(Levi x Reader) Stay close, a...

بواسطة Monomeno-chan

18.5K 630 210

I'm not good at descriptions but who cares? (Y/n) was just an average girl. Wake up, get to work, do tons of... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (The End)

Chapter 9

820 34 6
بواسطة Monomeno-chan

_Zombie AU_

While I was thinking over almost nothing, everyone was quiet. Why was it almost nothing, would you ask? Well, it's because it is obvious the more people in the Survey Corps, the better. So it would be much better if those people joined us. It will also be good since someone as huge and muscular like Erwin would be much appreciated by the gang and mostly me. Although I don't know about Levi, he seems not to care about anyone who join. Except for Hanji; I have a feeling they will be enemies for life soon.

But will they accept? I thought suddenly. I was right, will they accept my offer if I ask? That certainly never happened before, not counting Levi, Hanji and the trio. I took a deep breath and exhaled just the same. I took all my courage in one ball and decided.

"I know we've just met but I have something to ask." I started. The look on those people told me that they were listening. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again and continuing. "Well, I just wanted to know if you'd like to join our group? It's okay if you don't want to."

They took their time to think about it. I grew impatient with each passing second. We were in the middle of a street where Titans are freely walking around with no shame. Though I knew we were close to the part of the town where there's much, MUCH, less Titans.

The Erwin guy looked around him, looking at the other people that he was with and sending them silent messages. I never knew how people could do that but it seemed useful. Erwin looked at me once again, putting a serious expression on his face.

"We'll gladly accept the offer. After all, not many survivors here are as nice as you." Erwin said (Not all of us are nice... ahem, Levi, ahem....). My eyes widened just a bit when I realized that such a person can actually accept to go with people like us. I mean, Erwin seems like a guy to be scary and intimidating, like Levi, but he was nice, something I wouldn't have expected from him.

It's still good that he's nice. Don't think I'd be able to handle one more of Levi-like people. I thought. I was happy new people joined the Survey Corps, now we will have ten people, counting me.

I looked away from Erwin and realised that the other three people from Erwin's team were getting to know others from Survey Corps. I signed, just remembering about them after being focused in the conversation with Erwin. I opened my mouth to tell them to keep going but was interrupted (is it just me or Reader-chan was interrupted quite a lot in this story?).

"Well, since this is settled, we should get going before something bad happens." Erwin said, as calm as ever. He seemed like the type to be calm in tough situations but not to the emotionless level like with Levi. I should watch him a bit more. Maybe he will be a good person to be one of the leaders of Survey Corps, which seems to be growing in numbers really fast. I thought. After all with his calm personality and with his appearance he would be a nice candidate on this role as a leader of a big group.

Everyone turned to face me and Erwin and nodded in understanding. Levi and Hanji picked up our bags that they managed to put on the ground without making any noise so I've never noticed it. Once we all started moving I took my chance to finally speak.

"Well, since the day is coming to an end, it would be better to find some place to stay at. We'll also need to find the time to train, but we'll talk about whether to do it today or not in the shelter we'll find. Oh and also we'll tell our plan to Erwin, Sasha, Connie and Jean in the shelter as well. I suggest we find a place with thick walls in case we decide to train so that if we will shoot, it will be quieter." I said while we were still walking. I knew everyone were okay with this since everyone nodded and I started to walk beside Hanji, who was almost in the front of the group even with the heavy bag on her back.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards, to the end of the group. I looked at my side to see Levi with his famous poker face. I raised an eyebrow at him making an expression that said 'Is there something wrong?'. He looked at me after checking that no one was looking our way and released my arm instead putting it on my shoulder and put his lips close to my ear.

"Do you think we can trust this Erwin guy?" He whispered in my ear, voice much lower than it always was. It sent shivers down my spine as his breath touched my ear and my cheeks turned a light but still somehow dark shade of pink. I recollected my thoughts and position and I also looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping our conversation.

"Levi, you never trust anyone. We should at least give it chance and invite them. Plus, Erwin is a nice guy. I don't think someone like him would want to do something bad to us." I whispered back, but not in his ear as he did to me. He looked Erwin's way and didn't say anything back to me. I presumed that he was thinking about it and didn't say anything as well, giving him time to think. Though his thinking may last for days, maybe weeks, giving how it's incredibly hard to gain his trust.

Levi's arm left my shoulder and instead it grabbed my right hand. I looked at him, again, surprised by his action. He didn't look in my eyes and just continued to look Erwin's way. I smiled and didn't take my arm back.

For the rest of the walk we were calmly walking at the back of the group holding each other's hands.

---------------------- (Timeskip! Brought to you by Levi and Reader-chan holding hands!)----------------------

We eventually found a place to stay at; a medium size house that perfectly fit the ten of us. We explained our plan to the newcomers and they understood and liked our plan. Though Levi was not happy with the new people; nothing new.

We decided not to train today, since the house we've found doesn't have good enough soundproof walls. So we all decided to go to sleep and get enough energy for tomorrow. Hanji, having more energy than all of us together, volunteered to guard all of us for the day. We would usually have someone to guard for half of the night and then pick someone else to guard the rest while the first person would go to sleep but Hanji insisted to guard the whole night. We did have an argument about this but all of us lost to Hanji so she got what she wanted.

Now, I was on the floor in the room with destroyed furniture so I could only guess that this was the living room by the size of it. I couldn't fall asleep for the reasons I didn't know. I quietly sat up and looked around. Hanji was near the door and it was quite far away so I shouldn't worry about her. Everyone else was soundlessly esleep.

I made up my mind and stood up from my position on the floor. I decided that I would take a walk to the place Levi had showed me. After all, I should be alright, since there are less Titans at night than there is at noon. Also now that we're in this area we're much closer to that place than we were before so it should be fine. All I need to do is to make sure to get a weapon and not to fall asleep near the tree.

I walked to the window, making no sound as I opened it, and quietly jumped out closing the window before walking off.

---------------------- (Timeskip! Brought to you by Reader-chan's dumb decision to take a walk!)----------------------

It's been somewhere around 5 minutes since I've left the house. I was getting close to the place Levi had showed me before. It was rather quiet around and I got a feeling again. Right after I got my feeling I looked around me, searching for something that might harm me. It was too quiet for a time when Titans are around, if they are around than I would hear rustling and other sounds of movement around but there was none. I just shrugged the feeling off, thinking that it was probably something good.

Oh how I was wrong.

I was walking down the dark street and repeated the way to the place in my head. Okay, I'd have to turn to the left on Street (Whatever, I'm bad at street names) and then go forward for a couple seconds and I'll find the place.

I followed the directions I had made for myself and came to a familiar place. Suddenly I heard talking and tiptoed to the place where I've heard the talking from. I hid myself behind the wall and peeked my head to see over the corner.

The talking was from the two Military Police soldiers that were apparently here to take down the rest of Titans and survivors in the area. My eyes widened until they hurt and my heart was racing like crazy. I took another step backwards; then another one, and one more.

I quickly turned around and was about to take my leave back to the house we've settled at but another soldier came in from the same corner I've come from. I quickly stopped in my tracks hoping that they won't notice me but I guess luck was not with me today.

The soldier seemed surprised to see me here but he was quickly back to the way he was before and took his gun out. I flinched as I struggled to collect my balance from shock, hitting the wall behind me with a loud noise coming from it. The other soldiers came running in and taking their guns out as well after hearing the loud noise I've made.

"Another survivor! Quite bold to run around in the night, aren't you?" One of them said, I could tell from his tone that he was smirking even though I couldn't see their faces from the darkness. I slowly tried to reach for my gun while they were still just standing there.

"Stop with the talking and just kill her. I've had enough survivors for the day." Another one said, making me flinch once again. Adrenaline filled me from top to bottom by now and I was ready to fight. My hand was holding my gun behind my back. I was thinking of ways to get through them. It is almost impossible to fight with three soldiers at once, considering I'm alone. I am good at avoiding bullets because of my extreme fast reflexes but three bullets at once? I don't think that's as easy as it may seem. So in the end, my plan was to avoid the bullets at my best and shoot the soldier that blocks the path back to the house and just run off in hopes that they will lose track of me.

"Okay, okay. I am tired today too." Said the soldier that was the first one to speak, also the one to block my way and the one that had his last moments today. As soon as that soldier finished talking I could hear three guns shooting at my direction. I moved away as quickly as I could also trying my best to keep my balance and not fall since if I did the it would be the end of me. I took the gun from my back and shoot in the direction I assumed the soldier that blocked my path stood at. I ran to the corner where I came from before hearing more shooting coming my way. I managed to dodge both of them and jumped over the body of a soldier on the ground. I didn't pay more than one second of my attention on him and ran past him to the corner. Right after I hid behind the wall I heard more shooting that hit that same wall I was behind. Right after I ran to that street I came from I felt harsh pain in my stomach. I was about to check what happened when I heard familiar voice.

"Shit, she ran away! We can't just lose her!" The voice of a soldier said. I quickly looked around for a place to hide and found a small shop standing right next to me. I didn't hesitate and ran inside to it and hid in a dark corner behind one of the shelfs.

I heard feet slamming on the floor as they got quieter and quieter. I released my breath that I didn't realise I was holding and let myself calm down. After a couple seconds the pain was back and it made me look down at my stomach. I was met with a blood stained shirt with a hole in it. And that could only mean one thing

Shit, shit, shit! When did I get shot?! I panicked in my head. I had to think quick. I had no bandages and the only thing I could do was rip my shirt and use it as a bandage to stop the blood at least a bit while I go back.

That was exactly what I decided on and ripped the bottom of my shirt. I wrapped it around my waist and checked if it was secure enough to stay on for a while. After I convinced myself that staying in the same spot won't help I slowly stood up, ignoring the pain that came from the wound.

I opened the exit door and started to walk back home after looking around a couple times to insure my safety.

I should hurry before I faint from the loss of blood...

---------------------- (Timeskip! Brought to you by heartless soldiers!)----------------------

I was relieved after seeing the house we've settled at in front of my eyes. I quickly came up the stairs and slammed the door open, finding myself face to face with Hanji. Her eyes widened at the sight of me all sweaty and tears in my eyes, with a ripped shirt and a bloodied part of the shirt wrapped around my waist.

"(Y-y/n)! What the hell happened to you?!" Said Hanji in the loud voice of hers, waking up all the others. The first one to come in was, of course, Levi.

"What's with all the screaming, Hanji?! I knew it was a horrible idea to let you quar-" He stopped talking as he saw my state. His eyes widened and he stared down at me with shock, which almost never happened (I meant that he was almost never shocked by anything), while the others came in with the same expression. Soon, thankfully, Armin came back to his senses and ran to my side examining the wound.

"D-do we have any bandages?" Asked Armin after taking off the ripped part of my shirt and examining the wound. Hanji quickly stood up from the spot on the floor next to me that she had and ran off saying that she will try to find some. Armin put the ripped part of my shirt back on my wound while all of us waited.

Suddenly I was being picked up from my spot on the floor by Levi. I swear I could feel my heart stop for a second, and it was not because I almost died from the loss of blood. My cheeks turned a shade of red (not pink, red now :3) as I looked at him with slightly widened eyes. "What? Do you think I'll be okay with an injured person just laying on the floor like that? I just wanted to take you to the couch that somehow survived the bomb."

I nodded in understanding, still having red on my cheeks. I was never really carried like that before so that was a fun experience, especially when it's Levi, the person that I would never thought that he would ever carry someone like this. I wanted to circle my arms around his neck for more support but instead put them on my stomach.

I was gently placed on the couch by Levi and Hanji ran in with bandages in her arms. I signed out of relief, no one knows what could have happen if there was no bandages in this house.

Hanji told others to leave and wrapped the bandages on my waist after taking off the ripped part of my shirt and taking the bullet out. The pain eased a little bit by now and I finally relaxed. "You're fine now. Get some rest and you'll tell us what happened today when you'll be better, okay?"

I nodded and heard footsteps getting quieter and quieter before falling asleep. 


Welp, hi there!

Aaand, another chapter in and OMG READER-CHAN GOT SHOT! It's really weird how last chapter everything was fine and Reader-chan was making the hardest decision of her life, but NOW after deciding, she now made the STUPIDEST choice of her life. It was really random to add something like this, and I did it only because I wanted something different to happen, BUT, at least now you know that I suck at writing fighting scenes. Yes, yes, it is true, fighting scenes and lovey-dovey parts are my weaknesses. And, of course, I chose to write a book that is supposed to have both of those -_- (me and my logic...). Ahem, anyways, this chapter has (1)newbies, (2)love-dovey stuff (the holding hands part), (3)half dead Reader-chan, and (4) HANJI. Plenty of reasons to fall in love with this chapter ;)! ALSO, I figured out how to write in bold and how to make the writing go in the middle! Really, I never knew before :D... I wouldn't edit other parts though, too lazy, so from now on the Author's Note and the time skips would be changed! Heh, okay, okay, I'm done.

Q of the week: When do you think any normal progress in Reader-chan and Levi's relationship would be?

Answer from me ~ (Trying to act as if I don't know (but failing at that). Because I KNOW >:D, little cheater!) Well, I would've wanted it to be soon, but while writing this story I was planning their relationship to be LONG. So, my first idea was to do the whole story just running around and encountering Titans, but then I decided to go against that and here you go, Reader-chan and Levi are holding hands! Hope that'll be enough for now :). No, but, really,  my estimation would be... NEXT CHAPTER!

Until next time!

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