-BTS Short Imagine-

By JeonNuchoKook

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Lay down and relax your mind, play a relaxing bts music and start to read the imagine. It's time to turn of t... More

Perfect date
Tour guide
A fight
Transferred school
Searching for you
Break up
Blind on love
Personal Tutor
So far away
Cuddle time⏱
under the rain🌧
No One
Under the rain 2
Spring day
❄️Mistaken Confession ❄️
For you and Only you
Enchanting Illusion


525 15 2
By JeonNuchoKook

Word Count: 5 941

You felt a searing pain shot up your shoulder. "Shit," you cursed as you stumbled back, still holding your gun up as you shot the enemies heading towards you right in the head. "Assholes," you cursed as you realized that your target was already making a run out of the building.

You did a back kick as you sensed a presence behind, sending the enemy flying away, hitting the others in the process. Dodging an incoming bullet, you instantly raised your gun and bang, right in the head. The body fell onto the ground and you stood back up while looking around.

The ground stained crimson red and your shoulder still slightly stinging. "Urgh this better heal," you mumbled as your legs immediately started picking up speed as you ran out of the building, jumping out of the window your target just exited from. "Stupid douche," you hissed as you spotted him meters away, his green hair contrasting greatly against the dark sky.

He turned around and you could practically see the smirk on his face, even though it was covered by a black mask.

Your eyes widened as you saw him jumping off the building. "Aish," you cursed as you ran towards the building he last stood at, only to see him gone with some blood from the previous fight left on the ground, his tracks nowhere to be seen. "Sucks," you cursed as you sighed before walking away, heading home to report about your failed mission.


Removing your mask, you plopped on your sofa as you looked at the television. "Urgh such a burden," you groaned as you remembered about your shoulder.

Living your gun which was carelessly lying on the ground, you reached under your bed and pulled out a small box containing all the necessary items needed to help heal your wound.

Flinching slightly when you dabbed it lightly with the alcohol swab, you quickly bandaged it after you were done removing the bullet and cleaning your wound.

Why were your even injured? Why was there guns lying aimlessly on the ground of your house? Why was there a bullet even lodged in your shoulder when you should have been studying for your tested and exams like a typical teenage?


You weren't a typical teenager.

The fact that you were adopted into a secret organization at the age of 4 was already not normal. To add it on, they trained you to be their top weapon. Their mission was to shut down and get rid of every criminal organization that ever existed.

And currently, you were sent on a mission you hunt down one, specific person.

The most dangerous criminal known all over the world. He was worthy of even being noticed by the government.

Of course they were aware of the fact that you were working for them, but he posed the largest threat. Known for being a top assassin, arsonist, thief, and practically every evil thing you could think of. He was practically the second you, except the male version and the evil one.

Biting your lip as you saw the homework piling up on your table, you rolled your eyes as you jumped onto your bed. Yes they sent you to school. They heard a tip that the person studied there, much to your surprise. Who knew assassins studied too?

You could practically sleep all day as every information you ever needed to know about the world was all thought to you while you were in the training Centre. Every information was printed into your mind by the age of 12 and your first kill and mission was when you were 13.

Shocking yea, but what could you do? You were assigned to this life. No love. No emotions. No family, nothing.

Well... The emotions on the other hand... You shook your head as you shut your eyes immediately, forcing those random thoughts out of your mind.

You couldn't let something as petty as that get in the way of your mission.

Oh and did you mention? You were hunting for someone by the name of Suga. Min Suga.


The next day came and you made you way to school much to your reluctance.

Your organization forced you here one, to hunt down Suga, two, in hopes that you could study more about the human behavior.

It was stupid, pure bullshit.

They just wanted you far and away from the organization, who on earth needed to study their own species?

Rolling your eyes, you suddenly felt someone head locking you and you gasped in surprise, trying to hold yourself back from elbowing the person and flipping him over like how you trained. "Ow ow ow," you whined as you remembered about your shoulder, hoping that it could be an excuse to get the person to stop. "Shit sorry," he gasped as he released you instantly. "Stupid Yoongi," you murmured as you shot a playful glare at him.

Hey, the organization didn't specify if you could have friends. But he wasn't really your friend... It was more complicated than that... "What happened?" He asked as his eyes showed concern, making your heart thump louder than it already could. "Not..nothing wrong haha," you brushed his comment aside, trying to hide the fact that you were very close to blushing.

Emotions was something the organization thought you not to have. These weird feelings were new and they only happened when he was around... "Aye, take care of yourself better," he smiled as he ruffled your hair. "Mean," you grumbled back, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in your tummy. "Let's go," he said as he smiled, a smile spreading across your face too.

Heading towards you class, you sat beside Yoongi, getting the seat closer to the window.

Throughout the lesson, you were practically deep in your own thoughts.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, you spotted his green hair and couldn't help but let your thoughts drift to Suga.

Couldn't be him could it? Yoongi was nice, he was friendly, and he was perfect. Suga was a cold, emotionless, killing machine... Just like you...

But they both had the same, green hair. Your organization even specified that that assassin was definitely in this school.

Biting your lip, your mind was in a mess as you tried finding some logical solution as to who the assassin could possibly be.

Your mind wandered slightly and you realized that one day, you would have to let Yoongi know. He would have to know the truth.

But you couldn't lose him. He was your first friend. First person you actually cared for. First cru... The bell suddenly rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Let's go somewhere," you heard him say suddenly, making your eyes widen by surprise.

His hand grabbed yours hurriedly, causing electrifying sparks which danced along your skin, at the place his hand grabbed. "Ya..." You couldn't even argue before being pulled away.


"Explain," you said as you crossed your arms, raising your eyebrows slightly. "No," his deep voice broke the silence.

He took a step forward, making you take a step back instinctively. "You explain" he suddenly grabbed your shoulder, pressing lightly on your wound, making you flinch slightly. "Fine, I was injured. No worries," you shrugged off, trying to your legs from giving way out if nervousness.

You have never felt so stunned in your life before, never so nervous. Even with ten guns to your head, never.

Yoongi suddenly sighed and said, "Don't kill me." His other hand was placed on your other shoulder and his figure, towering yours. Gulping down the lump in your throat nervously you shut your eyes, waiting for whatever he was about to do.

You felt his breath lightly brushing your lips and before you knew it, his lips was molded perfectly against yours. Fire lighted up in your stomach as your eyes fluttered open.

Your hands made its way around his neck, supporting yourself even better while pushing yourself even closer towards him.

He pulled away slowly and looked down, making you wonder what happened. "What's wrong," you mumbled, your heart thumping wildly against your chest. "I'm sorry," he said softly, his eyes looking up to meet yours. "Wha...?" Ouch.

Wait, ouch?

You felt something prick your hand and every logical thought flew back into your mind.

What the actual hell?

Instantly stumbling away from him, you noticed someone behind him, a smirk plastered over her stupid plastic face, a syringe in her hands with its content emptied out.

You felt your head spin and immediately cursed as your legs gave way.

The medicine was kicking in and in no time, you would be dead unconscious.

How could you have let your guard down so much? "Awww, you don't seem so fierce anymore. Compared to your true nature," the girl smiled wickedly, walking towards Yoongi and placing her hands around his waist.

Feeling a low growl rumbling from your throat, you tried to keep your eyelids from falling instantly as you looked at him.

He couldn't be... He looked away while the girl clicked her tongue. "Oh I should kill you," Hye Rim said as she let go of him, walking forward, directly facing him.

Your vision was starting to darken lightly and her voice was starting to become muffy. But you would never miss the last thing she did. The last thing that practically made every cell in your body ignites on fire. "You kissed my fiance," she growled before pulling his tie forward and kissing him full on the lips.


Your head pounded as you felt your eyes flutter opens, squinting at the sudden attack of bright light. Hearing a chuckled made your senses immediately return, looking forward only to see the two people you hated so much right now.

Your hands and legs were tied tightly to a chair which you sat in, making it practically impossible for you to escape. "Sleeping beauty is awake isn't she?" Hye Rim smirked as she approached you. "Didn't know the school's queenka was the organization head's daughter," you responded as you shot a glare at her, ignoring him who was standing behind her, his side view facing your direction.

Yet still in this form, you still found him as attractive as ever... Snapping out of your sudden irrelevant thoughts, you felt a sharp pain sear through your cheek, sending your head jerking to the right. The pain lasted for a few minutes and your head immediately returned to face forward, to face the she-devil and that bastard.

"Isn't it sad, how you actually broke the rules and fell for him?" Hye Rim said as she approached Yoongi, or Suga, slowly."So what?" You sneered, trying to recover from your shocked and angry state, replacing the emotions you were never supposed to show with a carefree and emotionless facade. "And of course being the daughter of his boss gives me an advantage. He's mine," she laughed, her finger tracing the jawline of his. "Once my daddy and his friends are done with you, done with taking out all the information they need, I will be the one to exterminate you. Wait, shall I make the person you like do it instead? Since he didn't actually have any real feelings for you, I mean, he is our top weapon," the devil spoke, making you tense up, an unpleasant feeling pooling in the pits of your stomach. "He never liked you; it was all just a simple trap. Who knew that you would fall for it so easily," she crackled evilly, making the blood drain from your face.

Every smile he showed you, every word he spoke, every action he did, that kiss... It was all a lie, it was all an act.

You felt your heart clench as a new, overwhelming feeling took over your body, causing your nerves to go limp as you felt drained.

Staring right at him, you felt your voice tremble as you spoke up, "Is it...true?" He continued to look forward, no signs of emotions painted over his face. "Of course it is. He's my fiancé and my daddy's organization's top weapon, how could he be yours? The enemy and a worthless, poor scum?" Hye Rim said as she kissed his on the cheek, making you immediately shut your eyes as you tried to remove that disgusting scene from your memory.

You bite your lips as you felt that horrible new feeling take over you, causing your body to start trembling as you clenched your fists, anger definitely taking over you now.

"I hate you," you hissed as you opened your eyes, lasers practically being directed at the both of them as hatred and anger rushed through your vein

"Oh," Hye Rim said as she smirked, approaching you after removing her hands off of Yoongi.

The air from your lungs immediately left as she kicked you with her heels, the painful feeling causing you to bend over as you coughed violently.

The pain seared all over your body painfully and the horrible feeling which accompanied it made your current existence the most painful and unpleasant one. "That's for kissing my fiancé, once again," she said, hatred laced in her voice as her heels clicked against the metal ground, signaling her exit.

He followed behind her, not even shooting a glance at you before leaving.

Your eyes were focused on the ground as you lowered your head, the pain becoming too unbearable.

After all those years of training, after all those hardships you went through, after each bullet that was shot into your body, this was the most painful experience.

You practically felt your entire world crashing down, the pain both emotional and physical causing something to suddenly drip.


It wasn't blood, it wasn't sweat.

That clear droplet that fell landed on the ground and your eyes widened slightly as you felt the second one slip off from your face.


The first time ever since you entered the organization, tears were never an option.

Tears were never shown.

You couldn't take it anymore as you screamed.

You let out a frustrated scream, one after another.

To a point where your voice was hoarse and your tears were practically a waterfall, never ending streams of tears slipping off your face.

You were a sobbing mess; you were physically, no, emotionally broken.

You liked him, you cared for him, and all he ever did was betray you.

You screamed once again, letting the hot tears run freely as at that very moment, you wanted to die. You wished to die. You didn't care, you didn't bother.

All you ever wanted at that very moment was to close your eyes and never wake up from this nightmare ever again.


You felt your head swerve to the right as the man punch you. Coughing out the metallic blood for the god knows how many times, a smile made its way across to your bloodied lips as you looked back at him, fury evident in his eyes.
"Where is it!" He roared.

You let out a chuckle while replying,"why you mean that whole stash of drugs? Worth up to millions?" It was you.

You were the one who managed to bust their entire operation down, killing 138 of their people in the process but meh, who cares. "Yes you wretched bitch," the guy cussed as he grabbed your face roughly, causing you to wince lightly as the bruises were still painful. "Now tell me, where you and your disgusting organization hid the drugs!" He spat, causing you to look at him right in the eye. "In fucking hell," you cursed as you spat out your blood, making the guy release you and stumble back. "That's it!" He shouted and he delivered a blow right towards your stomach making you cough even more.
"I'm coming back later," the guy hissed as he wiped his sweat and your blood of his face before turning around and leaving.

Sitting back in the chair with your arms and legs sore from being tied up for days, you sighed as you felt your body being drained.

It was absolutely tiring and painful, to be tied up and tortured for days, or that's what you estimated the time frame to be.

The memories from that day flashed by and you clenched your fists as both their faces came into your head.

It still hurts. Your heart still hurts.

He hasn't even come to see you once. So meaning that what she said was true...... Biting your lips trying to suppress that feeling from returning, that urge to cry, was uncomfortable. Crying itself was uncomfortable.

You had never really experience what crying was, like you said it wasn't allowed. That horrible, painful feeling of wanting to rip out your heart at that very moment was torturing, it was draining.

The tears that fell along with it were as if you were pouring every ounce of energy you have with each tear.

Maybe that was why your organization told you to never fall in love. Maybe that was why they warned you to not be too emotionally attached.

It was all because they knew that love would get into the way of your feelings, your goals, your life, your mission.

They knew, they warned but you didn't listen.

You thought that you would never ever fall for someone with your cold heart, but Min Yoongi did just right to crack it and warm it.

Your senses picked up the shutting of the door, signaling someone had entered.

Expecting it to be the same violent and fat man, you looked up with a smirk on your face, however that expression instantly faded.

He stood there, staring at you, no emotions portrayed.
"What the hell are you doing here," you let out a low growl as your fists clenched even tighter, trying to stop yourself from bursting out in anger. "Why? Can't talk? Are you guilty?" You sneered.

Still no answer. "Why?" You suddenly said softly.

Your previous strong facade was already broken down as you stared into his dark orbs, making your heart quicken even though you knew that this was so wrong, the feelings were so wrong.
"Why?" You asked once more, anger suddenly taking over your body once again as he just blankly stared at you."Why!" You screamed as you felt something moist running down your cheeks.

Not again.

You were breaking down in front of him. You were showing weakness in front of him, in front of your enemy.

Biting your bruised lip, you tried calming yourself down but you couldn't. It was too painful, the emotional and physical pain. It hurt too badly.

You hanged your head down as you couldn't help but sob openly. Screw what the world has to say, screw what the world has to judge of you, it hurts. It hurts bad.

You screamed as you let out your anger, your frustration, everything.

Forcing your eyes shut, you screamed again.

Silence enveloped the air once you stopped but you refused to look up to face that monster's face.

You heard a footstep.

He was leaving, as simple as that. He was just here to see you cry. To see you broken, to see you practically in the verge of death. To see your pathetic state.

He was watching you suffer happily.

Just fucking wonderful.

Another step was heard and another.

Wait, they were getting louder?

Something forced your head up gently and you were facing his flawless face one on one now. Your eyes met his and you shut them back once again. "Go away," your voice cracked as a tear slipped out the corner of your eye once again.

His thumb brushed it lightly, causing you to flinch as he accidentally touched a cut. "You couldn't be that good girl I liked did you," his voice suddenly reached your ears and you froze.

Before you knew it, something soft was pressed against your lips. And your eyes widened instantly.

He did it again. It still made you fly into ecstasy, it still made electricity dance across your heart, and you liked it.

His lips molded perfectly bags in at yours and you've never felt as happy as you did.

He pulled away slowly, making you looks away as you didn't know what to say or do at that very moment. "Fine I'll say it. Y/n, I like you, and as cliché as it sounds, I fell for you. Now don't cry please, " He whispered out as he looked at you with those soft eyes that instantly made you melt."I thought you didn't..." You mumbled as you looked down again."I did. I fell for you as much as I didn't really expect to. I'm sorry, I'll get you out of this I promise," he said as he placed another gentle kiss on your lip, making your stomach churn in happiness. "I'm so sorry," he whispered once more before standing up and walking away, leaving you all alone in the cell or whatever you wanted to call it.

Silence enveloped the cell again and you smirked lightly.

Yoongi was definitely Suga, he wasn't stupid.

Feeling the rope on your hands becoming loose, you managed to loosen the ropes thanks to the knife he handed you secretly. The CCTV wouldn't be able to catch your movements easily.

In a few seconds... 3...2...1... "I'm back you useless trash," the familiar sneer from the guy earlier made you smirk. "Can see that you gained more weight and wrinkles, say have you finally beat an elephant in a weight competition?" You mocked as you grabbed the knife properly, making sure that the fat guy wasn't able to catch a glimpse of it.

The guy's expressing darkened and you smirked.

It was on. "Why you little wrench," he growled as he approached you dangerously.

At about a few centimeters away, when he was about to grab your neck, you immediately shot out your arms and slit his throat, causing him to fall to the side in shock.

Clutching his bleeding neck with blood practically flowing out profusely, it was not until a few more seconds before his body became limp.

Cutting the ropes off your legs, you hastily removed them before standing up shakily, your legs a little numb from sitting down for so long, not to mention the injuries sustained while being in this hell hole.

Walking past the lifeless body of the guy, you scowled slightly before kicking it, causing the dead body to move slightly before walking out of the cell.

The cameras where usually off when you were tortured, the dead man mentioned before as according to the security guard, they didn't really like the torturing scenes they would have to see so it was usually shut off until the man had reported back to the security team.

This was already a huge flaw they made. Oh well, benefits to you.

Turning around the corner you spotted a few agents passing the corner as you cursed as you were only armed with a knife.

As the footsteps became louder, you suddenly appeared before them, grabbing the first one by the head and forcing it down to meet your knee, causing a sickening crack to be heard.

The other two were caught by surprise but one raised a gun immediately, aiming at you but you were quicker, smarter.

Grabbing his arm right after you released the unconscious agent; you twisted it in an odd manner, causing the guy to drop the gun in an instant. Your legs acted on their own and kicked the gun away while flipping the second one over your shoulders and making sure that you had broken his arm in the process.

You heard the third one curse before breaking out into a sprint.

Definitely a newbie.

Dashing across the room slightly to retrieve the gun you had kicked away, you bent down to grab it hurriedly before raising it and aiming it at the newbie's head.


His body fell onto the ground, blood pooling around him instantly.

Standing back up, you smirked at how easy these people were. Looking at the gun you just 'won', your legs picked up speed and started running, knowing fair well that more of them would be coming and by then, you would be no match for the large number of guys.

Turning to another corner, you saw another 6 of them approaching and you cussed as you realized that another CCTV might have caught you already, causing the security team to alert the other agents, practically announcing out the fact that you were already on the loose.

Aiming the gun at the first approaching one, you shot without mercy, causing his body to fall, you caught something shiny at the corner of your eye and you bent down in reflex as you heard the familiar bang of the gun, followed by the clanking sound of the bullet meeting the metal walls surrounding you, signaling that his attempt failed.

Smirking at your quick reflexes, you bent up immediately and did a 180 degree kick at the guy running from the back, hoping to pin you down if he was successful in attack from your back. Nice try but no.

He was sent flying backwards, crashing into two of his colleagues. 4 down, 2 to go.

Raising the gun, you pulled the trigger but practically face palmed yourself at the lack of bullets. Just great.

Bending down as you sensed another bullet flying pass, you stood back up after the bullet hit the wall and threw the gun at the person who was attempting to kill you. It hit him square in the head, causing blood to start dripping down his forehead.

His eyes rolled back and his body crashed onto the ground soon afterwards. The last guy hesitated as he saw his colleagues all lying motionlessly on the ground.

You smiled sweetly, purposely mocking him as you broke out into a sprint before jumping on him, wrapping your legs around his neck and twisting your body flexibly around his neck and grabbing his arm in the process. Your position was now sitting on his back, twisting his arm backwards painfully as he tried to control his noise level, trying to avoid giving off the fact that he was actually in pain. In excruciating pain.

Twisting if towards you even harder as you smiled sadistically, the guy couldn't help but screamed out loud as you heard his joint giving way slowly. "This is for alerting more agents to come," you hissed as you used your remaining strength to snap his arm backwards, making him scream even louder before you jumped off him and grabbed the two guns lying on the ground.

Kicking aside the bloodied and emptied one, you started sprinting again as you knew that the backup they asked for was about to come.

"Shit," you cursed as you turned to the right and spotted the exit, however crowded with at least 20 agents.

They started aiming and you ducked down as they started shooting, the others bringing whatever weapons they had. From swords to knives, everything.

Others got into a martial arts stance before running towards you.

The first few were easy; you did a backflip as you dodged an incoming punch.

Grabbing his arm, you spun around and swung him in the direction your favored, causing him to collide with another 3 agents. Grabbing another two knives lying on the ground, you jumped back up and shot them directly at the necks of the other two approaching agents.

Kicking aside the guy approaching from your back, you suddenly felt a sharp pain at the exact spot you were shot the previous round.

Clutching your bleeding shoulder, you spun around and delivered a back kick as the other three agents came, causing one to tumble down followed by the others.

Seeing a free gun on the ground, you hastily ran towards it but only to be beaten by another agent.

Punching him right in the face, the agent stumbled back as his nose started to bleed profusely, it was most likely broken. Catching the gun which he released immediately, you shot it right at his head before spinning around and aiming at the other four who were aiming at you.

All dropped dead in instances and you panted as you ran towards another one and kicked him in the face, causing him to fly back.

Ducking down as you heard the swish of an incoming knife; you growled as you stood up and punched him in the stomach before kicking his shin, dislocating his joint in the process and making him fall onto the ground in pain.

Taking up the knife, you held it defensively as another four surrounded you.

The first one approached you and at the corner of your eyes, you knew that the second one was already prepared to attack.

Bending down as the third guy suddenly shot the gun, he managed to hit his colleague and that agent fell instantly.

Kicking one of their shins, you grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the ground before bending backwards flexibly while dodging a knife that came flying your way.

Regaining your balance, you felt a sting as something flew past you left, causing your leg to suddenly bleed.

Shit you were hit.

Kicking the gun out of the guy's hand, you did a round house kick on his head, making sure that his skull was fractured before moving to the last one.

Smirking in the most sarcastic way you would, you ran up to him before using the knife to stab him right in the head, the cracking sound of his skull prominent as his eyes rolled back and his body fell.

The click of the gun was heard.


"Maybe poisoning my dad was all worth it," you heard as you spun around, only to notice a gun aimed at you head, Suga looking at you emotionlessly as his finger was on the trigger. "You bitch," you hissed as you felt anger rising in your heart. "Maybe it was all worth it. When I kill you, I'll burn down this entire hellhole and run away with all my inheritance my now dead father gave me. What a stupid man he was, thinking that his daughter would listen to him forever," Hyerim laughed manically as she faced you, standing behind Suga.

You looked into Suga's eyes, hurt overtaking your emotions. Wait what?

You caught him smirking at you.

Wait, this was all part of the plan wasn't it?

Realization hit you and a smirk made its way across your lips. "Everything is going according to plan," Hye Rim smiled sweetly as she looked at Suga. "Maybe you should double check," you responded as you couldn't help but look at her in the eye. "What the hell do you me..." Before she could finish, you ran up to her as you delivered a punch directly onto her plastic face.

She fell over and started screaming in pain as Suga looked at you in amazement. "Oppa!!! Kill her!! Help me!" Hye Rim wailed hysterically.

Noticing that a few agents have started to get up, those who weren't as injured as the others, you nodded to Suga as he shrugged before running towards them with an evil smirk.

Seeing him harshly grab one by the neck before twisting the head painfully around made you look at him amused.

You knew that he was a killing machine, a dangerous one. But you never thought that he would be so sadistic.

Well, you both were anyways.

"You know," you smiled as you looked at her disgusting face happily, a little too happily. "I've always wanted to kill you, ever since the first time I laid my eyes on you," you gave a toothy grin before whipping out the gun which you picked up previously from your pocket and pulling the trigger instantly without a single remorse.

Spinning around, you aimed at the last agent standing before shooting him right in the head, making Suga stop running towards him as the body fell down lifelessly. "Yah! that was mine!" He exclaimed as she skidded in his step, halting as the body fell right before him.

Shrugging with a small smile painted across your face, you jogged towards him. "The place is going to go down though, remember Hye whatever her name is said that she planted a bomb? Wait did she even mention it? Anyways she did and it's going to go off in 5 minutes time," Suga said as he ruffled your sweaty hair. "So what do you want to do for these 5 minutes?" You asked as you swatted his hand away from you jokingly. "This," he smirked as his arm grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer towards him, making your eyes widen as his head came closer towards your before crashing his perfect lips against yours.

You responded back once your senses returned and wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling against the kiss. "Let's go?" You mumbled once he pulled away. "Yea sure, but I'll carry you," he smirked again and your mouth hung open. "Yah!" You squeaked as you felt your body before lifted up instantly. "Let's go," he smiled before breaking into a sprint as he ran towards the window. "I don't like this," your pitch got higher each time he got a step closer to the window.

He jumped out of the broken window, and landed perfectly on a building next door. "Let's be safe than sorry," he responded as he continued running further and further away from the building. "What about my organization? Won't they come and find me?" You asked worriedly as you looked up at him.

"Nah, I sent a fake message to them, telling that you were already dead, that your body was about to be burned down in 3...2...1..." You tilted your head as he placed you back on your feet. At that very moment, you heard a loud explosion, causing your head to whip back to where the building stood, or once stood.

The building, engulfed in flames with concrete and metal falling, collapsing down.

You heard screams and it was not long before helicopters were seen flying around the building, trying to put out the massive flame which consumed everything within. "Let's go," you heard Suga or Yoongi say as he grabbed your wrist lightly. "Where?" You said as you tore your eyes away from the scene. "Anywhere, as long as I'm with you," He said as he stole a kiss on your lip gently.

His words made your heart race as you smiled at him. "Let's go," you said as you felt your worries, your pain, and your anger disappear, everything replaced with happiness, with bliss.

So this was what it was like to be happy. What have you been missing out all those years? "Just promise me to never cry ever again," he said before pulling you again, placing a kiss on your lip once again. "Shut up," you smirked as you kissed him back.

Everything was worth it. He was worth it. Those tears were worth it.

The End.

So this got longer than I though hahah.
Well I got into the feeling so don't blame me.
QOTD: Who is your Bias?
Answer: Jungcook/Jimin (I can't decied i'm sorry😭

See you next time😘

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