Promise - Anakin Skywalker

By lovebug2147

64.9K 1.3K 303

Ella's heart was frozen, in a way. A way that only those that had thawed it understood. Whether it was frozen... More

Author's Note


2.1K 51 20
By lovebug2147

Near to The Wild Heart Of Life - Japandroids

Once again, Ella found herself surrounded by the Jedi Council. She felt small and incredibly intimidated by the power radiating off of the Jedi. Their concentrated stares felt like they were going to burn holes straight through her.

"Where's Obi Wan?" Ella asked, needing some way to break the heavy silence. She motioned to the empty chair in which he'd sat during the last meeting.

"Master Kenobi," Master Windu said sharply, "is on a mission on Christophsis. He could not be here for the vote."

"Did you do that on purpose?" Ella asked defiantly. "You knew he'd vote to put me in the council-"

"Careful, young one," Master Luminara interrupted, warning her not to finish her sentence.

"My apologies," Ella lied.

"I think the council has made its decision," Windu spoke out. Ella's stomach dropped at his announcement.

Good job, Ella! You ruined it being snippy with them! She thought. She braced herself for their rejection of the dream she'd barely even begun to have.

Anticipating his answer, Ella had already let her face sadly droop towards the floor. She stared down at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

"Part of the Jedi Order, you will be," Maser Yoda said.

In shock, Ella jerked her head up. Her eyes widened as she looked around at the smiling faces of the Jedi Council.

"For true?" Ella exclaimed. Her face lit up, mirroring the sunlight coming through the panoramic windows.

"Do not make us regret it," ordered Luminara. She waved her hand, using the Force to create a small braid in Ella's hair. Three silver beads floated from a vase rested on a window sill and were weaved into Ella's braid.

"Come, young Padawan," Yoda said as he stood from his chair. He pointed his wooden cane at Ella. "Discuss some matters, we must."

Still awestruck, Ella nervously followed Yoda out of the Council meeting. They ventured into the high ceilinged corridors, which were filled with her now-fellow Jedi. Though she'd been accepted into the Order, she still felt out of place as she walked beside Yoda.

To make matters even more awkward for Ella, Yoda did not speak. They walked in silence while everyone around them held conversations. Yoda did not seem fazed by this at all, though. His eyes remained focused in front of him. Ella tried to distract herself from the matter. Her gaze wandered all around the corridor from the walls to the artifacts on display every few meters.

As Yoda walked on, the other Jedi seemed to carve a path out for him as they respectfully moved out of his way. Ella, on the other hand, had to worm her way around people. On some instances she experienced the awkward moment when her and another person moved the same way to pass by each other- multiple times.

She was still not used to people in general, but it made it even harder to transition when she was next to Yoda. Everyone knew him, everyone respected him. And Ella was just there.

"Been here many years, I have," Yoda said, relieving Ella of the awkward silence. "Know everyone too, you will. In due time."

Ella nodded, wondering how he could've sensed her troubled thoughts. She began to anticipate the day when she would learn to do that as well.

Yoda's forward gaze moved to a door ahead of them. As they approached it, it opened, revealing another dimly lit classroom like the one she had seen last night with Anakin. "Catch up with other Padawans, you must. Many things, you have yet to learn." The door shut behind them and the lights in the room brightened.

"Your weapons, need them you do."

It took Ella a moment to process what Yoda had said. When she finally did she fumbled with her belt, embarrassingly struggling to grab both of her lightsabers. She sharply shook the metal hilts once more and they both came free of her leather belt. Yoda simply stared up at her the entire time.

"Work on that, we will," he said. "Teach you to use them correctly, I shall."

He modeled the correct fighting stance. Ella copied it. She stood on the balls of her feet, her knees bent, her lightsabers facing inwards in front of her, ready to spring into action. Just changing her stance made her feel more confident and brave.

"Upside down, your lightsabers are," Yoda said, ruining Ella's conceited thoughts. She sighed and flipped them around the right way.

Yoda then ignited his lightsaber, a bright green glow illuminating the entire room. She paused, studying the color for a moment.

"They can be different colors?" Ella asked, intrigued by the beauty and power of the weapon.

"Determines much about you, the color does," Yoda replied. His hand moved slightly and the lightsaber hummed softly.

Ella repositioned herself into the correct stance again. Yoda did the same and nodded to her.

At the same time, her thumbs pressed the buttons of both lightsaber hilts. There was a vibration and her weapons hummed to life. They were white!

"Interesting," Yoda said, his eyes narrowed at the color.

Suddenly, he sprang into action doing several flips in front of her. The green lightsaber soared through the air as he flipped and jumped around her in a circle. Ella predicted his moves through the Force and carefully tracked him around the room.

Then he took a swing at Ella. She blocked it hard and firmly with the saber in her right hand. There was a clash as the weapons collided, the room lit up with the burst of light.

She fought like she'd had years of training but her skill came from her competitiveness - the influence of Jedi around her making her want to become just as good.

"Advanced your physical skills are," Yoda said as they continued to battle, "but mentally, long journey you have."

Physical skills are all I need, Ella thought, I can always hide what's on the inside. No one will get it out of me, I can't have attachments.

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