mute » tomlinson ON HOLD

By lcndon

106K 4.8K 772

❝Oh, what's wrong, love? Too shy to speak?❞ © copyright recklesslou 2014-2015 More

mute » l.t. au
one; shopping
two; helping
three; eating
four; meeting
five; knowing
seven; finding
eight; explaining
nine; skiing
ten; bonding
eleven; inviting
twelve; partying
thirteen; celebrating
fourteen; welcoming
fifteen; visiting
new story!!

six; forgetting

4.9K 249 30
By lcndon

My eyes stared blankly at the show playing on my television. My thoughts were scattered, and there was a constant buzzing that hummed in my ear. My hands hadn't moved from their spot on either side of my thighs for the past hour. My whole body hadn't moved for the past hour.

When Rainy had come out of the bathroom, I was frozen in my seat, staring at the napkin in my hands. Upon seeing my reaction, she simply kissed my cheek before walking out onto the Chicago streets.

Of course, I cared. I wouldn't sit there and say that, no, it didn't matter, because, yes, it certainly did. The girl that I was possibly into– possibly –was mute. I would never hear her voice or her laugh or any noise, ever. That melodic, milky sound that I dreamed of listening to as we ate across from each other or laughed over something that the other said or even argued over which radio station to listen to, would never reach my ears.

I would always be the one– the only one –speaking in the relationship.

But, that didn't matter. We weren't even in a relationship. I didn't even know if we we're friends, for that matter.

"Goddammit!" I cursed, pulling at the ends of my hair in frustration.

If I wasn't too absorbed in my chaotic thoughts, I wouldn't have let Rainy walk out the door into the cold, dangerous streets. But, I had a reasonable excuse to be completed engulfed in myself at that moment; this was a big deal, and I needed to time for it to fully register.

I needed sleep, and then by morning, I would have everything figured out; even if I didn't know what "everything" was.

Slowly, I sauntered down the hallway to my bedroom where I stiffly stripped of my clothing until I was left in my boxers. Climbing into the warmth of my blankets, I waited restlessly for sleep to envelop me, but with the whirlwind of thoughts circling my mind, it seemed I would be waiting for awhile.


I was awoken from the loud knocking that bounced off every damn wall in the house. My eyes were still sealed shut while my mouth hung slightly open, lettting a groan slip past my lips. The knocking got louder, forcing me to lift my head from my pillow. My eyes slowly cracked open, my vision blurry.

I looked around the room, quickly forgetting about the unwanted guest knocking at my door; until the pounding came again. I raised my fist then slammed it back down onto the bed, groaning loudly.

"Just a minute," I called out lowly, pulling a pair of sweats up my legs. My bare feet slid across the floor as I sulked down the hall.

My eyes landed on the napkin that still laid on the table untouched from last night. When the knocking continued, I wondered if that's who it was. I don't know why she would be here; maybe to explain herself better or even apologize for the way she just left last night. But, I was the one who needed to apologize.

I was now moving towards the door quicker, anxious to see the person behind the slab of wood. I swung the door open, and there stood a disappointment.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned, letting a hand drag down my face.

Trevor pushed past me and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing the refrigerator handle, he pulled it open and ducked his head to examine its contents.

"No," I shook my head, "no. Get out."

He wore a thick, winter jacket with what looked like Under Armor underneath. His brown hair was held back with a knitted headband, snowing dotting his chocolate-colored locks. His heavy boots scuffed against the hardwood flooring, leaving marks, no doubt.

"Aw, c'mon, Lou. You didn't forget about our ski trip, did you?"

I closed my mouth before saying anything, taken aback by the sudden reminder. My eyes fluttered shut as I breathed out deeply through my nose before responding, "Of course not."

Trevor raised his eyebrows at me, taking a sip out of the Coca-Cola he snatched out of the fridge.

"Look, I've just been so busy lately–,"

Barking out a laugh, he shook his head at me, "With what, Louis? Lisa told me you've been skipping classes at Uni," he pointed an accusing finger towards me with a smirk slowly peeking over his features.

Lisa was Trevor's girlfriend who happened to be in the majority of my classes at college. That's actually how they met; at one of architecture degree's party celebrating someone's internship at a well-known corporation. Only the students with architecture degrees were invited, but of course, Trevor had to be there, even despite the absence of any alcohol.

"Whats going on, Louis?" His brows furrowed and he looked genuinely concerned.

I sighed and looked down, "Well, there's this girl–,"

"I knew it! I fucking knew it! I told Lisa; oh, she's going to love this!"

"Leave, okay? I actually have stuff to do today, so please!" My hand swung back, gesturing towards the door.

He grumbled, "Fine, but  you better be at the ski resort by tonight. I didn't pay for three nights for you to bail on me. I don't care about your fucking girl problems," he mumbled as he walked out the door.

I sighed in relief before jumping up to grab the napkin from the table and running to retrieve my jacket from my bedroom. I sped out the door and hopped into my car, typing the address that I've come to memorize into the GPS.

hooray for a short filler chapter !!

sorry its short ::///

but yay we met trevor and found out louis is in the architecture degree

if you enjoyed it, please vote and comment !

and if you didn't, lie and say you did ::))



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