Done for You

By Puddles3535

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(ANDY BIERSACK FANFIC) For the past couple years Joy's life has been nothing but a living hell. She has an ov... More

Done for You : An Andy Beirsack FanFiction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 1/2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Hey Guys

Chapter 18

266 6 1
By Puddles3535

Sorry I have not updated in forever; I have had really back writers block. I split this chapter into parts, because what I want to do with it would be to long. Hope you enjoy...

~The Party Part One~

The car dive to Sam's place was not as fare as I had expected. Andy drove with one hand on the wheel the other was in his lap, with his fingers wrapped around mine. The past couple day's he has been more then affectionate. I was not sure if he was trying to be careful from what had happened a couple days ago, or he was just in love. I would like to think that it was the in love option, but I am never that lucky. Really I should not be worried over something so silly; he was being very 'nice' to me either way. Though we had already slept together once, I still had my room and Andy had his. We both agreed that we did not want it to seem as if I was moving in. I was just his girlfriend, that lived very close...

I heard my phone go off and saw that Sam was had text me once more.

'Could you text me before you get here... I want it to be a big surprise for Christy'

I smiled and text back. 'Sure thing'

“What did Sam want?” Andy asked with a slight smile.

I blinked. “How did you know that it was Sam?”

“Because he is the only person that you text... And you like to text”

My mouth dropped. “He is not the only person I text.”

“Who else then?” He asked.

“Um. CC” I said and he burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone. For the rest of the car ride I checked my twitter and hummed along with the music on the radio. When we got to Sam's place he was standing outside of a huge house. It was a big red brink house and stood out form all of the other houses that was more LA's style . His house reminded me of home, and gave me a warm feeling. I was about to get out of the car when Andy had opened the door for me. He gave me a hand and helped me out of the car. I looked down and suddenly felt nervous...

“Am I over dressed?” I asked. He looked down at me in my black and white cocktail dress that I had gotten with my first paycheck yesterday. (Not to mention the three pairs of shows and other clothes.) I also had on a pair of heels and the leather jacket Andy had gotten for me.

“You look great.” I heard someone say from behind Andy. Sam was standing out side of the house, with a charming smile on his face. Andy turned around to look at Sam.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Andy said. He held out his hand to give Sam a shack. He was about an inch taller them Sam, but Andy's hand was a toothpick in Sam's. Sam had on a pair of jeans and a flannelet shit. His shaggy hair brushed, yet very mess at the same time. Andy had on a nice pair of skinny jeans, and black v-neck and his leather jacket. So we where matching....

“Well Christy is out with Mum to go and pick up the cake. I told you guys to come early so it would be easier to hid you” Sam said. “I like to thank you so much for doing this, it means that world to me”

Andy shrugged. “I love my fans. Thank you for letting me come”

I smiled and warped my arms around Andy's as we walked into that house. It was big and reminded me of the Von-Trapp family's house form 'The Sound of Music'. He guided us all the way through the kitchen to the back yard. I saw I huge pool, and looked at Sam.

“You never said it was a pool party?”

He smiled to himself. “Didn't I?”

I cocked my head to the left; I still did not understand his strange sense of humor. He started to bring out chips and and other snacks.

“Can I help in anyway.”

“No, just make yourself comfortable!” he called from the kitchen.

“This is a nice place you have here” Andy said as we sat down at one of many table and chairs though the yard. Though there was a pool, there was still room for a fire pit, a deck, and a grass area.

“I will make sure to tell my mother you said so.” He said walking back out to the back yard handing Andy and I a beer. I took mine and placed it on the table next to Andy; he looked at me and rolled his eyes. I have not drinking much since the whole 'lets clean the house and get half naked' accident. Thankfully Sam did not ask what was going one.

“Thanks” Andy said and bottle, taking a big drink. It was hot outside but the wind was moving slightly giving me goose bumps up my legs. I crossed them and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

“Does she always do that?” Sam asked.

Andy and I looked at each other then back at Sam. “Do what?” Andy asked.

“Pull her phone out when she does not know what to say?” Sam asked, taking a drink.

I pulled my head back and raised my eye browns. “N-”

“Yes.” Andy said before I got my no out. I looked at him and he shrugged. “It's true.”

“Thought so.” Sam said.

He let a little bark out. “Well, she gets a lot of text messages these days”

“Sorry, did not think she was not too busy” Sam said, before walking into the kitchen. I looked at Andy and felt a little bit of tension. I grabbed Andy's and gave it a little squeeze. He looked at me for a moment then back at Sam as he brought out more snack... It was going to be a long night... I could feel it.


We had to an hour before any other people started to show up. A lot of them where Christy fan, and also huge fans, so Andy was more then busy. They kept asking him questions, and asked for pictures. I finally went into the kitchen and helped Sam with what ever he would let me.

“Please, let me do something... I feel useless” I said.

He looked at me for a moment. “That is the last thing you are...”

“I am not doing anything?” I said.

“Your looking pretty for me” He said.

I chose to ignore the comment. “I can cook, clean, decorate, anything”

He smiled a little bit after I said the work 'anything'. “Okay, fine. You can make the salad”

He have me a all of the ingredients and I started to add things to a bowl. I felt hands touch my hips and I almost cut my finger. I looked over my shoulder and saw Andy with a light smile on his face. He kissed me on the top of the head and said.

“You left me to the wolfs”

I laughed. “No I left you to a bunch of teenage girls... they are much worse”

“You ARE a teenage girl.”

I turned around with the knife in my hand. “Your point.”

We both ended up laughing, and our foreheads met each other. I was about to kiss him when I saw a bunch of girls watching us with big eyes. I gave him a quick kiss and they all went 'AWEEEE'. I laughed.

“Got talk to your public...” I said to Andy. He got all but two girls to leave with him. They where named Mary, and Jessamine...or was it Casey and Betty. I really don't remembered.... I just remember them asking me questions about the band. I told them everything that they wanted to know...well almost everything.

“So is Andy good in the sack?” The older one asked. I happened to have a mouth full of fruit punch and I had to choke it down so that I would not spry it all over the place. I looked at the girl and said.

“NOW that is non of your business” I said trying to hide my embarrassment with a laugh.

That means no” I thought I heard Sam say over my the stove, but was not a hundred percent sure. I talked to the girl for about ten minutes after that... It was not a surprise birthday party but Andy had to hide in the closet for a couple of minutes so Christy did not know she was there. Sam and I went out to help his mom with the HUGE birthday cake. I stood there and kept the door open for Sam as the cake went through. His mother was close behind, she had a pair of well fit jeans and a nice dress shirt. She looked at me for a moment and cocked her head.

“Do I know you” She asked, and I was shocked that a English ascent come out of her. I raised my hand and said.

“My name is Joy... Joy Adams. Sam invited me”

“She had our my birthday gift in the closet” Sam said and gave a wink at his mother. Her face lit up and instead of taking my head she gave me a big hug. I lightly hugged her back, and laughed a bit. I did not even noticed the little girl that was behind her. She was about as tall as me, if I was not in heels. She looked at me for a moment and smiled. The girl was in black mini shirt, I Black Veil Brides t-shirt and a pair of combat boots. She had a small waste, full lips, and Sam's eyes. But one of the main things that I noticed was the she had not one strand of hair on her. She smiled at looked at me.

“OMG! I love you jacket...” She said. “Where did you get it?”

I froze “Oh, this was a gift.”

She smiled, “Oh cool. Wait... I don't know you... Who are you?”

“This is a friend of mine” Sam said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“OH. Is this that girl you have been talking non stop about?” Christy said with a giggle. Sam flicked her in the ear and said.

“Yes she is...”

I stood there for a moment as they started to joke around as brothers and sisters do. It started to make me miss my little brothers, and I could not help but smile. After I while of them messing with each other, there mother told them to stop and join the party. Christ ran up and joined up with all of her friends. I walked after her, my heals click the hard wood floor, and could not help but feel out of place. I knew I over dressed.

The party continued and everyone went on as if Andy Beirsack was not in the closet. I waited ten minutes before asking Sam. “Can he come out now?”

He looked at me, as if he totally forgot about the guest of honor “Go get him”

I hurried to the closest and open the door to see Andy playing Candy Crush on his phone. He was siting on a the floor with his legs crossed and his face glued to the screen. My laughed brought his attention to me, and he smiled.

“It's about time” he said getting up of the floor. I started to walk my way back to the party when I saw Andy heading for the front door. I walked up to him and asked.

“What you doing.”

He got a big smile on his face. “Getting her gift.”

He gave me a quick kiss and turned me around back to the party. I walked up to Sam and sat down beside him.

“Did he decide to ditch?”

I shook my head. “He went to get something out of the car I think.”

“You think?”

“He said he had to get 'her gift'.”

He laughed. “Is he always so mysterious?”

“Maybe” I said with a shrug. “What's wrong with being a mystery?”

He leaned close to me and whispered. “You are not Scooby Doo.”

I looked at him and did not know to take him seriously. He had a big smile on his face and I was about to say something but was cut of my a blood wrenching scream. I looked over to see Christy with tears in her eye, and her hand covering her mouth. At first I though someone was in trouble or she was in pain, but then I see Andy come walking though playing the guitar for her. He walked up to her with a his half smile on his face. It took me a moment to figure out what he was play till his beautiful, full, amazing voice started to sing.

Alone at last we can sit and fight...I lost all faith in this blurring light”

I took a deep breath as he song to the now 16 year old girl Knives and Pens (the acoustic version). I closed my eyes and listened to his warm voice wash over me. I opened my eyes when he started to sing “And I can't go on with out your love, you lost, you never held on”, and I thought I was going to cry. But I did not fell out place, because all of Christy party guest where doing the same. When he was done everyone started to clap and he took a light bow. He pulled a maker out of his back pocket and started to write on the guitar. I got up and walked over to see what he was doing. I saw the he wrote on it

“Dear Christy, I hope you have a great Birthday. I just want you to know Never give In, and NEVER back down. Stay Beautiful.. Love Andy Beirsack.”

He handed the sick teenager the guitar and it looked as if she was about to pass out. Sam was at her side in the matter of seconds. She smiled at her older brother and then took the guitar. She gave Andy a big hug and I saw people with there phone and cameras out taking picture. I looked over to see Sam's mom with tears in her eyes. After Andy had let go of Christy Sam whispered something in her ear and I see jumped at me for a hug to. I was shocked but hugged he back, she whispered.

“Thank you.” in my ear.


After Christy head calmed down everyone started to eat dinner. Sam had been making chicken wings on the grill all day. When I told him that all I wanted was two, he looked at me and gave me four.

“I am never going to be able to finish all of this”

“Well it's rude to waste food when your a guest in someones house” He said. “So if you don't eat them, I will throw you in the pool.”

I took the plate back to where Andy was sitting. He had Christy right beside him and was showing her some notes. When Andy was not looking I slipped him to more chicken wings that he happily ate without question. I was growing to love him more and more as the day went on. He stopped to take a phone call, then came back with a disappointed look on his face.

“What's wrong.”

He sighed. “Ash needs my help?”


“I am not 100% sure” He said. I got up and was about to grab my jacket, but he stopped me. “No stay.”

“I am the whole bands assistant, not just your” I said to him in a soft voice.

He sighed, “It's Saturday, and your day off. Trust me when we are on tour you are going to miss them”

I looked down at Christy, and she was still playing at her new guitar. He walked up to her, and knelt down to her as she played with her new gift. He said something to her that I could not understand, then he grabbed her hand and kissed his genitally. This time I was at her side before she almost tipped over. She gave him one more hug before he walked up to me and said.

“I will pick you up later, just give me a buzz” He said,

“I can do it... I will even let her play with the police lights.” Sam said. Andy looked at him for a moment.

“I don't mind Andy. Go save your Brofriend” I said, joking with him and he finally smile.

“You a dork.”

I smiled. “You love it.”

“I love you.” He whispered, and it almost made ME want to pass out. I gave him a big huge and a quick kiss before he was out of my hands. For a moment I felt sad, but I made myself do things to keep my mind off of Andy. I played games with all of the girls, I listened to Sam's mom tell stories and I laughed at Sam's odd sense of humor. 20 minutes after everyone was done with the cake, they all started to change into bath suits to go swimming. I pulled out my phone and check my twitter, when a two piece bathing suit fell in my lap.

“The bathroom is that way, go through the hall and to the left, you can't miss it.” Sam said. He was in a swim suit now that stop right under his hip bones. I gasp at how ripped he was.

I was confused about what was going on, and look at two piece “Who's is this?”

“We bye a bunch so when we have guest that don't bring a bathing suit, they won't feel felt out.”

“Oh.” I said and went not give back to him. “No thanks.”

“I was not asking.” He said.

“I really don't swim much”

He sighed. “Please.”

I was about to get up and change when I saw Christy and her mom walk through. They both had slim belly's with muscles that made them look amazing. Then I sat back down and said,


He grabbed my arm and lifted me out of the chair with any trouble. He grabbed my hand and continue to drag me to the bath room. I did not fight because I was in heels and there was not way to over power him. He stopped in front of the door of the bath room.

“I am going to stand here until you change, if you don't I will come in there and do it for you.”

I crossed my arms. “Now that sexual assault”

“It's a good thing that I am a cop” He said with a smile and shut the door. I sighed and looked for my phone and could not find it. 'Did I leave it on the table outside?' I asked myself. I opened the door and saw that Sam had it in his hand.

“Now that is crossing the line...” I said. “Give me my phone”

He smiled. “You love this thing more then you do the rock star”

I went to snatch the phone out of his hand but was unable. “You can have it, after you have real fun.”

I sighed. “Fine!”

I took off my shoes and put them in the coroner of the room. Then I took of my dress and neatly folded it neatly. After I put on the bikini, I looked at myself in the mirror. My belly looked as if I was a twelve year old and very pale. I was happy that the scaring form the car crash was almost gone, but I could not help but think that I was going to be looked at. I put my hair up in a quick top bun, taking God that I wear water prof makeup. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Sam looked at me with a smile on his face, and said

“I knew that color on you would look grate.”

I had not even looked at the suit, it was black with bright green flowers. “Green is my favorite color”

He smiled but my eyes where no look at his face no longer. In his left hand I saw that he was still holding my phone. He was not paying attention, so I was able to get a hold of it. He pulled on it and we began to play tug-a-war with the phone. He was winning when we asked

“Why do you love this, thing so much.”

I pulled a little and I felt my checks get hot. “Andy bought it for me”

He let go of is, sighed and went back to the party....

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