Older Brothers

By candycat27

387K 8K 1.7K

Drama. Drama. Drama. That pretty much describes my life. I mean when your living with your 7 older brothers... More

Older Brothers
★house tour part one: bedrooms★
house tour part 2: rest of house
Yo im aliveee


4.1K 105 26
By candycat27

Dedicated to @RiyaChan01
(I actually updated and I feel bad you waited so long lol)

*Jasons pov*

It was me and violets 10 month anniversary tomorrow and I have no clue what to do for it. I was thinking possibly dinner and get her something nice but I don't know what to get her. Lily suggested a big banquet of roses, or other flowers, which I was already planning on getting her. Plus chocolate and her favorite candy. I just don't know what the actual date should be. Maybe a movie? No, not special enough. Hm.

Lily's point of view

I could tell jason was having a hard time about where to take violet for their anniversary.

"Why don't you just take her to dinner and then the park. But have the park set up with fairy lights everywhere and watch the sunset and just lay under the stars?" I ask. "Also have pizza because we all know violet loves pizza," I added.

"That's perfect!" He exclaimed, picking ne up and spinning me.
I giggled, "okay put me down now".

"Thank you again"

"I mean, what else am I good for" he rolled his eyes.

"Nothing else, obviously".


Connor- hey mystery girl

Lily- ew it's you again

Connor- oh wow thanks... I feel the love.

Lily- :))

Connor- :-(

Lily- ew the nose

Connor- whats wrong with the nose :-(

Lily- it's unnatural.

Connor- wth yours looks like voldemort

Lily- I hope u die. Never compare my adorable smiley face with that monster.

connor- I hope the store runs out of your favorite ice cream .

Lily- I hope your pillow is warm on both sides.

Connor- *gasp* take that back

Lily- never mwahahahah

Connor- fine. I hope you step on a Lego

Lily- wow fam, too far. You win since I'm injured -_-


Lily- -_-

Connor- anywhooo. I texted cause I was wondering if you wanna hang out today?????

Lily- hmmm. Where?

Connor- I dunno. I was thinking maybe the movies or something???

Lily- I'll have to ask my brother, and Sam probably has to come since they will flip if they know I'm going with you alone -_-

Connor- I don't want you getting in trouble if they find out but that's fine lol. I'll bring Matt so Sam isn't lonely.

Lily- okay thanks... I'll go ask

Connor- okay just let me know :P

I got off my bed and went and asked Sam if she'd be up to go to the movies with connor and Matt, which she said yes to. I told her we can't tell them and she already knew since, well, have you met my brothers?

"Hey emmyyyyy" I said, dragging out the 'y'. He was currently feeding hope a bottle, trying to get her to sleep.

"No" he said instantly. I pouted.

"You don't even know what I was going to say"

He sighed. "Okay fine. what do you want?"

"No need to get moody" i rolled my eyes. "Can me and Sam go to the movies? Pleaseeeee" I begged, drawing out the 'e'.


"But why?! You always get on my case for staying in bed all day, yet when I wanna go out, you say no. Where is the logic????" I pointed out.

He sighed.

"What movie?" He asked finally.

I thought fast since I actually had no idea what movie we're seeing.

"Uh beauty and the best"

"I guess that's fine. Uh, Jason can drive you, I'm sure."

"He can't, he has his date with violet" I reminded him.

"Oh yeah. Uh go ask someone who can drive then"

I rolled me eyes. "Okay thanks".

Sam and I ran up the stairs and I texted connor back, telling him we can. He said they would meet us at the movie theater at 7:30.

I looked at the clock seeing it was 5. I texted back, saying we'll see them there.

Me and Sam did our hair first, then did our makeup, and then actually got dressed.



Once we finished getting ready, it was 7:15 (we're girls leave us alone lol)
So we went and got Cole to drive us.

"Okay, call me when the movies over. And stay inside until I get here, so creeps can get you, alright?". We nodded.

"Okay girls, have fun. But not too much fun. No boys. Stay safe. Love you"

"Love you too Cole" we said and rolled our eyes at his overprotective-ness.

We both waved and he drove off after we got in the building safely.

(That's matt^^^^)

We saw connor and Matt sitting at a table, waiting. We walked over and sat in the two empty seats, making our presence known.

Connor jumped slightly as I sat down and laughed.

"Hey guys"

I giggled and waved, smiley brightly . Sam said a quiet 'hello' before going silent again.

"Okay, Matt and I were thinking of seeing a horror movie, but we weren't sure how you would like that so we'll let you pick. You know, since we're such gentlemen" I scoffed.

"Well thank you, your Majesty" I say, doing a curtsey and he laughed.

"Well what movie do you wanna see?" I ask Sam. She shrugs and looks down, putting her hands in her pockets . She's not very fond of new people.

"Umm" I look up at the movie board. "How about beauty and the beast?" She nods a little and the boys nod, and go to buy tickets. I tried to give them money for us but they refuse to let us pay.

Sam and I wait in line for snacks and such , wanting to pay for something since we feel bad about having them pay for us and everything. We order 2 medium popcorns with extra butter and 4 cherry cokes. Who doesn't love cherry coke?

Once we got our snacks, we saw the boys coming back from getting the tickets.

"You weren't supposed to pay for that either" connor groaned.

"Too late" we giggled. "We felt bad , so we wanted to pay for something. We got you cherry cokes, is that alright?" They nodded.

We went into the theater to get our seats, which were surprisingly good. We got right in the middle so we could see best.

"I love Emma Watson so much" I whisper, since the movie was beginning. Me and Sam were in the middle between the two boys.
Connor nodded and Sam said 'same'.

By the end of the movie, Sam and I were a blubbering mess.

"It was so sad" Sam cried. Matt put an arm around her as he chuckled.

"I know" I sob. "I thought they died and they sounded so sad and-" connor shushed and hugged me.

"It's only a movie, love. Calm down before you get yourself too worked up" he soothed. I nodded , totally forgetting the fact he called me 'love'.

"I better call Cole" I mumble, as i finally stop crying.

I told him the movie was over and he was on his way.

"I had fun" I smile and nod.

"Me too"

We sat in silence for a few seconds before he spoke up again.

"You know, you never told me your name"

I got a text from Cole saying he was outside.

"My brother is here" I said, standing and and grabbing the attention of Sam. Connor and Matt looked a bit disappointed but I shrugged it off. I waved to them and turned around ready to walk out the door. I looked back before going right back to Connor and kissing him on the cheek.

"My name is lily-" I whisper and I quickly walk away, grabbing Sam, and walking out of the door to the car.

"So how was the movie girls" Cole asked as we got situated.

Sam and I look at each other and smiling before saying at the same time



Hey guys lol. I took so long to update I'm so sorry! I had a bit of writers block I guess lol.

I also totally forgot about them having school so would you like if I did a few school chapters??

Please let me know!
This is also one of the longest chapters. Most of the long ones have songs but this one doesn't and I thought u guys deserved a long chapter for sticking with me lol. I also wrote half of this while in a fight with my "friend" and now she's really mad at me for nothing :) lol anyway, if u ever wanna talk I'm always free cause I have no life lol :) love you guys lots

Word count:1433

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