LevixReader - One Shots

By Levetra_

77.3K 1.7K 632

Another AOT/SNK fanficiton, if you havent already, feel free to check out my first book! More

Hello Everyone!
Red Carpet - Famous Levi x Famous Reader
A Kidnapping Thing - Thug Levi x Reader
Damn Him - Thug Levi x Reader
I need U - Soldier Levi x Writer Reader
You're My Garden - Soldier Levi x Florist Reader
Don't Leave Me - Soldier Levi x Florist Reader
The Unexpected Side - Levi x Confident Reader
It's a she?! - Soldier Levi x Princess Reader
Peasants - Soldier Levi x Princess Reader
Rain - FBI Levi x Reader
Beautiful - FBI Levi x Reader
Blood, sweat and tears - Levi x Reader
Let me Know - Levi x Reader
Crystal Snow - Mafia Levi x Reader
Red Swan - Mafia Levi x Reader
First Love - Mafia Levi x Reader
Danger - Levi x Psychotic reader
Hold me tight - Levi x Psychotic reader
2!3! - Levi x Reader
Fields of Gold - Prince Levi x Reader
Lady in Red - Prince Levi x Reader
For You - Levi x Abused Reader
Really, Really - Self-Harm Levi x Reader
Wake Me Up - Self-Harm Levi x Reader
Serendipity - Vampire Levi x Reader
DNA - Vampire Levi x Reader
Kiss from a Rose - Levi x Reader
Moonlight Serenade - Levi x Reader
Spine Breaker - Levi x Reader
Best of Me - Assassin Levi x Assassin Reader
Dimple - Thug Levi x Thug Reader
Save Me [Tribute to Maze Runner]
Maniaque - Thug Levi x Thug Reader
Paradise - Duke Levi x Duchess Reader
When the World was at War - Pilot Levi x Pilot Reader
Love Maze - Professor Levi x Student Reader
bad guy - Professor Levi x Student Reader
Only Human - Levi x Reader
Call of Silence - Levi x Reader
Pretend - Levi x Reader
Fake Love - Commander Levi x Reader
White Flag - Commander Levi x Reader
Jealous - Butler Levi x Reader
Unravel - Levi x Reader
Tension - Levi x Reader
Hypnotic - Vampire Levi x Human Reader

Tomorrow - Soldier Levi x Writer Reader

2.1K 49 15
By Levetra_


"What do you mean you've lost inspiration to write?! Your deadline is in three months and this is what you give me?!" Your editor screamed at you. You were crowned one of the best writers in the country because of your strange imagination but lately, you've lost everything. You just sit there and stare at a blank screen with the cursor flashing.

"I've got nothing else to write." You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I know I'm making your job really hard right now but I seriously don't know what else to write."

"Look here (F/N), You have three months until your next novel debut, please think of something. Even if it's a children's book for all I care. I need a product." She told up, grabbed her bag from the counter and left shutting the door behind her. You held back the urge to scream and collapsed onto your couch. 

You've been a writer since your short story for an English and Literature assignment was published into a well-known magazine. But it was as though all your creative juices ran out. No matter how you write, your stories would not have a satisfying ending. 

"I give up!" You yelled at the ceiling and threw a pillow onto the floor in frustration. It was hard enough to create a good piece of writing and now, your deadline was in three months. You can't rush art! It doesn't work that way. 

You grunted and headed to your kitchen. You waiting for the water to boil and looked through your cabinets for tea. Realising you haven't been shopping for the past week, you were out of tea bags. Pouting, you went to your second option: coffee. Normally the caffeine in tea was enough for you and coffee was often too strong. But today, you needed something stronger anyway. 

As the coffee was on the stove brewing, your apartment was filled with the calming aroma. You closed your eyes and leaned on the counter inhaling the beautiful scent. Suddenly, a crash was heard from your study. You frowned as your heart skipped a beat. You lived alone and the stray cat the climbed near the fire escapes wouldn't dare set foot into your apartment unless it knew you were home and gave it permission. 

Forgetting about the coffee, you rushed to see what the problem was. Except....the problem was that there was a blade to your throat as you turned the corner. You yelped and fell back as a man with jet black hair and stunning silver eyes looked down at you. He wore a uniform of some organisation you were unfamiliar with and had a unique gear of some kind and swords attached to his waist. His uniform was quite attractive, you'd wear it if you had the choice. 

"Oi Brat! What the hell is this place where am I?" He snapped at you with a stoic expression still in a defensive stance. 

"Uh....hi? And who the hell do you think you are huh? This is MY apartment and I cannot tolerate a stranger just SHOW UP and snap at ME!" You eyed him but remained on the floor. 

"Tch, it's corporal to you. And you're not very scary when you're on the floor like that." He scoffed putting his swords away in their special slots when he realised you were harmless. 

"Corporal huh? You're in the army? I've never seen a uniform like yours before." You shrugged and got up. Suddenly, you remembered the coffee and rushed to the kitchen afraid something would happen. You didn't feel like burning the apartment to ashes. Not today. <-- (Pun intended.)

"Coffee first, I need a boost and hurry up brat!" He hissed as he followed you into the kitchen. "And where am I?" 

"First of all Captain I-think-I'm-superior-to-everyone, I'm not a brat, and you are in my apartment, on the fifth floor in Sina Park." You answered him stirring the coffee and pouring it into two separate mugs. 

"Tch, Sina Park? You mean Wall Sina?" 

"So the legends were true then," You laughed.

"What legends?"

"Ah, there was a legend that this land used to be.....well there used to be three walls that shielded humans from beasts-"

"Titans." He interrupted causing you to scowl at him. 

"And now thousands of years later, the walls are completely gone and this is now a land of peace." You said placing his cup of coffee in front of him and sitting down across from the strange man sipping your coffee. 


"I beg your pardon?"

"Levi. Levi Ackerman is my name. I'm a squad leader and corporal from the thousands of years ago that you spoke of where there were 'beasts' and walls that shielded the humans."

"Huh," You considered what he said. "Then why the hell are you in my apartment? And is that blood?!"

"To hell would I know! I was fighting in the battle and I slipped, falling to the ground only to land here. And this blood isn't mine. Surprised you didn't notice earlier." He answered sipping his coffee. "Tch, this coffee actually tastes nice for once."

For some reason, you blushed at his compliment. He was attractive but his story made you question his sanity. "So you're not from......now......are you?"

"What year is this?"

"Umm 2017..."

"Definitely not. It was the year 847." You blinked. Year 847?! That was thousands of years ago! You quietly observed Levi as he sipped his coffee. He sat formally and held his cup in an odd way. You couldn't help but question why there were leather straps wrapping his body and what the gear was. 

"Quit staring," He huffed and put his cup down.

"What are the straps for? And the gear?" 

"You're an annoying one aren't you?"

"I deserve to know brat, you just showed up IN my apartment and claimed you're not from this era. I feel like I need an explanation. And if I like it, I might even consider helping you return to your time and perhaps letting you stay while you're figuring things out."

Levi glared at you when you called him a brat but the sighed. He stood up, unclasped his gear and set it on the table. "This will take a while and I'm not going to explain it again so listen carefully, child."

"Oh, so I'm a child now?" You glared at him. 

"Don't sass me." He hissed making you snort. "As I was saying, this will take some time to explain and- Oi don't look at me like that! Tch, I'm not insane and I know what I'm talking about."

"I'm sure." You rolled your eyes and waited for him to explain. 

"Okay. The titans ate people and we still haven't found their origin or why they do what they do. Their unnatural thirst for humans, where they came from, how they reproduce, was all new and no one could figure it out. Finally, we found their weak spot and how to kill them. One thick slice to their nape and they would have no time to regenerate killing them instantly. After that, they evaporate."

"Sounds.......wow." You couldn't find the right word to describe it.

"These swords were specially designed to slice flesh easily giving us the advantage. The gear is called the 3DMG, 3-dimensional manoeuvring gear. This hook here, and the press of this trigger can shoot the hook onto a tree or building and then it pulls you up. It's very useful. These tanks here contain gas to help you advance."

"Wow.....all of this sounds.....great but please don't use it in here." You pleaded and he just smirked. 

"So what do humans use these days? Firearms?" 

"Well, guns, all different sized and shapes. We drive cars instead of.......what did you have? Horses? They're much safer and faster." Your conversation with Levi lasted throughout the whole day and before you knew it, it was late into the night. 

He yawned and removed his jacket. You thanked god that you decide to clean your apartment yesterday or it would've been embarrassing to have Levi show up with your apartment looking like a birds nest. You massaged your temples as your eyes started to droop. Before you knew it, your head hit the table and your mind drifted to sleep. 


Your eyes shot open and realised you were tucked in bed. Your clothes were changed from what you wore before to your nightclothes. Your bedroom door was closed but the light still shone from under your door. You quietly climbed out of bed, wrapping a blanket around you, and opened the door. 

Looking around, you found Levi on your couch fast asleep in his white shirt and pants with his straps and gear neatly placed to the side. His facial expressions were calm and relaxed as he slept. You quietly clicked off the light and threw the blanket you had with you on him scared he'd catch a cold. 

A sudden wave of butterflies invaded your stomach when you realised he must've been the one that changed you into your nightclothes. Your cheeks heated up as you smiled at the man's sleeping form. After thinking he'd be fine now, you returned to your room, found another quilt and climbed onto bed falling asleep. 

Your sleep was restless and filled with the things Levi had told you. Your mind flickered at the images it came up with when Levi told you about the titans and how they brutally ate humans with an unusual hunger. 

Suddenly, you felt a hand over your mouth and your eyes shot open. "Levi What the hell?"

"Don't you 'what the hell' me! You were screaming as if someone was trying to murder you!" In the dim light, you could see the shape of Levi and his messy hair. His expression was worried and all scrunched up. You giggled. 

"What?!" He demanded. 

"Nothing, wait I was screaming?"

"Yes! I had to burst in here like a fcking madman. It was the best nap I've taken in my existence and thanks to your beautiful interruption, I can't bloody sleep now!" He grunted and found the light switch and poked it turning it on. "Well, this is more useful than candles. Thank you for passing out on me and I had to learn how to do everything. And the toilets, you just press a button to.....you know...."

By now, it was very hard to contain your laughter. You burst out laughing and Levi punched your shoulder. "Owwww!" You whined but didn't stop laughing. 

"Quit it brat! STOP!" You laughed harder. You've just lost your shit. 

"STOP IT!" Levi's voice was stern now and you eventually calmed down wiping tears from your eyes. 

"Aw, you party pooper." 

He 'tch'ed and crossed his arms. "Anyway, do you perhaps have something.....more comfortable that I could change into? Now that I know for sure there are no titans or threats, I would like to wear something less....tight."

"I have baggy hoodies and track pants, but I'll take you shopping tomorrow. We could fix you up with some modern clothes!" You smiled and got out of bed. You headed to your dresser and fished out some clothes.

"At least you keep your clothes clean," Levi muttered looking through his available options. 

"Yes Shorty, I wash my clothes and I fold them. I like wearing fresh clothes that smell nice idiot." You rolled your eyes at him ignoring the fact that he's glaring at you. If only looks could kill. 

"Whatever, I'll just wear this." 

"Okay, I'm going to sleep coz I'm actually tired." You looked at him. "You should sleep too. You look like you haven't slept well in years." 

Levi nodded and 'tch'ed again. "See you tomorrow."


Part two will be out soon! AND WHO IS EXCITED FOR SEASON TWO!?!?!?!!11?!?!?

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