Shining of the Four

By ad_meliora

25K 830 207

[Warriors Cats Fanfiction] "As the Moon's shine vanishes and the light burns out, another cat will be lost. F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Author's Note

Chapter 30

380 9 4
By ad_meliora

            "Make sure that moss is nice and dry!" Firelight snapped at Lemonpaw. She rolled her eyes, squeezing water out of the moss and onto the forest floor.

            Another moon of training, and Firelight hadn't gotten any better with her. Coming to training was an absolute torture each day. She was this close to talking to Silverstar about finding her another mentor.

            It wasn't that Firelight's training methods were bad. In fact, she'd learned a lot about fighting and hunting. It seemed like he could get along with every other cat except her, and she wasn't sure why.

            "Is this good?" Lemonpaw asked.

            Firelight eyed the moss she had gathered, then hesitantly placed his paw on the moss.

            "There's still some water in there. Keep trying," he instructed, refusing to make eye contact with her.

            Lemonpaw rolled her eyes, continuing to pump water out of the moss. She did this for a few more minutes, then handed it towards Firelight again.

            "Better," he grumbled. "Come on. Let's head back to camp."

            Relieved her day of training was over, Lemonpaw picked the moss up in her mouth, padding back with Firelight to camp. They remained quiet the entire way there, making an awkward situation.

            "Go ahead and switch out the nests when you get back to camp," Firelight spoke at last. "And get a good night's rest for tomorrow."

            "What's tomorrow?" Lemonpaw asked.

            "More fighting styles."

            "Okay," said Lemonpaw, padding into the NightClan camp with Firelight. The tom immediately strode off to the side, leaving Lemonpaw in camp. She padded into the elders den, still clutching her mouthful of moss.

            She found Raspberrypaw and Thymepaw seated next to Bluefur, chatting away.

            "Bluefur, I've got you some more moss!" Lemonpaw called.

            "Thank you," the she-cat purred, handing Lemonpaw her old, dry nest.

            "Did I miss a lesson?" Lemonpaw asked, glancing at Raspberrypaw and Thymepaw.

            "Oh, no, we were just talking," Raspberrypaw explained.

            Thymepaw nodded beside her.

            "Oh..." Lemonpaw replied, glancing up at Thymepaw once again. Something had changed between them over the past moon. They were still good friends, him being one of her best friends, but she had grown a crush on him. Now, she became nervous each time she saw him, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She had only realized a day before that she loved him.

            Lemonpaw wasn't sure how it had all happened. She and Thymepaw had been friends for so long, she never expected to fall for the tom someday. They had been sharing a mouse the day before, chatting together (or signing, for that matter), when Lemonpaw had locked eyes with him for a brief moment, butterflies flooding her stomach. She had thought back to all the moments they had shared together, and in that brief moment, she realized she loved the tom as more than a friend.

            "Firelight still giving you troubles?" Raspberrypaw asked, breaking off Lemonpaw's thoughts.

            "Oh, he's not that bad," Lemonpaw admitted, though she thought otherwise as she handed out the rest of the moss to the elders.

            "Are you going to Frostflight's kits' ceremony tomorrow?" Bluefur asked.

            Lemonpaw gasped, dropping the moss at her feet. "I totally forgot! They become apprentices tomorrow?"

            Bluefur nodded. "Oh, yes. They came to visit Poppyfur this afternoon and were talking all about it and how they would get to train with their big sister. I've heard you've been visiting less and less."

            "Oh, yes, well, I've been so exhausted after training, I haven't gotten around to it," Lemonpaw admitted. "But I'll visit tonight. I'm sure they'd like that."

            "I'll come with you," Raspberrypaw offered.

            "Me too," Thymepaw signed.

            "Thymepaw, do-do you want to go on a walk?" Lemonpaw asked.

            "Ooh, I'll come too!" Raspberrypaw exclaimed.

            "Oh, well..." Lemonpaw began, only to be cut off by Bluefur.

            "Perhaps you leave them alone. Raspberrypaw, we can go over some new signs that you're struggling with. Didn't you think Thymepaw was asking for water when he was discussing hunting yesterday?"

            "Oh, well...I suppose," Raspberrypaw agreed, embarassed.

            "We'll meet up with you later," Thymepaw signed, exiting with Lemonpaw.

            "Great. So, let's go!" she exclaimed, rushing into the woods. Thymepaw rushed after her, grinning.

            She still longed to hear his voice that she had not heard since she was a young kit, but she knew Thymepaw's existence was a gift. He could've died that day.

            No cat really spoke about Thymepaw's muteness, though Lemonpaw wondered on a daily basis whether his ability to speak would ever return.

            "How's training?" Lemonpaw asked.

            Thymepaw began moving his paws, explaining how he'd caught a squirrel and a mouse.

            "That's great. I've been okay at hunting. Firelight says I'm better at fighting."

            Thymepaw shook his head, telling her she was a good hunter.

            "Thanks," she grinned, stopping in a clearing where the new-leaf sun shined perfectly down through them.

            The weather had gotten hotter, and Lemonpaw was aware that it would be green-leaf in a fairly short time.

            "Nice weather," she admitted.

            Thymepaw nodded next to her.

            Lemonpaw gazed down awkwardly, wanting to tell Thymepaw everything, the truth, but she couldn't. How could she love a tom who couldn't even tell her he loved her back?

            Trying to break up the tension, she shoved Thymepaw with her paw, giggling.

            Thymepaw narrowed his eyes and pounced at her, causing Lemonpaw to laugh. Together, they pounced around like they had in the nursery when they were kits.

            They giggled and laughed until they had collapsed next to each other out of breath and laughing.

            Lemonpaw gazed up at the sunset now, admiring the waves of orange and pink that made the sky look lovely.

            "Pretty sunset," Lemonpaw observed.

            Thymepaw nodded next to her, then raised his paw, as if he were about to sign something. Then, he put it down, as if he'd changed his mind.

            "Well, we should head back then," Lemonpaw told him, sad that their fun moment was over. She stood up, Thymepaw standing beside her. He'd grown since they were kits, towering over Lemonpaw now. He wasn't the biggest apprentice, but considering Lemonpaw's small size, he had grown into a large tom.

            Together, they padded back to camp, finding Raspberrypaw waiting impatiently near the nursery.

            "That was a long walk," Raspberrypaw noted. "I told Frostflight and the kits you'd visit ages ago."

            "It wasn't that long," Lemonpaw admitted, feeling guilty.

            "Lemonpaw, is that you?" came Frostflight's sweet voice.

            "Frostflight!" Lemonpaw exclaimed, rushing into the nursery. The small gray she-cat stood with her four kits, grinning.

            "Lemonpaw!" the four kits exclaimed, bouncing beside her.

            "Hi, kits! Sorry I've been gone so long," Lemonpaw admitted, turning back to Frostflight.

            "We know you're busy," Frostflight purred. "Soon, the kits will be sleeping in the same den as you."

            "But I'll still see you and Hailfrost, won't I?" Lemonpaw asked.

            "Of course," Frostflight purred.

            "Lemonpaw, we're apprentices tomorrow!" Spotkit squeaked.

            "I know! I can't wait for you to train! Raspberrypaw and Thymepaw are here to play with you guys one more time before you leave the nursery."

            "Sweet!" Desertkit exclaimed.

            Grinning, the three friends played with Lemonpaw's younger siblings, laughing and giggling and having a good time. It reminded Lemonpaw of her days back in the nursery. Oh, how she wished she was back there instead of training with stuck-up, old Firelight.

            "Who do you think our mentors will be?" Pearkit asked curiously.

            "I don't know," Lemonpaw admitted.

            "Don't worry. Silverstar will choose someone great. She always does," Raspberrypaw told them, glancing at Lemonpaw. Lemonpaw rolled her eyes, knowing she was making fun of Lemonpaw's terrible mentor.

            As the sky turned completely dark, Lemonpaw waved good-bye to Frostflight and the kits, promising to see them at the ceremony that would take place the following day. Yawning, she followed Raspberrypaw and Thymepaw into the apprentice den where she fell asleep.

Lemonpaw was awoken the following morning by Thymepaw repeatedly poking her with his tail.

            "What?" she groaned, opening her eyes.

            Thymepaw signed, "Get up now."

            "Why? Five more minutes."

            "Lemonpaw, the ceremony is starting!" Raspberrypaw shrieked.

            Lemonpaw immediately stood up, rushing out of the apprentice den. The four kits were already perched at the top of the rock, relieved to see Lemonpaw arrive. She found Frostflight and Hailfrost in the crowd and sat beside them.

            "Where were you?" Hailfrost asked.

            "Asleep," Lemonpaw admitted.

            "Don't worry. Silverstar's only just begun," Frostflight whispered.

            "Welcome, NightClan! Today, we come to welcome four new apprentices into our clan! Pearkit, Desertkit, Troutkit, and Spotkit are six moons old, which means they are ready to become apprentices."

            A cheer sounded through the camp, and the four stood, gazing down at the clan.

            "Pearkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be called Pearpaw," Silverstar spoke, gazing at the tabby she-cat.

            "Cherryshine," Silverstar called.

            Lemonpaw turned, watching as the black and white she-cat came forward.

            "You are strong and skilled. Please, teach this onto Pearpaw," Silverstar said.

            "I shall," Cherryshine replied, dipping her head. Lemonpaw watched with excitement as Pearpaw rushed down the rock to touch noses with her new mentor.

            The ceremony continued on as the other three were deemed and apprentices and received mentors of their own. Then, as they were all named, the clan burst out, shouting,


            Lemonpaw shouted with them, gazing at the four apprentices. Even though they weren't related to her, even though Frostflight and Hailfrost weren't her parents, she realized this was her family, and she was glad to be apart of such a great family.

            The crowd began to split apart, and Lemonpaw could already see Firelight waiting impatiently near the border of the camp for her to join him.

            "Guys!" Lemonpaw called, gazing at the four apprentices that sat near each other.

            "Did you see us up there, Lemonpaw?" Desertpaw asked excitedly.

            "You were awesome!" Lemonpaw exclaimed. "I wish I could stay and talk longer, but Firelight'll have my pelt if I don't get out there. Have a great first day!"

            "Bye, Lemonpaw!" Troutpaw called, waving her tail. The three others joined, and Lemonpaw gazed back, smiling at the young apprentices.

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