In Love with the Game

By RiaaRolle

909 49 1

Summary: 16 year old Christina Parker better known as Chrissy is the biggest basketball fan there is. She al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

49 2 1
By RiaaRolle

"Shit I have to cover this before I get home."

"Calm down Chrissy it's not even 3 0'clock yet. We have plenty time to cover it up and study."

I can't even stay mad at him. When I look in his hazel eyes I just can't help but forgive him. "Can I make it up to you?" he asked as he kissed me softly on my cheek. "How are you gonna do that?" I asked as he smiled. He kissed me again but this time on my lips. He kissed me passionately and I could feel my body temperature rising. Christopher laid me on his bed and continued to kiss me. My heart started pounding. His hands went up my skirt. Deja vu right? Anyway I didn't want to but I had to stop him.

"Baby." I said softly

"Yeah shawty." he replied


"Why, is everything okay?"

"I have cramps." I said. I wasn't lying about that

"Oh I understand." he said. He sat up in the bed and helped me up.

"Do you want something to eat?" he asked

"Yeah I wanna cheese burger."

"How about I take you to T.G.I Friday's."

"Baby I'd love that."

"Okay let's go."

We got out of bed. Christopher carried my stuff to his car. We got in the car and he drove to T.G.I Friday's.

I looked at the menu carefully. I'm trying to pick the least expensive stuff. I don't wanna overdo it and order everything on the menu.

"Why are you taking so long to choose shawty?"

"I don't wanna get anything too expensive."

"Don't worry bout it shawty. I'm doing this for you and you can't put a price on love."

"You love me?" I questioned. I couldn't help but blush.

"Yes Christina I love you."


"I love you too."

"Now order whatever you want."

The waitress came at the right time. "Are you guys ready to order?" the waitress asked as she winked at Christopher. "Yes I would like some mozzarella sticks as an appetizer and a mushroom burger with cheese. And a sprite please." I said in a sassy tone.

"Okay and for you sir?" she said flirtatiously.

"I want mozzarella sticks for my appetizer and jack Daniel's ribs with curly fries. And a sprite." he said.

"Is that all?" she asked

"No I want jack Daniel's ribs as well." I stated. The slutty waitress wrote down our order and left.

"Did you not see her flirting with you?" I interrogated.

"No I didn't notice."

"Are you serious?"


I rolled my eyes and texted Max.

Me: gurlll wyd

Max: chillin with cam

Me: u at my house

Max: yeah

Me: oh im at tgi Fridays with chris

Max: I want some

Me: I will think bout it

Max: okay

Me: ttyl my food is here

Max: k

I put my phone in my pocket and started to eat my mozzarella sticks. "Excuse me can we have some extra napkins" Chris asked the waitress. She left and shortly came back with napkins. The first napkin had writing on it. I picked it up and saw a phone number on it. I held on to the napkin and continued to eat. When I finished my mozzarella sticks the waitress brought the rest of the food.

"Excuse me, don't you think it rude and unprofessional to be giving my boyfriend your number in my presence?" I in the sassiest tone.

"Oh I didn't think he would be interested in your type." she said.

Oh no she didn't.

"Listen miss I don't know what 'your type' is supposed to mean but my girlfriend is better than some slutty waitress that needs a nigga with money to pay her bills." Christopher said. My jaw dropped. I didn't expect that from him. The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away. I laughed at her and dove into my food. When I finished my food I wasn't sure if I had space for dessert.

"Hello, I will be your waiter for the rest of the afternoon." a man said as he handed us dessert menus. I carefully weighed out my options. The choices made my final decision bitter sweet. I ordered red velvet cheesecake with a scoop of ice cream. Chris got some type of brownie thing and it looked hella good. We enjoyed our dessert and chatted until the bill came.

Christopher and I went back to his place it. I didn't want to go back to my house because if my dad came home he'd beat the hell outta Chris.

Christopher and I Were making out on his bed until my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered

"Hi, is this Christina Parker?" a male voice asked

"Yes who is this?"

"This is coach Ray from basketball tryouts. I'm calling to inform you that you made the team."

"Are you serious!!!"

"Yes very serious, see u at practice next week." he said as he hung up the phone.

I can't believe I made the team. "Baby I made the team!" I squealed.

"That's my girl." Chris said as he kissed me softly.

We spent a few more minutes kissing and talking before he took me home. When I got home it was after 6. I decided to work out. I headed into the home gym to see dad and some woman making out on the floor. The door is transparent and His hands were literally all over her. I assumed he heard the door open because he turned around and stared at me for a minute. His face was flushed. I shook my head in disappointment and walked out. It's been 3 months since mom died of cancer and dad is already all over some random chick. How does one move on from the love of their life that fast?

I laid on my bed and I didn't even touch my phone. "Chrissy?" Mason said as he entered my room. I looked at him. I couldn't even speak. I couldn't help but think about how much I missed mom. "Baby sis, I know you miss mom. I miss her too." Mason said

"Mason how can dad be fooling around with some female? It's not like mom has been dead for years. She just died 3 months ago!" I explained.

"I know, it's just dad's way of trying to ease the hurt. He told me she Is just rebound." Mason said.

"Whatever." I said as I started to cry. Mason pulled me close to him and hugged me. We spent the rest of the nigh talking about mom and crying. I love how caring my big brother is.

This morning I avoided dad at all causes. I got up extra early got ready and worked out. After I got ready I locked myself in my room. "Christina can I come in?" dad asked. Great just the man I was looking for. "No I'm studying." I lied.

"You're lying when Do You studied?" he said

"When are you ever home?" I shot back.

I heard dad sigh as he walked away from my door. I felt a bit bad and decided to apologize. I headed out my room and walked to the kitchen. I noticed that mason and cam left already. I guess dad is taking me to school. I apologized and he told me to get in the car. I hopped in the car and waited for dad. It took him about ten minutes to eat before he came.

When I arrived to school. Christopher was in the parking lot talking to his boys. I got out the car and tried to walk pass him. But he pulled me back and kissed me. Dad saw us. He came out of his car and started cursing Chris out.

"Dad chill" I said. A crowd had already began to form.

"You don't tell me to chill! This nigga out here touching you in my presence. "dad shouted

"Leave him alone! He is my boyfriend. I didn't say anything when you and that tramp were kissing" I screamed. The next thing I knew dad smacked me across my face. That's the first time he ever laid hands on me. My cheek puffed up and started to throb. Dad got in his car and peeled off. Christopher, Cam, and Mason came to my aid. My nose started bleeding. It wasn't completely healed. Mason got ice for my cheek. Cam got some paper towels and Chris called Maxine. Chris took Maxine and me to my house. It would be too embarrassing to stay at school with a swollen face. Maxine spent the rest of the day with me and Chris had to go back to school.

"Girlll guess who got pregnant!" max said

"Who?" I asked

"My sister! I'm gonna be an aunt!"

"Tell her is said congrats. Boy or Girl?"


"Twins? Omg!"

"I know I'm not babysitting."

"Lol why not?"

"That's two kids I barely can handle myself."


We continued to chat for a while. Then we painted our nails and watched t.V. until my brothers came home.

"Hey Mrs. Puff, oh the swelling went down. I guess I can't call you that anymore." Cam said as he barged into my room and kissed Max. They made a few gestures to each other before they both left my room. "Hey Cutie." Chris said as he entered my room. "Hi love, you can sit." I said to him. He sat on my bed and kissed my forehead. We talked and got comfy. Chris and I ended up cuddling and I fell asleep on his chest.

For the past two days nobody has heard from dad. I mean I didn't necessarily want to speak to him but Mason is worried. No one can reach dad. I would take the liberty to call but I'm still upset about Friday. If mom was here that would have never happened. "Chrissy come down stairs." Mason shouted. I came downstairs in search of mason. "We need to talk." he said as I sat on the couch. "What is it?" I asked.

"The woman you caught with dad... I found out that she have been dating dad for five years. He was cheating on mom since she got diagnosed with cancer." Mason explained. I shook my head in disbelief. I decided to do what I do best when I'm stressed. I went on the court. I swear I was on the court for 5 minutes. Apparently I was on the court for hours. Cameron had to literally carry my sweaty ass off the court. It was like midnight when I got back to my room. I got clean clothes and took a long hot shower. After my shower I cried myself to sleep.

"Chrissy." a deep voice said waking me up. It was dad. "I'm sorry." he said.

"Don't talk to me. Get out of my room." I mumbled.

"Chrissy, you have school. And I just want to apologize." He said in a calm tone

"I said get the hell out of my room!" I screamed. Dad looked at me. He was speechless. It took him a minute before he left my room. I slid outta bed and went on the court. I practiced for a while. After I practiced I got ready for school and left with mason.

I literally was distracted all day I either fell asleep in class or daydreamed about mom. I tried my hardest to pay attention or to get my mind off mom but I just couldn't. Christopher wasn't even a big enough distraction for me. He tried his hardest to cheer me up but he failed.

He took me to the cheesecake factory after school and I didn't even eat.

At home I just went on the court. I spent hours practicing. I have my first game with the community team in a week and I was really tryna get on top of my game.

A depressing week has gone by and today is my first game. I was hella nervous. I haven't been on a team since middle school. Mom went to every game back then. This is my first game without mom's support. Dad never went to any of my games he never supported my sports preference. He always said basketball is a "man's sport" and that I should play volleyball or soccer. But being realistic I am the daughter of a NBA basketball coach. How can I not love the sport?

The referee blew the whistle and the game started. I'm in the starting five. The girls we played against were giants. I am the smallest girl on the court. But I have mad skills so I'm not stressing. It was a good game and I am now the star player. I scored 16 points with 11 rebounds. We won the game 24-18. Everybody was so proud of me. I felt like I accomplished something great. After the game a news reporter interviewed me and I went home. When I got home Christopher, Maxine, Cameron, Mason, and I celebrated my victory. We played music, danced, and ate some Chinese takeout. We were having and absolute blast until dad came home. The second he walked inside the door we all froze.

"What's going on here?" Dad asked.

"We are celebrating Chrissy's Victory, she is now the star player of her community team, and she led them to victory she even took home the trophy." Mason said. I know mason is very proud of me.

"Quit the team Christina." Dad demanded.

"Why? I'm really good at basketball. I love playing it's the only thing that keeps me going." I explained.

"I said quit the team. Don't make me repeat myself." Dad shouted.

I ran into my room and Christopher followed me.

"Mr. Parker Christina literally Eats, Breathe, and sleeps, in the court. If you take that away from her she will hate you forever. You can't do that to her she is already depressed that she caught you with some woman and our wife died recently. That wouldn't be fair." I heard Maxine say. Then I heard dad sigh and left the house.

I sat on my bed and talked to Christopher. "You wanna shoot some hoops?" Christopher asked. I nodded my head. Chris headed to the court and I changed out of my sweats into some basketball shorts and a t shirt.

We played for an hour or so. Eventually my brothers joined us and Maxine watched. We played two on two. It was Cameron and Chris VS Mason and I. we had a blast, Mason and I whooped Cam and Chris. Maxine and Chris ended up spending the night. Maxine stayed in Cameron's room, everybody knows what they were doing. Christopher stayed on the couch being all respectable and what's not. I came downstairs and told him to sleep in my room. He hesitantly came. We spent a few hours cuddling before falling asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my dad shouting at me. I lifted my head from Christopher's chest and looked at dad.

"Did you hear me girl?" dad yelled.

"No I just woke up." I mumbled.

"Get this nigga outta here. You have this boy in my house doing God knows what." He shouted

"Dad we didn't do anything. I couldn't sleep so I asked him to stay in my room with me. Do you really think that I had sex with him?" I explained.

"Listen here I don't know what you be doing" he said

"Maybe if you stay home you would know." I spat

I can't believe that he doesn't trust me I mean I'm not a virgin but it's not a big deal. It's not like I sleep with every nigga, I only had sex once. He doesn't care if Cameron or Mason go have sex. But when I allow my boyfriend to just spend the night with no sex it's a problem. I am so tired of double standards. I can't wait until Mason moves out so I can live with him. But I have to wait a while.

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