My Runaway Mate ( justin bieb...

By breluvsbiebs

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My Runaway Mate ( justin bieber werewolf love story ) 1
My Runaway Mate (justin bieber werewolf love story ) chapter 2
My Runaway Mate ( justin bieber werewolf love story ) chapter 3
my runaway mate (justin bieber werewolf love story ) chapter 4
chapter 8 :)
chapter 13


1.7K 32 1
By breluvsbiebs

HEYYY GUYS SORRY I KNOW I AM VERY LATE I'LL TRY TO MAKE THIS ONE LONG SO I CAN MAKE IT UP TO U ANYWAY THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO @hannah2901 because even though i was not uploading she was still commenting encouraging me lol thanks ....on with the story



weird. that is another word to add to the list of ashley's personality just weird. i looked at my watch and decided it was time to start getting ready for this dreadfull concert.

JESS: hey ash i'm going to take a shower and start getting ready you should to .

ASH: huh? oh okay

see what i mean lost in her own little world.

ASH:hey look at that were out of ice. i'm gonna go grab so okay bye.

okay shes up to something. i just shrugged it off and turned the shower on. i ran to my suitcase pulled out a razor. my shampoo and conditioner, and my favorite gel soap. and headed to the shower.


JESS: hey ash i'm gonna start getting ready for the concert. ill be in the shower

i'm thinnking of ways i can break this to her easily. i know i'll talk to justin. oh wait was she saying something?

ASH: huh? oh okay

think of something quick

ASH: oh look were out of ice i'm gonna get some k bye.

 i left before she had the chance to answer. i quickly dropped the empty bucket and made my way to the elevator. from floor 15 to 52 gosh why is this hotel so big? it would have been quicker if i took the stairs. as i watched the numbers go up ever so slowly i soon got caught in the elevator music. it's very catchy before i knew it i was dancing with my back towards the elevator door when i turned around i noticed i was on the 46th floor and a couple of elderly women were looking at me in disgust. i blushed and looked down and patiently waied until the elevator reached the 52end floor thank god took forever . i ran to justin's suite which to my lucky was at the end of a very long hallway. (enter sarcasm her ). great now i only have two minutes to talk to justin and make it back down to my room in less than 5 minutes. i rapidly knocked on justin's door for it to open and reveal pattie. i gave her a quick hug before passing and looking for justin. GOD why is his suite huge. hes not in the bed he's not in the bathroom not in the kitchen then i looked at the balcony i can see the shape of his big head.haha. i quickly ran out to him.

ASH: what did she seee out there?

JUSTIN: woah ashley don't do that !! you scared the swag outta me. and as far i know she didnt see anything.

ASH: shes gonna kill me once she finds out that i am a werewolf, your a werewolf, and that i have been acting like i dont know you just to hide the fact that i am a werewolf. and did i mention the fact that i'm a WEREWOLF!

JUSTIN: BETA !! BREATH!! she wont have to find out now.


ashley came bursting through the door and it scared me. i had to tell her to breath she was asking way to many questions. i looked down at my watch and noticed that it was almost time for the show.

JUSTIN: i gotta go breath and i'll see you after the show.

ASH: yea. yea. yea

like it ??? next chapter up ina few i promiseeeee

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