Dis Aliter Visum

De aionwatha

189K 8.8K 1.4K

Hunter x Hunter fanfic, Kuroro/Kurapica (slash). Over six months after York Shin, Kurapica thinks his war of... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 94

1.7K 76 22
De aionwatha

The first thoughts that trickled into Kurapica's consciousness were that it was awfully warm, that he felt content and that he had slept very deeply. He shifted, stretched lightly, and felt an arm wrap around the front of his waist before pulling him back against something warm and solid. Kuroro.

There was a soft chuckle at the nape of his neck, the breath of air making Kurapica's hair shift against his sensitive skin, tickling the shell of his ear.

"Good morning," the Spider Head purred, voice rumbling like that of a satisfied cat.

"Good morning," Kurapica replied, his speech somewhat slurred and heavy with sleep.

He nuzzled his pillow and was about to go back to sleep, when Kuroro pulled him back against his front again. It was warm and comfortable and the blond found that, somehow, he didn't mind this so much anymore. He relaxed into the embrace, burying himself deeper in the warmth.

Suddenly, he froze. There was something unmistakable pressed against his backside.

"We just did it last night," he grumbled without heat.

"Are you complaining?" Kuroro asked softly.

"Maybe," Kurapica said noncommittally.

Kuroro's hand slid low on Kurapica's stomach but stopped short of actually touching him.

"Are you half hard?"

"Not yet," Kurapica answered truthfully. "Won't take long if you keep doing that."

"What?" The older man's voice was teasing. "This?"

He pulled Kurapica closer with the hand at the front of his waist and pressed his hips forward against the blond's backside. Kurapica sucked in a sharp breath.

"You're in a good mood," Kurapica commented, his voice somewhat breathy and approving.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Kuroro asked in response. "We're alone and have actual privacy for the first time in over a week and I've got you in my arms, with all the time in the world."

"We were alone in the train," Kurapica pointed out.

"And you wouldn't let me touch you," the older man countered. "But now I get to take my time with you."

As if on cue to contradict him, Kurapica's phone vibrated. The blond reached for it, but Kuroro's arms tightened around him.

"It can wait," the Spider Head said.

"It's probably Gon," Kurapica replied, ignoring him.

He read the text message and fired off a quick reply, before putting his phone back on top of the nightstand.

"What does he want?" Kuroro inquired, tone mildly curious.

"To know when we're going to meet them for breakfast," Kurapica answered, settling back into the embrace.

Kuroro marked a pause.

"And what did you tell him?" he asked at length.

"That I want to sleep in and we'll meet them for lunch," the blond said.

His hand settled on top of Kuroro's and he pressed down on it. Then, closing his eyes with a contented sigh, he buried himself deeper into the embrace. It was a long time before the older man finally started moving his hands again. The hesitation was uncharacteristic of the man Kurapica had let into his bed again and again. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Hadn't he stalled like this in the shower as well the previous day? A strange heat was curling in Kurapica's chest, born of a feeling of empowerment rather than desire.

Could it really be as simple as this?

He pushed back against Kuroro again, deliberately now. Kuroro hissed softly.

"What are you doing?"

"Continuing," Kurapica replied, trying to sound puzzled. "I've just bought us a few hours. I thought you'd want to make use of them."

There was a long moment of silence, where neither of them moved. Kurapica was content to wait him out. The heat in his chest intensified. It wasn't only the blond who felt a certain loss of control when Kuroro's hands were on him. The Spider Head may have looked indifferent to what they were doing, but behind that imperturbable exterior, he was starting to unravel.

The heat twisted and writhed, low in his belly now. He pushed back against Kuroro again, needing more of the delicious friction between their bodies.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked, getting impatient. "You started this; you had better continue it."

Kuroro's hand stroked up and down his abdomen twice.

"So impatient," he said with a low chuckle. "I haven't changed my mind. Just re-planning my day."

Kurapica heard the lie and was glad he was facing away from the older man, for he could feel a smile curve his lips. For months, Kuroro had jerked him around, driving Kurapica mad with kisses and touches. The Kuruta had been too clumsy in these matters to truly retaliate, but it seemed like the tide was shifting. Good or bad, this was his reality now, and he would face it and make use of it.

"Re-plan later," he told the older man. "Aren't you supposed to focus on me, during these matters?"

"Oh, believe me," Kuroro said, voice deeper as he murmured by Kurapica's ear, "my attention is completely on you."

"You could have fooled me," Kurapica sent back.

He twisted around so that he could face Kuroro. He slid both of his arms around the back of the older man's neck and pressed against him. If Kuroro was starting to lose control because of Kurapica, then the blond would make the best of the situation. He ignored the pang of guilt that these thoughts provoked in him, and tilted his head so he could leave a little bite to Kuroro's jawline. The Spider Head sucked in a breath.

"You seem to be in a fairly good mood as well," he commented, leaning back to look at the blond.

Kurapica didn't mind his earlier comment being turned back on him. He made sure none of the elation he felt showed on his face. He slid one hand up Kuroro's chest and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Why shouldn't I be?" he asked the older man, using the same words Kuroro had answered his comment with.

He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against Kuroro's mouth, pulled back slightly, then pushed the tip of his tongue between the taller man's lips. Kuroro opened his mouth to him and deepened the kiss. His arms encircled Kurapica and pulled him in, though the blond was already pressed tightly against him. In that moment, Kurapica knew that it was worth it. All of these months spent wondering, hesitating, pondering over his decision, unsure of what he was doing, flipping between yes, let's do this and no, this was a mistake, all of it was paying off.

In that moment, he knew he had won.

He pressed closer, if at all possible, and leaned in so his mouth was right next to Kuroro's ear. He breathed in and out a few times, noticing the way the Spider Head's hands tightened on him. He allowed himself a smile, his face hidden from Kuroro's view, then nuzzled the shell of Kuroro's ear, just above his strange earring.

"I want to feel you inside of me," he murmured, hoping to see just how much effect he had on the older man.

He was not disappointed. There was a pause, then Kuroro suddenly pushed against him. Kurapica found himself on his back, the Spider Head hovering above him. The blond made sure to wipe all trace of the victorious grin he felt pulling at his lips before Kuroro could see it. He looked up at the older man and lowered his eyelids, his eyes switching to red.

"Won't you make me feel good?" he asked, and tried not to be uncomfortable with himself for doing this.

It wasn't entirely dishonest, as Kurapica felt the heat pooling deep in his lower abdomen. He wanted it as much as he knew he shouldn't, but the fact that he wasn't the only one helped ease some of this reluctance. Kuroro wanted him as much as Kurapica did, and it would all come down to who would prove to be the most ruthless in the end. He couldn't let the distaste he felt at the half-lies stand between him and complete victory.

"What are you doing, Kurapica?" the older man asked, his dark gaze searching as he studied the blond's expression. "This is unlike you."

"Seducing you, I hope," Kurapica answered, laughing despite himself. "Is it working?"

Kuroro's expression cleared and he chuckled.

"Yes," he assured the young Hunter, "it's working well."

"Good," Kurapica said and pulled him into a kiss.

Kuroro indulged him, parting his lips easily, his tongue sliding over Kurapica's, sending tendrils of heat down to the blond's belly. The older man put all of his weight on one elbow and used his other hand to slide down Kurapica's side, over the tank top and T-shirt that he was wearing. The blond sighed through his nose, liking the touch more than he liked to admit. This wasn't just about seduction and control, and this was bad, very bad indeed. Kurapica had confidence that he could set this attraction aside completely when necessary, but for now, he could enjoy the touch without too much guilt.

Or so he wished he could believe.

He lifted one knee, brushing the inside of his thigh against the outside of Kuroro's leg and hooked his knee around the taller man's hip. Kuroro's head rose and he lifted an eyebrow at the blond. Kurapica felt his lips curl up in a tiny smile he couldn't repress, and didn't even want to.

"Just yesterday you were grumpy about me touching you," Kuroro commented, "and today you're seducing me. You should make up your mind."

"Yesterday you interrupted my shower," Kurapica pointed out. "I happen to think this is the one moment of any day where a man should be awarded his privacy."

"Not in the shower," Kuroro said. "Understood."

"Unless I invite you," the young Hunter specified.

He saw one of Kuroro's eyebrows arch up again and felt rather satisfied with the reaction. He knew his lips were still curled in that little teasing smile that he didn't seem to be able to stop. It was amazing how much confidence he'd gain, simply by knowing that he could control this, could make the Spider Head lose his cool. Kuroro wasn't in control anymore. He might not know it yet, but Kurapica had the reins now, and he was never letting go.

"Would you?" the older man prodded.

"Maybe," Kurapica replied noncommittally. "You will have to find out, I suppose."

"Tease," Kuroro accused, though there was something dangerously akin to affection in his voice.

It sent more heat curling down Kurapica's spine. He looked up at the older man and pulled on his T-shirt to pull him into a kiss.

"If you don't intend to start something right now," he warned, against Kuroro's mouth, "I'm going to go take a shower and you will certainly not be invited."

The Spider Head's hand found Kurapica's shoulder and pushed it into the mattress, strong without being painful.

"Stay," he said, and the word sent a shiver through Kurapica's body.

"Make me," Kurapica challenged, this obstinate little smile still curling his lips. "And make it worth it."

"Will you moan for me?" Kuroro asked, which made the blond laugh.

"Again," he said, "make me."

There was no more time wasted on words after this. Their lips grazed, not quite touching, and Kurapica let out a soft huff of amusement when Kuroro denied him a proper kiss. He lifted a knee, the rustle of fabric loud in the room. Kuroro wrapped his hand around the back of the blond's leg and pulled, just as his mouth found Kurapica's neck and latched onto it. It was just on this side of painful but the sound that escaped Kurapica's throat was definitely not a complaint.

He felt Kuroro's lips twitch over his sensitive skin and knew the older man was proud of having made him moan so early on. Kurapica raised him by hooking his leg over Kuroro's hip and pulling him in, even as he pushed his pelvis up. He was rewarded by Kuroro suddenly letting go to whisper a broken curse, his breath cold on the wet skin. A moment later, the taller man bit his earlobe and tugged it gently. Kurapica rolled his hips again.

He was responding to the situation, to the scent of Kuroro's skin, the look in his eyes, the sound of his breath, and the way that he could feel the older man hardening against him. He pushed his hips up again, pressing against Kuroro, feeling his member nestle beside his. The Spider Head pulled back just enough to look at the expression on his face. Kurapica didn't know what picture he presented, but Kuroro's gaze grew hot and heavy, like he was already pushing into the blond.

"Hurry," Kurapica whispered. "I want this. I want you."

Kuroro swore softly under his breath again and pushed himself up onto his knees. He pinned Kurapica to the bed with the weight of his stare, and quickly pulled his shirt off and threw it aside. He leaned closer and pulled Kurapica's cotton pants off, along with his underwear, and got rid of his own. As he crawled back towards the blond, gloriously naked, Kurapica sat up. Kuroro reached him just in time to help pull his shirt and tank top off.

There was nothing in between them now. Skin pressed against skin, and Kurapica could feel the heat of Kuroro's throbbing erection against his hip. Kurapica reached up for him and arched his back so he could press his chest against Kuroro's. His lips sought the Spider Head's and he made another soft noise when Kuroro's tongue slid into his mouth a moment later.

Kuroro reached for the nightstand and the blond knew he was going for the tube of lubricant. He quickly coated his thick length in the gel, and lined himself up to enter the blond. They stared at each other for the span of three breaths, then the older man pushed in. Kurapica was still fairly stretched from the previous night, and Kuroro's erection slid inside like it belonged, like Kurapica's body had been made just for this. The blond gasped softly and tilted his head back. That seemed to be an invitation that Kuroro couldn't resist, because he leaned down and grazed his lips over the sensitive skin of Kurapica's throat. By the time he sucked and pressed his tongue against it, the Kuruta was a mellow, boneless weight on the mattress.

Kuroro pulled out nearly all of the way, before sliding back in. The blond made a soft sound of pleasure and Kuroro bit down on his skin a breath later. Kurapica's thighs pressed on either side of Kuroro's hips. He let out a soft exhale. This slow rhythm was somewhat new, as their previous moments of intimacy had been mostly raw and hungry. But this was nice, too. It gave him time to feel Kuroro's erection pull nearly all the way out, then back in, warm and hard and slick and causing all of the blond's nerve endings to light up. Another slow pull back and thrust and Kurapica couldn't contain the moan that it tore out of his throat.

The Spider Head found another spot on the Kuruta's neck and gave it a sharp suck that made Kurapica's voice slip out again on a soft exhale. The blond shuddered on the next thrust, Kuroro's turgid length rubbing against his prostate, making pleasure radiate out of the sensitive nub. The older man latched on his neck, just below his ear and he let out a soft, humming sound that sent Kurapica's entire body a flush of need and desire.

"You're so sensitive, today," the older man commented.

Kurapica let out another soft sigh as Kuroro slowly slid home again. It took two more slow thrusts for him to answer.

"It feels good like this," he finally admitted, though there was no way this was a secret by now.

Kuroro chuckled softly.

"Good," he murmured. "I like making you feel good."

This was the first time he'd said it in so many words, another truth that they both were aware of. Kuroro slid his hand slowly up Kurapica's body, from the outside of his thigh to his upper chest, where he teased the blond's nipple, rolling it, then pinching and pulling gently. Kurapica let out another soft sound of pleasure that was embarrassingly close to a mewl. The rumble of amusement from Kuroro made it worse, made it better. Kurapica didn't know; nothing made sense but the slide of Kuroro's hot, hard member setting his body aflame with need.

The Spider Head nibbled on the shell of his ear, just above the cold metal of Kurapica's earring. The blond's thighs tightened again, then fell open as Kuroro pulled out and slowly back in. Next Kuroro left a series of soft kisses up and down the Kuruta's neck as he made a series of tiny thrusts, keeping himself as deep inside Kurapica as he could. It made the blond shudder and mewl again, and Kurapica's abdominal muscles contracted in pleasure with each small push deep inside of him. He grasped at the bed sheet for something to hold onto.

Kuroro switched back to slow, long thrusts that pushed deep inside of the blond and made him moan again. Then, suddenly, Kuroro was gone. Not all the way, no; the head of his erection was still just barely inside of Kurapica. He'd sat up, and now waited until the young Hunter had opened his eyes to find the reason for the sudden cold against his skin. As soon as their eyes locked, he thrust in, hard and deep and Kurapica couldn't help the sudden yelp of surprise and pleasure that turned into a moan as he arched his back, feeling the older man shift inside, warm and so, so deep!

Then the Spider Head directed one of Kurapica's legs to rest on Kuroro's shoulder and the next thrust seemed about to tear him in two, but gods! The blond's abdominal muscles contracted again and he let out another soft moan as he tried not to scream in pleasure. He tightened around Kuroro's hot manhood and tried to keep himself from coming right then and there. How had they gone from slow and relaxed to, to this?

Kuroro marked a slight pause, then thrust in again, and Kurapica let out another soft, keening sound. This was so embarrassing but gods! How could anything feel this good? The blond bit the side of his thumb to keep quiet, but it didn't work. The next few thrusts made him moan and gasp and pant, his free hand pulling at the bed sheet.

"Let me hear you," Kuroro demanded, slowing down to a near crawl. "I want to hear how good this feels."

"You're such a –" Kurapica started saying, then bit off the frustrated comment because it would get him nowhere. "Don't stop."

Kuroro grinned. Kurapica could hear it in his voice.

"I haven't stopped," he remarked. "I've only slowed down for a moment so I could hear your beautiful voice crying out in pleasure."

"You were hearing it!" the blond protested. "Is this really the time to discuss semantics?"

Kuroro had one of his low chuckles that the Kuruta had no business finding arousing.

"Your hand was in the way," the Spider Head said, then thrust in harder. "I want to hear everything."

He started picking up the pace again, and the thoughts that had started to reorganize themselves in Kurapica's mind suddenly scattered, pushed away by blinding pleasure. Kuroro started harder, faster thrusts, hitting deep inside of the blond again and again. Kurapica couldn't help scrabbling at the bed cover again, desperate for something to hold onto as the Spider Head steadily pulled him apart, one thrust at a time.

"Oh gods!" he let slip, tightening around Kuroro's erection as the older man was pulling back.

"Fuck," he heard the Spider Head murmur.

A strange sort of shudder went through Kurapica at the word. He relaxed around him, and when Kuroro's member pushed against his sweet spot, he clenched around him and kept it as the taller man was pulling out, as if the blond wanted to keep him inside forever. The Spider Head wrapped one hand around the thigh that Kurapica had up in the air, and he shoved in hard, making the Kuruta cry out.

"There!" escaped Kurapica's, before he'd realized what he'd said. "Oh gods, right there! Harder!"

He threw his head back, panting hard, clenching and unclenching his muscles around Kuroro. He felt beautifully overwhelmed with pleasure, but also powerful because Kuroro was reacting to him. The Spider Head started pounding in with everything that he had, like he wanted to tear Kurapica apart, and it was so good, so raw, the blond was likely to come just from the power and control that he suddenly felt.

"So good," he moaned, and Kuroro shuddered.

Kurapica wanted the Spider Head to lose himself for once, wanted him to let his desire for the Kuruta override his body and make him come before Kuroro meant to. He wanted to see if he could arouse the older man to the point where he lost all inhibitions.

"Just like that," he encouraged, because the older man seemed to get really turned on by his voice. "It feels so good."

It was sort of embarrassing to be so vocal, but there was no denying that Kuroro was reacting to it. The older man's hand on his thigh was nearly shaking and his thrusts increased in strength. He was so nearly done, just a little more and he would probably lose it. Kurapica decided to push it.

"Keep going, keep going," he urged, voice breathy and filled with more pleasure than he'd meant to let show. "Gods, I love it when you're this deep!"

That was all that it took for Kuroro to break. The Spider Head shuddered and thrust in harder suddenly, making Kurapica yelp and arch his back as it hit right against the bundle of nerves that haloed his prostate, and there was something warm inside of him suddenly.

"Oh gods, yes!" he exclaimed, though he hadn't meant to.

"Fuck," the older man breathed out, "Kurapica...."

Kuroro's next thrusts were off-rhythm somehow, jerky but hard and deep, and the heat inside of him, feeling Kuroro's erection throb inside, hearing his name, it was all too much for the blond. He could feel Kuroro's essence, deep inside, warm, like a brand inside of his deepest parts. The heat, Kuroro's breathy voice, the heady feeling of having made the Spider Head lose it pushed Kurapica over, himself. His abdominal muscles clenched rhythmically as he reached completion, an orgasm the intensity of which he had never felt.

"Yes," he let slip, the word stretched long as he shuddered around Kuroro's member.

They soon fell onto the bed in a mess of bodies and limbs, sweaty, out of breath and completely sated. For a few minutes, they stayed put, concentrating on their breathing, in no rush to move. Kurapica found that his hand had somehow made its way to Kuroro's hair and was stroking through it. It was odd, certainly comfortable. Perhaps a little too comfortable.

A trickle of worry dripped ice into his chest and his hand froze in Kuroro's hair. He'd both won and lost control earlier, and this was very bad. Here he was, petting Kuroro's hair, more or less cuddling with him on a hotel bed, as if they were lovers. Lovers!

He disentangled himself.

"I'm going to shower," he said.

"Can I join you?" Kuroro asked with a teasing smile, something that Kurapica had no business finding attractive.

"No," the blond answered, and locked himself in the bathroom.

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