Everything Happens For A Reas...

By learntolivewithout

15.6K 286 54

After the singularity Sadie Merlyn decides to do what she does best. Run away. Run away from her new life, fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

555 10 2
By learntolivewithout

Here I was, once again, the damsel in distress, the one thing I said I'd never be again and still, here I was. Zoom had taken me through the breach back to Earth-2 or so I thought, I hadn't seen anything since we got here however many weeks ago it was. He had killed Jay and I was still numb to the thought of it. I was put in a cell and left there for a few days leaving me powerless. The only other people in there was Caitlin's doppelganger who I later learned was named Killer Frost and there was another man with a caged mask around his head in the cell beside me making countless knocks on the glass which I hadn't figured out what had meant but he was trying to communicate with me. Though Zoom caught him and threatened his life if he were to try and speak to me again.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him that night.

"You're the one thing that could bring the Flash down," he said simply.

"Well he hasn't come so obviously your plan hasn't worked," I sighed.

"Not yet," he answered before he was gone like he always.

I sighed sitting against the wall wondering the same thing. If Jay had closed the breach correctly they weren't ever to open again and there was no way back here. Even two weeks after that I still think the same thing. Maybe the team had given up on me. Like I had thought many times before in these current situations maybe this was how I died and how Barry moves on from me. They probably thought I was dead and already moved on with their lives. It was probably for the better, I wasn't much help anyways. In the middle of my thoughts Zoom appeared and threw my cell open. I backed away to the corner afraid he was going to hurt me like the many times he had over the past couple weeks.

"Come here," he growled lunging forward and grabbed my hair, dragging me out of the cell as I screamed in pain.

"Please, please let me go!" I cried just before he threw me to the ground.

"I need to send the Flash a message to let him know you're still alive," Zoom told me. He held what looked like a recording tape to my face.

"Barry?" I asked, "Barry, I'm okay. Please don't worry about me." Zoom kicked my shoulder and I screamed, "I love you, Barry. I'll be okay. Don't come for me." He shoved me again and I yelled in pain and in a flash I was back in my cell.

"The whole reason for that was for him to come for you," he growled, "Now I guess you really will die here."

He was gone again and I curled against the wall as tears streamed down my face. I wrapped my arms around myself.

"The things we do for love," Killer Frost sighed from her cell.

Zoom was back a few minutes later and my cell was opened I cringed closing my eyes waiting for the pain but the cell door was shut again.


I jumped at the voice and opened my eyes to find Wally chained to the wall like I was, "Wally? Oh my god." He rushed towards me and embraced me in a hug.

"This is your fault," Zoom appeared in the doorway and we both jumped backwards.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't do as I asked so now he's here too," he answered, "I guess the Flash doesn't care for you anymore but he will help him."

"The Flash? Why would the Flash help me?" Wally asked, "He doesn't even know who I am."

"Someone he cares about cares about you," Zoom answered before he was gone.

"Sadie, this is where you've been? Everyone's been worried sick for weeks," he told me.

I nodded sitting back down.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Zoom thought the Flash would come in the first place, to get me. But he didn't so he tried to get me to convince the Flash to come here and I wouldn't and now your life is at stake," I sighed putting my head in my hands.

"Woah, none of this is your fault," he said trying to walk over to me but his chain stopped him.

"Don't worry, Wally. I'll get you back to your family," I promised.

"And what about you?" He asked but I stayed silent.

A few hours later Zoom was back but on the other side of the room. I fell asleep for awhile until Wally nudged me awake.

"Vibe," he said in a menacing tone.

"He's talking to someone," Wally whispered and I knew he was talking to Cisco. He must had somehow vibed here and was able to talk to Zoom. "What's gonna happen?" He asked and I shrugged watching Zoom. He turned to us and I backed away quickly but Wally didn't know better.

Zoom grabbed him, "We're going on trip. Back home."

They were gone and I sighed in relief. Wally was hopefully going to be safe. I couldn't say the same for myself but I knew whatever the team was doing was going to help him. I waited for Zoom to come back hoping that he wouldn't and that Barry would come but I was only half mistaken when he ran back into the room and I curled in my corner away from him like always when I heard a woman's voice. I sat up looking across the room, "Caitlin?" I asked and she turned to me but Zoom was face to face with me even faster than he had ever before.

"Don't speak to her," he threatened and I fell backwards away from him.

A few days later Zoom finally left leaving Caitlin and I alone after he had given her food. She was chained to a bed across the room.

"Sadie, oh my god," she gasped.

"Caitlin, what's going on?" I tried not to cry.

"Barry has been trying nonstop to find a way back here and when he did Zoom stopped him and gave him the recording of you. He said he killed you and then he took Wally and said if we wanted him back Barry had to give him his speed," she told me.

"He didn't right?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Everyone thought you were dead, if we would have known you were still alive Barry would had bargained to get you too but now he doesn't have his speed and I don't know how he'll get it back," she sighed and repeated, "They all think you're dead."

"It's probably better that way," I shrugged.

"You need to eat," Zoom flashed in front of her and I backed away so he wouldn't know we were talking, "Caitlin."

"If you want to speak to me, then take off that mask," she ordered.

What? I leaned forward watching Zoom take off his mask for the first time. "Jay?" I gasped as my heart lurched.

"Surprise," he smiled suddenly in front of me.

"We watched you die," I said confused.

"Yeah, I already gave that spiel to the team about how I did all of that and I don't really want to repeat it," he sighed turning back towards Caitlin, "Does this make you feel better?"

"Nothing you could ever do would make me feel better. You told us Sadie was dead," she spat.

"Yeah and you all thought I was dead. You don't need to be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you," he told her, "I care too much about you to do that."

"You only care about yourself, Hunter," she argued.

"I know you think that I'm a monster. I understand why. But that'll change," he sighed, "Please, Cait."

"Don't call me that," she ordered, "Why are you keeping me here? Or Sadie? You're cured. You don't need us for anything."

"You're here because I love you," Jay answered kneeling in front of her, "It may take a while, but someday, you'll start feeling that way about me again, too. Make yourself at home. You're gonna be here a while." He took off her chains and ran out of there. She rushed over to my cell and I watched as she tried to lift it.

"It's not gonna work. I already tried," I sighed.

"You look terrible," she noted leaning down in front of the door.

"Yeah, I'm sure I do," I nodded.

"Has he hurt you?" She asked and I was silent, "I can't believe I didn't see this coming."

"How could you? You were in love," I shrugged.

"Well, hello, doppelganger of mine," Killer Frost snickered coming out from her shadows, "What do you know? I can still pull off brunette."

"You're Killer Frost," Caitlin said getting up and walking over to her cell.

"And you're Caitlin Snow," Frost answered, "Your little friend, Cisco, wouldn't shut up about you. Made you out to be some kind of a saint. So tell me, why hide the girls? I mean, you've seen our body, right?" The man in the iron mask started knocking at Caitlin and Frost sighed, "If I could get my powers to work through this carbine wall, the first thing I would do is shut him up."

"Who is he?" Caitlin asked.

"Don't know. Don't care," she answered, "But if he's here, Zoom must need something from him."

"So what does Zoom need you for?" Caitlin asked her.

"That is an excellent question, Caity. You know, I've been asking myself the same thing," she answered, "But doesn't matter now. I'm not gonna stick around much longer."

"Wait, I thought you said your powers don't work inside this cell?" She asked.

"They don't. You're right. So you're gonna help me get out of here," she suggested.

"I can't even get Sadie out. Why would I help you?" Caitlin asked.

"Because our cells are different, I got the other girl out when your team was here and listen, honey, there's no way you are making it down that cliff all by yourself. So let's make a deal. You get me out of this box, and I'll help you and cry baby over there home. Might even throw in some wardrobe tips for free," Frost offered, "So what do you say, Caitlin? Do we have a deal?"

Caitlin turned to look at me before turning back to Frost and agreeing. She walked around the room trying to find something to help. She looked at the system in Frost's cell.

"Tick tock, tick tock," Frost sighed.

"I'm going as fast as I can," Caitlin answered.

"Caitlin, you could get caught," I told her.

"Well, you better go faster," Frost ignored me, "Zoom will be back any minute."

"I could just leave you in there, you know," Caitlin shot back going around the room.

"Oh. But you want to go home so badly," she said sarcastically.

"So how did this happen to you?" She asked.

"Woke up one day, cold, pale. Thought I was sick. Turns out it was something else entirely," she answered making her hand freeze.

"You got hit by dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion?" I asked her.

"Yes. Right after I flunked out of med school. Had to move back in with my mother," she groaned.

"That couldn't have been fun," Caitlin tried to rig the door, "If she's anything like mine, I mean."

"Why? Is yours a frigid narcissist, too?" Frost asked.

"Cold as ice," she nodded.

"Yeah. Mom was like that ever since Charlie died," she sighed.

"Who's Charlie?" Caitlin asked.

"My brother," she answered.

"I never had a brother," she shrugged.

"No? Then why was Mom such a bitch on your Earth?" She asked.

"Honestly, I couldn't say," Caitlin sighed before explaining how the glass was going to break.

I just watched from afar as they waited for the glass to heat up so she could break it. An hour or so later Caitlin told Frost to back away and I stood up to watch. Caitlin grabbed a hammer and started up the wall as it sparked to life. Frost backed away as she swung the hammer at it and the glass broke.

"Well looks like you have a little badass in you, after all," Frost smirked.

"Alright, now get Sadie out," she told her.

"Oh Caity, she's never going home and neither are you," she rose her hand as it covered in ice.

"Watch out!" I yelled just as she shot an ice spear at her.

"What are you doing? I thought we had a deal," Caitlin asked her.

"Ugh, is everyone on your Earth this gullible?" Frost sighed as Caitlin ran away but she covered the ground in ice and Caitlin fell, "Heels aren't the best on ice, are they?" She asked as she walked closer and stood helplessly behind, "You know, once I saw you, I realized why Zoom didn't kill me. Because I look just like you. Now he won't need me anymore."

She threw another spear at Caitlin but Zoom ran in stopping it from hitting her and stabbing her, "No. I don't," he sneered as she fell to the ground. He turned to Caitlin, "Try that on Sadie or him, they die too."

Zoom left again after putting Caitlin in cuffs leaving us alone, "I mean at least you tried. More than I've done," I shrugged.

"Don't lose hope, Sadie. I'm gonna get you out of here and back to Barry," she said confidently.

I laid down on the cold ground and Zoom came back to Caitlin. I listened as they talked and she pleaded that he take her home.

"Take us back to our Earth," she cried.

"You know I've always measured my success by counting the number of victims I've had. But now I think I'm going to widen my scope. Start counting the number of Earths I conquer, instead. You want to go home? Then let's go."

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