
By AngelicDevil666

361K 10.9K 4.7K

Harry Potter was manipulated from the time he was born. Friends who're not really friends, a mentor who wante... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

23K 799 263
By AngelicDevil666

"Good morning!" Hadrian greeted everyone loudly as he stepped into the informal dining are with Genevieve in his arms. He received a chorus of "good mornings" in response as he settled himself next to Draco who was sitting beside Fred with George on his twin's side.

"Did you sleep well last night Hera?" Fred asked the young lady who was leaning on Hadrian's shoulder as he put some food in a single plate.

"I did." she smiled at her fellow redhead. "Though I still can't walk properly." she said with a wink, watching as Tom froze with a spoon in mid-air. "Someone was a little too enthusiastic yesterday." she snuggled further into Hadrian's arm as Tom's knuckles turned white. Everyone watched with baited breath as the Dark Lord breathed deeply before letting it out slowly in an attempt to calm down.

"Hadrian!" George admonished. "You know you shouldn't have tired her out too much yesterday, we still have a lot of work to do."

"It's not my fault we got carried away." he shrugged as he stabbed a pancake with his fork and fed it to Genevieve. "I just can't help myself when she's near." his voice was a husky whisper and yet everyone heard it. There was a sharp intake of breath from someone, though Hadrian didn't need to look to know that it was Tom, as he tucked a stray lock behind her ear and kissed her forehead as if in apology.

"You made it up to me anyway." Genevieve smiled a soft smile at him and their eyes locked twinkling mishievously at the show they were putting on. On either side of Tom, both Lucius and Severus were hard-pressed to hide their smirks knowing what the teens were trying to do. "I won't complain as long as you massage whatever body part that becomes sore afterwards." she kissed the corner of his lips before taking another bite.

"I promise."

"Guys, you are at the table you know." Fred reminded them as they made no move to continue eating.

"Neville and Luna still asleep?" Hadrian asked the twins as he turned his attention back to the table. He kept an arm around Genevieve and continued feeding her from his own plate.

"I think so."

"Most probably," Draco answered as he sipped from his goblet. "I cleared them both last night besides feeding and claiming." he smirked at Hadrian who returned it.

"Are you talking about us again Draco?" Neville entered the dining room followed by Luna who had Rosie in her arms.

"Nope, just answering questions." Neville raised an eyebrow skeptically as he sat down across Hadrian and Genevieve.

"Good to see you with us Lexi."

"It's good to be here." she nodded at him and he smiled as he took a plate for himself and Luna.

"Nev, do you need to feed?" Hadrian asked noting the slight tremble in his hands and the small ring of red around his hazel eyes. He was worried about his friend, he knew that rigorous exercise tended to make him hungry for blood.

"I can last a few more hours." Neville shrugged as he began to feed Luna in the same way Hadrian was doing to Genevieve.

"We'll go as soon as they finish eating."

"You should eat as well Hadrian, you've had nothing to eat since yesterday." Draco reminded him. "And you'll need your strength for after."


Severus watched with amusement at the teens' ploy. After their talk the night before both he and Lucius knew where Hadrian stood with the young lady they called Hera. They had never made it to dinner as the two teens took the time to explain their relationship to the lovers and Severus had the diatinct feeling that his son knew of their attraction to the redheaded girl. His eyes met Lucius' across the table as Tom's fingers tightened around his fork. Lucius returned his smirk and he thought that knowing the story behind the actions actually made a lot of difference when it came to the confrontation.

"Draco," Severus shook his thoughts out of his head and listened once more as Hadrian spoke. "Remember what I asked you?"

"Yes," the blond raised a suspicious eyebrow at the brunet.

"I thought we could do it."

"Absolutely not." Draco protested.

"Why not?" the blond glared at him until he silenced himself.

"Hadrian I think you're forgetting to do something."

"Not really, I was waiting for everyone to finish eating but if you want me to do it now I will." Hadrian shrugged. "You're not getting away with changing the subject though. We will talk about it later." Draco rolled his eyes before nodding. "Alright, I suppose introductions are in order. Fred, George, Luna, Neville and Draco you all know Hera so there's no need to tell you who she is." he turned his attention to the adults. "Dad and Lucius you've already met her last night." the two men nodded. "Tom, Rodolphus, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Rabastan, meet the new Lady Potter Genevieve Alexandria." she garnered surprised looks from everyone who didn't yet know her and Tom finally snapped.


Tom could've accepted Hadrian feeding a vampire. He could've overlooked his trysts with the young lady what with his taller stature, bright emerald eyes and shoulder length ebony locks that framed his handsome face perfectly he could definitely understand the attraction to Severus' son. His broad shoulders and lean body all topped with high cheekbones and rosy lips, Hadrian was certainly one of a kind. Tom didn't share. He was the Dark Lord. He was possessive and easily angered and this is something that would definitely spark his wrath. He pushed his chair back so violently it rattled to the floor with a loud clatter shocking all other occupants of the dining room. He ignored the widened eyes and the gaping mouths at his uncharacteristic display. He'd berate himself later for losing control so easily right now he needed to vent. He could've accepted anything else but this is the final straw, he can't accept his beloved giving his name to another, most especially not a woman. He strode out of the room without a backwards glance leaving behind a bewildered audience in his wake.


"Explanations will be made later on once the dunderhead has calmed down." Hadrian told the rest of the group. "I do not like to repeat myself so I'd rather do it when we're all here." he rolled his eyes at the display but smirked inwardly. His plan was going smoothly it was only a matter of time before Tom became officially his. He needed one more push.

"Ickle Harry Potter!" Bellatrix's angry screech broke through the silence of the room. "You angered the Dark Lord!" she hopped out of her seat and onto the table brandishing her wand at the young man. "I will kill you."

"We've been over this Bella," Hadrian sighed as he looked at her with boredom sparking in his jade eyes. "You can't kill me. I won't let you kill me. There is only one person I will ever let do that and he just left the room."

"The Dark Lord is mine!" she snarled at him as she crouched in front of Hadrian and Genevieve. Neither of the teens moved even as she jabbed her wand at his forehead.

"No Bella, he's mine." Hadrian took hold of her wand arm and the three disappeared with neither a sound nor a flare of magic.

"Thank goodness Lexi's here." Draco muttered to his lovers. "Aunt Bella will finally be treated."


"Yes mother?"

"What just happened?"

"Perhaps we should retire to the sitting room to wait for them to return." Severus suggested once he realized that they had all finished eating. "In the meantime explanations could be made." they all agreed and moved to the lounge where they positioned themselves according to couples. Silence decended upon the group while they all waited for someone to begin the discussion and it took them by surprise when it was Neville who asked the first question.

"Professor Snape?"

"Yes Mr. Longbottom?"

"What exactly is your relationship with Mr. Malfoy?" a dark brow rose at the question, Severus hadn't expected anyone other than his son to notice it. His surprise must have been visible in his expression when Neville continued to ask. "Are you lovers?" Rabastan couldn't contain his snickers at the question until both Lucius and Severus shot him a glare.

"What makes you say that Mr. Longbottom?"

"It's Neville please, Mr. Longbottom makes me sound like my father." the brown haired young man said. "And please don't treat me as you would at school. I am not Neville the accidental Gryffindor and almost squib here."

"I apologize Neville, please call me Severus as I am no longer a professor."

"Really?" Luna interrupted.

"Yes, I tendered my resignation at the end of the year when Dumbledore gave out the order to offer my son to the Dark Lord as a peace offering. I thought there was nothing else left for me there since the boy I was protecting would be gone."

"Hadrian would be happy to hear that."

"He was ecstatic when I informed him of the news last night."

"Ah, so that's why none of you arrived to dinner." Neville said. "I'm assuming he told you about Hera."

"Yes, how did you know?" Lucius asked this time.

"I told you. I am not who I seemed to be back in Hogwarts." he smiled smugly at the speechless man. "But you still have not answered my question."

"Yes, we are lovers." Severus replied. "Will that be a problem?" Neville was silent for another a few moments then he began looking from Lucius to Narcissa then to Draco. This continued for a while until the tense silence seemed to be deafening.

"Neville?" Luna called out to her bonded.

"Ah, I understand." he said as his hazel gaze settled once more on the two men. Lucius was holding Severus' hand, their legs touching from knees to thighs and their sides melded against each other.

"Neville, love, what is it?"

"I'm afraid it's not my secret to tell Luna." he kissed the top of her head before turning his attention back to the two men. "Would you kindly grace us with your story then?"

"Why don't you tell us what you've come up with?" surprisingly it was Narcissa who asked.

"Let's see if I'm correct." He nodded at the blonde woman before he began to speak out his hypothesis. "Mr. Malfoy and Madame Black's marriage was a contract made by both families correct?" at the nods he received he continued. "Judging by the way Madame Black is close to Rabastan, they were lovers at the time. Now Severus and Mr. Malfoy have also been lovers so the contract must have been unwanted from both sides. This though led me to wonder about two things, the first is how did Hadrian come about if Mr. Malfoy and Severus were lovers? What about Lily Potter nee Evans? The second, how does Draco fit into all this?" he paused to gather his thoughts. "It took me a while but I finally understood. Severus, Lily and Mr. Malfoy were in a triad relationship before she was forced to marry Potter."

"B-b-but how?" Severus was not proud of the fact that he stuttered, neither did he know how Neville had come to the correct conclusion but as the boy had said he really seemed to be different from the dunderhead he had been teaching for the last six years.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed but Draco, Hadrian and Mr. Malfoy have some habits that are the same."

"Like what?" Narcissa asked in shock.

"For example, when they are in need of comfort or they need to calm somebody they will touch that person in what could be perceived as a friendly way but would otherwise suggest a more intimate connection." Lucius was stumped, Neville had not been in the manor for a whole month and yet he'd already noticed that. He was also surprised at the accurate deduction.

"How did you know that?"

"I notice things." he shrugged.

"Now how do you think Draco plays into all of this."

"That's where it gets tricky." Neville replied to Narcissa's question. "Like I said I believe the marriage was pre-arranged by the then Lords of the house," he continued after getting nods from them. "But if it was a marriage then you will not be with your lovers even after all this time had passed."

"How do you know this?" Rodolphus was curious. He wanted to know how the young man knew these details and especially how he figured out the rest of the story and what else he had thought about in the small amount of time that he'd gotten quiet.

"I was raised in a pureblood home." Neville told them. "My grandmother was the one who raised me after Bellatrix supposedly tortured my parents."

"What do you mean supposedly?" Rabastan asked. "You don't believe that it was Bella?"

"No, I don't believe it was her." he shook his head. "My grandmother wanted me to be the perfect heir so she made me study everything about Wizarding customs and that's how I found out about the arranged marriages. In this case however I don't think it was a contract for marriage, or at least it didn't specify that you two had to get married. I think your fathers both signed something that only asked for an heir and not a tying between the families otherwise you will not be in the relationships you are now."

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Severus wondered just how much the boy was hiding and finding out how he figured it out was a way to know that.

"Wizarding bondings are final, unlike marriages in the muggle world you cannot get a divorce and most of the time if there is a contract involved then there would be a clause in it which states that none of the parties were to have lovers otherwise they will be stripped of their magic for bringing shame upon the union."

"You are correct in everything you said." Lucius said after taking a few moments to compose himself. "Severus and I were in a Triad relationship with Lily before Hadrian was born. Narcissa and I were also forced to produce an heir under the threat of losing everything, our name, our families and our magic. If Dumbledore had not intervened, Hadrian and Draco would've grown up as siblings." Lucius looked disappointed at the reminder that both boys had not been able to grow up together.

"Don't worry about that," Neville said dismissively. "They've been friends since first year anyway and they had been like brothers from the start."


"There's no need to hide from your parents Draco." the vampired said. "They should know that their sons are actually getting along."

"Draco, is this true?" Lucius asked.

"Yes Father."


"After Hadrian found out about being Uncle Sev's son he came back to me. He'd rejected my friendship because I was a prat at Madame Malkin's but somehow he'd noticed that Uncle Sev treated me differently from the rest of the snakes. He asked me to tell him about his dad after he showed me a copy of the letter Uncle Sev received from the Ministry and I told him everything I knew. I couldn't understand how it felt like to grow up without parents, I had all of you with me and I wanted him to know that he had a friend. Our friendship grew but we hid it from the rest of the school and acted our parts until second year. After what happened with Lexi and the basilisk we became closer, it was the first time I met Fred and George and everything seemed to just fall into place." it was quiet as he finished his explanation, the adults pondering on the information they'd just been given. There was still so much to know they realized that and they wanted to learn everything they could about the teens.

"Severus, how did the Dark Lord come back and when?" Neville once again broke the silence with his question.

"Why do you ask?"

"Hadrian said something about our Fourth year."

"What did he say?"

"How did Tom come back?" Neville repeated his question instead of answering.

"Tom came back during your Third year. He had us retrieving his horcruxes and pieced his soul together just before the summer began. When he had all pieces of his soul his body returned to normal, or rather a slightly aged version of his seventeen-year-old self."

"That's the one Hadrian saw in the diary isn't it?"

"I would think so. Now what is this about Fourth year?"

"Do you remembed that was the year Hadrian was forced to participate in the Triwizard Tournament as the Fourth champion?"

"How could I not?" Severus snapped. "I did everything I could to make Dumbledore see sense but he allowed it anyway."

"Hadrian told me something about the final task. He said that he remembers something about it but the pieces didn't fit."

"What did he remember?"

"He told me that Peter Pettigrew had been waiting in a graveyard or at least that's what he remembers. When he and Cedric reached the cup they were portkeyed into a courtyard where the rat was waiting. He said Voldemort was also there and ordered Pettigrew to kill Cedric then Hadrian was forced to a ritual that revived Voldemort but his body was more of a snake than a person. Voldemort then called his Death Eaters before forcing Hadrian into a duel. Hadrian said that in his memory he was hit with the Cruciatus curse a few times before he was able to grab the portkey with Cedric's body and being transported back into Hogwarts."

"Things don't add up Neville." Draco interrupted the vampire. "Hadrian was not displaying symptoms of someone who'd been under the Cruciatus curse after he came out of the maze. I know because I checked him over. He also didn't have a wound on his arm where the memory told him that Pettigrew cut into it to take his blood."

"I know Draco, that's why I think that memory is false. It must've been implanted into his head when he was at his weakest. Remember that the headmaster kept everyone away from him after that task. He said Harry needed to recover and would do so best if he was left alone. He'd had the time to modify his memories and he would've been able to because Hadrian had exhausted his magic."

"Not to mention that Cedric Diggory is alive and well." Luna said. "I've seen him around the school and I have wondered why Hadrian has not noticed him."

"His mind could be manipulated not to notice when Cedric's around him." Fred and George spoke up. They had been oddly quiet throughout the discussion but finally deemed it time to speak up. "That old man has a lot to pay for."

"Calm down loves," Draco put a hand on both redheads' knees and stroked gently until they were calm enough to talk. "We'll get him but we need to get it right."

"Where are Hadrian and Lexi? We need to talk about Hogwarts, it starts in two days." Fred asked impatiently.

"They'll be back when they've finished what they're supposed to do." Draco told him.

"Draco, who is Lexi? Why did Hadrian say she's the new Lady Potter?" Narcissa asked her son.

"Well Lexi's full name as you already know is Genevieve Alexandria Potter," he started unsurely but an encouraging nod from his father had him continuing. "She's the mind healer in the Triples Muertes but she's also Hadrian's partner."

"Oh just tell them Dragon." his lovers said in unison.

"Alright fine." he glared at the pair before turning his attention back to the adults. "She was formerly known as Ginevra Molly Weasley," he ignored the surprised gasp from his mother and the stunned look on the Lestrange brother instead choosing to continue before he lost his nerve. "She's the illegitimate child of Molly Weasley and James Potter."

"James and Molly? But that's impossible!" Narcissa exclaimed. "James was obssessed with Lily."

"But Lily did not return his affections." Draco replied. "There's something about the Weasley family that is not well-known, they're a predominantly male clan. During the first war Molly was blessed with a girl but unfortunately miscarried due to a stray hex hitting her in one of her missions for the Order. The poor woman was not the same after that. They tried again and again but they were not meant to have a little Weasley girl, eventually after six sons Arthur wanted to give up. Molly didn't so she went to Dumbledore for help." he paused as if to compile his thoughts into a more coherent picture before continuing. "It was around the same time that Hadrian was born. James too was complaining that he wasn't getting anything from Lily. She refused to sleep with him besides that one time during which everyone supposed that she got pregnant with Harry. They were having problems as well so he turned to his mentor. A few months later he gave a solution, they could sleep together while Molly was under the effects of a polyjuice. Arthur refused to have another child with her so she was desperate for anything and James thought it was a good idea since he would be seeing Lily the whole time. They did it and she was born."

"How did they ever hide her appearance?"

"Didn't Arthur ever figure it out?"

"Arthur found out when she was two that Molly was using a potion with his blood to make it look as if she was a Weasley. Dumbledore Obliviated him."

"How did they ever keep this a secret?" Narcissa couldn't believe it.

"I just can't believe James was desperate enough to sleep with anyone wearing Lily's face."

"She still loved you." Draco told his father and godfather. "Even when she was forced into a situation where she couldn't do anything she remained true to you. She never slept with James."

"How do you know that?"

"Hadrian let me read some of her letters to him. She told him there that she charmed James' memory to make him believe she had slept with him even when she didn't." Draco told them.

"Now I have a question," Fred interrupted whatever response they'd been about to give. "If Hadrian calls his father Dad, and you Dragon call your father "Father", what is the other supposed to call the other one?"

"Freddie!" his twin protested.

"It's a valid question." the redhead shrugged at his counterpart. "They would've grown up together in a four-parent home if things had gone the way they wanted to, now that they know that the brothers know what are they supposed to call their fathers?"

"Perhaps Papa would be more appropriate for me." Lucius answered. "Hadrian has already gotten used to calling Severus 'Dad' it would be easier to keep it. Besides, there is no reason to be so formal now that we're all together." Draco looked up in shock at the man who'd guided him to become the person he was. His father, the Malfoy patriarch and the coldest man known to the outside world was willing to be called Papa? "It is a French term Draco. It is quite acceptable."

"Oh Hadrian will be so happy!" Luna smiled brightly.

"They've been gone a long time though." George commented.

"Should we go check on them?" Fred echoed his twin's sentiment.

"No need," Hadrian said as he stepped back into the room with the young lady everyone now knows is named Genevieve. "We're back."

"And it took you almost an hour." Neville said as he looked at the woman who followed the pair. The craziness in Bella's eyes were gone, she looked more sane without the crazy glint and the maniacal laughter.

"She was under a very powerful confundus and compulsion charm." Genevieve explained. "It took me a while to even figure out which one was used. It was an ancient Black family magic that was used on her and a very difficult spell to break especially since it was sealed by her blood."

"Neville, I'm so sorry." Bella's apology shocked everyone. "I didn't mean to." she walked over to the young man and knelt in front of him, her arms going around his legs as he stared at her in confusion. "I didn't mean to and I tried to break the compulsion but it was too strong." she sobbed into his knees as red-rimmed hazel eyes softened at the confession.

"I knew it wasn't you." he told her. "Mum told me during one of her coherent moments that she thought it wasn't you. She said your eyes were glazed as if you were under the Imperius curse and I believe her."

"How can you trust me?" her words were muffled by his clothes but he heard her anyway.

"There are things that we found out about everything in the past." he explained without really explaining. "Why don't you go to your husband? I'm sure you have a lot to talk about?" he suggested and pulled her up to her feet. He looked into her eyes and held onto her hands as he accepted her apology. "Don't worry Bella. I knew it wasn't really you." she smiled a watery smile when he kissed her knuckles before he nudged her towards Rodolphus. She walked slowly towards the man who'd stood by her even when she hadn't been herself and stood in front of him unsurely for a moment until he called out to her.

"Bella love?" her breath hitched at the endearment. She hadn't heard him call that in a loving way in some time and it was refreshing to hear. He'd only ever used the term when he was trying to calm her during some of her more insane moments.

"Hello Rodo," she looked beneath long lashes, flashing him a shy smile when he opened his arms to welcome her.

"Are you really back?"

"I am darling," she told him as she was pulled onto his lap as soon as she had gotten close. "Hadrian and Lexi helped me."

"Thank you~" Rodolphus stopped short as he looked at the empty spaces where the teens had been. The rest looked up in shock, none of them had noticed that they had left. They'd been too focused on Bellatrix and Rodolphus that they didn't feel as the younger people left. Severus was confused, he was a trained spy, he should've felt it the moment the teens disappeared but he didn't. It was only a testament to the strength of the young ones. They really wer an asset to their side and he would watch in the shadows as Dumbledore fell to their ire.


"Come on Draco," Tom stopped at hearing the voice of the young man who'd tormented him so. It was past lunch but he felt no inclination to eat and decided to go to his training room to take his frustrations out but apparently there was already someone there.

"Not here Hadrian," he listened as the blond protested. "Not where the twins could find us."

"I still don't understand why you keep hiding this from them. You know they will accept it."

"Could you stop for a moment?" Draco snapped at Hadrian. "I can't think with you coming on to me like that."

"You know you like it," Hadrian's voice was teasing but it made Tom's hand clench harder.

"I do," he hated that Draco agreed. He didn't want the young Malfoy to want whatever it was that Hadrian was doing to him. "And I like the way you do it. I actually want to learn how but not when my lovers are nearby."

"I'm not going to ask why," Hadrian said. "Let me just show you how to do it." that was it. Tom wouldn't take this anymore. Hadrian was his intended. He was his Dark Prince. He was supposed to rule beside him and sleep with only him. It was time to stop this foolishness, he wouldn't take any more of the unfaithfulness of the young man. He'd given him enough time to sow his oats, it was time to stake his claim. "Come on Dray, take off your robes for me." wine-red eyes glowed angrily as he stomped his way over to the door that was the only barrier between him and his beloved. Enough was enough, Hadrian didn't even have the propriety to take his trysts away from him.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" he demanded as he blasted the door open feet from where he stood. He could only gape at the sight in front of him and he couldn't understand how wrong he had been.

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