eleven; inviting

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I blew hot air into my hands, attempting to at least restore the feeling in the tips of my fingers. She was walking steadily next to me with her chin buried in the warmth of her scarf. There was an unwanted amount of distance between us that I so desperately wanted to eliminate.

My body shifted over ever so slightly while I watched her wiggle her fingers around in the depth of her jacket pockets. Looking ahead, I searched eagerly for the movie theater's sign. At the sight of the neon light, my hand fell against Rainy's shoulder, "C'mon."

Her blue-green eyes glittered under the street lights, and her white teeth shone when she smiled up at me. The sight was beautiful, and I couldn't help let a wide grin spread across my cheeks while admiring the view.

I looked to our destination again, taking in the large crowd surrounding the ticket booth. Loud laughter and chatting reached my ears before I glanced back at Rainy.

Hesitantly, I flipped my hand over so the winter air tickled the warm skin of my palm. Shakily outstretching my open hand to her, I saw her eyes flicker to my reluctant offering. Her eyes seemed to trace the lines that were imprinted in my palm, almost memorizing their position and depth. With a sharp intake of breath, she carefully withdrew her hand from her pocket; the shelter, protecting her dainty fingers from the chilled air.

Her hand was warm in the most comforting, soothing way. Our fingers folded together happily while her blue nail polish looked foreign against the back of my hand. The tips of my fingers tingled, and I struggled keeping them still while in her grasp. Finally, I decided to brush my thumb against her smooth skin to keep my jittering hand busy.

She beamed up at me, her teeth peeking out under her thin lips. I returned with a nervous smile before tugging her towards the theater.

I went through the alphabet once more just to pass the time when waiting in the line. She was still firmly holding onto my hand while she would occasionally grin up at me. Once we reached the ticket window, she tried to sneakily slide her money to the man before I caught the hand holding the paper tightly in my own. Pouting, she accepted that her attempts were futile and wiggled her hand out of my grasp before sliding it up to grip my bicep.

That action alone had my stomach swirling into knots and my voice stuttering to the ticket seller.


"Have you texted her yet?" Lisa poked at my arm. She was sitting cross-leg on Trevor's couch while chewing on some chips that disgustingly littered the seat around her. There were crumbs that fell down the front of her shirt, and she had a bit of salsa at the corner of her mouth. She quickly darted her tongue out to collect the abandoned condiment, her eyes looking at me with excited curiousity.

"Trevor, how do you even put up with her?" I teased and picked up a chip from the cushion next to her.

He emerged from the kitchen holding a bowl refilled with more salsa. Carefully setting it down on the coffee table, he smirked at the blonde and plucked the chip from my hand before stuffing it into his mouth. Through a mouth-full, he managed to mumble, "'Cause she's just like me," before kissing her sloppily.

She smiled up at him, before her hungry eyes turned back to me. "So, did you text her?"

"Text who?" The corner of my mouth turned upwards as I looked at her with raised eyebrows. Her elbow was resting on the back of the couch, her hand propping her head up while she stared at me with a blank expression. Her eyes narrowed.

"You know who I'm talking about. Don't play games."

Cocking my head to the side, I jutted out my bottom lip as if I was actually in thought, "I'm afraid I don't."

"God, Louis, you are impossible," she pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger. "Why are we friends with him?" she looked to Trevor with a frustrated crease in her brow and a pout set on her lips.

"Dunno," he responded lamely, his eyes glued to his phone screen, "but, when the hell is Sam getting here?"

"He said he was stopping to get some beers," Lisa hummed, picking through the bag of chips.

Trevor sighed, then tapped his phone multiple times before standing, "I'll call him." He pressed the device to his ear and stepped out of the room.

I jumped in my seat when Lisa put a hand on my shoulder, turning me sharply so I was facing her. "Did you text that damn girl or not?"

Rolling my eyes, I looked down to my hands, "No, I didn't. What does it matter to you anyway?"

"She has to come to the party!" Lisa's eyes lit up, and she jumped up on her knees with her hands in the air. "It's going to be so fun, you know it is every year! And wouldn't you want her to be there too?"

"Fine, fine. I'll text her alright?"

She nodded her head vigorously when the doorbell rang. In walked a smiley Sam with a case of beers in his left hand and a bottle of whiskey in his right.


To: Rainy

would you be up for a friendly gathering this saturday?

I threw my phone onto my couch before walking into the kitchen. I was convinced my stomach was caving in on itself by now as I had refused to drink any of Sam's shit. Plus, we ran out of chips two minutes after Sam had actually arrived.

I pulled out Chinese leftovers I had and stuck them in the microwave. The ding sounding from my phone was easily heard over the low hum of the heater.

Swiftly moving across the room, I was surprised to find a response from Rainy considering the late time. My mind then drifted to what she was doing at that time. Was she watching a movie or was she cuddled in bed, reading one of her many books?

Clicking on the message, I couldn't help but beam down at my phone.

From: Rainy

i don't know..

To: Rainy

oh come on! it'll be fun, i promise. and we can always leave early if you'd like

Her response came quickly then, letting loose the feeling of colorful fireworks erupting in my stomach.

From: Rainy

well, alright fine. as long as you're there with me :)

Biting down on my lip, I tried suppressing the wide grin that was bound to linger for the rest of the night. I let a pathetic laugh slip out of my mouth as I read the text over again, noting her smiley face.

To: Rainy

great, what do you say you come over tomorrow and i can give you details? : )

Shamelessly adding the ridiculous face, I kept my phone with me while I retrieved my dinner from the microwave. The plate burned the tips of my fingers, but I didn't bother moving any faster. Instead, the pain went unnoticed as I sat down and refreshed our conversation again and again, occasionally twirling my fork in the noodles. 

Then, my phone dinged again and my face nearly split in half with a smile. Until, I saw the name and my heart plummeted to the pit of my stomach with disappointment.

From: Trevor

sam's throwing up all over the place. come back and help?

So, I typed back 'sure' and reassured him I'd be there soon, but with the absence of a smiley face.

hi guys



anywayyy can you guys give me a vote and comment if you liked it??

ilyasm and i'm so happy people like the story ::)


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