twelve; partying

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A sharp knocked sounded from my front door, peircing through the silent apartment. Quickly smoothing out the blanket I had just folded, I rushed to the open the door.

In the doorway stood a frazzled Rainy with wild hair and cheeks flushed from the chilled air. Her dark green jacket reached mid-thigh and her scarf was bunched around her throat. She tucked a brown chunk of hair behind her ear, offering me a small, nervous smile.

I stepped to the side to allow her to enter to which she nodded toward me gratefully. Pulling at her mittens, she sat them, along with her jacket, scarf, and boots, next to the door. I watched as she awkwardly patted down the hairs that were annoyingly poking out every which way.

I coughed into my hand, "You look lovely."

She sighed and smiled up at me before contorting her hands into signs. I... bus...

"You rode the bus?" I asked as I didn't recognize the verb that she was trying to get across. Instead of repeating the sign, she spelt out the word for me. I missed the bus. "I could've picked you up! Why didn't you text me?"

Rainy shrugged and folded her hands behind her back while she rocked back and forth on her heels.

"And what about Eli? Couldn't he take you?"

She signed, He was not... Home?

I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut, rubbing my forehead roughly, "You should've texted me, Rainy. Now, you're going to get sick and not going to be able to come to the party." My eyes got wide with worry.

She brought her hand to my cheek, the coldness sinking into the warmth of my skin. Closing my eyes briefly, I basked in the feeling of her skin against mine. When I reopened them, her sparkling eyes were already skimming over the features of my face. My gaze was trained on her as I watched her head shake from side to side before she patted my cheek lightly.

Dropping her hand, she moved away from me and wandered into the kitchen. I stood in place for a moment, collecting my thoughts, then hurried after her.

"I can make tea, if you'd like some. I know how cold it is out there," I offered and reached to open the cupboard, revealing my compilation of different mugs.

I glanced over my shoulder to catch her response, a nod, before I turned back to start on the tea. After putting the kettle on the stove, I slowly spun around to lean back on the counter. Folding my arms across my chest, I looked closely at Rainy.

She was standing against the kitchen island, her hands perched on the granite while she stared down at her nails. A piece of hair had fallen in front of her face, and I so desperately wanted to race over to gently put it back in its place behind her ear. Her lips were set in a delicate smile that never seemed to leave her beautiful face.

Then, I realized as I stood there with my brows furrowed, admiring her. I was totally and utterly infatuated with Rainy Collins.


I nervously tugged on the collar of my denim jacket as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Checking my phone for the time, I hurriedly grabbed my worn-out vans that sat at the foot of my bed and swung my bedroom door open. I took two steps at a time to reach the front door, my keys jingling with each hop.

The annual Christmas party held at Sam's apartment had finally approached. It was three days before I had to be in Springfield for the actual holiday with my family, and I was only planning to have a few drinks, just enough to feel a buzz. Plus, I wanted my senses to be clear while accompanied by Rainy the entire night. My heart jumped at the thought.

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