Memories - (Sans x Frisk)

By BatBanana

2.7K 154 12

"I feel that I'm living in a dream right now, and any moment I'll wake up and find myself back in another nig... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

91 7 0
By BatBanana

"Hey... Wake up..."


"Come on..."

"Five more minutes..."

"Nope, get up now."


I roll over on top of her, and wrap my arms around her, stopping her from moving.

"What? Uh... Sans!" she cries, struggling around, trying to free herself.

"Try to get up now," I laugh.

"Sans! This is not funny!" she squeals.

"It's quite funny, actually," I grin at her, spreading my arms and resting my head on her chest.

"No! Get off me!" she cries, slapping my arms as she tries to push me off of her.

"You should have gotten up earlier then," I mumble into her chest.

"Seriously? Please get off me," she says.

"I don't want to," I taunt her.

"What do I have to do to get you off me?" she asks, sounding exasperated.

"How about a kiss?" I ask, brushing hair out of her eyes.

"If that's the only way," she sighs, still grinning.

She kisses me, and I roll onto my back, dragging her with me.

My eye starts to glow, and she becomes surrounded by a blue aura.

She squeals once more, as I bring her face closer to mine, her legs dangling in the air.

I grin at her, and she pokes her tongue out at me, but still permitting me to give her a small peck on the lips.

I finally slide out of the bed, Frisk falling onto it, hair flying.

"You ready to get up?" I ask her, extending my hand.

"Fine," she says, rolling her eyes, but taking my hand all the same.

I steer her by the shoulders over to her closet.

"Get changed," I instruct, pulling her school uniform out.

"Okay, Dad," she teases, rolling her eyes once more.

I teleport home, getting changed half-heartedly.

Papyrus appears in my room, a shower cap on his head.

"What are you wearing?" I ask him, trying to hold back from laughing out loud.

"I am wearing a hat Sans, doesn't it look amazing? I found it at the shops!" he replies, looking pleased with himself.

"I'm pretty sure that's not a hat Paps," I tell him.

"Oh, alright then, I'll wear my 'cool dude' cap instead!" Papyrus says, walking back into his own room.

I laugh, then teleport back to Frisk's room.


"Okay, okay!"

I teleport outside her room, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Done yet?" I call.

"No! Don't come in!" she screams back.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" I call.

"Shut up!"

I laugh, sliding down onto the floor, with my back on the door.

She pulls it open, and I fall backwards onto her feet, still laughing.

"Ow! Really Sans? What are you doing?" she asks, placing her hands on her hips.

"Sorry," I choke, wiping my eyes with my jacket sleeve.

"Do you have to lie all over me today?" she asks, holding out her hand to help me up.

Still laughing, I grab her hand and drag myself onto my feet.

We both walk down the corridor into the doorway, and I pick up my bag.

Frisk slings her's onto her back, and we both call out our goodbyes to Toriel.

"See you after school, my child!" Toriel shouts.

"Thanks for remembering about me!" I shout back.

"I guess that means I'll see you too then, Sans," she calls.

"I'll miss you too!" I call back.

"Alright, fine, look after Frisk," she says, walking out of the kitchen, handing us each a pancake.

"Thanks Tori," I say, "Do you have any ketchup?"

Frisk chokes on her own pancake, and firmly states, "There is no way you're having ketchup now!"

"Right, okay then," I grumble, eating my pancake. "Thanks anyway Tori."

"No problem!" she smiles, before waving us out the door.

"There you two are," Thalia says, appearing at Frisk's side.

"Yep, here the two of us are," I mumble, dragging my feet on the cement.

"What's your problem?" Thalia asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"He didn't get any ketchup this morning," Frisk explains.

"Does he usually?"

"He probably does, he's always awake before me," Frisk replies.

"You do know I can hear you? Right?" I ask her, pulling my hoodie over my face.

"Course I do, I'm not that stupid," she giggles.

"That is true," I say.

"Can you talk to me now?" she asks.

"I don't feel like it," I reply, placing my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, come on. Please?" she pouts, peeking under my hood.

I let out a sigh.

"Only 'cause you're too adorable to ignore," I say, putting my arm around her.

She giggles and Thalia lets out a small squeal.

"Charlie!" Thalia suddenly calls, waving someone over to us.

Charlie walks over to us, hands in his own pockets.

"Hey, I don't think you've met Sans yet," Thalia says, gesturing over at me.

I wave at him and he smiles back at me.

"I'm Charlie," he says, extending his hand.

I hold out my hand and shake his.

"Sans," I tell him.

"Nice to meet you," he replies.

"You're lucky I wasn't prepared to meet anyone today, or else-"

"Sans! There is no way you're doing that whoopee cushion in the hand trick!" Frisk exclaims.

"The what?" Charlie asks, laughing.

"He did it on me when we first met," Frisk tells him.

"It was hilarious!" I laugh, smacking my knee.

"It was not that funny!" Frisk cries.

"Your face was the funniest thing I'd- No. Wait. It wasn't. I've seen funnier," I say.

Charlie laughs hard, and Thalia giggles, but Frisk just glares at me, arms folded.

"Oh, really? And what, may I ask, was so much funnier?" she says, tapping her foot on the uneven cement.

"Welp, I'm pretty sure a singing robot wearing a Juliet costume wins top prize," I laugh, collapsing onto her shoulder.

Thalia and Charlie both start laughing as hard as me, and we earn strange looks from any people walking past.

"Uh, huh," Frisk says, taking my hand and pulling it off of her shoulder.

The bell rings and the three of us walk through the doors into the school, each heading for our first class.

"How did you see Mettaton in the Juliet costume?" Frisk whispers to me, as Charlie waves goodbye and Thalia runs into her first class.

"It was broadcasted live across the Underground," I explain, and she blushes a deep red.

"Oh gosh," she mutters, as I open the door to my classroom.

"Nope! Hand it over!"

"Seriously?" I complain, trying to stuff it back into my bag.

"Give it!" Frisk says, holding out her hand, impatiently.

"Is that ketchup?" Charlie laughs.

"Yep, and he's not having any," Frisk says, trying to grab it from me.

"Not this time," I tell her, eye glowing.

The ketchup bottle zooms across the ceiling, earning confused looks and laughs from people sitting in the cafeteria.

"You are so immature Sans," Frisk says, folding her arms.

"Come on, you know you love me," I say, grinning.

"Sadly, that is true," she sighs, while Thalia jumps up and down.

"You alright Thalia?" Charlie asks.

"Uh, yeah! I'm great!" she grins, eyes wide, as she sits back down.

There's a scream from the other side of the cafeteria, and we all turn to see the bottle of ketchup, split open, on the floor.

"Oops..." I say, scooting out of my seat and running to pick it up.

"So immature!" Frisk shouts, grinning.

"I heard you the first time!" I call back, directing the bottle over to the bin with the spilt ketchup following after it.

"Good as new," I say to a teacher who appears to help clean up the mess.

"Oh... Thank you," she says, looking slightly surprised.

"Sorry!" I call to the girls that had screamed as the bottle fell right in front of them. "Didn't mean to do that!"

"Uh... Okay..." they reply, surprised as well.

I casually walk back to our table.

Thalia's trying to hold back from laughing, Frisk is giving me an 'I told you so' smile. Charlie is laughing openly, one arm resting on the table.

"So..." I say, sliding back onto my seat, "What were we talking about?"

Thalia bursts out laughing, and Frisk smirks at me.

"So immature," she mutters, bringing her sandwich up to her mouth.

"Come on Charlie!" Thalia pleads.

"Fine then," he says, rolling his eyes. "Let's go."

I hold my hand out to Frisk, and she takes it.

Thalia grabs my other hand, jumping in excitement.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Charlie asks, looking extremely confused.

Thalia just grabs his hand, making him blush intensely.

There's a short pause, then we teleport to the front doorstep of Frisk's house.

Charlie staggers around in disbelief for a moment, before he catches his bearings.

"You... Huh? W-what?" he asks, staring from the door to me.

"He teleports!" squeals Thalia, jumping higher and higher.

"Wow, calm down," Charlie tells her, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Sure, in a moment," Thalia says, still squealing.

"You've teleported before," I remind her.

"That doesn't make it any less exciting!" she cries, a little calmer.

Suddenly, Toriel bursts out the door, holding the study phone.

"Frisk!" she cries. "There's someone on the phone for you!"

Frisk cautiously takes the phone from Toriel, and walks through the door with us following, before saying, "Uh... Hello? Who's this?"

She silently listens into the phone.

"Wha- Really? Uh- Yeah! That'd be awesome!" she says, looking ecstatic. "No, thank you!"

She hangs up the phone, grinning immensely.

"What was that?" Thalia asks.

"I've just been invited to the annual international banquet at the president's house to talk about human monster cooperation!" she squeals.

Charlie and I stare at her, dumbfounded, as Thalia runs over to give her a hug, squealing again.

"I'm so proud!" Toriel gushes, wrapping Thalia and Frisk in a huge hug.

"Thanks Mum," Frisk mumbles into Toriel's chest.

"When is it?" I ask Frisk, once she's been freed from Toriel's hug.

"In a month," Frisk says, grinning.

Then she smiles even wider, and says, "I'm also allowed to bring anyone with me to help with my presentation."

She turns to Thalia and says, "Want to join me Thalia?"

"You bet!" Thalia screams, jumping up and down again.

"Do you want to come too Charlie?" Frisk asks.

"Sure, I will need to help you keep Thalia under control," he tells her, shrugging.

"Sans, you down?" she asks, turning to me.

"How could I say no?" I reply.

"Mum, can you come as well?" Frisk asks.

"Of course, my child," Toriel says.

Frisk jumps up and down with Thalia, and Toriel goes into the kitchen to make us a snack.

I direct Charlie into the living room, where we both sit on the couch.

"You guys got any video games?" Charlie asks, digging through his bag.

"No," I tell him, shaking my head.

"You ever played one before?" he asks, drawing something from his bag.

"We brought our gaming machine here from the Underground, but we haven't actually got any games to play on it," I say.

"Well, I have one if you want to play it," Charlie says, waving the game in the air.

"Sure! Here, I'll put it in," I reply, taking it and sliding it into the gaming machine that Papyrus bought but never used.

A minute later, and we're shouting at each other as Thalia and Frisk enter the room.

"Unfair!" Charlie shouts, still staring at the screen, "I was in first place!"
"I guess that I'm just better at this game than you," I smirk.

"Rematch!" he cries, slamming his fist down on the coffee table.

"You're on!" I shout back.

"Can we join?" Thalia asks, sliding onto the couch next to Charlie.

"You two are gonna get destroyed," I grin.

"We'll see about that," Frisk says, sitting next to me.

"Hey Sans?"


"How do you go?"

I laugh, taking her controller from her and showing her the button to start moving.

"Thanks," Frisk says.

"Ready?" Charlie asks.

"Ready!" Frisk, Thalia and I tell him.

"Begin in 3... 2..."

Charlie takes an early lead, zipping down the track. But Thalia soon catches up alongside me.

"We're closing in Charlie!" I shout.

"I'm gonna win!" he cries, pounding on his controller.

A car races past our's.

I turn to see Frisk, with her tongue sticking out in concentration, focused completely on the screen.

"Guys! Frisk just passed us!" I cry, starting to freak out.

"What?" Charlie shouts, forgetting about Thalia and I.

"Yes!" Frisk screams, as she crosses the finish line.

Charlie and I stare at the screen in disbelief.

"Did... did..." I stutter.

"Get dunked on," Frisk smiles, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're really good at that," I say, leaning against Frisk's doorframe.

"Why do you always have to surprise me like that?" she asks, turning around to face me.

"It's what I do," I shrug, shutting the door behind me and taking her hand.

She spins in her pink, satin shoes, one leg stretched out behind her.

Placing her arms around my neck, she brings her leg down and stands on her toes.

"I feel safer now," she says.

"Not completely?" I ask.

"No one can ever feel completely safe," she replies.

She sinks to her knees and takes her shoes off.

I lead her by the hand to her bed, sitting next to her.

"Just get some rest tonight," I tell her.

She slides into her bed, pulling me with her.

"Frisk, one day you'll be able to sleep without me by your side," I whisper, running my bony fingers through her hair.

"I might be able to, but that doesn't mean that I don't want you next to me," she tells me, snuggling into my chest.

"To be truthful, I think that I can't sleep soundly without you by my side either," I say, softly.

"Well then what are we arguing about?" she asks, closing her eyes.

"Nothing," I say, placing a kiss on her lips.

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