In the Naruto world, where th...

By AnnabelleRaen

1.1M 39.3K 15.2K

Hey~ I'm Kuroi. I have a voice in my head that's been there since I can remember, a wolf the size of a car, a... More

In the Naruto world, where there aren't any cookies
Enter Kuroi, to Konoha
I'm in Konoha. Be Jealous.
Duckbutt, Kitsune and Bubblegum...what could go wrong?
A friend arrives! *Insert drum roll*
Getting slightly off-topic,ne?
Zabuza and Haku
Training Days...Such a drag
Saving the S-ranks
The first experience-agonizing
Inside her mind
The Chuunin Exams and a sleepover
The Chuunin Exams- Phase One
The Forest of Death
Inside the Forest
Training Start
Kuroi's Releases
The Preliminaries
The Preliminaries' Second Battle
The Akatsuki ---SIDE STORY---
Back to Konoha
Meeting Again
Naruto's Pain
Because weird things just happen like that
Final Battle...and an Extra
Another thing to think about...
Titans in Konoha?! Oh, it's just you, Akira...
Oreo-chi-moo-moo goes on a field trip
Flying Crayons will rule!
I have no idea what to call this chapter
A little Holiday
For your Entertainment
Enter Sai Clan Leaders...and potential SasuNaru....WHAT?
The Loyard Clan Leader
Because of boredome
Name of Chapter Here--> _____
Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 1
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 2
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 4
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend me your ears [END]

The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 3

6.8K 302 31
By AnnabelleRaen

"Lucifer, come on, we've gotta get there soon!" I said. Lucifer grumbled something under his breath, and I grew an anime irk mark. "I heard that!" I said, and heard a chuckle. Not long after, he was beside me. We soon caught up to Naruto, who was walking into a ship thingy, following Temujin. Two women came out, telling Temujin some crap I didn't bother listening to. More talking, talk, talk, talk, Kankuro showed up, talk, talk, talk, tal-GAARA?!

"Panda-chan!!!" I squealed. His eyes widened as he looked at me. It seemed he was fighting one of those women from earlier. Er...How much did I miss?!?! The woman laughed, and said some more crap I didn't hear, because Gaara was kissing me senseless. She grew ana anime irk mark when she saw we weren't paying attention. I grinned and then leapt out of the way of her attack, as did Gaara. He gave me the look that said, 'stay out of this' I nodded. "You're gonna live, no worries. I will step in at some point though. After all, you do end up being- ah, I can't tell ya. Oops." I said, and he gave me another look, this time it was saying 'way to encourage me. Thanks.' I grinned and saluted him, then decided to check on Kankuro. He nodded as I told him, and I skipped away with Lucifer behind me. We found him fighting the other woman. I sweatdropped. Seriously, how much did I zone out through, god dayum! The woman turned everywhere dark, and I quickly switched places with Kankuro. She seemed surprised, but decided not to bother with asking, as in her eyes, I was just a 'little girl'. Fuck you too, dear woman.

She kept trying to edge me on, not getting anywhere. I rolled my eyes when she sent weird snake like things after me. I just used my shadows to do the same. She then hung upside down behind me, looking like a bat. I grinned. "You're...a bat, right?" I asked, taking in her longer than usual and pointed ears. She cackled and nodde.d I snickered. "Good. Now, I've got a question for ya." I said. The grin fell from her face, and she looked quite annoyed. I used my demon voice and screamed as hard as I could. "HOW SENSITIVE ARE YOUR EARS?!!?!?!?!?!" I grinned as she screamed and fell to the floor, holding her ears. The darkness she made vanished, and I was inside the ship thingy again. "Kankuro, Lucifer, let's go, Panda-chan's still fighting that bitch." I said. Kankuro sweatdropped. "She's protective, isn't she?" he asked Lucifer who chuckled and nodded. "Only over things and people she loves dearly. Your brother should be happy." he replied. Kankuro laughed. "He is. He doesn't shut up at home." he said, making me go pink. I cleared my throat, grabbing their attention. "Shut up, both of you. You know I can hear you, right?" I mumbled.

Soon enough, we reached the outside, where they were. I grinned as Gaara used his awesomeness to beat her to a bloody pulp. When his attack had ended she had disappeared. I gave him a salute, and he came over, giving me a hug. "Where's Naruto?" he asked. "He's off fighting Temujin, the blonde dude." I said, and he nodded. He followed me to where Naruto was, and then we went our separate ways. Apparently it was Kazekage business, so he couldn't tell me about it. Meh, no problem. It's not like I'm his keeper or anything Anyway, ONWARDS!!! 
"Come one, Naru-kun, let's go!" I said. He raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. "You're happier since Gaa-chan came, aren;t you?" he asked. I pouted. "Shaddap." I said, and he grinned, knowing he was right. I rolled my eyes. "Ahem, can we go now?" I asked, and he nodded, coming over to me, draping his arm arcross my shoulders. "Gah! Heavy. Get off." I whined, but he shook his head. "Not true, Kuroi-chan." he said. "Whatever, you're a big, strong, boy now. I would have thought an awesome ninja such as yourself would be able to walk on his own-" 
He got off me and was walking away, puffing out his chest.
"Psshhh, Kuroi-chan, what are you talking about, of course I'm able to." he said, and I laughed.


"You asshole." Naruto said. I blinked. I hadn't thought he remembered me telling him not to call anyone but Sasuke a bastard. How nice. 
Shikamaru had caught Temujin in his Shadow Possession Jutsu, and we were all now in a cave, along with Kahiko and a few others, as Haido's minions had attacked the caravan. "Do you know what you did?!" Naruto continued ranting. I rolled my eyes. "Of course he knows, Naru-kun, he's the one who did it." I said. Naruto gave me 'the look' and I shut up. Temujin turned to look at me, just...staring. "I have nothing to say to you." he said. I knew he ment it for Naruto, but having him say it while staring straight at me, I wasn't so sure who he was speaking to anymore...
"What did you say?!" Naruto blew up again. 
"Naru-kun, Kahiko wants to give Temujin a lecture." I said. Kahiko gave me a funny look, and Naruto looked from him to me, then nodded, coming over and flopping down next to me after giving Temujin one last glare. He sighed as he leaned on my shoulder. I stroked his hair, and he chuckled. "Sasuke-teme would be so jealous right now." he said. I giggled. "I doubt it. He'd just be 'Hn' ing in that corner over there." I said, pointing. He laughed quitely and nodded. Soon enough, Temujin was out of the cave, holding a child with him, and an unconcious Kahiko. 

Sakura, Shikamaru, Naruto, Lucifer and I were after him at once, following Nerugui-chan, who had run out as soon as Temujjin had left the cave. We followed the ferret into a weird temple looking place. Soon enough, Haido came in and started to 'I'm God' everything. Shikamaru caught him with his Kage Mane Jutsu (Shadow Possession) and asked him a bunch of questions I knew he wouldn't answer. Kahiko then did some hokus pocus magic shit, and he and Temujin were going down below, standing on a platform. Haido's eyes widened and he came down to us, not even looking at me as he went past. Well that son of a-
"Naruto!" Sakura screamed.
Haido had just hit Naruto into a wall.
I snarled, the sound reverberating around the room. It was silent as everyone stared at me. The two women from before in amusement, Haido with disdain, and Sakura and Shikamaru in fear and horror. Lucifer just sighed in this 'here we go again' kind of way. I looked over to Naruto, to see he was still stuck in the wall, not looking like he was gonna wake up anytime soon. I turned my gaze to Haido. My eyes went from a pale blue, to a dark green, to a pitch black, to a blood red. I growled. "Haido. You. Just touched Naruto. You hit him." I said. His eyes widened when my eyes changed colour, and even more so at the dead calmness of my voice. I raised a hand out at the platform infront of us where Kahiko and Temujin had disappeared under. Swirly dark misty stuff came and surrounded my hand, then shot itself at the platform, blasting averything away. There was now a huge hole. My teeth grew to fangs, and I sent Haido a sadistic grin. The two women lost their amused looks and Haido's eyes narrowed. "Never. Touch my Naruto." I said, then left, casually stepping into the hole I created, with a now conscious Naruto jumping in behind me.  

We reached the place Temujin and Kahiko were after Haido did, thanks to traps that he set up. We got there just in time for Naruto to grab Kahiko and pull him out of the way as Haido aimed his hand than was embedded with the Stone of Gelel in it. Apparently, this stone was some precious thingy that could either bring destruction, or peace. Ya know, the usual cliche stuff, as usual. That's all, nothing much. Haido could, it seemed, blast whatever he wanted without even having to touch it. Psshhh, I can do that. "You're pesky too." Haido muttered, as he aimed his hand at Naruto and Kahiko. Naruto held Kahiko firmly, and kept dodging the blasts. Haido then turned to Temujin. "Temujin, why are you spacing out?" he asked. Naruto put Kahiko down safely next to me. I saluted him, and he nodded then turned to face Temujin, in a defensive crouch. His posture relaxed as he saw Temujin wasn't coming to attack him, but was instead looking in deep thought, facing Haido. Eventually, he had figured out that killing Naruto wasn't the right thing to do. (Not that I would let him, of course)

"Temujin, I'm disappointed in you. Guess you were low class too. Just like your parents." Haido said. Naruto clenched his teeth, obviously unhappy. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly all fine and dandy either. Nah, I was pissed off. Temujin looked up in surprise, and he pieced two and two together. "You really are a pathetic brat." Haido said, and Temujin's eyes widened. " can't be..." he muttered. Haido broke into a grin, then cackled. "That's right, it was me." he said when he had finished. "Geez. Not even knowing who your parents' murderer was, you clung to me. Such a cute pawn!" he said. Naruto's eyes widened, and I narrowed my eyes. Sure, I had seen it in the movie, but seeing it up close in real life was...heart breaking. 
"But, now that I know where the stone is, you aren't needed anymore." Haido said, firing at Temujin, who blocked all with his sword. After a few blasts, his sword got blown out of his hand, and Haido's clothes tore and ripped. He transformed into this gray coloured...thing. My guess is when he transforms he gains more power. Ya know, the usual cliche stuff. 

He held Temujin up by his collar, and brought his hand up, ready to blast him. "Useless things should die!" he said. 
"STOP!" Naruto yelled, but it was too late. Haido's hand went straight through Temujin's chest. He pulled it out, making Temujin cough blood. He opened his closed fist to reveal the Gelel crystal that was in his chest, and crushed it. "With this, all the power will be mine!" he said, throwing Temujin aside. "Temujin!" Naruto started towards him, but was stopped by a call from Kahiko. "Naruto! I beg of you, stop him!" he said. Naruto nodded, and faced Haido, who was looking at Temujin's lifeless body on the floor. "Trash." he said, turning away. I stood up from where I was sitting cross legged next to Kahiko, and walked slowly and calmly towards Temujin. My footsteps echoed in the room. I was pissed beyond belief. When I had neared Haido, he held his hand out to blast me, but the blast never came. Why? Lucifer caught it. Literally. His eyes narrowed and he tried it again, but Lucifer caught it again. I reached him, and gave him my death glare. "Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Naruto." I said, and then went past him. I reached Temujin, and Lucifer summoned Azrael. He came, in all his skeletal glory. "You know what happened, Azrael." I said, more of a statement than a question. "Yes, Noblesse-sama." he said. I nodded. "Bring him back. Now." I siad, and he bowed low. "Yes, Noblesse-sama." he said again, and then vanished. Soon enough, as Haido had his face off with Naruto, while still keeping an eye in my direction, Temujin woke up, blinking. "Hey, You good?" I asked. He nodded, looking confused. "I brought you back from the dead. Dont move around too much, you're still healing. Lucifer will help with that." I said, and Lucifer nodded, then got to work healing the hole in Temujin's chest with his awesome dark magic-y-ness.

I growleddeep in my throat as Haido sent Naruto flying into a wall-again. Temujin gave me a curious look, which I ignored. I was too pre-occupied thinking of how I would kill Haido. Naruto's Shadow Clones got kicked and punched into oblivion, and they all poofed away one by one. Naruto jumped and sent shuriken at Haido, only for then to be deflected by his...things he had on his back, which turned into a swirly tornado kind of...thing, and attacked Naruto. Haido then jumped up to Naruto's level and grabbed hold of his collar. Then, much to my displeasure, he threw Naruto to the ground. He then stood by Naruto's head. "Why don't you just give up?" he asked, to which Naruto scoffed weakly. "Don't kid around." he said. Haido shrugged, shaking his head in amusement, then he kicked Naruto into a pillar, all the way across the room. I twitched. 

Naruto ran at him again and again, getting beat up each time, until he screamed. "Rasengan!" Haido was sent into the wall across the other side of the room, and Naruto put his hands on his knees for support. Haido cracked the wall and fell, bringing the wall down on him. Naruto grinned. "I did it!" he said, but I could see he knew it wasn't over. Clever boy. Haido stood up from the rubble that used to be the wall, and grinned like a maniac. "That stung just a bit." Haido said. The others looked at him in horror; they had good reason to, his head was, for lack of better words, not screwed on just right. It was screwed on the wrong way, actually. Looked like the girl from the Exorsist when she turns her head right around. Anyway, he was surrounded by a blue glow, and Naruto 'tch'ed. "Kuroi-chan?" he called. I 'Hn'ed. "You'll live, but I wanna show off." I said. He chuckled and nodded, stepping back. Temujin stood up, the hole in his chest gone. "I" he said. I gave him a soft smile, then grinned. "Heh. No way! Dude, I haven't had a fight in what feels like sixteen hundred thousand goddamn years! Gimme this one!" I whined. He gave me a stern look, and was about to say something, when Naruto interrupted him. "It's okay, Temujin. Kuroi-chan's stronger than anyone, dattebayo!" he said, and I blushed slightly at the praise. I nodded haughtily. "Yeah, listen to him, I'm stronger than anyone, dattebayo!" I said, my nose getting longer and longer. Naruto then sweatdropped at my antics. "Kuroi-chan..." he said, chuckling. I grinned. "Nah, I ain't that concieted. Maybe a little. Anyway, You ready, Haido?" I asked. He finished recuperating, thanks to the blue light, and grinned at me. "Oh, so now it's the little girl's turn?" He said. I narrowed my eyes. "One question before we start...Why have you been literally refusing to acknowledge my existance since we met?" I asked He 'tch'ed. "Girls are weak. Females always die in the end." he said, taunting me. I nodded.

"Good thinking, they always do. That's when you're human, of course." I said, and he nodded, then glared. "Human?" he asked. I nodded, giggling like a child. "Yes, Haido. Human. You believe yourself to be God? I will show you...that the indestructable." I said, grinning. I held my left arm out. 

"Releasing control art restrictions to level two."


Hey guys, I hope you liked that chapter :)
Er...I'm not sure how to say this, but I'm thinking of ending this book after the next chapter. D'ya think I should?




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