Something Between Us ✔

By museing

387K 17.9K 3.3K

(COMPLETED- also on Radish Fiction, Libri, Hinovel and Booknet) Planning revenge on your best friend's ex for... More

ON RADISH- |Something Between Us|
1| A Broken Heart Between Us
2| Wrong Guy Between Us
3| A Ride Between Us
4| Payback Between Us
5| Jerk Between Us
6| Crush Between Us
7| Texts Between Us
8| Missing Between Us
9| Secrets Between Us
10| Confusion Between Us
11| Pervert Between Us
12 | Beach Trip Between Us
13| Past Between Us
14| Long Drive Between Us
15| Kiss And Forget Between Us
16| Heartbreak Between Us
17| Change Between Us
18| Jealousy Between Us
19| Friday Fun Between Us
20| Movie Night Between Us
21| Confessions Between Us
22| Need For A Boyfriend Between Us
23| Boyfriend Between Us
24| Feelings Between Us
25| Truth Or Dare Between Us
26| First Kiss Between Us
27| Party Between Us
29| Distrust Between Us
30| Date Between Us
31| Kisses Between Us
32| Past Between Us
33| Break Up Between Us
34| Shock Between Us
35| A Monster Between Us
36| A Nightmare Between Us
37| Loss Between Us
Epilogue| Forever Between Us
Bonus 1| Reminiscing Between Us
Bonus 2| Reunion Between Us
Bonus 3| Road Trip Between Us
Bonus 4| Fun Between Us
Bonus 5| Reconciliation Between Us
Bonus 6| Death Between Us
Bonus 7| Hope Between Us

28| A Jerk Between Us

7K 340 64
By museing

28. A Jerk Between Us

"It's better to be a weapon rather than to have a weapon. "


I wish I hadn't come. Claire wanted me to be with her because she didn't want to be alone at the party with the guys, not that she didn't trust them. She did. But I really shouldn't have come. She was perfectly fine without me.

I didn't know where she was. Knowing her, she was probably too drunk out of her sense by now. Others too have dispersed into the house. I didn't see Sam, Josh and Tyler again in the party. Maybe they are upstairs occupying a room with a girl each. I didn't really know, neither wanted to. Jake came a few times to grab a drink and smiled politely at me. He was just so sweet. I couldn't believe Claire would choose Jesse over Jake. I despised Jesse Winters. I felt like Claire was being used. Jesse had always been physical with her. I wouldn't be surprised if she tells me that their bodies talk more than their mouths. Jesse freaking fuckboy Winters.

And not even Brian was here. Gemma dragged him with her to God knows where and I didn't have any idea where my other friends are. I was all by myself at the bar. I have been here for almost half an hour and I was in no mood to go elsewhere. I had been drinking a lot of fruit punch and Pepsi to the point that my stomach was full of it. I might need to visit the bathroom soon.

I slammed my fourth glass of fruit punch on the bar counter. I couldn't handle this anymore. My bladder, it seemed will burst any second if I didn't relieve myself of the unbearable pressure building in it. I jumped out from the chair on which I had been sitting for half an hour and sprinted into the crowd. I pushed away drunk people grinding against each other from my path. They didn't even notice they had been pushed. They continued on with their dance, not paying attention to where they were going. Some of them stumbled over each other, got up again and continued on with their monkey dance.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the party was suffocating me. There was poor lighting in the room due to which I couldn't make out anyone familiar. The air smelled like alcohol and smoke from cigarettes. It was hot too. The people who were dancing were all covered in sweat and I cringed away from them as I felt my skin brush against their sweaty body. Ew.

There was a dark hallway in front of me. It was even more darker than the room. But I didn't want to be anywhere near the dancing heap of sweaty bodies. Once I was in the hallway, I took a deep breath and fanned the air around me. The air was hot here and even I was beginning to sweat. The hallway was empty, which I was thankful for. There were not many people there, except a few passed out people lying on the floor and a girl crying near the corner. I didn't know who she was. She was crying silently, not paying attention to me at all. I wasn't sure if she would appreciate me meddling into her business so I didn't approach her.

There were many rooms here and all were closed. The moans and screams emitting from the rooms told me what was going on inside and I walked away from there in disgust.

There was a staircase at the end of the hallway and I assumed the bathrooms might be there. I walked past girls who were smoking, waving off the smoke coming off from them. I would never go to a party again.

Thankfully, I saw the bathroom just on top of the staircase. By this time, I couldn't control my bladder anymore so dashed into the bathroom. There was nobody in there. After a minute or two minutes, I opened the door of the bathroom stall. Ah, now I felt feather light.

I turned on the faucet and washed my hands. I felt my phone vibrate in my purse and I quickly grabbed it. Brian was calling me. I picked it up.

"Brooke, where are you?! You're not here at the bar. Are you okay? Just tell me where you are, I-"

"I'm in the washroom, I'll be coming right now," I said, cutting him off.

"You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'll be coming now."

"Okay, hurry up."

"Yeah, bye." I said, hanging up. I put my phone in my purse and walked out of the washroom. There were a couple of guys in a corner. The music, as usual was loud.

I began to make my way down the stairs. Some drunk guys with equally drunk girls pushed past me up the stairs. I glared at them and turned back to walk down the stairs. A guy walked past me and I suddenly felt a hand on my ass. I whipped my head back and saw the guy smirking down at my ass.

"Excuse me, did you just touch me?" I asked, irritated with how he was still looking at it like it was a piece of meat.

He turned his eyes to me, his smirk growing bigger. "No," He said, attempting to look innocent.

"Shut up, I know it was you who did that," I said, glaring at the douche.

"So? You have a pretty nice ass," He said, stepping closer into my personal space. I backed away. 

"Get lost!" I said and pushed him away a bit. I turned around to leave but I felt a strong, sweaty hand wrap around my wrist. I immediately recoiled, disgusted by his sweaty hand.

"Get your hand off," I said calmly. I thought I should be careful with this jerk. He was drunk and not in his right sense.

"Why would I leave a catch like this?" He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. He brought his stinky mouth which was reeking of alcohol closer to my neck and I almost gagged at how bad his breath was.

I again pushed him away and in a second of utmost anger, I slapped him. He stumbled back at the impact and I almost laughed as his head hit the wall beside him. I wish he went mad after banging his head against the wall.

Unfortunately, no he didn't.

He recovered from the shock of my slap and glared down at me.

He grabbed my arm and started dragging me upstairs again. I tried to yank away my hand from his but he held an iron grip on it, which I was sure would leave bruises on my skin. In my attempt to free myself of his grip, I stumbled in my three inch black heels and fell down. He still didn't stop dragging me and I too, didn't stop wriggling my hand out of his grasp. His grip hurt and I shouted at him to let go of me. The loud music at the party drowned out my screams to the extent that even I couldn't hear my own voice.

He pulled me up and against a wall, pinning my hands on either side of me to the wall. Then, he started kissing my neck. That was gross. His damp lips moved against my neck and I fought the urge to puke on him. It felt like a snail was travelling up my neck and back down.

My hands were not free to defend me but at least I got my legs. I suddenly had an idea. I raised my knee up to his little buddy and jerked it forward towards it. A loud, girlish scream came out from his mouth and he dropped to the floor, clutching his crotch. I fist pumped the air.

I kneed the jerk in his family jewel!

And that was the most funny thing to watch ever. I resisted the urge to laugh at his face.

"And that's why you shouldn't mess with a girl having a pretty ass," I said, leaning over him slightly. "I know it hurts, but you'll get over it."

"Y-You bitch," He stuttered before clenching his teeth.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked him. "I think I heard you say you want some more of my heel into your dick."

I smirked. "You know I'll oblige," I said before kicking him in the same place again. He screamed and a few tears escaped his eyes.

"Brooke!" I heard a familiar voice and I looked back to see Brian run up the stairs to me. In a second, he was beside me. "What happened? Are you okay? Who is this?" He asked, looking at the jerk who was lying down before him in disgust.

"Oh, I was just teaching him a lesson to not mess with a girl's ass. He learned his lesson. Let's go," I said, grabbing his arm and dragging him with me down the stairs, leaving the groaning man lying on the floor.

He yanked his hand away from my grip and I looked at him in confusion.

"Did he do anything to you?! Are you alright?!" He asked, cupping my cheeks to examine my face in the poor lighting. "Did he hurt you?"

I removed his hands from my cheeks. "I'm okay, Brian. I just want to go home. I had enough of this party. Please take me home."

He looked into my eyes to see if I was lying of being okay. But I really was okay. Just a bit tired. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

"I'll drop you home."

"Okay. But where is everyone? Darren, Claire, Gemma and the others, where are they?" I asked as we made our way towards my car.

"They are still at the party. It's only eleven in the night. They are going to party till, I don't know, four or five in the morning."

"Wow. Party animals, are they? So you're going to go back to the party after dropping me home?" I asked, worried because it was my car he was going to drop me home in. How will he get home himself?

"No. The party's over for me. I don't want to go there. I think I'll just stay at your place for a while, if you don't​ mind. I'll call Sam to pick me up."

I nodded at that. "I don't mind," My mom was home though, but I thought she wouldn't mind having Brian at our house for a while.

"I'll drive," I said, taking out my car keys.

"Nope," He said, snatching it away from me. I looked up at him, frowning.

"Why not? It's not like I'm drunk or something​," I said, holding out my hand for the keys. Brian hi-fived me and I glared at him.

"I know, but I'll drive. You look tired," He said, walking towards my car.

"And you're not drunk?" I asked. I wouldn't believe him if he said that he wasn't drunk.

"No, I'm not. I'm sober," He said. "Now come on, get in the car."

"I actually find it very hard to believe. Almost every friend of mine drinks and parties their asses off," I said but didn't protest when Brian got into the driver's seat. I really was tired even though I didn't do anything hectic today.

I hopped into the passenger seat and Brian started up the car. "What if Darren gets mad at me leaving with you?" I asked him. I didn't really want to face the wrath of an angry boyfriend. It sounded funny though, calling Darren my boyfriend, I mean. It almost felt like calling my brother my boyfriend. And that was not funny. It was disgusting.

"If he was that worried about who you leave with, he wouldn't have left you alone at the party in the first place," He answered.

"You left me too," I accused.

"Hey, I didn't want to. Gemma dragged me, you saw that," He said.

"Gemma," I muttered. "You don't really like her, do you?" I asked, looking at him.

"I don't."

"Then why are you with her? Why don't you break up?"

He was silent for a moment.

"You're lying. You do like her," I said, looking away.

He likes her.

It hurt.

"Brooke, I don't like her. I don't know why I'm with her. Maybe because of the same reason why you're with Darren," He said, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm with Darren because I don't want to hurt him. If I break up with him, I think he will be very hurt."

"By being with him, you're hurting four people. If you break up with him and I break up with Gemma, it will only hurt two people. But that's for the best. They'll eventually get over it."

"I don't want to talk about this right now, so..." I trailed off.

He didn't say anything further so I leaned my head on the window glass and stared out.

We got home about five or ten minutes later. My mom was probably asleep. She took almost five minutes to open the door.

"Hi mom," I greeted her nervously. She still didn't know I had a boyfriend and I didn't plan to tell her anytime soon.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Brooke, you're so late. You didn't even let me take some pictures of you in that pretty dress."

"Doesn't matter, mom. Um...This is Brian, my...friend," I said, gesturing to him. He had his hands dug deep into his jeans pocket as he smiled at my mother.

"Hello Mrs. Parker. It's a pleasure to meet you," He said politely.

I rolled my eyes at him. That thing didn't suit him at all.

"Oh uh, hello Brian. Please come inside, both of you," My mom said, stepping aside to let us in.

"He's going to stay for sometime. My other friend is going to pick him up in a bit," I informed my mom.

"That's okay. Please sit down, Brian. Do you prefer tea or coffee?" My mom asked him, although she didn't look like she really wanted to make him one.

"That's alright, ma'am. I don't need anything," He said, sitting on the couch.

I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was 11:32 at night.

I let out a yawn.

"Mom, I'm just going to go to sleep," I said and she nodded. "Good night, mom. Good night, Brian," I said as I climbed up the stairs to my room.

I threw one last glance at Brian and he was pouting adorably at me. I winked at him before slipping into my room and shutting the door close behind me.


The day after the party, Sunday was really boring. I was feeling very tired and sleepy and my mom wouldn't let me sleep. All day I didn't do anything but lie in my bed, tucked under the covers, reading books.

I didn't know when Brian left. My mom told me he left with Sam an hour or two after I went into my room.

I rang up Claire to check on her and she was fine. She just was having a terrible hangover and so she hung up quickly but I swore I  heard that annoying voice of Jesse somewhere in the background. I felt like she spent the majority of her life running around Jesse. And that thought was sickening. She needed to get a life! She needed to understand that he was not her life!

A little after two in the afternoon, Darren called me. He apologized to me profusely for ditching me and although I told him that it was fine, he still didn't sound convinced. So after that he kept apologizing to me for ten more minutes about how he could have avoided the incident with the jerk if he was with me. Turns out, Brian told him about that. Fed up with that, I just hung up on him.

He called me again and said he wanted to tell me something. But then he didn't tell me at all. And this time, he hung up on me. His last sentence being something like "Whatever happened last night at the party was a mistake. I didn't mean to do it," before he hung up.

Coming up with no other reason, I assumed that he just wanted to tell me that it was a mistake leaving me alone at the party and he didn't mean to do that.


What is your favorite color? I like black and blue.

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