Dis Aliter Visum

By aionwatha

189K 8.8K 1.4K

Hunter x Hunter fanfic, Kuroro/Kurapica (slash). Over six months after York Shin, Kurapica thinks his war of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 62

1.6K 69 8
By aionwatha

Kurapica looked up from his book when Kuroro walked into the room, carrying some papers in a large manila envelope and a plastic bag showing the logo of a fashionable shop popular with young women. He placed a marker in it and closed it, before putting it on the end table. The room was much simpler than what they had grown accustomed to in the latter part of this little voyage. Rather than a suite, it was just the one bedroom with two queen sized beds. Kuroro didn't really mind either way. It had felt sort of nice, if a little strange, waking up next to the blond, but it wasn't exactly necessary either. Kurapica had insisted on two beds, and since Kuroro had been about to ask the front desk clerk exactly that anyway, he'd gone along with it. The demand had tempted him to ask for a king instead, but he didn't really want an argument when Kurapica had been moody all day.

The blond looked like he was fighting with himself for a moment. He was obviously curious about what Kuroro had been up to for the past two hours, but he didn't seem to want to show it. The Spider Head let him stew for a little longer, walking over to the desk that was pushed against the wall in a corner of the room. He sat on the chair and set the envelope he'd been carrying down on it. He'd had to bribe his way through this, but it was totally worth it, in his opinion. Lucky for him, officials were more than happy to receive a few million zennies to speed up the bureaucratic process. Kuroro had paid easily as stolen money was very easy to come across. He started going through the documents, not that he needed to since he'd read them at the passport office, and waited to see how long it would take for the Kuruta to ask him where he'd been.

In the end, it took quite a long time. Kuroro had had the time to go through nearly all of the papers by the time the blond spoke up. "I know you're waiting for me to feel impatient enough to ask you," he commented. "So, now that I'm satisfied I've thoroughly bored you for long enough, I'm going to ask. Where have you been and what have you been up to?"

Kuroro nearly laughed – nearly – as Kurapica had surprised him yet again. Life was simply never boring with him around. "Passport office," he answered, picking up Kurapica's brand new passport and lifting it up.

"I sort of gathered you were going to head there when you had me take that picture in the automatic machine in the lobby with that wig on," Kurapica commented. "But how did you manage to get the passport done in two hours?"

"Names from gravestones with the same year of birth as we do, or nearly so. For you, I had to pick one that was a year before yours. From those, it was easy to get birth certificates, and then I just sort of sped up the process with a lot of money."

Kurapica frowned slightly. It was an odd sort of look, with just this tiny line appearing by his eyebrow on the right side, above the bridge of his nose. "How much money?" he wanted to know, although Kuroro wasn't sure why he was asking.

"Oh, about twenty-five million zennies in total," he answered, though the actual money was perhaps half of that. He just wanted to know how Kurapica would react to the astronomical sum.

"Stolen money, no doubt," the blond commented with a haughty toss of his head that really rubbed Kuroro the wrong way. But he knew how to be rubbed the right way, so to speak, and he had promised to show Kurapica just how good he could make him feel. Only not just yet.

"Of course," he told him evenly. "I need you to look at the passport, birth certificate as well as the documentation." He pushed his chair back but didn't get up. The wheels didn't really roll all that well on the carpet, but he managed. He motioned to the papers still on top of the desk and Kurapica threw him a doubtful look, but he did walk up to the desk, standing between it and Kuroro. He started leaning forward slightly, but seemed to realize what this position would look like from behind, and he he stilled, picking up the passport and holding it up instead. When he was satisfied that it looked proper – Kuroro had even picked a name that was close to his real name – he set it down, identically examining the birth certificate. He started on the documentation Kuroro had been handed at both offices and the Spider Head let his eyes wander down the slim back.

Kuroro had never been one to deny himself something that looked appetizing, and the younger man leaning slightly over the desk in front of him proved to be very tempting indeed. Time to prove his earlier point. He slid a hand up and saw Kurapica tense slightly. The blond stopped moving halfway in turning a page, but he didn't turn around. "I thought I was supposed to be reading this?" he objected, but without any ill humour.

"There will be plenty of time for you to do that later," Kuroro assured him, letting his fingers creep up under his shirt, caressing the skin at the small of his back, just above the waistband of his jeans. He heard him suck in a breath, and didn't see why he should resist the urge to push the T-shirt a little higher and run his lips lightly over pale, smooth skin. Kurapica's hands suddenly gripped the edge of the desk, the papers falling onto the surface with a soft sound. "Unless you'd rather keep working?" Kuroro asked, because he could afford to tease him. The blond wouldn't refuse him. He never did.

Kurapica sighed, sounding partly annoyed. "Maybe I should say I would," he grouched, "since you've given me the option."

"But you don't want me to stop," Kuroro murmured, his lips still against the boy's skin, "not really."

The Kuruta made a soft humming noise, though the older man couldn't tell if it was in assent or because of the way his mouth moved over his back. Since there was no further protest, he let his hands climb up the back of Kurapica's thighs, moving to the sides just short of grabbing his buttocks. Hands on his hips, he tried to turn him around. A mere little tug and the blond went with it, pivoting on himself. Kuroro pushed his shirt up and placed a kiss just above his belt-buckle. The blond sucked in another sharp breath, and when the Spider Head looked up, he could see Kurapica's eyes darken with desire.

"You don't need to try and prove your stupid point," the boy informed him, the words contradictory to the look in his eyes.

"I'm not doing this to prove a point," Kuroro said, though he sort of was. Among other things. "I just want to touch you because it feels good when I do. I thought it felt good to you too, or I don't think you'd suffer me to do it at all."

Kurapica opened his mouth, took a breath as if he were about to launch into a rant, but then he stopped short. He let it go with a soft whoosh of air. "It does... feel good," he admitted with obvious difficulty. "It shouldn't, but it does. You're right. There is no way I would have let you do this from the beginning if it didn't create a physiological response within my body. I'm still wondering why I didn't just punch you the first time that you kissed me."

"Because you don't want to damage this pretty face?" Kuroro offered, covering his surprise that Kurapica had answered him honestly with a quip.

The blond snorted. "I'd like to remind you that I did damage that pretty face in York Shin."

Kuroro laughed quietly. "That you did."

"And yet you come to me and kiss me, touch me and do unspeakable things to me." Kurapica levelled a sort of half amused, but still trying to look grumpy look on him. "Are you sure you're not secretly a masochist?"

The Spider Head gave him a bemused smile. "Well, you did have me chained up and were quite violent with me," he agreed, mostly because he was secretly laughing at the thought. "I wonder if perhaps I might not be."

"Idiot," Kurapica muttered, and Kuroro was surprised to hear a strange note in his voice. It wasn't quite affection, but he was hoping it might become just that, in time. He didn't know whether he should wish for the blond's affection at first, but then he reminded himself that it would be better in the long run, that he'd be able to tie the blond to him and turn him into a proper Spider much faster like this.

"Yes." Kuroro started going up the pale stomach slowly, leaving a kiss there, a gentle bite there, eventually reaching a point where he had to push himself up to his feet. "I suppose I can be a bit of an idiot at times." He wasn't even sure what prompted the comment. He only knew that he wanted to feel Kurapica's lips against his. He let go of the blond's top and slowly got up from the chair, his hands gripping the blond's hips, pulling him closer even as he pushed against him. He pinned him against the desk, leaning in. Kurapica anticipated the kiss, and angled his head, meeting it halfway. When the older man deepened it, he made the quietest sound and his hands suddenly slid up the back of Kuroro's neck to go tangle in his hair. When the taller man pulled away, the younger man's teeth pulled at his lower lip, surprising him. When had the blond become so forward? He was learning fast. Not to be outdone, Kuroro let one hand wander lower, pulling at Kurapica's thigh, urging him to raise his leg even as he leaned into him, forcing him backwards, aiming to lay him down on top of the desk, but the younger man only leaned back a little before holding in place.

Kuroro went for his neck, biting lightly right over a previous mark that had started to fade a bit. He heard Kurapica's breath catch in his throat and grinned against his skin. He nosed up to the boy's jawline, and nipped at it just as he reached in between them to undo his belt. Kurapica made a soft, breathy sound that made Kuroro's other hand tighten over his hip bone. He growled softly, biting at the boy's jawline, just below his ear. That actually brought a quiet whimper to the blond's lips, a sound that made him want to take him there and then, a sort of raw, near violent hunger.

He tugged at the boy's jeans, making the button pop out of the socket. Another soft bite and he was going for his lips. He pressed his palm low on Kurapica's stomach, fingers pointing down, and the younger man parted his lips, his tongue flicking lightly over Kuroro's lips. The Spider Head deepened the kiss, starting to slide his hand lower.

He was surprised again when the blond pushed against him, as if to force him back into his chair. Well, Kuroro had no problem going along with this if this was what the boy wanted. He sat back down, and pulled him closer. His hands climbed up the back of Kurapica's thighs again, and the blond held his breath for a moment.

"This is insane." It was a soft, breathy whisper, and it made Kuroro look up and meet his eyes. There was red bleeding into the cerulean blue now, a sight that he found both fascinating and exciting. He pulled at the younger man's legs gently, but it took a bit of insistence for Kurapica to slowly, hesitantly slide forward, onto his lap, the blond's knees jammed between Kuroro's hips and the armrests of the chair on either side of him. There, he looked rather embarrassed for a moment, but the Spider Head distracted him with slow kiss. When he pulled away, Kurapica once more whispered, "This is insane."

"It is," the taller man agreed, though he wasn't sure why. "But I dislike sanity anyway. It is horribly boring."

Kurapica huffed out a soft laughter, his breath ghosting over Kuroro's moist lips. "You would say that," he commented.

"I would," the older man said in response, a teasing tone in his voice, "especially if it would get you to stop talking and start touching."

"So demanding." Kurapica's eyebrows arched up in amusement and he pulled back to look at his face.

This wouldn't do, so Kuroro leaned forward and grazed his teeth over the skin of his throat. He heard the boy's breath catch in his throat and it was good, so very good. He slid his hands just under Kurapica's shirt, fingertips just barely brushing against the skin underneath. When the blond let go of his breath, there was a barely audible sound in it that would be close to a whimper if it wasn't just at the very edge of Kuroro's nen-enhanced hearing. He couldn't help wondering if, with a little less pride, the younger man would be a little more vocal when feeling pleasure at his hands.

His fingers slid up the sides of Kurapica's chest, the T-shirt the blond was wearing bunching up as he went. Kurapica let out a shaky breath and placed his hands on Kuroro's forearms. He didn't push him away or anything of the sort, so the Spider Head kept going, until the Kuruta wrapped his fingers around his wrists. When Kuroro pulled away to look at his face, trying to figure out what was going on in the younger man's mind, Kurapica leaned in and stopped short, lips a hairbreadth from his. He hovered there for a minute before finally completing the movement. The kiss was soft, hesitant. None of that earlier confidence.

Kurapica's mouth was soft and pliant against his and Kuroro definitely wanted more. Yet when he tried to pursue it, Kurapica pulled at his wrists lightly. He nibbled at the older man's lips for a moment longer before he ended the kiss. "Let's stop," he whispered, still so close that his breath mingled with Kuroro's.

The Spider Head wasn't sure why the blond wanted to stop. He didn't seem upset anymore, he didn't seem sad or anything of the sort. "Stop?" he asked, more for confirmation than anything.

"Yes," Kurapica murmured and pressed another soft, pliant kiss to his mouth. When he pulled back, he added, "Please."

It was that quiet, breathy please that nearly did it for him. He was very, very close to losing control, picking up the blond and carrying him to bed to ravish him thoroughly. He fought with himself for control, and managed to lower his hands, though they rested on Kurapica's hips, just over the edge of his hipbone. His tongue darted out to wet his lower lip, more because he needed to gather his thoughts than because his lips were dry. He pulled back somewhat to look at the blond's face.

There was a soft blush on Kurapica's cheeks. His eyes were a sort of muddy reddish colour that hadn't shifted all the way to the brilliant red orbs Kuroro so admired. Usually not one to look away, the blond lowered his eyes and bit his lower lip. Nothing of his thoughts showed up on his face, so Kuroro was confused. Still, if the boy wanted to stop, truly wanted to stop, he was all right with it. Mostly.

"Okay," he acquiesced. "Do you want to shower now or in the morning?"

Kurapica blinked up at him. It was clear he'd expected some protest or maybe for Kuroro to push things. "I'll shower in the morning," he answered at length. "Right now, I just want to sleep."

Kuroro nodded and placed one last kiss onto the younger man's compliant lips and regretfully pulled away. "All right," he said. He waited patiently as the blond unfolded one leg after the other and stood. He got to his feet and retrieved a clean change of sleeping clothes from his bag. He straightened up and turned to Kurapica. "I'm going to shower now. I expect you will be sleeping when I come out so good night."

"Good night," Kurapica murmured back and wouldn't meet his eyes when Kuroro searched his face for a moment longer. Finally, the Spider Head turned away and made his way to the bathroom. As he cleaned himself, he analyzed how the night had played out, but he couldn't find the reason for Kurapica backing out. In the end, he had no more answers when he got out of the bathroom as he had when he'd gone in. Kurapica was in his sleepwear, lying on his side in his bed, facing away from him. The rigidity in his shoulders told Kuroro he was not yet sleeping, but he didn't speak to him. Instead, he made his way to his own bed, slid under the cover and settled down to try and sleep. It was a long time before he could.

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