My Life in A Naruto High Scho...

By 0RogueNinja0

40.3K 684 41

Hi, I'm Yuki Dakede. Yuki means snow, and Dakede means Alone. My last name fits me, because I'm the last rema... More

Yuki Dakede
Dakede; Meaning: Alone
Who I'm Written Off As
Fan boys?!?!?
The Clueless Uchiha
The Pure And Simple Truth Is Rarely Pure, And Never Simple
Miserable Mornings and Never Ending Nights
50 Thousand Tears
Stalked By an Akatsuki Member
Nothing Matters Anymore
Sleep Away All The Sadness Of Today
Nothing Is Like It Was
Don't look back, unless it's a good view
Part 2!!!!

Life Goes On, Even If You Don't

1.9K 44 2
By 0RogueNinja0

I wake up… smiling, for the first time in…. forever. I know I should tell Lady Tsunade or

someone about my little Akatsuki encounter, and even that our substitute teacher is an Akatsuki member sent by the leader to see if I’m good enough to join the Akatsuki. I should also probably tell them that Itachi wants me for some reason, and that an Akatsuki member will be coming back. But, I want to find out what Itachi wants. And I want to know why the Akatsuki want me. If I were to tell anyone, they would tell Lady Tsunade and I would never find out. I would rather live knowing what’s going on, then be clueless.

I take a shower, get dressed, and open the door.

“What’s up Yuki?” Asks Shikamaru. I close the door and turn around to face him.

“Nothin much. What about you?” I ask back.

“Just walking to school.” He says, waiting for me. “What happened to your neck? It looks pretty deep.” He says, standing in front of me and staring at my neck. I forgot about Deidara cutting my neck! I think, panicking.

“I, ummm… I don’t know.” I say looking away.

“It looks like you were cut with a kunai knife.” He says, looking at me suspiciously. I shrug and walk around him.

“It’s no big deal.” I say nonchalant.

“Yuki.” Shikamaru says warningly.

“Really, it’s no big deal.” I lied. I bite my lip and me and him walk to school.

“See ya later Yuki.” He says walking away.

“Kay.” I say, walking to my classroom. I walk in and Ino jumps in front of me, we almost collide, but I stop and take a step back.

“Hi Yuki, what’ll you have for lunch today?” She asks smugly.

“You, if you don’t scurry away.” I say walking by her, and up to my seat. I sigh and look out the window.

“How have you felt these past 10 years?” Deidara asks.


“What uh pain.” I mutter.

“What is?” I look and see Naruto sliding onto the seat beside me.

“A whole lot.” I say half smiling. I look behind Naruto, and grin. “You’re causing a disturbance in the force my friend.” I say, nodding behind him. Naruto looks behind himself to look at all the students whispering and pointing at us. He waves at them, then turns back to me and rolling his eyes.

“So about what happened the other night…” He says. I blush, remembering us kissing. But that wasn’t what he meant, and I know it. I shrug.

“What about it?” I ask. I wanted him to say it.

“Lady Tsunade told me about everything. About your clan, your curse, what’s up with your scar.” He says, looking at me. I shrug again and look away. Sasuke comes over and sits down behind me. Naruto glares at him, and leaves. I sigh again, lean back in my chair and close my eyes.

“What happened to your neck?” Asks Sasuke. I open my eyes and Sasuke’s behind me, staring at my neck. I snap my head forward.

“I… I… fell… no I mean I… I was training! Yeah and… I accidentally cut myself with my kunai.” I finish weakly. Sasuke walks in front of my desk and leans on it, leaning closer to me. I lean back.

“It’s a kunai cut, but not from you. What really happened Yuki?” He asks, his eyes boring into mine. Konan walks into the room and looks at me and nods. She knows that I know… I think. I look back at Sasuke, he’s still watching me.

“Please sit down mister Uchiha.” Says Konan, Sasuke still staring at me. I nod at her, and Sasuke sees it. He sits behind me. Class starts and Konan talks about different kinds of Genjutsu. Sasuke pokes me in the back with his pencil, and throws a note on my desk. I open it:

What REALLY happened Yuki?

I make sure Sasuke can see, and I crumple it up. He pokes me in the back until the class ends.

I get up, staring at Konan, her staring back. I start to walk towards her. Sasuke walks around in front of me and turns around to face me, blocking my path.

“What. Happened. Yuki?” He growls. I turn and glare at him.

“Not. Now.” I growl back. I push him out of the way and walk to Konan. I see Sasuke walk out the door.

“An Akatsuki member, huh?” I say. “So when were you going to spill the beans?” I ask.

“Once I found out how strong you are.” She says.

“Yeah well Deidara did a good job of that.” I say scowling. She looks at the cut on my neck and smiles.

“He said you were really good. And probably would have beaten him if your scar wouldn’t have acted up.” She says.

“Why does the Akatsuki want me?” I say, irritated. She sighs. About time. I think.

“You have a LOT of potential, and the Akatsuki could use that.” She says.

“Why does Itachi want me?” I ask.

“I don’t know that one. But he’s getting impatient.” She says. I scowl.

“You can tell him that I said he could go to hell.” I growl.

“That won’t work.” She says shaking her head. “He’ll come to get you himself soon enough.”

“How much longer?” I ask. I need to know

“How much longer till what?” She asks patiently.

“How much longer until Itachi comes here himself?” I ask, holding my breath.

“One month.” She says, sure of herself. I nod and walk out of the classroom.

“So that’s what’s up.” I spin around to see him leaning against the wall.


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