
XioAxelrod द्वारा

17.2K 273 23

What started out as random moments between Isak, Even, and their friends post season 3, morphed into a loose... अधिक

Walk This Way
Fair Play
Little Green Monster
Sleepless in Oslo
Oxygen Starved
Perchance to Dream
Stalking 101
Fast Friends
Squad Plus One
No Small Confession
Even's Hands
Sometimes It Just Rains
Thank Yous
The Hows and the Whys
Gratulerer Med Dag, Even (Happy Birthday, Even)
Valentinsdag (Valentine's Day)
Proof of Heaven
Use Your Words
Earning His Wings
Look Before You Leap
I Spy
Taxicab Confessions
Family Matters
Hvem Er Mikael?
The Waiting Game
I Går, I Dag, I Morgen, Alltid


355 5 0
XioAxelrod द्वारा

There's a bubble in Even's chest that won't pop. It just gets bigger and bigger, and it's so full of light and joy that he wonders if he isn't on the verge of another episode.

It's been good lately. Everything has. School, home, Isak. Alt er bra.

He feels like he has a handle on this life stuff, having settled into a routine, and it's nice. Even typically hates the concept of the mundane, but this time it buoys him. He's happy, so fucking happy. Right now, he's borderline euphoric.

Even had woken up this morning with one thought: how long has it been?

He hadn't yet considered when, exactly, he and Isak began. Even had wanted him since the first time he saw him and, since then, Isak has lived inside him in some form or another. As a fascination. As a focus. As a fantasy. And, now, as Even's reality.

But this morning, Isak had mentioned something about his parents' anniversary and a dinner and all Even can think is, when is ours? Because it would be nice to pinpoint a moment on the calendar and call it the start of them.

Like, is it that warm, blue-sky day in August when he saw the blond for the first time? Nah. Maybe it's the 3rd of October, when Isak finally, finally, noticed him in the cafeteria? Because that would make them six months old.

Or is it the 7th of October when they finally, finally, spoke for the first time?

Did they begin with those godawful cheese toasties?
Or was it the night of the near-kiss?
In the pool?
The morning after?

Even wants to know, no, needs to. It's becoming an obsession and it's fucking frustrating because he can't find the moment. There's no starting line for him to look back on. But he needs one. He just needs it. Time matters.

So he decides.

The 9th of December.

It's the night he'd confessed everything.
It's the night he'd let go of everything.
It's the night he'd given up.

It's the night Isak had chosen him. Had loved him.

Had saved him.

So...almost three months. That's worth celebrating.

Even needs to make plans.

He briefly considers reserving another suite, but quickly shoots that idea down. Maybe dinner out. There's a restaurant he keeps seeing, Ett Bord. Looks fantastic. Eclectic, and fun. Like he and his Isak. Yeah, maybe that's the thing. And they could go to a museum, or a play...


Even turns, startled to find himself standing in the hallway outside Isak's room. He has no idea how long he's been there.

ESKILD: [eyeing him carefully] You okay?

EVEN: [smiles immediately] I'm great, you?

ESKILD: [takes a beat to study Even before answering] I'm fine, thanks. Why are you out here? Is Isak home?

EVEN: Uh, no. He had to go see his parents. Well, his mom.

ESKILD: Oh. [folds his arms] You know, you've been spending a lot of time here these last few months. It's like having another roommate.

EVEN: [wincing] Yeah, about that, I feel like I should contribute more.

ESKILD: [nods] I think that's fair. I don't mind being a caretaker to all you children, but it gets costly.

EVEN: [leans against the wall] Money?

ESKILD: That's between you and Isak, he covers the rent for his room.

EVEN: Food?

ESKILD: Definitely!

EVEN: [smiles] Consider it done.

ESKILD: And I think you should cook more often.

EVEN: [grins] Sure, I can do that.

ESKILD: Pytt i Pana. Once a week.

EVEN: [laughs] Uh, sure. You like it that much?

ESKILD: [hand to his heart] Not normally, but yours is so good it ought to be a sin.

EVEN: [laughs harder] It's a deal, then.

ESKILD: [crosses his arms again and leans against the wall opposite Even] What were you doing, standing here? I watched you for a few minutes. You were...elsewhere.

EVEN: [exhales slowly] I was thinking.

ESKILD: [purses his lips] Clearly. About?

EVEN: Isak. Well, me and Isak. Us.

ESKILD: [frowns] Everything okay with you two? I'm his guru, you know. I could be yours too. Eskild is all-knowing and wise.

EVEN: [smiles] You are, indeed.

ESKILD: Seriously, though. Is something wrong?

EVEN: [shakes his head] No, I just...I was trying to figure out how long me and Isak have and Isak.

ESKILD: You lost me.

EVEN: Like, the actual day we became an us.

ESKILD: [brightens] Oh! Your anniversary?

EVEN: It was bugging me, but I think I've figured it out.

ESKILD: [grins] Yeah? So, when is it?

EVEN: [meets Eskild's gaze] Remember the night Isak brought me back here?

ESKILD: [sobers quickly] Yeah...

Even blinks.

Eskild swallows, purses his lips, and seems as if he's going to speak but he doesn't. He nods.

EVEN: Yeah, so...

ESKILD: Could I ask you a personal question, Even?

EVEN: Of course.

ESKILD: Isak is young.

EVEN: [straightening] I know. That's not a question, though.

ESKILD: No, I mean... [thinks] He's younger than his actual age. Do you know what I mean? The kid has been through a lot, grown a lot, but he's still...Isak.

EVEN: You underestimate him.

ESKILD: Maybe. [nodding] You certainly get to see a different side of him than I do. Than any of us do, really. Though, I can see your influence on him.

EVEN: Is that good or bad?

ESKILD: The jury is still out. [smirks] Relax. It's good. For now. But...

EVEN: But?

ESKILD: I just...Isak is such a grumpy kitty, or was. Before you. What is he...? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the boy like an annoying little brother, but...Isak? Why?

EVEN: [eyes narrowing] You're the second person to ask me that.

ESKILD: Because it's Isak. He's beautiful, and he can be sweet, but it's not easy to get past his hard shell to that soft center of his. How did you? I mean...what did you see that made you say 'yeah, I want that one'?

EVEN: [sighs, lowering his gaze to the floor] Isak is...

Even starts. Stops. Swallows. Thinks. Finally, he hugs himself.

EVEN: Isak is potential. He's...untapped, unrecognized potential in its purest form. He's got so much depth to him, it blows my mind sometimes. I don't even think he's aware of it. He sees the world in technicolour, sees it as something that's full of magic and mystery. As a thing to be explored and mapped and appreciated. He's keenly aware of the people around him and their effect on him. He's slowly becoming more aware of his effect on them.

ESKILD: [snorts] Finally.

EVEN: [smiles, still looking down] Yeah, finally. Like you said, he's growing. Learning. I see it every day, and it...I...I want to see the world through his eyes. I want to be as open to the universe as he is. I'm selfish because I want to be by his side when he makes all of his incredible discoveries, even though I probably shouldn't be.

ESKILD: You think that? That you shouldn't be with him?

EVEN: [shrugs] Sometimes, yes. Of course I do. But, like I said, I'm selfish. I want everything with him. I want all of him. I'm greedy when it comes to Isak.

ESKILD: Even...

Even looks up and is met with an Eskild he's never seen before. All signs of playfulness are gone and, in its place, there's a gravitas he hadn't thought the other man capable of.

Eskild drops his arms to his sides and exhales a heavy breath.

ESKILD: Isak has probably told you how he ended up here.

Even nods.

ESKILD: That boy, the one I brought home that night from the club. The one who slept on the floor in the basement because he was too hurt and frightened and lost to go home. That boy? He's gone. He vanished right before my eyes, and I think a lot of that is because of you. I can't say I approved at first. From everything he told me, you did a number on him. [holds his hand up to stop Even from interrupting] But, I understand it all now. I get it. I can't pretend to understand the choices you felt you had to make, but I do know that you were trying to do what you thought was right.

EVEN: Thank you.

ESKILD: [shrugs one shoulder] The Guru sees all. [small smile] You love Isak, flaws and all, and he loves you. All of you.

Even's throat tightens. He nods and pushes off the wall.

ESKILD: And if my calculations are right, you have a few days to come up with a stellar three-month-aversary plan. Which sounds like you need my help. [folds his arms expectantly] Do you need my help, young Even?

EVEN: [allows one side of his mouth to curl up in a half-smile] You're only a year older than me, but yes. I do indeed, oh wise one. Any suggestions?

ESKILD: [wide grin] Ohhh so many suggestions.

EVEN: [chuckling] Any that won't get me kicked to the curb by the love of my life?

The smile falls from Eskild's face and he ashens as he stares past Even.

ISAK: [from behind Even] The what of your what?

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