a living person being there. His body was slowly reaching its limits. It did not take long for him to fall unconscious and escape from the growing pain.

You heard footsteps coming towards you room at a fast pace and stood up and away from the door right before Taehyung barged in. Your pulse went through the roof at the sight. He was looking at you while out of breath from all the running and you were doing the same thing, not knowing what to expect. You did exactly as he wanted, why did he look so desperate? He pushed his body forward without saying anything, making you think he was about to hit you. And just when you closed your eyes in fear, you felt his arms wrapping around you so tightly it was hard to move.

"You didn't run anyway. You're here!" he released you from his embrace and brushed your hair. "Never run away, Y/N!"

"I won't..."

"But you wanted to."

You looked at him, not able to say anything. Jimin must have told him.

"If there's any place you want to go tell me and I'll take you there."

"There isn't..."

"Then don't do anything stupid," he noticed his shirt was painted red by the blood that was still rushing from your wound. Now that the rage faded away, he felt bad for making you go through pain again. "Take the shirt off, I need to see what's happening with your wound."

You sat in silence on the edge of the bed as he did his job. You were both calm, as if nothing had happened half an hour ago. When he was done he placed a kiss on your shoulder and helped you put a shirt on. Everything seemed good, only that you kept your head down, avoiding his eyes, as if guilt and anger played with your soul.

"You seem tired. You should rest, Y/N. I'll tell the boys to get you something to eat."

You gave a short, soft nod and he left, giving you the space you wanted. It took only a couple of minutes for you to fall asleep, finally giving your brain some rest.

"Oh, Taehyung, come to my office for a bit. I have something to tell you," Yoongi said just when Taehyung was closing the door to your room. Hoseok and Jimin were with him already.

"What's happening?" Hoseok said.

Yoongi handed him a fancy looking card that looked like an invitation to an important event. He read it out loud for the others to hear as well.

"Seems like you have quite the interest in me, Min Yoongi.

I appreciate your efforts of planting bugs in my office. Quite the thrilling experience, I admit.

If you're so eager to find things about me, how about we meet face to face?

10 PM tonight, Club 9.

And don't try anything funny. We wouldn't want our first meeting to turn into a bloodbath, would we?

Your beloved,

Kim Namjoon"

"This bitch is crazy," Hoseok started to laugh. "Hyung, what are you going to do?"

"We're going to do exactly as he says."


Yoongi was smirking behind his desk.

"If he wants us to go there, we will. It's part of his game. And I already know what he's after."

"Jungkook..." Taehyung mumbled.

"Bingo! We have something he wants. And he's scared of what Jungkook would say now that he met Y/N too. That means he'll try to trade him for something. That is what makes me play his game."

"What if he has other plans? We can't just go there like this," Hoseok said.

"I'll have to take the risk."

"Shall we take some men with us, then?"

"You two are enough," he pointed to him and Taehyung. "He said no bloodbath, and I don't think he'd try anything there. Jimin I want you to stay with Jungkook, just in case. Get the boys to guard the house too."

"Got it!" Jimin nodded.

"You should all go and sleep...it's going to be a long night."

In no time darkness took over the city, clearing the stage for all the felons to do their thing. Yoongi was going over the plan for the night again with Hoseok, Jimin was already heading towards Jungkook and Taehyung towards your room. Your head moved in the direction of the door just as he entered.

"Oh, you're up. I thought you'd still be sleeping."

"I woke up a few minutes ago."

He sat on the bed next to you and caressed your face with his left hand.

"We have a job."


"Yeah...Namjoon..." your eyes grew wide at the sound of his name. "said to meet him at Club 9."


"It's ok, Y/N, Yoongi thinks he won't make a move there."

"I'll get ready," you were about to get out of bed when he pushed you back in.

"No, Y/N, you're not coming. We can't afford having you there. Especially with that wound on your shoulder."


"No excuses."

You looked at him, tears filling your eyes.

"Please be careful..."

He smiled and pulled you in for a kiss.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I won't die so easily."

He looked at the clock and stood up, heading towards the door.

"Oh, one more thing...In order for things like that one earlier not to happen again while we're out I'll lock the door."


"You have some food here and I'll leave the key to one of the guys in case you want to go to the bathroom."

"No, Taehyung!"

"I'll be back soon," just like that he closed the door, the sound of the lock making you jump out of bed and right at the handle.

"No! Taehyung!! Don't do this, please! Kim Taehyung!!" Your screams and bangs against the hard wood were heard throughout the whole floor and even downstairs.

"She didn't take it so well," Hoseok said.

"I wasn't expecting it either. Is the car ready?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

"Damn it!" you threw one last punch against the door.

You turned around and looked out the window. The sky was so clear that night. You heard the engine of their car getting lost in the distance. There was nothing to do now, you were trapped.

10:05 PM

They parked the car at the back of the club, the place designed for V.I.Ps, and followed the man send by Namjoon to escort them. The door opened to a rather large private room with black marble walls and no windows. There was a chandelier in the center of it, right above the table, with crystals hanging from it. Namjoon was leisurely sipping on some drink, sitting on the black leather sofa that seemed to go around the whole room in a "U" shape.

"The infamous Min Yoongi. I see you brought some friends along as well."

"I'd say the same thing," Yoongi looked at the men standing next to them.

"Oh, don't mind them, they don't bite..." his face turned dark "unless there is a reason for them to."

"You tamed them well, it seems." Yoongi smirked. "My boys tend to be quite wild, so I'd be careful."

"No need to. We are here to have a nice talk, aren't we. Come, take a seat!"

"What exactly made you send that card? I have a feeling it was not just because you wanted to see me."

Namjoon smiled. Yoongi was the kind of man he enjoyed having as an opponent. Playing with someone with his brains and skill was always fun.

"As expected, you didn't gain your name for nothing. I think one of my men is being held hostage and I'd quite want him back."

"Being held hostage is a harsh word considering he offered himself to us."

"He must have had his thoughts clouded by something, now I am sure he'd like to take that back."

"I wouldn't be so sure. He seemed quite keen to share information."

Namjoon clenched his jaw. He thought everything through for a second and then chuckled.

"Just a second, I need to make a phone call," he went out, leaving Yoongi and the boys to wonder what he had in mind.

"How's everything going?"

"We are ready, boss!"


"We will go in at your word."

"Go ahead. Remember: find Jungkook and the girl. If you can't get both, each of them would do."

"Yes, boss!"

"Send me a message when you're done and wait for my call."

"Yes, boss!"

Namjoon came back in the room with one hand in his pocket and a proud smile on his face.

"I'm sorry for the interruption. Where were we?"

10: 30 PM

There were lights in the house and shadows moving behind the windows. A few men were smoking in front of the door. Except for that, everything seemed normal. That until gas bombs started flying through the windows, filling the room in a thick layer of smoke. Men wearing black costumes surrounded the house, taking down everyone they encountered as they searched for the two of you.

You jumped at the sound of glass breaking. You peeked out the window and saw smoke coming up. People were screaming, throwing things, and shooting guns downstairs, making you panic. The door was tightly shut, there was no going out. The window was not a good alternative either as the fall would most likely only hurt you more. You heard footsteps coming up followed by the metallic sound of something rolling across the floor and your heart stopped for a second. That was not good. You needed to go out fast. Door were being smashed open and more gas bombs were being thrown across the whole floor. One of them stopped right outside your door, filling your room with the dense smoke as you were trying to make a way out. The window was the only choice. You covered your nose and mouth trying to avoid it as best as you could, but by the time you managed to open the window your head was already spinning. Your feet lost strength, making you fall on your knees and then crash on your side. Your eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, senses fading one by one. You tried to reach for the window again, but your hand fell numb on the floor.

Tae...Taehyung-ah... were your last thoughts before everything went black.

Loud bangs were filling the silence as someone was trying to kick open the door. After a few minutes the door flew open, making way for them to search it. They saw your body lying on the floor and one of them came to examine you. You were still breathing. He picked you up and rushed down to the van. Everything was done with such speed and precision that nobody would have had time to fight back. The gas would kick out a person in seconds, it was something Jin worked on for months.


"No sign of him, sir."

"Damn it! Ok, get in the car!"

With the squealing sound of the wheels, the cars were getting lost in the depth of the night, the only thing left behind as a trace of their visit being broken glass and bodies laying on the floors.

"How about we strike a deal? You'll give us Jungkook back and I will grant you a place in our group," Namjoon said.

Yoongi looked at him with dead eyes.

"Ha!" Taehyung scoffed. "Is this bitch serious?!" he stood up from his seat, but was soon put in his place by Yoongi who grabbed his wrist.

"I don't think you get the picture, so let me clear this up for you a bit. I have no intention of working hand in hand with you or Black Tiger. You are the one on the losing side here."

"Are you willing to sacrifice your whole group then?"

"Don't underestimate my men."

"Fine, then. This was a one in a lifetime chance for you, guess it can't be helped now."

"Don't make plans so fast, Namjoon, the game is not over yet."

"You are so confident you'll win. But I'm not so sure things will go your way."

"We'll see about that."

Namjoon's phone buzzed right as Yoongi was getting up. A smile spread on his face as he read the message.

"We got the girl!"

"Now, if we're done here, I have other business to take care of."

"So soon? The party was only starting though."

He looked back at Namjoon who was holding his phone up.

"Say hello to your precious girl," he chuckled.

They took a closer look at the screen. You were in the back of a van with black strips of material covering your eyes, mouth, and rope wrapping around your wrists and legs.


Taehyung pulled out his gun and pointed it right at Namjoon's forehead as he laughed. Soon everyone followed, pointing their guns at each other. If he was to pull the trigger, so would the guy holding his pistol against Taehyung's head, and then Hoseok would blow that guy's brains out and so on.

"What are you doing now, Namjoon?" Yoongi spoke.

"An eye for an eye. That only seems fair, don't you think?"

"You cheated," Yoongi laughed. "Going behind my back. That's a low move."

"You would know better. Now, care to reconsider my offer?"

"You can go and fuck yourself. Did you really think I'd say yes?"

"Well it was worth the shot."

"I'll make you pay for this, just wait for it." He turned to Hoseok and Taehyung. "Let's go."

"I'm looking forward to that. Until then I'll keep the girl, although I don't know how long she'll hold out. The clock is ticking Yoongi, don't make me wait too much."

They left the room just as Namjoon took another sip of his drink, visibly satisfied by the outcome. Things were finally going his way.

11:00 PM - Y/N gets kidnapped.

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