Broken Promises ~ Red Hood fa...

By comic_book_girl

30K 1.1K 217

The string that helped her make some sense of what she knew was cut... and Jason Todd was the one with the sc... More

Job gone wrong- chapter one
Does the truth hurt? - Chapter two
That's not nice- chapter three
Counting sins- chapter four
Memory lane- chapter five
We meet again- chapter six
Last warning- chapter seven
Going to Metropolis- chapter eight
Two pea's in a pod- chapter nine
Coming clean- chapter eleven
Harsh reality- Chapter twelve
A losing battle- chapter thirteen.
The aftermath- chapter fourteen.
Coming to terms- chapter fifteen
A little day out- chapter sixteen
So you do speak- chapter seventeen
Best day of my life- chapter eighteen.
The day after- chapter nineteen
A job you can't refuse- chapter twenty
Joke's on you- Chapter twenty one
Missing person- Chapter twenty two
A place called home- chapter twenty three
Hitting critical- chapter twenty four
The waiting game- Chapter twenty five
Stange surroundings- Chapter twenty six
Tough decisions- Chapter twenty seven
Welcome to the Bat family- Chapter twenty eight
A Sequel!? And some other news!

A little catch up- chapter ten

1K 43 5
By comic_book_girl

Anna didn't dislike going outside in the 'real world', she just preferred to stay indoors and to be alone. To be honest, she has always been like that, opting to stay as much time in the safety of her own little area and only taking big walks to release her trapped energy. Not the healthiest of things, but it worked for her. Now though, she did much more than go for long walks, you know, killing people. So the time off she has is usually spent indoors with food, Netflix and listening to music. But there comes a time when every human being must go out and buy the necessary items for everyday life.

This was one of those times.

She wondered through the shop, picking up and plopping in whatever she needed. It was a weird feeling, walking around with people as they had no idea who she was. Anna was always cautious that someone would notice her, whether it was from her father or from her... other profession.

Another thought that popped into her head, is one of a certain Red Hood. She didn't know what he looked like. He could be there. Following like some creeper.

"Just pay and go." She whispered to herself, heading over to the self-checkout area.

''Hey there, stranger.'' A voice sounded from behind.

Was that him? Red Hood? Anna turned around with a scowl, but her eyes bugged when she saw a familiar, goofy, stupid smile.

Dick Grayson.

"Oh..." Anna twisted around to him, blinking up at him. "Dick, what are you-"

''-It's a supermarket, why else am I here?'' He responded holding up a bag full of his own personal necessities.

"Oh... yeah, right, yeah..." Anna awkwardly smiled up at him. "I... uh... I'm just gonna, pay..." She shuffled back around screeching internally as she put the money in and picked up her bag.

"Do you mind if I walk you out?" He asked, hand reaching for the back of his head, scratching.

She flushed, hesitantly moving towards he exit. "I guess..."

They both walked in silence.


Why did she have to be socially awkward in that moment? She knew Dick, it shouldn't have been that hard? Oh right, it was because he lied to her about Jason, about what he did, what Dick still does. But she guessed she couldn't stay mad at him. Dick was never the one to intentionally hurt someone's feelings.

But, technically, they're enemies. She killed people for a living. He stops her. How could she ever think to be on the same page as him?

After what she has done? After who she's become?

"Have you been ok?" He asked as he rubbed his arm.

Anna glanced up at him, partly coming out of her thoughts. ''Yeah, you?''

''I'm good.'' Anna looked up at him, and he looked down. She tried to smile, she really did, but it came out like a deflated balloon.

Dick smiled back at her, leaning against her shoulder with his elbow. ''You wanna grab a cup of coffee? There's one down the street from here. Unless you have frozen food in there.'' He laughed lightly.

Anna pondered for a moment. Should she? The fact that she was letting him lean against her was some proof that she liked him. "The only thing frozen is my ass out here, so maybe a coffee is a good idea." She nudged him with body, smiling down at the ground weakly before glancing back up at him.

The look in his eyes resembled a sign of relief, smiling warmly, they both took off down the street.

As they entered, the strong smell of caffeine struck her nostrils and warmth enveloped her. Anna and Dick both sat down at the far end table. Dick ordered an espresso while Anna got a black coffee.

''There a reason why you invited me to coffee? besides our similar activities today?'' She asked.

Leaning back, Dick shrugged. "Just felt like it, I realised we have never really gone for coffee. Ever.'' The waitress placed down their drinks, nodding before leaving.

Taking her cup in her hand, she raised it to her lips, feeling the steam heat her face. "That's very true, Dick Grayson.'' They both took their gulps of the liquefied coffee bean, while Anna glanced upwards. "Or should I call you... Ducky...'' her eyebrow raised suggestively.

Placing his cup down, he lifted his head; an embarrassed smile forming on his face.
''I... thought you would forget that nickname.'' He mumbled.

''Oh Grayson, how could I ever forget that name.'' Smiling into her coffee mischievously. A glint in her eye. "Ducky, because you wouldn't stop quacking.''

''Oh god.'' He moaned into his hands, while Anna laughed, taking another sip from her scolding hot beverage.

''That was one of the best nicknames I ever created, I must say I am still proud." She chuckled. Anna wondered why she was actually smiling.

She knew why, but it was strange. How it came naturally.

Dick finished off his drink, his eyes bright as he leaned on the table. "Come on Anna, I seem to remember you having a little nickname...''

Glancing away, she took an innocent gulp of her drink. "I don't know what you are going on about...''

Dick broadly smiled. "Now, I'm sure there was one...'' He place a finger to his lips, mockingly thinking.

Anna didn't know why, but his smile made her whole body just feel lifted. A bubble, in her chest. "I don't thin-''

"Anna-banana." He cut her off. Taking an intake of air, Anna scowled at him.


''Oh, Anna-banana. I distinctly remember because you hate Banana's...'' He drawled out, looking off in the distance; mocking her.

''Banana's are full of weird stringy bits and it's just disgusting, who in their right mind would want to eat them?'' She scoffed, sipping her coffee.

''Banana's are full of potassium, don't hate on them.'' Dick laughed, also taking a sip.

She looked down at her cup. "You're just weird."

"Me? What about you? I seemed to remember that you once stuck your two toes together with super glue."

"Hey! I didn't do that on purpose!"

"I don't even know how you could have done that anyway!"

Anna eventually finished her coffee, Dick insisting that he paid as she rolled her eyes.

"I could have paid." Anna said as they strolled down the street.

"Well, tough cookies. Can't I be a gentleman?" He wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Please, the moment you're a gentleman is the moment my balls drop and my beard starts to show." She pointed a look, earning a chuckle from him.

He smiled down at her. Dick... he was just so, familiar, homely. She didn't think that she has had a proper conversation for years. It was sad when she thought about it. That she hadn't laughed with someone. Hadn't laughed.

''This has actually been enjoyable, thanks Dick.'' Anna blushed, avoiding his gaze. He went in for a hug; wrapping his arms tightly around her. It was so warm, so... lovely. Quick as it may be. But she didn't pull away.

"Do you need a ride anywhere?" He asked.

"I'm good, I've got a bike that I can shove my junk into." Anna began to walk away, grasping her bag and shoving one of her free hands into her jacket pocket. "It was nice to feel normal for a while, I guess, don't be a hero you loser." She briefly nodded.


Dick watched her walk away, a glimmer in his smile as he also started to head back for his ride.

''Master Dick, you have been absent for a while.'' Alfred greeted him at the door, helping him take off his coat.

''Sorry Al... I actually ran into Anna...'' Dick began. Alfred froze for a moment then continued to take his coat.

''Is she quite alright?'' He asked, turning back to Dick.

''Actually yeah, we went for coffee... Alfred, I think that Anna can be rehabilitated, she laughed and we joked... she was so calm.'' Running his hand through his hair, he sighed.
''I really want her to... go back to who she was... Maybe... Maybe if she was brought back here, to the Manor, then maybe we could persuade her to help us... to do something better than what she is...''

Alfred gazed at the boy wonder, and placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder.
''That is a marvellous idea Master Dick. However you might want to consult Master Bruce and see whether this plan is truly possible, if what you are implying is true.''

Nodding, Dick took off to the Batcave, in search of Bruce, his heart full of hope and an optimistic attitude towards the future.

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