Fun Facts!

By GuestHu

138K 3.9K 582

Did you know that milk does not make your bones stronger? that Kids learn faster than adults? that sharks do... More

5 Common Myths Debunked!
The Dark Side of Staying in Bed for too long
Having a lot of choices sucks
Kids Learn Faster Than Adults
How to stop shaking when you're nervous
Sharks Don't Need Sex Anymore
Tree Barks can Kill Mosquitoes
Salmonella can now destroy brain cancer
Tonsil Stones
Humans' Oldest Ancestor
Food tastes better when You're Drunk
Why your nose run when you eat spicy food
Eating Chili peppers can lead to Longevity
New Contraceptive for Males: VASALGEL
Your Sleeping Habit Defines your Creativity
Frog's saliva can become an Adhesive
Sleep Deprived Teens are likely to commit crimes
Time is Actually Slowing Down
Loneliness Worsen Your Cold
Distraction Osteogenesis: Painful Way of Getting Taller
Honeymoon Phase
"Only 10% of our Brains used" is a BIG Myth
Strawberries are not Berries, Bananas are
Hunger Vanishes When Ignored Long Enough
Out-Of-Body Experiences? It Could Be your Inner Ear
Teenagers' Risky Behavior is an Act of Exploration
To be More Emphatic: Read
Homophobic Has Psychological Issues
Honeybees Practice Democracy Too!
Secret to Eternal Youth: Exercise
Forcing To Be Positive is Not Good
Unpleasant Emotions are Part of Happiness
Walking Slowly Signifies Mental Decline
Affectionate Touch Soften Hard Feelings
To See Others' Emotion: Listen
Smoking can Lead to Premature Aging
No Evidence found in Improving Cognition Through Brain Games
Now Robots Can Sense Emotions
New Malaria Vaccine: Mosquito Bite
Brain Stimulation Wakes People from Vegetative State
The Future: Holodeck
Our Brain Never Stops Developing
Earth's Magnetic Field Actually Flips
Some People Can Fake Serious Illness
Images of Eyes can Affect Our Behavior
Interstellar Communication
Men With Older Brother Are more Likely to be Gay
Fats Are Not Burned But Rather Exhaled
People Who Think They're Smart are Dumb
Prehistoric Women Are Stronger Than Modern Athletes
Repeating a word 30x would Lose its Meaning
Misattribution of Arousal
Sleep Deprivation can lead the Brain to eat Itself
Alcohol Actually Lowers Body Temperature
The Appendix Is Not Useless
The Doorway Effect
Thorns are more dangerous than Shards
Superbugs' Biggest Threat: Killer Bacteria
Girls are also Good at Math, They just don't
FDA banned Antibacterial Soap
Progesterone Influences Baby's Later Sexuality
Having a Good Memory means more Boredom
Testosterone Strengthens Snap Judgements, Less Reflection
Bullies and Victims want more Plastic Surgery
Too Much Structure Kills Creativity
Placebo Effect: a way to Mend a Broken Heart
Memories can be Passed Down to the Next Generation
Group Lie more than Individuals
Alien Hand Syndrome
Photographic Memory is NOT REAL
Human Pubic Lice Came From Gorillas
We Are More Attracted to People Who Look Like Us
Apple Flies Changed Some Evolution Concepts
First-Born Children Are More Intelligent
Blind Eye Regeneration
Hot Tubs Can Make You Sick
Some are Allergic to Sunlight
A Relationship Break-up is Like a Drug Withdrawal
You're Taller in the Morning than in the Night
Amenorrhea weakens the Bones
As We Age, We Value Friends more Than Our Family
Empathy Is not Good in Our Health
Working Night Shift Makes You Fatter
Placebo Surgery
Sucking a Venom out of a Snakebite Increase the Risk
Moon Dust is Toxic to Humans
Third-Hand Smoke is Dangerous to Infants and Children
Skimping on Sleep followed by 'Catch up' Harms Your Brain
Doing Nothing is Essential for Creativity and Innovation
Curiosity is the key to Academic Success
Failure of Living up to our Ideal Selves is our Lasting Regrets
You Can Actually See Monsters in the Mirror
Scientists Confirmed Uranus Smells Like Fart
Peeing on Jellyfish Sting is a Bad Strategy
Biomimicking Mussels' Byssal Threads Lessen your Visit to Dentist
Facts About Hangovers Part I
Facts About Hangovers Part II

Misophonia: Hatred of sounds

1.7K 57 9
By GuestHu

If you're the person who is easily annoyed with the chewing sound of your brother, repeating clicking sounds of your seatmate's pen, or the breathing of your fat friend, you might have a condition of a disorder called misophonia. Those triggering noises give a flight-or-fight response like you want to walk away from them or grab a gun to kill that nuisance. In fact, misophonic people cannot control their emotions that allow their brain to consider those simple sounds intensely irritating. It might even increase their heart rate and sweat more.

Inside the brain of those people, scientists found abnormal connections between the frontal-lobe area and the anterior insular cortex (AIC), a grey matter but buried in a deep fold at the brain's side, and are responsible for processing emotions and integrating signals both from the body and outside world. So undoubtedly, their reactions are aggressive towards those triggering sounds.

But good thing headphones or earplugs were invented. People with misophonia can use that to help them calm down and stop them from committing a murder. 

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